Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
BEU Alm.del Bilag 161
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
SCOEL Working Meetings
Scientific Committee
on Occupational Exposure Limits
Meetings of
12th to 14th September 2016
September 2016 (14:00 to 18:00)
September 2016 (09:00 to 17:00)
September 2016 (09:00 to 12:30)
Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sport
‘De Resident’,
Parnassusplein 5
2511 VX
The Hague
The Netherlands
September 2016
2016-09-27 adopted by written procedure
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.
BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 161: Henvendelse fra Mineraluldsindustriens Brancheråd til Arbejdstilsynet om besvarelse af BEU spm. 169-172 alm. del, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
Monday, September 12
Meeting of the drafting teams
Room ‘Apollozaal
(B-04.33) ‘De Resident’ Building
The agenda was adopted including sequence/setup/group work.
Minutes of the meeting in Aachen in June 2016 were adopted by written
procedure and distributed.
Welcome and introduction by the European Commission,
DG Employment B.3 Health and Safety at Work
A brief update on the progress of the legislative proposal carcinogens at
the workplace as well as the development on the REACH-OSH interface
was provided. It was observed that for Chromium(VI) compounds the
notation 'sensitization (dermal and respiratory)' was missing. An
OPINion was agreed on to be provided to the Commission services for
any best possible approach to add the notation to the legislative
proposal under negotiation.
Wave 3 chemical agents under CMD: 25
SCOEL expects the list of chemical agents to be evaluated for the next
wave under the CMD. 25 chemical agents are expected to be proposed.
The definitive list from the Commission services is needed in order to
The members asked for more and more balanced involvement of all
members. The secretariat explained that the involvement follows the
logics of calls for interest and claimed interest by the experts.
ACTION 1.2: All. Consequently, the list of 25 chemical agents with
priority once received will be distributed with a call for participation as
lead and as contributor: the list is expected by beginning of October.
The work is expected to be finalised within 12 months.
Contracts will accordingly be established on the basis of the received
mandates and the distribution of work.
The board re-emphasized the need to have full transparency on how
legislative proposals are made. The phrasing used in documents
suggested that the values proposed were 'based' on Recommendations
by SCOEL. However, SCOEL members did not feel fully comfortable with
the wording. The Secretary explained that the policy cycle and the
sequence of independent scientific evaluation and further social
dialogue on the recommendations are elements of how such minimum
requirements are developed and implemented legally. The members
asked for a full example of how the process is documented and can be
explained to the citizen. The secretariat explained the full
September 2016
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.
BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 161: Henvendelse fra Mineraluldsindustriens Brancheråd til Arbejdstilsynet om besvarelse af BEU spm. 169-172 alm. del, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
documentation collected and publically available and how it is
1. Prioritization of chemicals to be proposed for evaluation
2. SCOEL mandate, SCOEL work and evaluation resulting in scientific
Recommendation or OPINion(s)
3. Social dialogue of the tripartite partners, Member States, employers
and employees on the basis of the scientific evaluation in the 'Working
Party on Chemicals' and the Advisory Committee on Health and Safety
with forming opinions and agreement in views. The opinions and
minutes of meetings are correspondingly available and published.
4. The legislative proposal and following steps by the Commission on
the basis of the scientific evaluation, the opinions and results from the
social dialogue.
The secretariat offered to present an example for a chemical agent with
the corresponding elements for use in cases of questions asked.
The experts invited by the Commission for agenda items on WG
Cooperation, work on RECommendations /OPINions:
Prof. Hermann Bolt, Dortmund
Prof. Helmut Greim, München were welcomed to the meetings.
Additional expertise will be required for concentrated work on the
methodology document, which is 'under revision'. The Commission
invites Dr. Ursula G. Sauer to join SCOEL for the specific work under
Cooperation and methodology.
Reimbursements: How to and what: an update, Q and A
Secretariat, CS
Forms for
Conflicts of interest
Declaration of Interest
No new Declaration of Interest were made.
Action 1.4b: Secretariat, then all Scientists. The DOIs are to be
renewed following the meeting and by DEC 1
. The secretariat will send
out the declaration forms and will attach the forms received for the
earlier period.
The Project work on chemical agents, see list below was continued.
