Udenrigsudvalget 2017-18
URU Alm.del
United Nations
Distr.: General
Original: English
Economic and Social Council
High-level political forum on sustainable development
Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals
Report of the Secretary-General
In accordance with General Assembly decision 70/1, the Secretary-
General, in cooperation with the United Nations system, has the honour
to transmit the 2018 report on progress towards the Sustainable
Development Goals. This report provides a global overview of the
current situation of the Sustainable Development Goals, based on the
latest available data for indicators in the global indicator framework
The report was submitted on 10 May 2018 because of new data updates from a few international organizations.
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1. This report by the Secretary-General, in cooperation with the United Nations system, present an
overview of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to inform the high-
level political forum, as mandated by General Assembly resolution 70/1 (para. 83). It is based on
a selection of indicators for which data are available, from the global indicator framework
developed by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators
and adopted by the General Assembly at its seventy-first session in July 2017 (resolution
71/313). Some targets are not reflected at this stage, owing to a lack of data, or because they are
measured by indicators that are still undergoing methodological development.
2. For most indicators presented, values represent global, regional and subregional aggregates.
They are calculated from data from national statistical systems, compiled by international
agencies, based on their respective mandates and specialized expertise often with adjustments to
allow for international comparability or supplemented by estimates when data are lacking.
3. The composition of regions and subregions in this report is based on UN geographical regions,
with some modifications necessary to create, to the extent possible, groups of countries for which
aggregates are meaningful.
Although the aggregated figures presented are a convenient way to
track progress, the situation of individual countries within a given region may vary significantly
from regional averages. A supplementary document containing the statistical annex for the report
and a database of available global, regional and country data and metadata for the SDG
indicators will be made available at: <https://unstats.un.org/sdgs>.
4. The availability of quality, accessible, open, timely and disaggregated data is vital for evidence-
based decision-making and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda and realization of its
ambitions of leaving no one behind. To meet these data demands there is an urgent need to
strengthen the capacities of national statistical systems. The global statistical community strives
to develop methodologies and technologies to innovate and modernize statistical production
operations, to explore ways to integrate all data sources, and to analyze, visualize and
disseminate data in an open, timely and effective way.
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
5. While extreme poverty has been reduced considerably in the past decades, there are pockets of
the world where it still stubbornly persists. Detailed analyses reveal that certain groups are much
more affected by poverty. Ending poverty requires universal social protection systems aimed at
Additional information on the SDG indicators, and the full list of contributing organizations will be made available at:
Details of the regional groupings used in this report will be made available at: <https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/indicators/regional-groups/.
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protecting all people throughout their life cycle, and targeted measures to reduce vulnerability to
disasters and address specific geographical areas within a country.
Poverty measured at the international poverty line, currently set at $1.90 at 2011 PPPs, has fallen
rapidly in recent decades and in 2013 was a third of the 1990 value. The latest global estimate
suggests that 10.9 per cent, or 783 million people, lived below this threshold in 2013. More than
half of the world’s
extreme poor live in sub-Saharan
Africa, while about one-third live in
Southern Asia.
The proportion of world’s workers living with their families on less than $1.90 per person per
day declined significantly over the past two decades, falling from 26.9 per cent in 2000 to 9.2 per
cent in 2017, with reductions seen in all regions of the world. Nevertheless, it continues to affect
young workers disproportionately with the global youth working poverty rate consistently over 6
percentage points higher than the adult rate.
Despite significant progress in extending social protection in many parts of the world, the human
right to social security is not yet a reality for a majority of the world’s population. Based on 2016
estimates, only 45 per cent of the world's population was effectively covered by at least one
social protection cash benefit, which means 4 billion people are left unprotected. On the positive
side, 68 per cent of people above retirement age received a pension.
However, data also show a global deficit of social protection for other groups: only 22 per cent
of the unemployed receive unemployment cash benefits, 28 per cent of persons with severe
disabilities receive disability cash benefits, 35 per cent of children worldwide enjoy effective
access to social protection, and 41 per cent of women giving birth receive maternity cash
Disasters have often hindered economic and social development and aggravated the depth and
breadth of poverty. Despite efforts in improving measures for disaster risk reduction, in 2017,
economic losses attributed to disasters were estimated at over $300 billion, among the highest
losses in past years owning to three major hurricanes affecting the US and the Caribbean.
Based on data between 2011 to 2016 from 151 countries, only 30 per cent of them spend
between 15 per cent and 20 per cent of total government expenditure on education as
recommended in the Education 2030 Framework for Action.
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable
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6. After a prolonged decline, world hunger appears to be on the rise again. Conflict, drought and
disasters linked to climate change are among the key factors causing the reversal in the long-term
progress in fighting global hunger, making the prospect of ending hunger and malnutrition by
2030 more difficult.
It is estimated that undernourishment rate increased to 11 per cent in 2016 from 10.6 per cent in
2015. This represents an increase to 815 million of undernourished people worldwide in 2016, up
from 777 million in 2015.
Based on FAO’s Food Insecurity Experience
Scale, which directly measure the difficulties faced
by people in accessing food, in 2016, 689 million people in the world (9.3 per cent of the world
population) reported experiencing severe food insecurity.
Malnutrition manifests itself in various forms and has serious long-term consequences for the
world’s children. While declining in almost every region,
(too short for one’s age)
globally affected 22 per cent of children under-five—151 million children in 2017. Three
quarters of these children lived in Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. In 2017, 51 million
children under-five suffered from wasting—low
weight for one’s height—
and 38 million were
affected by obesity.
Conserving genetic diversity of plants and animals provides the basis for adapting livestock
populations to future changes in environmental conditions or in demand for products and
services. At the end of 2017, global holdings of seed and other plant genetic materials conserved
in 90 countries and 16 regional and international centers totaled 4.89 million samples,
representing a 1.0% increase over the previous year.
