Transport-, Bygnings- og Boligudvalget 2017-18
TRU Alm.del
Operation with two ferry companies in
the port of Odden
Time and safety study of fast ferry movements in and around the
port of Odden
Final report
FORCE Technology nr. 112-32072
Version 1.3
Source: Google earth
TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology
Project No. and Title of Report:
FORCE Technology no. 112-32072
Operation with two ferry companies in the Odden Ferry port
Time and safety study of fast ferries’ movements in and around the Odden Ferry port.
Final report, version 1.3
Sund & Bælt A/S
Client's Ref.:
Mrs. Tine Kirk Pedersen
Mr. Søren Vikkelsø
March 2013
Naval Architect, M.Sc. Jens Bay and
Master Mariner Erik Attrup
Approved by:
Draft revised
Draft revised
Sailing plans, manoeuvring safety, two fast ferries operation
TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
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Appendix A: Photos from the port
Appendix B: On-site inspection
Appendix C: Drawings of port layout
Appendix D: Danish sea chart no. 128
Appendix E: Ship “Dolphin Jet”
FORCE 112-32037
Sund & Bælt
TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
This report contains the description of the work carried out by “FORCE Technology, Division for Maritime
Industry”, (DMI), Lyngby, Denmark according to “Sund & Bælt A/S’s” wish to have an independent
investigation of the viability of having two fast ferry operators in the Odden Ferry port.
FORCE DMI was contacted via e-mail by Marketing Director Søren Vikkelsø, Sund & Bælt A/S on
September 25th, 2012.
The Odden Ferry port is owned by Sund & Bælt, and Sund & Bælt is as such responsible for the port. At
present, the Mols-Linien A/S is the sole operator of the port. Some of the land installations, e.g. the
ramps etc. at berth A, are owned by Mols-Linien.
The Kattegatruten A/S is interested in operating a fast ferry between Odden and Aarhus. They have
applied to Sund & Bælt for permission to do so. This is the background of this study.
FORCE Technology was asked to undertake a desk study of safety issues in connection with two ferry
companies operating in the port based on existing sailing plans for Mols-Linien and a proposed sailing
plan for Kattegatruten.
The study was undertaken from 1
to 29
October 2012 by FORCE Technology, and the following
persons participated:
Project Manager Jens Bay, FORCE Technology
Captain Erik Attrup, FORCE Technology
Captain Arne F. Mejer, FORCE Technology
The desk study included considerations of manoeuvring safety with two fast ferries as well as an on-site
inspection of the port, a time study of manoeuvring times of Mols-Linien’s two different fast ferries and a
sailing with the fast ferry “Katexpress 1” from Odden Ferry port to Ebeltoft and back.
This final version contains comments and corrections etc. based on input from Kattegatruten A/S and
Mols Linien in connection with the following meetings:
Meeting with Kattegatruten A/S November 21
, 2012
Meeting with Mols-Linien A/S January 29
, 2013
Purpose of the study
The purpose of the study was to:
Investigate if it is safe to let the Kattegatruten fast ferry approach the port when the Mols-Linien
ferries are not using the port.
Investigate if it is possible in terms of safety to have one ferry moored while another is
manoeuvring in the port.
112-32037 JCB/EAT
Sund & Bælt
TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Definition of Safety
A satisfactory safety margin is defined as the situation where the tested berth and the environmental
conditions provide sufficient under-keel clearance to avoid grounding, sufficient distance to shallow water
areas and structures or moored vessels, and the ability to correct minor manoeuvring mistakes without
compromising safety.
Definition of Under Keel Clearance
Under-keel clearance (UKC) is the distance between the seabed and the keel of the ship. It is dependent
on the squat, heave, pitch and roll of the ship.
Definition of Operational Limits
Operational limits are defined as the environmental limits under which a vessel under its own power can
be manoeuvred such that all available controls would at no stage be required to their full extent over a
prolonged period of time. In other words, there should at all times be sufficient controlling options left to
cope with unforeseen situations or to correct errors of judgement.
Definition of Standard Operating Procedures
A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a document that describes the regularly recurring operations
relevant to the quality of the task. The purpose of a SOP is to undertake operations correctly and in a
consistent manner within agreed limits. A SOP should be readily available at the workplace.