Ongoing work items and responsibilities assigned
Recap on the status quo, revisions as necessary
DOI forms NEW
September 2016
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.
BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 161: Henvendelse fra Mineraluldsindustriens Brancheråd til Arbejdstilsynet om besvarelse af BEU spm. 169-172 alm. del, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
Tuesday, September 13
Continuation of the Drafting meetings
Room ‘Charybdiszaal’ (A-20.17)
The President of the Health Council, Professor Pim van Gool (on behalf
of the Health Council) welcomed the meeting participants. The chair of
SCOEL thanked the Health Council for the invitation, for hosting the
meeting and for the organisation of the joint meeting of SCOEL and
The Project work on chemical agents, see list below was continued, see
list below.
Ongoing work items and responsibilities assigned
Recap on the status quo, revisions as necessary
Information and Cooperation
Room ‘Charybdiszaal’ (A-20.17)
Introduction to the session by the Secretariat
12h55 (Confirmed
by BeST)
(Presentation file and additional information provided are attached.)
BeST - Beryllium Science & Technology Association provided scientific
information regarding Beryllium as relevant in the context of the
mandate to SCOEL and the scientific evaluation of hazard to workers
that are exposed to Beryllium.
Ms Dr. Deborah Proctor presented the scientific information.
Mr. Theodore Knudson from Materion represented BeST and answered
questions providing additional clarifications.
Mr. Blake A. Johnston from the United States Embassy accompanied the
BeST representatives as an observer for the session.
Joint SCOEL/DECOS meeting
16:15 (Tuesday, September 13
Room 'Muzenzaal 2+3' (B-0.44/48.VZ)
Board meeting 16:15
Closed session
The board addressed organisational issues including the work
distribution, the mandates to be expected regarding the wave 3 CMD
chemicals and issues of cooperation and methodology.
See next page
Board +
September 2016
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.
BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 161: Henvendelse fra Mineraluldsindustriens Brancheråd til Arbejdstilsynet om besvarelse af BEU spm. 169-172 alm. del, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
Joint SCOEL/DECOS meeting
16:15 (Tuesday, September 13
Room 'Muzenzaal 2+3' (B-0.44/48.VZ)
Opening by Prof. Ivonne Rietjens for the Health
(on behalf of the Section Healthy Working
SCOEL and DECOS: Work, approaches, similarities
Speakers: Christoph Klein and Jolanda Rijnkels
Case methodology (1): Formaldehyde
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hermann Bolt (SCOEL) and Jolanda
Rijnkels (secretary DECOS)
The speakers explained the motivation and
working approaches of SCOEL and DECOS.
There was an intense Questions and Answers
session following that related to how the
Committees work, who issues the requests or
mandates and what type of advice is produced
and communicated.
Closing remarks re-emphasized the appreciation to
having a joint meeting and better understanding the
advice and Recommendations issued by the respective
Speakers: Christoph Klein and Jolanda Rijnkels
September 2016
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.
BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 161: Henvendelse fra Mineraluldsindustriens Brancheråd til Arbejdstilsynet om besvarelse af BEU spm. 169-172 alm. del, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
Wednesday 14
Room 'Charybdiszaal' (A.20.17)
Work on methodology was presented and discussed,
see below under Horizontal issues, methodology
Project work on chemical agents continued, see list below
Ongoing work items and responsibilities assigned
Recap on the status quo, revisions as necessary
Follow up:
Reimbursements, questions, and pending payments
Secretariat, CS, CLK
The matter of reimbursements was addressed.
Reimbursements are made on the basis of expert contracts. Due to
the learning phase on the administrative implementation of the
contracts, operations are not yet as fast as they are expected to be.
The secretariat provides full support in preparation of the requests
including pre-checking the final draft reimbursement requests and
prefilling the forms with the data, name, contract number, etc.
ACTION: All Scientists.
Please make use of pre-checking of the
EXCEL forms before submission of signed pdf documents to
make operations more smooth and avoid extra work.
For justified urgent cases, reimbursements can be made as interim
payments for an ongoing contract. However, this should be the
exception as it impacts on the regular payment work.
12:30 End of the meeting
September 2016
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.
BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 161: Henvendelse fra Mineraluldsindustriens Brancheråd til Arbejdstilsynet om besvarelse af BEU spm. 169-172 alm. del, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
1.5 Project work on chemical agents and horizontal
Chemical agents under CAD/CMD
Ongoing files part 1
Name of the chemical agent
International harmonized
stage code
The European Commission requested the SCOEL to produce a Recommendation on
occupational exposure limit value(s) (OELs) and/or a scientific Opinion in accordance
with Commission Decision 2014/113/EU for 2-Nitropropane. This mandate has been
issued on 2015-12-14 and the deadline is 2016-12-31. A document was drafted
earlier up to an advanced stage.
The document is at the stage 40.20, and the public consultation is ongoing until
2016-11-30. The document is far advanced. No additional comments were made.
Name of the chemical agent
o-Toluidine, 2-methylaniline
International harmonized
stage code
The European Commission requested the SCOEL to produce a Recommendation on
occupational exposure limit value(s) (OELs) and/or a scientific Opinion in accordance
with Commission Decision 2014/113/EU for o-Toluidine, 2-methylaniline. This
mandate has been issued on 2015-12-14 and the deadline is 2016-09-30.
A document was drafted earlier up to an advanced stage.
The document is at the stage 40.20, and the public consultation is ongoing until
2016-11-30. The document is far advanced. No additional comments were made.
September 2016
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.
BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 161: Henvendelse fra Mineraluldsindustriens Brancheråd til Arbejdstilsynet om besvarelse af BEU spm. 169-172 alm. del, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
Name of the chemical agent
International harmonized
stage code
The European Commission requested the SCOEL to produce a Recommendation on
occupational exposure limit value(s) (OELs) and/or a scientific Opinion in accordance
with Commission Decision 2014/113/EU for Hydrazine. This mandate has been issued
on 2015-12-14 and the deadline is 2016-12-31.
A document was further developed and finalised after commenting; REC-164 is
presented for adoption by SCOEL.
The document is adopted and promoted to stage 50.60. The RECommendation did not
change regarding the OELs and notations. Correspondingly, no public consultation is
launched. The RECommendation report is updated. The document is sent to the lead
for final editing including the notation on sensitization and subsequent submission to
the Secretariat for acceptance and publication.
Name of the chemical agent
International harmonized
stage code
Chromium(VI) compounds
The European Commission requested the SCOEL to produce a Recommendation on
occupational exposure limit value(s) (OELs) and/or a scientific Opinion in accordance
with Commission Decision 2014/113/EU for Chromium (VI) compounds. This mandate
has been issued on 2015-12-14 and the deadline is 2016-12-31.
A recent draft of the document was received just before the present meeting.
The document remains at the stage 20.20, it is at the preparatory stage, the working
document is currently drafted and significant advancements were made.
There was agreement that the notation part should be amended by the notation
'sensitization (dermal and respiratory)'. The amendment should be given in an
OPINion document to ensure that the recommendation of this notation can still be
taken into account in the process of the legislative proposal under discussion. The
initiative will be taken forward with a very short timescale by the lead scientist
supported by the contributors and sent to the Secretariat to inform the Commission
September 2016
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.
BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 161: Henvendelse fra Mineraluldsindustriens Brancheråd til Arbejdstilsynet om besvarelse af BEU spm. 169-172 alm. del, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
Name of the chemical agent
International harmonized
stage code
Silica crystalline, respirable
The European Commission requested the SCOEL to produce a Recommendation on
occupational exposure limit value(s) (OELs) and/or a scientific Opinion in accordance
with Commission Decision 2014/113/EU for Silica crystalline, respirable. This mandate
has been issued on 2015-12-14 and the deadline is 2016-12-31.
An updated draft was received just before the present meeting. The document is
accepted and advanced to stage 30.20, which means that it is at the Committee stage
and shall be edited by the lead together with the contributors for agreement on stage
40.20 and towards entering public consultation.