Investments in agriculture are
crucial to help improve the sector’s productivity.
government expenditure in the agricultural sector, measured by government expenditure in
divided by the sector’s share of GDP,
fell from 0.38 in 2001 to 0.23 in 2016
Aid to agriculture in developing countries has fallen from nearly 20
per cent of all donors’
sector-allocable aid in the mid-80s to only 6 per cent in 2016, which was $12.5 billion.
Progress has been made in reducing subsidies that distort the world agricultural markets.
Agricultural export subsidies more than halved in 5 years: from $491 million in 2010 to less than
$200 million in 2015.
Volatility in food prices can have a negative impact on food security. In 2016, 26 countries
experienced high or moderately high levels of general food prices. While in 21 countries, prices
for one or more cereal products (maize, wheat, rice, sorghum/millet) were at high or moderately
high levels. Sub-Saharan Africa had the most number of countries with both high levels of food
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prices and cereal prices. Domestic output declines, currency depreciation and, insecurity
accounted for such high prices.
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
7. As much progress has been made in health domain throughout the world, many more people
currently have healthy lives than they did in the past decade. Nevertheless, far too many people
die prematurely and
preventable diseases still take away many people’s lives. Correcting this
requires concerted efforts, focusing on the demographic and regions that have been left behind.
Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health
In 2015, an estimated 303,000 women around the world died due to complications of pregnancy
and childbirth— with a global maternal mortality ratio of 216 maternal deaths per 100,000 live
births. Almost two thirds of these deaths occurred in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2012-2017, almost
80 per cent of live births occurred with the assistance of skilled health personnel worldwide, one
of the most critical interventions—up from 62 per cent in the 2000-2005 period. The greatest
progress was made in Central and Southern Asia, from 40 per cent to 77 per cent. Sub-Saharan
Africa had the lowest coverage at 58 per cent in 2012-2017.
Worldwide, child mortality declined substantially in the past several decades. Globally, the
under-five mortality rate dropped to 41 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2016 from 78 in 2000—a
47 per cent decline. The total number of under-five deaths dropped to 5.6 million in 2016 from
9.9 million in 2000.
The neonatal mortality rate (mortality rate for children under 28 days of age) fell by 39 per cent
from 31 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2000 to 19 in 2016. The number of neonatal deaths
declined from 4 million in 2000 to 2.6 million in 2016. In 2016, sub-Saharan Africa and
Southern Asia had the highest neonatal mortality rates at 28 deaths per 1,000 live births.
Access to modern contraceptive methods is important for well-being of women in reproductive
age (15-49 years old). Globally, among women of reproductive age who are married or in a
union, the proportion whose demand for family planning is satisfied by using modern
contraceptive methods increased from 74.9 per cent in 2000 to 77.4 per cent in 2018. Progress
has been more significant in LDCs, where this proportion increased from 39.4 per cent in 2000 to
58.5 per cent in 2018.
Childbearing in adolescence has declined steadily in almost all regions but remains high in sub-
Saharan Africa. In 2018, the adolescent birth rate was 44 births per 1,000 women aged 15-19
years globally, with the highest rate in sub-Saharan Africa at 101.
Infectious Diseases
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Globally HIV incidence has declined from 0.40 to 0.26 per 1,000 uninfected population between
2005 and 2016, due in part to increased access to antiretroviral therapy, which sharply reduces
onward transmission of HIV. Sub-Saharan Africa remains the region most heavily impacted by
HIV, with HIV incidence rates at 1.28 per 1,000 uninfected population. For women in
reproductive age in the region, the rate is even higher at 2.58 per 1,000 uninfected population.
The world is not on a trajectory towards ending malaria by 2030—in fact, the trends are
worrisome. In 2016, there were 216 million cases of malaria, compared to 210 million cases in
2013. There were 140 new cases of tuberculosis per 100,000 people in 2016, compared to 173
cases per 100,000 people in 2000. In 2016, 1.5 billion people were reported to require mass or
individual treatment and care for neglected tropical diseases, down from 1.6 billion in 2015, and
2 billion in 2010.
The widespread use of hepatitis B vaccine in infants has considerably reduced the incidence of
new chronic hepatitis B virus infections
as reflected by the decline in hepatitis B prevalence
among children under-five from 4.7 per cent in the pre-vaccine era to 1.3 per cent in 2015.
Unsafe drinking water, unsafe sanitation and lack of hygiene continue be large contributors to
global mortality and caused around 870,000 deaths in 2016, mainly from diarrheal diseases but
also from malnutrition and intestinal nematode infections. Among those, 329,000 deaths
occurred in children under-five. Sub-Saharan Africa and South-Eastern Asia bear the highest
disease burden.
Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Health
Globally, 32 million people died in 2016 due to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or
chronic respiratory disease. The probability of dying from these diseases between 30 and 70
years of age was about 18 per cent in 2016.
Nearly 800,000 suicide deaths occurred in 2016, unchanged from previous year. Male suicide
rates are 75 per cent higher than female suicide rates, with the highest rates in Europe—male
suicide rates at 27.6 per 100 000 population, compared to 7.3 for women.
Consumption of alcohol and tobacco has many detrimental effects on health, exacerbating effects
of non-communicable diseases. In 2015-2016 only 14 countries of the 181 that ratified the WHO
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control improved their national monitoring of tobacco use
in accordance with Article 20 of the Convention. In 2015, 34 per cent of men and 6 per cent of
women aged 15 and older used smoking forms of tobacco. In 2016, average consumption of pure
alcohol was approximately 6.4 litres per person among individuals 15 years or older. Europe and
Northern America, as well as Australia and New Zealand had the highest consumption at around
10.6 litres per person in 2016.