Definition of arrival
A ship has arrived when it is alongside the berth, and the mooring lines/system has been made fast. The
ship ramp does not necessarily need to be in contact with the shore ramp.
Definition of departure
A ship initiates its departure when the ship ramp is clear of any land installations, and the mooring
lines/system is away.
112-32037 JCB/EAT
Sund & Bælt
TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Basis of the study
This section describes the basis and assumptions of the study.
Prior to commencement of this study, a number of basic documents were received from Sund & Bælt.
Also information from the two ferry operators’ web sites has been used as well as Danish sea charts of
the area.
The documents received from Sund & Bælt include (see Appendices C and D):
Port layout with water depth survey
Drawing of the onshore port layout
Port drawing showing Mols-Linien’s 112 m Incat ferry at berths B and C
General arrangement of Kattegatruten’s Ferry “Dolphin Jet”
Main particulars of the “Dolphin Jet”
Letter from Delacour Dania dated 14 August 2012
Letter from Kattegatruten A/S dated 18 September 2012
Letter from Kattegatruten A/S: “Anløbemuligheder Kattegat-rutens Dolphin Jet Odden
Proposed sailing plan of ”Dolphin Jet”
Time tabels by Sund & Bælt: “Oversigt over Mols-Liniens anvendelse af Odden havn I efteråret
2012, samt Kattegatrutens ansøgte tidspunkter”
From Mols-Linien’s webpage:
Sailing plans for the fall season 2012
From Kattegatruten’s webpage:
General information
Danish sea charts:
No. 128: Samsø Bælt
No 112: Århus Bugt
112-32037 JCB/EAT
Sund & Bælt
TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Port layout
The terminal layout of Mols-Linien’s berths B and C is shown below.
Figure 2.1 Port plan with two 112 m Incat fast ferries berthed at B and C position. For berth positions see
above and figure 4.1
Berth C has been equipped with an aft ramp system that has been functional since December 2012. See
Appendix C.
112-32037 JCB/EAT
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TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Present operation
At present, Mols-Linien is the sole operator of the port. They have two fast ferry berths in operation
(berths A and B, see figure 4.1 for berth position). A third berth C similar to berth B is ready for
operation. An aft ramp system has been operational December 2012. The port has a 4th potential berth
area on the east side called berth D in this report. This potential berth is not developed at this point.
A bunker boat calls at the port regularly and uses berth C for unloading fuel.
The present sailing plan for the port is (source:
Figure 3.1 Mols-Linien’s time schedule for operation in Odden port
during 22
October to 11
November 2012
The ferries from Aarhus arrive at minute 10 and leave at minute 30. Ferries from Ebeltoft arrive at minute
55 and leave at minute 30. According to info on the webpage, the travel time between Odden and Aarhus
is about 70 minutes and between Odden and Ebeltoft 55 minutes.
112-32037 JCB/EAT
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TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Present manoeuvring situation
The ship manoeuvres of the existing Mols-Linien ferries are described in this section.
The fast ferries Mai and Mie Mols: Are at the moment laid up
When they are in operation, the arriving ferries always sail “straight in” as the ferry has a side ramp in
the stern as well as a bow ramp. The ferry leaves the port by going astern passing the breakwaters and
a few 100 m further south before swinging about 90 degrees to a westerly course.
In rough weather the ferries leave the berth going astern, and abeam of the centre pier head (B/C) they
start to turn inside the basin and leave (bow first) on a southerly course.
The fast ferry Max Mols and Katexpress1
Arriving ferries enter the port, swing about 180 degrees and berth astern to berth B. The departing
ferries leave “straight out”. See pictures in Appendix A.
Manoeuvring times have been recorded to about 4 to 8 minutes for the arriving ferries and about 3 to 4
minutes for the departing ferries. For details, see Appendix B.
Two considerations have to be dealt with:
1) According to environment regulations Max Mols (the fastest) have to reduce like KatExpress1 on
all arrivals from Ebeltoft. This means prolonged approach- and manoeuvring time.