Ongoing files part 2
Work on each file under development presented by the respective lead
scientist (supported by contributors)
1. Compare status versus the mandate
2. Identify issues to be addressed, use the process scheme-
General Decision Making Framework, see annex
3. Chemical agent identity, re-check and note
4. Chemical agent meets the criteria of CAD or CMD, re-check and note
5. Address (other) issues in the draft REC/OPIN file as appropriate
6. Re-distribute tasks and responsibilities for input, if required
7. Check need for literature search and provision
8. Check timelines and prepare feedback to COM as appropriate
9. Deliver the latest draft/version of the REC/OPIN
10. Set/confirm stage code and adoption status
Name of the chemical agent
International harmonized
stage code
The European Commission requested the SCOEL to produce a Recommendation on
occupational exposure limit value(s) (OELs) and/or a scientific Opinion in accordance
with Commission Decision 2014/113/EU for Beryllium. This mandate has been issued
on 2015-12-14 and the deadline is 2016-12-31. An advanced draft was received. The
document was adopted by the Committee.
September 2016
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.
BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 161: Henvendelse fra Mineraluldsindustriens Brancheråd til Arbejdstilsynet om besvarelse af BEU spm. 169-172 alm. del, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
The document is at the stage 40.20, and the public consultation is ongoing until
2016-11-30. Further input was provided by interested party BeST in the frame of a
presentation on scientific data and the scientific views on it as addressed under
agenda item 2.2.
Name of the chemical agent
International harmonized
stage code
30.20 OPIN
20.20 REC
Diesel engine exhaust emissions
The European Commission requested the SCOEL to produce a Recommendation on
occupational exposure limit value(s) (OELs) and/or a scientific Opinion in accordance
with Commission Decision 2014/113/EU for Diesel engine exhaust emissions. This
mandate has been issued on 2015-12-14 and the deadline is 2016-12-31.
The documents are at stage 30.20 for the OPIN and stage 20.20 for the REC. The
work further advances.
An advanced draft document SCOEL/OPIN/2016-403 was prepared during the Aachen
meeting 2016-06. It was accepted by the vast majority of scientists in written
procedure after commenting. However, detailed comments were brought forward by
two members that were not sufficiently addressed yet. SCOEL will deal with the issues
and re-open the discussion on the points raised and the comments made.
ACTION: Project team, commenting scientists, all.
shall be re-edited by the project team including the scientists that proposed changes.
When concluded, an updated version shall be distributed for adoption and publication.
An advanced draft of the REC-403 was presented; the definition and the scope of the
chemical agent have been updated. The epidemiology will be updated. At present it
(Remark by the Secretariat: epidemiological evidence) suggests that a no effect level
may not exist and a risk based considerations have to be made according to the
GDMF. Additional models will be applied and fitted to explore this further. Once this
will have been completed parts on epidemiology shall be further integrated with the
considerations on the mode of action with explicit emphasis on issues related to
uncertainty. Similarly, the key studies on the toxicology of diesel will be described
more explicitly and also uncertainty issues will be made explicit for these studies. The
boxes and the executive summary part shall be completed for the recommendations
made for the different types of Process-Generated-Substances. The lead together with
the contributors will further advance the document. The stage code for the
RECommendation is 20.20.
ACTION: Project team Regarding the REC-403 the team will make explicit for the next
meeting wat issues of the evaluation require further plenary discussion and which
issues are considered non-controversial and can be agreed on.
September 2016
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.
BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 161: Henvendelse fra Mineraluldsindustriens Brancheråd til Arbejdstilsynet om besvarelse af BEU spm. 169-172 alm. del, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
Name of the chemical agent
International harmonized
stage code
PAH mixtures containing
(303 and) 404
The European Commission requested the SCOEL to produce a Recommendation on
occupational exposure limit value(s) (OELs) and/or a scientific Opinion in accordance
with Commission Decision 2014/113/EU for PAH mixtures containing Benzo-a-pyrene.
This mandate has been issued on 2015-12-14 and the deadline is 2016-12-31. A very
advanced draft was received and was accepted by the Committee without dissenting
The document is at the stage 40.20, and the public consultation is ongoing until
Name of the chemical agent
International harmonized
stage code
Rubber fumes and dust
The European Commission requested the SCOEL to produce a Recommendation on
occupational exposure limit value(s) (OELs) and/or a scientific Opinion in accordance
with Commission Decision 2014/113/EU for Rubber fumes and dust. This mandate has
been issued on 2015-12-14 and the deadline is 2016-12-31.