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Air pollution, whether indoor (household) or outdoor (ambient) increases the risk of
cardiovascular disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and acute
lower respiratory infections. In 2016, air pollution from household and outdoor air pollution led
to some 7 million deaths worldwide. Sub-Saharan Africa, most of Asia and Oceania (excluding
Australia/New Zealand), have the highest mortality rate from air pollution.
Other Health Risks
Road traffic crashes killed 1.25 million people worldwide in 2013 and injured up to 50 million
Unintentional poisonings were responsible for over 100,000 deaths in 2016, with a steady
decline over the last two decades and rates still relatively high in low-income countries.
Health Systems and Funding
Globally, almost 12 per cent of the world’s population spent at least 10 per cent of their
household budgets to pay for health services in 2010, up from 9.7 per cent in 2000.
Immunization is one of the world’s most successful and cost-effective health interventions.
Despite the increase in coverage with the required three doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-
containing vaccines (DTP3) from 72 per cent in 2000 to 86 per cent in 2016, an estimated 19.5
million children did not receive the vaccines during the first year of life, putting them at serious
risk of these potentially fatal diseases. The global coverage of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
(PVC) is yet to reach 50 per cent. Coverage with the second dose of measles containing vaccine
increased from 10 per cent in 2000 to 64 per cent in 2016.
Official development assistance (ODA) for basic health from all donors has increased by 41 per
cent in real terms since 2010 and reached $9.4 billion in 2016. In 2016, about $1.9 billion was
spent on malaria control, $871 million on tuberculosis control and $2 billion on other infectious
diseases, excluding HIV/AIDS.
Available data from 2005 to 2016 indicate that close to 45 per cent of all countries and 90 per
cent of LDCs have less than one physician per 1,000 people, and over 60 per cent have fewer
than three nurses or midwives per 1,000 people.
Under the International Health Regulations (IHR), all States Parties are required to have or to
develop minimum public health capacities to implement the IHR effectively. Based on 167
responses out of the 196 State parties, countries achieved an average of 71 per cent ratings for all
capacities associated with IHR implementation in 2017.
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Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all
8. Critical efforts are needed to improve the quality of education. Disparities in education along
the lines of gender, urban-rural location and other dimensions still run deep, and more
investments in education infrastructure are required particularly in LDCs.
In 66 countries with comparable data for the period 2009-2017, around 2 in 3 children aged 3 and 4
were developmentally on track in at least three of the following domains: literacy-numeracy,
physical development, social-emotional development and learning.
At the global level, the participation rate in early childhood and primary education was 70 per
cent in 2016, up from 63 per cent in 2010, with considerable variation across countries and
regions: with the lowest rates in sub-Saharan Africa (41 per cent) and Northern Africa and
Western Asia (52 per cent).
It is estimated that 617 million—58 per cent—of children and adolescents of primary and lower
secondary school age worldwide are not achieving minimum proficiency levels in reading and
mathematics. About two-thirds of them attend school but not learning, either because they drop
out or because they do not learn the basics.
Disparities based on location and wealth generally favor the urban and the rich. For example,
based on data from 62 countries for 2001-2015, only 12 countries show parity between urban and
rural children achieving minimum proficiency levels in reading or mathematics at the end of
primary education.
The LDCs face the biggest challenges in providing schools with basic infrastructure. In 2016,
only 34 per cent of primary schools in LDCs had electricity and less than 40 per cent were
equipped with basic handwashing facilities. In sub-Saharan Africa, only 37 per cent of primary
schools, 52 per cent of lower secondary schools and 55 per cent of upper secondary schools have
access to electricity.
Qualified teachers are key for progress in education quality and learning. Based on estimates for
primary education, in 2016, 85 per cent of teachers were trained worldwide, and only 71 per cent
in Southern Asia and 61 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa.
ODA for scholarships amounted to $1.2 billion in 2016. Australia, France, the United Kingdom
and EU Institutions accounted for two-thirds of this total.
Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
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9. While some forms of discrimination against women and girls are declining, gender inequality
continues hold women back and deprives them of basic rights and opportunities. Empowering
women requires addressing structural issues such as unfair social norms and attitudes, and
progressive legal frameworks that put men and women at the same level.
Based on data from 2005 to 2016 in 56 countries, 1 in 5 ever-partnered adolescent girls aged 15-
19 have already experienced physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner in the 12
months prior to the survey.
New data confirm that the practice of child marriage has continued to decline around the world,
largely driven by the progress in Southern Asia; in this region, a girl’s risk of marrying in
childhood has declined by over 40 per cent since around 2000. Globally around 2017, about 21
per cent of women between 20 and 24 years were married or in a union before the age of 18.
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a human rights violation affecting girls and women
worldwide, but especially in communities where it persists as a social norm. On average, around
one in three girls aged 15 to 19 have been subjected to FGM in the 30 countries where the
practice is concentrated around 2017, compared to nearly one in two around 2000.
Based on data from about 90 countries, between 2000 and 2016, on an average day, women
spend about three times as many hours in unpaid domestic and care work as men, and
significantly more if they have children.
Globally, the percentage of women in single or lower houses of national parliament has
increased from 19 per cent in 2010 to around 23 per cent in 2018, with the lowest rate in Oceania
(excluding Australia and New Zealand) at 5.6 per cent, and the highest in Latin America and the
Caribbean at around 30 per cent.
In three quarters of the 79 countries with data available around 2016, less than 38 per cent of
senior and middle management positions are occupied by women, with the lowest rate in
Northern Africa and Western Asia and in Central and Southern Asia.
