Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2018-19 (1. samling)
BEU Alm.del Bilag 140
Paris, December 4
, 2018
Introduction of the mission
« European pillar of social rights »
January 17
and 18
2019 - Copenhagen
Carole Grandjean
and Ms.
Marguerite Deprez-Audebert,
members of Parliament, have been
nominated by the National
Asse ly‘s
European Affairs Committee, chaired by Ms. Sabine Thillaye,
co-rapporteur of an information assignment on the perception of the « European pillar of social
rights » passed during Göteborg Social Summit on November 17
2017 in view of the next European
elections. Their works, which began on July 2018, will lead to the publication of a report at the end of
the year.
The rapporteurs have held hearings in Paris, Rome, Vienna and Helsinki so that they can have various
EU e ers ‘ ie poi t (the
different approaches of Southern, Continental and Northern Europe).
During their meetings in Denmark, they wish to exchange views on:
The progress of the transposition works or implementation of the European texts, enacted or
close to, in the social field before the European legislature ends (ex.: the Posted Workers
directive, the project for a European Authority for Work, etc.)
Preserving the economic
(Single Market, etc.) while adapting it to the new current
transformation challenges (digitization of the economy, globalization, developing platforms,
ecological transition);
Thinking about the extent of the set of social rights implementation (Union as a whole or a
closer cooperation between some of the EU member States);
Making social Europe more visible to citizens;
Fight against social fraud and unfair competition between the different EU members social
Fight against the increasing poverty and the lack of security in job, housing or access to care;
Deepe i g poli ies for youth e ploy e t, i parti ular the NEET ;
Promoting youth learning and trainees mobility across Europe;
Promoting gender equality and promoting the work life
private life balance
Setting ambitious policies to combat disability
The co-rapporteurs wish to visit Denmark, in order to collect the opinion of the different political
actors and civil society about the
European pillar of social rights
(implementation / priorities), and
the points already mentioned above.
Denmark was eventually chosen, as a meaningful example of
Social protection succeeding system, due to its commitment to promoting equality and job
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BEU, Alm.del - 2018-19 (1. samling) - Bilag 140: Invitation til møde med franske parlamentarikere om EU's sociale søjle 17/1-19
(especially for the youth), great performances in terms of employment rate and the quality of
social dialogue between Danish social partners.
The rapporteurs wish to draw a comparative analysis of Danish good practices in the social field, to
adapt them to the French model and mutually inform their interlocutors about the different French
policies implemented in that field.