The definition and scope of the document are addressed. The work on rubber shall be
finalised with a reply letter and OPINion to the Commission services.
The final draft of the SCOEL/OPIN/2016-173 was presented and after implementation
of several suggested changes accepted by the members. The new stage code is 30.20.
ACTION: Project team: The lead will address the remaining editorial issues within one
week at the latest and the OPINion is proposed for adoption by written procedure.
Name of the chemical agent
International harmonized
stage code
The European Commission requested the SCOEL to produce a Recommendation on
occupational exposure limit value(s) (OELs) and/or a scientific Opinion in accordance
with Commission Decision 2014/113/EU for 1,2-Dichloroethane. This mandate has
been issued on 2015-12-14 and the deadline is 2016-12-31. A very advanced draft
was received. The draft was accepted without any dissenting views.
The document is at the stage 40.20, and the public consultation is ongoing until
September 2016
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.
BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 161: Henvendelse fra Mineraluldsindustriens Brancheråd til Arbejdstilsynet om besvarelse af BEU spm. 169-172 alm. del, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
Ongoing files part 3
Work on each file under development presented by the respective lead
scientist (supported by contributors)
1. Compare status versus the mandate
2. Identify issues to be addressed, use the process scheme-
General Decision Making Framework, see annex
3. Chemical agent identity, re-check and note
4. Chemical agent meets the criteria of CAD or CMD, re-check and note
5. Address (other) issues in the draft REC/OPIN file as appropriate
6. Re-distribute tasks and responsibilities for input, if required
7. Check need for literature search and provision
8. Check timelines and prepare feedback to COM as appropriate
9. Deliver the latest draft/version of the REC/OPIN
10. Set/confirm stage code and adoption status
Name of the chemical agent
International harmonized
stage code
The European Commission requested the SCOEL to produce a Recommendation on
occupational exposure limit value(s) (OELs) and/or a scientific Opinion in accordance
with Commission Decision 2014/113/EU for Trimethylamine. This mandate has been
issued on 2015-12-14 and the deadline is 2016-12-31.
The document is at the stage 40.20, which means that the Committee agreed on the
final version. It underwent a quality review and is accepted to enter public
consultation. Last remaining minor comments were provided to the lead scientist for
implementation before launching public consultation.
Name of the chemical agent
International harmonized
stage code
Man Made Mineral Fibres (MMMF)
Man Made Vitreous Fibres
The European Commission requested the SCOEL to produce a Recommendation on
occupational exposure limit value(s) (OELs) and/or a scientific Opinion in accordance
with Commission Decision 2014/113/EU for MMMF and MMVF10. This mandate has
been issued on 2015-12-14 and the deadline is 2016-12-31. A presentation was made
September 2016
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.
BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 161: Henvendelse fra Mineraluldsindustriens Brancheråd til Arbejdstilsynet om besvarelse af BEU spm. 169-172 alm. del, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
by the lead scientist about proposed core elements of the possible new
Recommendation. A new working document is at the stage 20.20, it is at the
preparatory stage following the lines of the presentation and currently drafted.
The documents, recommendations, SUM-088 and SUM-108 are withdrawn. New stage
code is 95.99.
Other chemical agents
Brief update on progress made/any reflections on other chemical agents, e.g. for
consideration or to be proposed to the Commission for uptake, possible mandates and
for prioritisation.
Name of the chemical agent
harmonized Recommendation
stage code
90.20 and 20.20
N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF)
A restriction proposal was received by ECHA and relates very much to occupational
exposure issues, worker protection and minimum requirements established based on
earlier recommendation by SCOEL published in 2006 before REACH came into force.
DMF is a data-rich chemical agent with significant similarities to NMP and new data
that became available since the scientific evaluation by SCOEL.