Women's and girls’ right to make key decisions over sexual relations, contraceptive use and
access to sexual and reproductive health services is key to their well-being. Based onlatest
available data for 47 countries from 2007 to 2016, just over half (53 percent) of women aged 15
to 49 years married or in union make their own informed decisions about these issues.
Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
10. Too many people still lack access to safely managed water and sanitation facilities. Water
scarcity, flooding, and lack of proper management of wastewater hinder social and economic
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development. Increasing water efficiency and improving water management are critical to
balancing the competing and growing water demands from various sectors and users.
In 2015, 5.2 billion people used safely managed drinking water services—an improved water
source located on premises, available when needed and free from contamination, which
represents 71 per cent of the global population. An additional 1.3 billion people (17 per cent of
the global population) used a basic drinking water source—an improved water source not more
than 30 minutes away. This means that 844 million people around the world still lack even a
basic level of service.
Based on estimates from 84 countries, in 2015, 39 per cent of the global population used safely
managed sanitation services—basic facilities that safely dispose of human waste. An additional
29 per cent of the global population used a basic sanitation service—an improved facility that is
not shared. In 2015, 2.3 billion people still lacked even a basic level of service and 892 million
people continued to practice open defecation, resulting from a decline from 20 per cent in 2000
to 12 per cent in 2015. In 2015, only 27 per cent of the population in LDCs had basic
handwashing facilities.
Untreated wastewater degrades water quality, posing risks to public health, contaminates
drinking water sources and limits opportunities for safe and productive reuse of water.
Preliminary estimates from household data of 79 mostly high and high middle-income countries
(excluding much of Africa and Asia) show that 59 per cent of all wastewater are safely treated,
76 per cent of flows are safely treated in households with a sewer connection, and 18 per cent of
flows are safely collected and treated for those with on-site facilities only.
In 22 countries (mostly in Northern Africa, Western Asia and Central and Southern Asia), water
stress—defined as the ratio of fresh water withdrawn to total renewable freshwater resources—is
above 70 percent, which indicates strong probability of future water scarcity. In 15 of these
countries, withdrawals totaled more than 100 per cent of the renewable freshwater resources in
the country.
In 2017/2018, 157 countries reported an average implementation of integrated water resources
management of 48 per cent.
Based on data from 62 out of 153 countries sharing transboundary waters, the average
percentage of national transboundary basins covered by an operational arrangement was 59 per
cent in 2017-2018 and only 17 countries reported that all their transboundary basins are covered.
ODA for the water sector was $9 billion in 2016. While disbursements between 2011 and 2016
have increased, as commitments fall, disbursements may also decrease in the future. Any
reduction in external aid is likely to hamper progress towards SDG6 as a 2017 survey found that
over 80 per cent of countries reported insufficient finances to attain national WASH targets.
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Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
11. Ensuring access to affordable, reliable and modern energy for all has come one step closer due to
recent progress in increased access to electricity, particularly in LDCs, and improvements in
industrial energy efficiency. However, national priorities and policy ambitions to deliver energy
for all continue to be needed, to put the world on track to meet the energy targets for 2030.
From 2000 to 2016, the proportion of the global population with access to electricity increased
from 78 per cent to 87 per cent, with the absolute number of people living without access to
electricity dipping to just below 1 billion.
Access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking has gradually improved to reach 59 per cent
globally in 2016, up 10 percentage points since 2000. Even with this progress, 3 billion people are
still cooking with polluting fuel and stove combinations. Key barriers to increased access include
high user costs for many of the cleaner cooking solutions, limited infrastructure, lack of consumer
awareness of clean cooking benefits, and limited financing for producers seeking to enter the clean
fuel and stove markets.
Renewable energy consumption increased to 17.5 per cent in 2015, up slightly from 17.3 per cent
in 2014 as the growth in renewables outpaced the growth in overall energy consumption. Most of
the increase came from bioenergy and the continued expansion of wind and solar, driven by
falling costs and policy support.
Reducing energy intensity (the ratio of energy used per unit of GDP) is crucial for offsetting
CO2 emissions and making energy more affordable. Global energy intensity decreased by 2.8
per cent in 2015 from 2014, double the rate of improvement seen between 1990 and 2010. To
reach the SDG target, global energy intensity needs to improve at an annual rate of 2.7 per cent
over the period 2016-2030, necessitating a significant ramp-up in global policy ambition to keep
the momentum.
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all
12. Although, globally, labour productivity has increased and the unemployment rate has decreased,
more progress is needed to increase employment opportunities especially for young people,
reduce informal employment and labour market inequalities (particularly in terms of the gender
pay gap), promote safe and secure working environments and improve access to financial
services to ensure sustained and inclusive economic growth.
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In 2016, globally real GDP per capita grew at 1.3 per cent, less than the average of 1.7 per cent
growth rate recorded in 2010-2016. For LDCs, the rate fell sharply from 5.7 per cent in 2005-
2009 to 2.3 per cent in 2010-2016.
Labour productivity at the global level, measured as output produced per employed person in
constant 2005 US dollars, grew by 2.1 per cent in 2017, the fastest growth registered since 2010.
This was driven by strong productivity gains in Oceania, Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, but
partially offset by modestly negative growth in Africa.
Workers in informal employment have higher exposure to pervasive decent work deficits and a
higher risks of being in working poverty. Globally, 61 per cent of workers were in informal
employment in 2016. Excluding the agricultural sector, 51 per cent of all workers were in
informal employment, with a higher prevalence registered among men (53 per cent) than women
(46 per cent).
A study of data from 45 countries shows that earnings inequalities are still pervasive: in 89 per
cent of these countries, men earn on average more than women per hour worked, with a median
gender pay gap of 12.5 per cent.
