Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
BEU Alm.del Bilag 263
The Future of Work
Afternoon seminar, May 2, 2019
The world of work is changing. Technological progress, globalisation and ageing pop-
ulations are re-shaping the labour market. At the same time, new organisational busi-
ness models and evolving worker preferences are contributing to the emergence of
new forms of work.
How will these trends affect the quality and quantity of work in the future?
Will globalisation and technological developments lead to a decline in overall
Will all segments of the global workforce be able to benefit from the opportuni-
ties generated by the economy, or will there be a growing disparity between
winners and losers?
How can policy makers prevent these trends from generating growing discon-
tent and having negative ramifications for productivity, growth, wellbeing, and
even the stability of our democracies?
These are some of the central questions addressed in the OECD Employment Outlook
2019, which will be published on April 25, 2019.
With a series of chapters covering a range of policy areas, including labour market
regulation, adult learning, social protection, and collective bargaining, the Employ-
ment Outlook 2019 offers a detailed discussion on how policy makers can address
these challenges and how workers can prepare for them.
On May 2, you will have the opportunity to meet and have a debate with one of the
main authors of the Employment Outlook 2019
Paolo Falco, Labour Market Economist
OECD, Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs.
Paolo Falco will present some of the main findings from Employment Outlook
2019 and discuss their implications for the “Nordic Labour Market Model”.