The restriction proposal itself could not be made available to SCOEL members at the
meeting, unfortunately, but the
member of RAC and SCOEL reported about
the issues raised. (Remark by the Secretariat: Thank you to the common member of
RAC and SCOEL, the non-confidential parts of the restriction proposal are available
Also a staff member of ECHA was present as observer at the meeting. She was not
sure how far information about the restriction proposal received could be shared with
the SCOEL members as such and at this stage. Also she commented that the proposal
was send back to the proposer and action may not be necessary now, but eventually
However, the Committee members felt that an updated scientific evaluation should be
performed with sufficient scrutiny and time in order to address any concern efficiently
and in a proactive manner. A potential lead scientist and possible contributors were
identified. A call will be launched once a mandate will be received.
There was no specific objection to the approach raised. However, the
member of both, SCOEL and RAC presented some reservations:
both committees
would work again separately with this substance this might lead to a similar situation
one had in the case of NMP. Her view was to ensure the communication between
DG EMPL/ECHA (SCOEL/RAC) and agree on the way forward in order to avoid similar
confusion (regarding the processes to apply and mutual consultation (added by the
The Secretariat shall inform the Commission services about the
and potential issue.
September 2016
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.
BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 161: Henvendelse fra Mineraluldsindustriens Brancheråd til Arbejdstilsynet om besvarelse af BEU spm. 169-172 alm. del, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
The new stage code is 90.20, the earlier SUM121 is under revision. The new REC is at
stage 20.20, drafting is commenced in anticipation of a mandate by the Commission
Name of the chemical agent
International harmonized
stage code
The SCOEL has started initial discussion on Dinitrotoluenes. Drafting was commenced
and advanced in anticipation of receiving the mandate from the European
Commission. TNT should also be added as it would be most efficient to deal with the
two chemicals in one evaluation exercise. There was a general support to the
proposal, if it would create synergies and not affect the priority work on chemicals
under CMD wave 3.
Name of the chemical agent
stage code
harmonized Recommendation
The SCOEL has started initial discussion on Naphthalene. Drafting was commenced
and advanced in anticipation of receiving the mandate from the European
September 2016
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.
BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 161: Henvendelse fra Mineraluldsindustriens Brancheråd til Arbejdstilsynet om besvarelse af BEU spm. 169-172 alm. del, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
Horizontal issues, other issues
Update on cooperation items including World Health Organisation (WHO)-
IPCS, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),
International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH), DG SANTE Scientific
Committees, EU Agencies, European Chemicals Agency
Several chemical agents proposed or envisaged to be addressed by SCOEL do concern
or also concern the form as nanomaterial. SCOEL identified a group of scientists to
organise a workshop or expert meeting in the near future in order to prepare for
dealing with the subject in specific and take into account latest state-of-the-art. The
lead is with MvT, who will organise the workshop/expert meeting in close collaboration
with the Secretariat and the Board. MvT will also attend the Dust symposium
8-9.12.2016 in Berlin and propose ideas for the nano-event at the December meeting.
JRC support to the SCOEL secretariat
The JRC has made key contributions in support to EMPL.B.3 including the SCOEL
secretariat. The new administrative arrangement and its technical annex are currently
finally discussed for agreement. The Scientific Secretary of SCOEL shall meet the
services in Ispra/Milan in the course of October.
1. Interface OSH and chemicals legislation
1.1 Joint task force work SCOEL-RAC: NMP and REC-119
Outcome of the WG COOP Joint Task Force SCOEL-RAC, meetings in July, August
2016: An Update on the advancements made, the state of discussion and results
achieved so far was provided. The scientific discussion on the different approaches to
either derive no-effect levels for NMP and to set OELVs were intense and going to
detailed analysis of studies and approaches. Important elements are a newly
enhanced PBPK study (2016) by Poet et al. as well as the work on chemosensory
irritation observed in humans by van Thriel and co-workers. The study results also
took into account comments from regulatory agencies and provide clear insights on
issues specifically related to workers at the workplace.
The Committee requested to organise meetings of them and also the JTF together
with the scientists in order to clarify on the relevance of the scientific results and
evidence and how it should be taken up in the respective considerations on NMP. Such
scientific discussion was seen to bear a strong potential of considerable influence on
further developing the views both of SCOEL and of ECHA-RAC.
The ECHA staff member present at the meeting commented that at present the
minutes on the last meeting are drafted and subsequently a joint document would be
developed on that basis. The discussion rather seemed to be exhausted, but there
September 2016
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Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
was no objection against another trial to provide a more complete view on the
scientific evaluations performed towards a possible agreement.