The global unemployment rate was 5.6 per cent in 2017, down from 6.4 per cent in 2000 with a
slower decline since 2009 when it hit 5.9 per cent. Youth are three times more likely to be
unemployed than adults, with the global youth unemployment rate at 13 per cent in 2017.
In half of the 74 countries with data available around 2016, over 17 per cent of young persons are
not in education, employment or training with no noticeable reduction in this share since the
financial and economic crisis.
Recent data from over 70 countries show that the prevalence of occupational accidents is still a
cause for concern around the world, with the median of fatal occupational injuries per 100,000
employees of 4 and the median of non-fatal occupational injuries per 100,000 employees of 911.
From 2010 to 2016, the number of Automated Teller Machines per 100,000 adults increased
from 39 to 59 worldwide. Asia reported the highest increase. In contrast, over the same period,
the number of commercial bank branches per 100,000 adults worldwide only hovered around
14.5, due in part to the expansion of nonbank financial intermediaries and the growth of digital
financial services.
Ownership of a financial account—whether through a financial institution such as a bank or a
mobile money provider—is a basic measure of access to financial services. In high-income
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countries, almost every adult has an account, against only 35 per cent of adults in low-income
countries. Women lag behind men on account ownership across all regions.
In 2016, aid for trade commitments decreased to $51 billion from $55.2 billion in 2015, but was
still more than double the baseline commitments of 2002-2005. The decline was highest in the
energy sector (falling by $2.4 billion), banking and financial services (falling by $1.3 billion) and
the agriculture sector (falling by $1 billion).
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization
and foster innovation
13. To achieve inclusive and sustainable industrialization, unleashing dynamic and competitive
economic forces are needed to generate employment and income, facilitate international trade
and enable efficient use of resources.
The global share of manufacturing value added in GDP increased from 15.2 per cent in 2005 to
16.3 per cent is 2017, driven by the fast growth of manufacturing in Asia and reflecting the
continuing recovery from the recession of recent years. Although the share of manufacturing in
GDP in LDCs continued to grow, reaching 12.3 per cent of GDP in 2017, the manufacturing
value added per capital in LDCs was only $109, about 1/40 the amount registered in Europe and
Northern America. The share of manufacturing in total employment has declined from 17.6 per
cent in 1991 to 13.2 per cent in 2016.
Globally, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions intensity decreased by 19 per cent in 2015 to 0.31 kg
CO2/USD from 0.38 kg CO2/USD in 2000. This trend was evident in manufacturing industries
as well, with global manufacturing intensity declining at an average annual rate of over 2 per
cent between 2010 and 2015.
Global investment in research and development has been growing at an annual average growth
rate of 4.5 per cent between 2000 and 2015, reaching $1.9 trillion (PPP) in 2015 or 1.7 per cent
of global GDP.
The number of researchers worldwide has been growing at an average annual rate of 3.7 per cent
between 2000 and 2015, meaning there are 1,151 researchers per one million inhabitants. This
value varies widely between regions, from a low of 96 per one million inhabitants in sub-Saharan
Africa to a high of 3,639 in Europe and Northern America.
Total official flows for economic infrastructure in developing countries reached $56 billion in
2016, a slight decrease from 2015 but an increase of 27 per cent in real terms since 2010. The
main recipient sectors continue to be transport and energy.
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An increase in the share of medium-high and high-tech industries in total manufacturing value
added (MVA) can indicate a country's capacity to introduce new technologies in other sectors as
well. In 2015, medium-high and high-tech sectors account for 44.7 per cent of MVA globally
and reached 34.6 per cent in developing economies, up from 21.5 per cent in 2005.
With the transition from 2G to 3G and higher-quality mobile networks, most mobile subscribers
worldwide now have access to higher-quality networks. By 2016, the proportion of population
covered by a 3G mobile broadband network stood at 61 per cent in the LDCs and 84 per cent
globally. If this trend continues, LDCs are on track to reach over 90 percent mobile broadband
coverage by 2020.
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
14. Efforts have been made in reducing income inequality for some countries, increasing zero-tariff
access for exports from LDCs and developing countries, and providing additional assistance to
LDCs and SIDS. However, these improvements will need to accelerate in order to reduce
growing disparities within and among countries.
For the income gap within countries to decrease, the incomes of those at the bottom of the
income distribution must grow more rapidly than those at the top. Between 2010 and 2016, in 60
of 94 countries with data, the incomes of the bottom 40 per cent of the population grew faster
than that of the entire population.
The voting share of developing countries in many international organizations remained largely
unchanged in 2017, as negotiations on governance reform are still ongoing. Some minor
increases in the voting share of developing countries were observed at the International
Monetary Fund (from 37.2 per cent in 2016 to 37.7 per cent in 2017) and the International Bank
for Reconstruction and Development (part of the World Bank Group) (from 37.9 per cent in
2016 to 38.8 per cent in 2017) as a part of previously agreed reforms.
In 2016, over 64.4 per cent of products exported by LDCs to the world and 64.1 per cent of those
from SIDS faced zero-tariffs, an increase of 20 per cent since 2010. For developing countries,
duty-free market access existed for about 50 per cent of all products exported in 2016.
In 2016, total receipts by developing countries from DAC donors, multilateral agencies and other
key providers were $315 billion, of which $158 billion were ODA. In 2016, total ODA to LDCs
and SIDS from all donors equaled $43.1 billion and $6.2 billion respectively. While ODA to
SIDS in 2016 registered an increase of 41 per cent in real terms from 2015, this was largely due
to debt relief for Cuba, which was the largest recipient ($2.7 billion).
Remittances represent an important source of income for many families in developing countries.
Among the $538 billion in total remittances recorded in 2016, $407 billion went to low- and
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middle-income countries. While the global average cost of sending money has gradually
decreased in recent years, it was estimated to be 7.2 per cent in 2017, more than double the target
transaction cost of 3 per cent.