2) Above manoeuvring times are for good weather situations. Manoeuvring time in wind speed
above 12 m/s will normally be longer – op to 10 minutes for both arrival and departure
situations. In winds exceeding 12-14 m/s the KatExpress1 will turn outside the port and reverse
into the basin turning the aft end up towards the wind and slowly traverse to get contact with
the pier head (B/C). From this point, the ship will be pivoted in towards the loading berth, either
B or C, wind permitting. On departure the ship leaves the berth – pivots around the pier head
and reverses out of the port and turns outside to a westerly course.
Future operation
Mols-Linien has informed that they intend to extend their summer schedule in 2013 to hourly operation
from Aarhus and Odden. It is assumed that the schedule in terms of minutes will be the same as in figure
According to time schedules, the ferries will arrive from Aarhus in minute 10 and ferries from Ebeltoft in
minute 55, and ferries leave Odden in minute 30.
Delays can be expected in case of heavy winds and/or depending on the number of vehicles being
unloaded and loaded.
In case of a second operator in the port, FORCE Technology suggests that a safety zone should be
From May 1
, 2013 the Mols-Linien plans to use the sailing schedule shown in table 3.2 below.
112-32037 JCB/EAT
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TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Mols-Linien sailing schedule after May 1st, 2013
Dep. Aarhus
Dep. Ebeltoft
Arrive Odden
Time in port
Table 3.2. Planned sailing schedule from May 1
, 2013. The times indicated are for god weather
conditions (below 12 m/s).
It should be noted that Kattegatruten will likely, like Mols-Linien, have environmental issues regarding the
approach speed the port. The approach speed from the cardinal buoy will likely be maximum 14 knots
which means a more time consuming arrival than with no speed limits.
The distance from the cardinal buoy to the port entrance (inclusive the turn) is about 0.8 nm.
With a speed profile as shown in table 3.2 the time it takes from the cardinal buoy to passage of the port
entrance is 4 min. and 12 sec. This fits well with the on-site recordings (see table 3.3 in appendix B).
Leg #
Cardinal buoy, start of leg
Turn, start of leg
Port entrance, end of leg
Table 3.3 Speed profile of arriving fast ferry
112-32037 JCB/EAT
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TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Operation safety zone
With two operators or two ferries operating in and in the vicinity of the port of Odden, it is considered
necessary to establish a safety zone where only one fast ferry or other ferries can sail/manoeuvre at a
time. The purpose of this is to avoid or minimize the risk of a collision between two ferries. A suggestion
to a safety zone is shown in the figure below.
Figure 3.2 A proposed (by FORCE Technology) safety zone where only one ferry may operate at a time.
The proposed safety zone is based on the following assumptions:
1. The north boundary is established to avoid ferries entering the port from north. This is not
considered likely as the leading line suggests an approach from the south, and the cardinal buoy
marks a patch of shallow water of 4.9 m close to the north boundary.
2. The east boundary follows longitude 11° 18’ 200 E. It is established to avoid ferries entering from
the east.
3. The south boundary is established in such a way that it gives a departing or arriving ferry room
to leave or to line up in a smooth turn. The line follows latitude 55° 57’ 850 N.
4. The west boundary is a vertical line through the cardinal buoy west of the port. This has been
chosen because it is a conspicuous indication, and its distance of about 0.65 nm west of the port
entrance corresponds to about the distance a departing ferry travels in 3 to 4 minutes and similar
for an arriving ferry. This is considered to be a safe time/distance separation between to ferries.
Apart from the safety zone described above, the entire port area is also included in the safety zone.
An outbound ferry should leave the safety zone on a WNW route when crossing the westerly boundary.
An inbound ferry should enter from a more southerly route and can enter the safety zone by crossing the
western or the southern boundary.
The suggested safety zone should be discussed and agreed upon with the Danish Maritime Authority, the
port authority and the ferry operators.
112-32037 JCB/EAT
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FORCE Technology, DMI
Possible second operator
Kattegatruten wishes to operate between Aarhus and Odden with the fast ferry “Dolphin Jet” according
to the following suggested schedule.
Figure 3.3 Kattegatsruten’s proposed time schedule.
The intention of this proposed schedule is to ensure that only one ferry occupies the port at a time.
