Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
BEU Alm.del Bilag 140
Paris, December 4
, 2018
Introduction of the mission
« European pillar of social rights »
January 17
and 18
2019 - Copenhagen
Carole Grandjean
and Ms.
Marguerite Deprez-Audebert,
members of Parliament, have been
nominated by the National
Asse ly‘s
European Affairs Committee, chaired by Ms. Sabine Thillaye,
co-rapporteur of an information assignment on the perception of the « European pillar of social
rights » passed during Göteborg Social Summit on November 17
2017 in view of the next European
elections. Their works, which began on July 2018, will lead to the publication of a report at the end of
the year.
The rapporteurs have held hearings in Paris, Rome, Vienna and Helsinki so that they can have various
EU e ers ‘ ie poi t (the
different approaches of Southern, Continental and Northern Europe).
During their meetings in Denmark, they wish to exchange views on:
The progress of the transposition works or implementation of the European texts, enacted or
close to, in the social field before the European legislature ends (ex.: the Posted Workers
directive, the project for a European Authority for Work, etc.)
Preserving the economic
(Single Market, etc.) while adapting it to the new current
transformation challenges (digitization of the economy, globalization, developing platforms,
ecological transition);
Thinking about the extent of the set of social rights implementation (Union as a whole or a
closer cooperation between some of the EU member States);
Making social Europe more visible to citizens;
Fight against social fraud and unfair competition between the different EU members social
Fight against the increasing poverty and the lack of security in job, housing or access to care;
Deepe i g poli ies for youth e ploy e t, i parti ular the NEET ;
Promoting youth learning and trainees mobility across Europe;
Promoting gender equality and promoting the work life
private life balance
Setting ambitious policies to combat disability
The co-rapporteurs wish to visit Denmark, in order to collect the opinion of the different political
actors and civil society about the
European pillar of social rights
(implementation / priorities), and
the points already mentioned above.
Denmark was eventually chosen, as a meaningful example of
Social protection succeeding system, due to its commitment to promoting equality and job
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