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
15. With rapid urbanization, many cities are facing challenges in managing population growth,
ensuring there is adequate housing and resilient infrastructure to support these growing
populations, and addressing the environmental impacts of expanding cities and vulnerability to
Between 1990 and 2014, the proportion of the global urban population living in slums was
halved from 46 per cent to 23 per cent. However, with rapid migration to cities and
corresponding increases in the global urban population, the actual number of people living in
slums increased from 689 million to 881 million.
Globally, as cities are absorbing more inhabitants, they are also becoming less dense. The
average rate of physical expansion of cities is about one and a half times that of population
growth. The regions that are experiencing the most rapid urban expansion—Eastern and South-
eastern Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Southern Asia—are also recording the highest
ratios. Some of the forces driving this urban expansion include rising per capita incomes, cheaper
agricultural lands on the outskirts of cities, more efficient transport and the proliferation of
informal settlements.
Managing solid waste continues to be a challenge in many regions with significant and adverse
effects from uncollected waste in cities, including direct and indirect effects on the health of
residents and the environment. Notwithstanding the quality and efficiency of collection, based on
data collected for 213 cities/municipalities, 74 per cent of municipal solid waste is collected. The
collection of solid waste is a particular challenge in cities in sub-Saharan Africa, were less than
50 per cent of all municipal waste is collected.
In 2016, 91 per cent of the urban population still breathed air that did not meet the WHO’s Air
Quality Guidelines value for particulate matter (PM 2.5) and more than half was exposed to air
pollution levels at least 2.5 times above that safety standard.
Unplanned and rapid urbanization and poor land management, together with non-risk informed
policies and investments are major underlying risk drivers of disaster mortality. From 1990 to
2013, almost 90 per cent of mortality attributed to internationally reported disasters occurred in
low and middle-income countries, many of which have seen rapid urban expansion in recent
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Countries continue to make efforts to adopt and implement national and local disaster risk
reduction strategies that are in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
2015-2030. In 2017, among the 87 Member States that responded to the questionnaire, 50
reported that they have national disaster risk reduction strategies and 34 countries reported they
have local strategies. Moreover, in 2015, out of 95 countries, 84 reported investing in drainage
infrastructure in flood prone areas. Between 55 and 64 countries introduced a combination of
measures including urban and land use planning, building codes and other risk-informed
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
16. Decoupling economic growth from resource use has been challenging. Addressing this will
require policies creating conducive environments, social and physical infrastructures and
markets, as well as a profound transformation of business practices along global value chains.
In 2018, 71 countries plus the European Union have reported on their macro-policies, regulatory,
voluntary or economic instruments that supports the shift towards sustainable consumption and
production patterns. Considering other sources of information, a total of 109 countries have or
had national policies and initiatives relevant to sustainable consumption and production.
Domestic material consumption (DMC) gives an indication of materials used in production
processes within an economy. DMC per unit of GDP changed globally from 1.29 to 1.41 kg per
dollar of GDP from 2000 to 2015, indicating that more materials are required to produce a unit of
output. DMC in absolute terms is also growing globally, with consequences in terms of both
resource pressures and associated environmental impacts.
Parties to the international multilateral environmental agreements are required to transmit
information on the implementation of their obligations under the agreements. However, while the
Montreal Protocol has a 100 per cent compliance rate, followed by the Rotterdam Convention
(71 per cent), the Basel and Stockholm Convention are only at 57 and 51 per cent respectively.
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
17. The year 2017 was one of the three warmest years on record and was 1.1 degree Celsius above
pre-historical levels. WMO analysis shows that the 2013–2017 five-year average global
temperature is the highest on record. The world also continues to experience rising sea levels, the
mostly costly North Atlantic Hurricane season on record and increasing concentrations of
greenhouse gases, necessitating urgent and accelerated action by countries as they implement
their commitments for the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
Parties to the Paris Agreement are expected to prepare nationally determined contributions
(NDCs), which outline approaches and actions by countries to lower greenhouse gas emissions,
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enhance adaptation and build climate resilience. As of 9 April 2018, 175 Parties had ratified the
Paris Agreement and 168 Parties (167 countries plus the European Commission) had
communicated their first NDCs to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change Secretariat.
In addition, as of 9 April 2018, ten developing countries had successfully completed and
submitted the first iteration of their national adaptation plans (NAPs), advancing various
activities to formulate and implement NAPs in response to climate change.
Developed country Parties continue to make progress towards reaching the goal of jointly
mobilizing $100 billion annually by 2020, and are encouraged to continue their efforts to channel
a substantial share of public climate funds to adaptation activities and to strive to achieve a
greater balance between finance for mitigation and adaptation, recognizing the importance of
adaptation finance.
Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for
sustainable development
18. Ocean conservation and the sustainable use of oceans continue to require effective strategies and
management to combat the adverse effects of overfished stocks, increasing ocean acidification
and coastal eutrophication. In addition, increases in protected areas for marine biodiversity and
intensification of research capacity and ocean science funding remain critically important to
preserve marine resources.
Fishery resources are extremely vulnerable to environmental degradation, climate change and
overfishing. The fraction of world marine fish stocks that are within biologically sustainable
levels has declined from 90 per cent in 1974 to 69 per cent in 2013.
Marine protected areas are known mechanisms for ensuring the conservation of the ocean. As of
January 2018, 16 per cent (or over 22 million km2) of marine waters under national jurisdiction
(0 to 200 nautical miles from shore) were covered by protected areas, representing a more than
doubling in extent since 2010. Protection of marine Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) has also
increased, with mean coverage now reaching 44 per cent compared to 30 per cent in 2000.