Comparing the minutes for the Mols-Linien operation with the above schedule results in the following
usage of the port in some hours of the day, e.g. between 07:00 and 8:00:
112-32037 JCB/EAT
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TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Figure 3.4 Mols-Linien’s (red) and Kattegatruten’s (green) proposed usage of Odden Ferry port.
Note: Kattegatruten does not intend to operate in those hours of the day when a ferry is arriving from
Ebeltoft in minute 55.
If it is assumed that the ferries arrive and depart at the scheduled times, it can be seen from the
illustration above that the consequence of the port usage would leave 5 minutes’ manoeuvring time
between the two operators from minute 05 to 10 and minute 30 to 35.
Time slot 05 to 10
During the 5-minute time period from 05 to 10, the Kattegatruten ferry will have to leave the berth and
most likely go astern out of the port at a sufficient safety distance to let the Mols-Linien ferry enter the
port. The Mols-Linien ferry will have to turn around in the port and berth astern.
It is estimated that the astern manoeuvre of the Kattegatruten ferry out of the safety area (see section
3.2) lasts about 3 to 5 minutes. The ferry is assumed to go astern all the way out of the southern safety
zone boundary.
The Mols-Linien ferry manoeuvre has been recorded (see Appendix B, table 2) to take:
From the cardinal buoy to berth: About 8 to 12 minutes
From the port entrance to berth: About 4 to 6 minutes
The result is that the total time for both manoeuvres is about 11 to 17 minutes based on the assumption
that there is only one ferry in the safety zone at a time.
If the safety zone is reduced in size corresponding to a distance of e.g. one minute sailing time from the
port entrance the total manoeuvring time for the manoeuvres would be 7 (4+1+2) to 11 (6+1+4)
minutes, as it is assumed that the astern manoeuvre for the Kattegatruten ferry could be reduced to
about 2 to 4 minutes.
112-32037 JCB/EAT
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TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Time slot 30 to 35
During minutes 30 to 35, the Mols-Linien ferry will depart the port “straight out”, and the Kattegatruten
ferry will arrive “straight in”.
It is estimated that the “straight in” manoeuvre of the Kattegatruten ferry from the cardinal buoy to the
berth is about 6 to 8 minutes and from the port entrance to the berth about 3 to 5 minutes
The Mols-Linien ferry manoeuvre has been recorded (see Appendix B, table 2) to take:
From the berth to the port entrance: About 1 to 2.5 minutes
From the berth to the cardinal buoy: About 3 to 6 minutes
The result is that the total time for both manoeuvres is about 9 to 14 minutes. The basis of this is that there
is only one ferry in the safety zone at a time. The time could be reduced by about 1 minute if the arriving
ferry approaches from the southern boundary. See figure below.
Figure 3.5 Example of two different arrival approaches to the safety zone.
If the safety zone is reduced in size corresponding to a distance of e.g. one minute sailing time from the
port entrance the total manoeuvring time for the manoeuvres would be 6 (1+1+4) to 9.5 (2.5+1+6)
minutes, as it is assumed that the astern manoeuvre for the Kattegatruten ferry could be reduced to
about 2 to 4 minutes.
112-32037 JCB/EAT
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TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Operation with two operators
The application from Kattegatruten contains among other the following considerations:
There is a potential for four fast ferry berths as indicated with the rectangular boxes in the figure below.
The Mols-Linien ferries (green) berth with the stern to the ramp and the Kattegatruten (red) with the bow
to the ramp.
Figure 4.1 Berth concept and possible distribution between operators. Green boxes indicate Mols-Linien
ferry berths (B and C), and red boxes indicate possible future Kattegatruten’s ferry berths (A and D).
The potential berth D (east side of port) has not been developed at this point.
According to information from Sund & Bælt, it is Mols-Linien’s intention to use berths B and C for their daily
operation and only use berth A as a back-up for the smaller ferries Mai and Mie Mols.
112-32037 JCB/EAT
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TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Two ferries in port simultaneously
In this section, it is discussed if it is possible to have one ferry moored at one of the berths while another
ferry enters or departs the port.