ACTION: SCOEL Secretariat to organise one or two meetings of SCOEL-RAC JTF with
the key scientists of the two studies preferably in the course of this year
1.2 Joint task force work SCOEL-ECHA: General REACH-OSH interface (mandate
(Held after closure of the meeting as satellite meeting)
Outcome of the WG COOP Joint Task Force SCOEL-ECHA, meetings in July 23 and 22
August 2016: Update provided on the advancements made, the state of discussion,
which is rather at the beginning with the exception for the case discussed in depth.
There was a satellite discussion on how to advance the project after the meeting
between the ECHA staff member, the SCOEL scientific secretary, the board members
and the lead on methodology.
ACTION: In order to advance the exchange and overcome issues of finding suitable
dates, the project lead at ECHA will discuss key issues for making progress on a
weekly basis from October 4- tentative time every week TUE from 13.30h to 15.00h
CET. Scientists of the JTF will be involved as available and as far as possible.
The work shall concentrate on the case chemical studied in depth and focus the
analysis around the case and along the lines of the questions asked in the mandate.
ACTION: To be re-confirmed with the Directors of the services: The ownership of the
report to be drafted is with ECHA and SCOEL. However, the ECHA staff member
insisted that the ownership would be with SCOEL and RAC only.
Update on recent developments; Grant agreements launched with WHO.
SCOEL shall cooperate actively with WHO on risk assessment methodology and also
on chemical-specific assessment factors. A second part of the collaboration concerns
the information on chemicals and occupational exposure limits such as recommended
by SCOEL and to making them readily available including to workers and at the
workplace. Contractual agreements have been signed.
Lead is AM, co-lead MM
The ICOH’s Scientific Committee of Occupational Toxicology (SCOT) announces
the 10th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring (ISBM-10) will take place
in Naples, Italy, on 2-4 October, 2017. A workshop is dedicated to 'Biomonitoring for
Chemical Risk Assessment and Control with envisaged participation of SCOEL
scientists. Contact is MM
3. DG SANTE Scientific Committees
The collaboration is further enhanced. A common workshop on methodology and
common topics shall be organised back to back to plenary meetings.
September 2016
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Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
4. MAK, Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales BMAS (DE)
Invitation received and reconfirmed regarding the meeting in Berlin in February 2017.
An update was provided on progress made- on the methodology document
drafting by the lead scientists. The draft document is further advanced. An
invited expert scientist, Dr. Ursula. Sauer, joins the team and concentrates on
advancing the draft document closely working with the leads (Remark by the
Secretariat: Addressed in the agenda earlier under 1.3). In response to the call
further experts are involved in addressing open issues coming up during the
ACTION: In addition, there are dedicated chapters to be written as part of the
methodology document on
1. toxicokinetics by GJ, on
2. exposure by MvT and JC, on
3. epidemiology including the practical approaches for the purposes of SCOEL
by DH (agreed earlier, reconfirmed).
The group intends to deliver the document in December. The advanced draft
shall be discussed in a drafting group meeting in October at KIT in Karlsruhe.
Forward planning:
Meetings in
17 November 2016 WG COOP (BRU)
12-14 December 2016 plenary and/or working meetings
9-10 February BERLIN (SCOEL-100 at BMAS)
8-9 June SCOEL-101
25-26 September SCOEL-102
2-4 October, ICOH, Naples
13-14 December SCOEL-103
September 2016
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Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
1. G
September 2016
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Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
2. R
September 2016
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Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
Ongoing work items and responsibilities assigned-
for your information, status 2016-08-25
Co-chairs, rapporteurs, lead WG
Maurizio, Hermann
GunnarN, Hermann
Ivonne, Robert
GunnarJ, John
Exposure and Toxicokinetics
September 2016
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Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
3- S
September 2016
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.
BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 161: Henvendelse fra Mineraluldsindustriens Brancheråd til Arbejdstilsynet om besvarelse af BEU spm. 169-172 alm. del, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
Minutes, SCOEL working meeting 2016-09-12 to 14
September 2016
Documents are exchanged/provided via CIRCABC.
There will be no hardcopies for distribution during the meeting.