Scientific knowledge and related research capacity are essential to underpin the sustainable
management of the ocean and its resources. A Global Ocean Science Report assessment analyzed
responses from 26 countries from all regions of the world for 2009–2013 and found that
government funding for ocean science only ranges from <0.04 per cent to 4 per cent of national
R&D funding.
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably
manage forests, combat deforestation and halt and reverse land degradation and
biodiversity loss
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19. While protecting areas in forest and terrestrial ecosystems is on the rise and forest loss has
slowed, other facets of terrestrial conservation continue to need accelerated efforts to protect
biodiversity, land productivity and species and genetic resources.
In 2015, forests covered about 4 billion hectares or 31 per cent of the world’s land area. The bulk
of the world’s forest is comprised
of natural forest (93 per cent), with the remaining 7 per cent
planted. Despite a decrease in forest area over the last decades, the rate of forest loss has been cut
by 25 per cent since the period 2000-2005. Most of the losses occur in sub-Saharan Africa,
South-Eastern Asia and Latin America, and are mainly attributed to the expansion of agricultural
activities. Promisingly, the proportion of protected forest area and forests under long-term
management plans are increasing.
The average proportion of important sites for biodiversity covered by protected areas continues
to increase. As of January 2018, the average proportion of each KBA for freshwater, terrestrial
and mountain biodiversity covered by protected areas was 44 per cent, 47 per cent and 48 per
cent, respectively.
About one fifth of the Earth’s land surface covered by vegetation showed persistent and
declining trends in productivity from 1998 to 2013. Up to 24 million km2 of land was affected,
including 19 per cent of cropland, 16 per cent of forest land, 19 per cent of grassland and 28 per
cent of rangeland. In some cases, advanced stages of land degradation are leading to
desertification in dryland areas, particularly in the grasslands and rangelands.
Globally, in 2017, 76 per cent of mountain areas were covered by a form of green vegetation
including forests, shrubs, grassland and cropland, which tends to be positively correlated to the
health of the mountains and their capacity to fulfill ecosystem roles.
Changes in species extinction risk are measured by the Red List Index, incorporating data for
more than 20,000 animal and plant species and indicating an increasing risk of extinction for
species as the index moves toward zero. Since 1993, the Red List Index has declined from 0.82
to 0.74 globally. The primary drivers of this biodiversity loss are habitat loss from unsustainable
agriculture, deforestation, unsustainable harvest and trade, and alien invasive species.
As part of the commitment by Members States to promote fair and equitable sharing of the
benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources, as of February 2018, 105 countries have
ratified the Nagoya Protocol (up from 96 countries in 2017) and 50 countries have shared
information on their access and benefit-sharing (ABS) frameworks. For the International Treaty
on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, there are now 144 Contracting Parties, and
22 countries have thus far provided information about their ABS measures.
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Illicit poaching and trafficking of wildlife continues to thwart conservation efforts, with nearly
7,000 species of animals and plants reported in illegal trade involving 120 countries. Strong
international and local action has recently been taken to curtail the illegal trade in certain species,
particularly ivory.
In response to ongoing biological invasions, national governments are increasingly committed to
preventing introductions of invasive alien species and managing existing invasions. Since 2010,
the percentage of countries that have enacted national legislation relevant to the prevention and
management of invasive alien species has increased by 19 per cent.
In 2016, bilateral ODA in support of biodiversity was $7 billion, a decrease of 21 per cent in real
terms over 2015.
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide
access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all
20. Many regions of the world suffer critically from armed conflict or other forms of violence that
occur within societies and at the domestic level. Advancements in promoting the rule of law and
access to justice are uneven. However, progress is being made in regulations to promote public
access to information, albeit slowly, and in strengthening institutions upholding human rights at
the national level.
Despite their detrimental and long-lasting impact, violent forms of discipline against children are
widespread. Nearly 8 in 10 children aged 1-14 years were subjected to some form of psychological
aggression and/or physical punishment at home on a regular basis in 81 countries (primarily
developing countries) with available data from 2005 to 2017.
More than 570 different trafficking in persons flows were detected between 2012 and 2014,
affecting all regions and many involving moving from lower to higher-income countries. In 2014,
the majority of detected victims of trafficking were women and girls (71 per cent) and about 28
per cent (20 per cent girls and 8 per cent boys) were children. In sub-Saharan Africa, 64 per cent
of detected victims were children. Over 90 per cent victims detected were trafficked for sexual
exploitation and forced labour.
Globally, the proportion of prisoners held in detention without being sentenced for a crime has
remained almost constant in the last decade (32 per cent in 2003-2005 to 31 per cent in 2014-
2016). Some progress has been made in parts of Asia and in sub-Saharan Africa.
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Globally, almost one out of five firms are exposed to a bribe request when dealing with
regulatory and utility transactions, with a regional variation from fewer than 10 per cent of firms
in North America and Latin America and the Caribbean to 28 per cent in Central Asia and
Southern Asia and in Eastern Asia and South-Eastern Asia.
Birth registration plays a primary role in ensuring individual rights and access to justice and social
services. Even if many regions have reached universal or near universal birth registration, globally
the average is just 73 per cent. Fewer than half (46 per cent) of all children under 5 in sub-Saharan
Africa have had their births registered.
At least 1019 human rights defenders, journalists and trade unionists have been killed in 61
countries across the world since 2015. This is equivalent to one person killed every day while
working to inform the public and build a world free from fear and want. Among these victims
were environmental defenders, indigenous peoples, community and labour leaders, minority
rights advocates, reporters and bloggers.