16 different cases are being discussed seen from a manoeuvring point of view with the following
Safe distance between the ferries
Safety during manoeuvre
Berth availability
Wake wash from the water jets
The table below gives an overview of the 16 cases. Each case is described in detail later in this section.
Legend to the two following table:
ML-FF1 = Mols-Linien fast ferry, no 1 is Max Mols and Katexpress 1
ML-FF2 = Mols-Linien fast ferry, no 2 is Mie Mols and Mai Mols
OO-FF = Other operator fast ferry
ML = Mols-Linien
Wake wash is the slipstream generated by the water jets. This can be very powerful.
Initial safety evaluation = preliminary evaluation based on a desk study and by applying common sense.
112-32037 JCB/EAT
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TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Table 4.1: Cases 1 to 6
112-32037 JCB/EAT
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FORCE Technology, DMI
Table 4.2: Cases 7 to 12
112-32037 JCB/EAT
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TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Table 4.3: Cases 13 to 16
The result of the cases studied in tables 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 is that the most promising solutions are case 3,
4, 7, 8, 11 and 12 where a new operator uses either berth A or berth D which is not developed at this
point of time.
It should be noted that case 9 through 14 will likely not be relevant on a long term basis as the ferries
Mai and Mie Mols are expected to be phased out over the coming year(s).
On the following pages all 16 cases are explained in details. Note: All case drawings are aligned north up!
112-32037 JCB/EAT
Sund & Bælt
TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Cases 1 and 2:
This combination where berths A and B are used should be avoided as it is considered that the ferries are
too close to each other when the arriving ferry passes the moored ferry at berth B, this is especially critical
in strong westerly winds. In case 2, the wake wash from the water jets from the astern berthing ferry could
interfere with the moored ferry at berth A, this is especially critical in strong westerly winds. It should be
noted that Mols Line has operated 2 ferries according to case 1, but with smaller ferries.
Figure 4.2: Case 1
Figure 4.3: Case 2
At present, there is a practical problem with using berth A as Mols-Linien has a 10-year contract on the use
of this berth.
Cases 3 and 4:
This combination where berths A and C are used gives a good separation between the ferries. The wake
wash from the manoeuvring ferry would most likely have little or no effect on the moored ferry. Seen from
a manoeuvring and initial safety viewpoint, this combination does not create any major concerns. The
safety level is initially evaluated to be acceptable.
Figure 4.4: Case 3
Figure 4.5: Case 4
At present there is a practical problem with using berth A as Mols-Linien owns ramp systems etc. installed
in the berth. Also the existing ramp system needs to be rebuilt to fit the “Dolphin Jet”.
112-32037 JCB/EAT
Sund & Bælt
TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Cases 5 and 6:
This combination where berths C and D are used should be avoided in general and especially in easterly
winds exceeding 12 m/s as it is considered that the ferries are too close to each other when the arriving
ferry (case 5) passes the moored ferry at berth C. The concern in easterly winds above 12 m/s is the risk
that the arriving ferry at berth D could drift into the berthed ferry at berth B. As the arriving ferry (case 6)
at berth C turns around, it is likely that the stern of the ferry gets too close to the moored ferry. In case 6,
the wake wash from the water jets from the astern berthing ferry is likely to interfere with the moored ferry
at berth D. Mols-Linien uses berth C in case of easterly winds in excess of 12 m/s.
Figure 4.6: Case 5
Figure 4.7: Case 6
At present there is a practical problem with using berth D as this has not been developed.
Cases 7 and 8:
This combination where berths B and D are used gives a good separation between the ferries. The wake
wash from the manoeuvring ferry would most likely have little or no effect on the moored ferry. Seen from
a manoeuvring and initial safety viewpoint, this combination does not create any major concerns. The
safety level is initially evaluated to be acceptable. For case 8 however, there is a concern that the turning
inbound ferry could get close to the stern of the moored ferry especially in strong westerly winds (above 12
Figure 4.8: Case 7
Figure 4.9: Case 8
At present there is a practical problem with using berth D as this has not been developed.