Freedom-of-information laws and policies have been adopted by 116 countries, with at least 25
countries adopting such laws over the past five years. Expert assessments, however, suggest that
implementation remains a challenge. Among the 109 countries with implementation data, only
76 countries had sufficient provisions for requesting procedures, including those relating to clear
and relatively simple procedures; clear and reasonable maximum timelines; and assistance
provided by public officials to requesters.
More than half of countries (116 of 197) had an National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) that
had been reviewed for compliance with internationally agreed standards (the Paris Principles) by
their peers since 1998. Only 75 out of these 116 countries have fully compliant NHRIs.
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for
Sustainable Development
21. Goal 17 seeks to strengthen global partnerships to support and achieve the ambitious targets of
the 2030 Agenda, bringing together national governments, international community, civil
society, the private sector, and other actors. Despite some advances in certain areas, more needs
to be done to accelerate progress. All stakeholders will have to intensify and focus their efforts
on the areas where progress has been slow.
Taxation is an important instrument in financing domestic development activities. However, the
regions most in need of resources still face challenges collecting taxes. The rate of taxation (ratio
of tax revenue to GDP) in the LDCs declined from the peak of 11.1 per cent in 2012 to 8.8 per
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cent in 2016. Countries in sub-Saharan Africa faced a similar trend: a decline from 14.9 per cent
in 2006 to 10.7 per cent in 2016.
In 2017, net ODA from member countries of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of
the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) totaled $146.6 billion, a
decrease of 0.6 per cent from 2016 level in real terms. ODA as a share of
gross national
income (GNI) remained low at 0.31 per cent. Only five DAC countries
Denmark, Luxembourg,
Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom
met or exceeded the United Nations benchmark for
ODA contributions of at least 0.7 per cent of GNI.
Remittances sent by international migrants to their home countries in the form of personal
transfers and compensation of employees have declined to $538 billion (0.72 per cent of global
GDP) in 2016 from $555 billion in 2015. Recent trend of stricter immigration policies in many
migrant-destination countries continue to constrain the flow of remittances.
Debt service as a proportion of exports of goods and services has been on the rise for five
consecutive years in LDCs: from a low of 3.5 per cent in 2011 to 8.6 per cent% in 2016. The
recent upward trend followed a decade-long decline in debt service from its height of 13.4% in
2001. The ability to sustainably service debts out of export earnings is crucial for countries most
in need of resources for development.
Information and communications technology
Despite the worldwide increase in fixed-broadband subscriptions, access to high-speed
connections remains largely unavailable in the developing countries. In 2016, high-speed fixed-
broadband penetration reached 6 per cent of the population in developing countries, compared to
24 per cent in developed countries. Limitations in the capacity and speed of fixed-broadband
connections will affect the quality and functionality of this development tool, and widen the
already existing inequalities.
Total ODA for capacity-building and national planning amounted to $20.4 billion in 2016 and
represented 18 per cent of total aid allocable by sector, a proportion that has been stable since
2010. Of the total, Latin America and the Caribbean received $5.1 billion, sub-Saharan Africa
received $4.6 billion and Southern Asia received $3.8 billion. The three main sectors assisted
were public administration, environment and energy, which received a total of $10.2 billion.
The latest available data show that tariffs applied under preferential trade agreements, which
include bilateral and regional free trade agreements, has been declining over time. In 2016, the
trade-weighted average preferential tariff rate applied to imports from LDCs was 7.9 per cent, a
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two-percentage points drop from the 2005 level. For developing regions, the average preferential
tariff rate dropped by 1.2 percentage points during the same period.
The stagnation in global trade since 2011 has been followed and accompanied by a break in the
expansion of developing regions' and LDC's world market shares. The developing regions' share
in world merchandise exports declined for two consecutive years: from 45.4 per cent in 2014 to
44.2 per cent in 2016, a sharp contrast to an average annual 1.2 percentage point increase
between 2001 and 2012. For LDCs, the share of world merchandise exports decreased from 1.1
per cent to 0.9 per cent between 2013 and 2016, compared to the rise from 0.6 per cent to 1.1 per
cent between 2000 and 2013.
Systemic issues
Development partners should align their support with governments' national development
strategies and results frameworks, particularly in fragile countries
in respect of countries’ own
policy space and path towards sustainable development. In 2016, 82 per cent of new development
projects had objectives aligned with national priorities. However, more than half of the projects
relied on parallel systems and data to monitor progress and development results, instead of
integrating these efforts as part of national statistical and monitoring systems.
In 2016, 81 developing countries undertook national exercises to monitor development
effectiveness, demonstrating their commitment to strengthening the means for SDG
implementation and the quality of multi-stakeholder partnerships. Half of the countries showing
overall progress are fragile states and SIDS.
Data, monitoring and accountability
In 2017, 102 countries or areas were implementing national statistical plans. Sub-Saharan Africa
remains at the lead of implementation with 31 countries implementing such plans, however only
3 of them were fully funded.
In 2015, developing countries received $541 million in financial support from multilateral and
bilateral donors for all areas of statistics. This amount accounts for only 0.3 per cent of total
ODA, short of what is needed to ensure that countries in developing regions are better equipped
to implement and monitor their development agenda.
Population and housing censuses are a primary source of disaggregated data needed to formulate,
implement and monitor development policies and programmes. During the 10-year span from
2008 to 2017, 89 per cent of countries or areas around the world conducted at least one
population and housing census.
The coverage of birth and death registration and completeness of vital statistics remain a
challenge, even among countries with functioning civil registration systems. Over the period of
2012-2016, 143 countries have birth registration data that are at least 90 per cent complete and
148 countries have death registration data that are at least 75 per cent complete. In sub-Saharan
Africa, only 8 out of 53 countries have birth registration data that are at least 90 per cent
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complete, and only 9 out of 53 countries have death registration data that are at least 75 per cent