112-32037 JCB/EAT
Sund & Bælt
TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Cases 9 and 10:
This combination where berths A and B are used should be avoided as it is considered that the ferries are
too close to each other when the departing ferry (case 10) passes the moored ferry at berth B. The wake
wash from the water jets from the departing ferry could interfere with the moored ferry at berth B in case
10. Case 9 is considered medium safe with no real navigational concerns. Case 10 should be avoided.
Figure 4.10: Case 9
Figure 4.11: Case 10
There is a practical problem with using berth B as Mols-Linien has a 10-year contract on the use of this
Cases 11 and 12:
This combination where berths A and C are used gives a good separation between the ferries. The wake
wash from the manoeuvring ferry would most likely have little or no effect on the moored ferry. Seen from
a manoeuvring and initial safety viewpoint, this combination does not create any major concerns. The
safety level is initially evaluated to be acceptable. However, for case 12 there could be a concern in strong
winds (in excess of 12 m/s) as the departing ferry turns inside the port and could therefore get close to the
moored ferry at berth C and the wake wash could affect the moored ferry.
Figure 4.12: Case 11
Figure 4.13: Case 12
At present there is a practical problem with using berth C as Mols-Linien has a 10-year contract on the use
of this berth; also Mols-Linien’s use of berth A is only relevant when sailing with Mai and Mie Mols. These
ferries are expected to be phased out in future.
112-32037 JCB/EAT
Sund & Bælt
TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Cases 13 and 14:
This combination where berths A and D are used gives a good separation between the ferries. The wake
wash from the manoeuvring ferry would most likely have little or no effect on the moored ferry. Seen from
a manoeuvring and initial safety viewpoint, this combination does not create any major concerns. The
safety level is initially evaluated to be acceptable. However, for case 14 there could be a concern in strong
winds (in excess of 12 m/s) as the departing ferry turns inside the port and could therefore get close to the
moored ferry at berth D and the wake wash could affect the moored ferry.
Figure 4.14: Case 13
Figure 4.15: Case 14
At present there is a practical problem with using berth D as this has not been developed. Also Mols-Linien’s
use of berth A is only relevant when sailing with Mai and Mie Mols. These ferries are expected to be phased
out in future.
Cases 15 and 16:
This combination where berths B and C are used gives a satisfactory separation between the ferries. The
wake wash from the manoeuvring ferry would most likely have little or no effect on the moored ferry. Seen
from a manoeuvring and initial safety viewpoint, case 15 does not create any major concerns. The safety
level is initially evaluated to be acceptable.
Figure 4.16: Case 15
Figure 4.17: Case 16
112-32037 JCB/EAT
Sund & Bælt
TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
For case 16 it is a concern that in strong easterly (NE to SE) wind the M-L ferry has to position the bow on
the end of the dolphin to get a mooring ashore to avoid drifting away from berth B when swinging around.
In that case the bow of the M-L ferry could get close to the stern of the moored ferry at berth C.
In the strong easterly winds the M-L ferry most likely will use berth C by swinging to port and going astern
with the starboard side alongside.
At present there is a practical problem with Kattegatruten using berth C as Mols-Linien has a 10-year
contract on the use of this berth.
Operation with two ferries
The possible operation with two ferries in the port as described above results in a different time schedule
for Kattegatruten than suggested in section 3.4. The time schedule has to take into consideration:
A reasonable time separation between an arriving and a departing ferry (e.g. 2 minutes).
An arriving ferry should arrive at least a few minutes before scheduled departure time for a
departing ferry.
A departing ferry should wait for an arriving ferry to be securely moored.
Arrival and departure delays from either operator.
The work included in this report does not suggest a time schedule for a second operator. However, it is
predicted that a set of port rules or regulations has to be made to deal with the day to day operation
situations of delays. E.g. if an arriving ferry is more than x minutes delayed, it has to wait for the departing
ferry to leave the safety zone.
In case of strong winds in which e.g. Kattegatruten has to cancel operations, this is not considered to have
any negative influence on the operation of the Mols-Linien ferries. However, adverse weather with strong
winds always makes manoeuvres more time consuming, difficult and risky.
112-32037 JCB/EAT
Sund & Bælt
TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
Safety considerations
This section describes some safety aspects and outlines likely hazards and how to address them.
Hazard identification
The hazard identification is based on FORCE Technology’s experience and also a specific “brain storming”
among the FORCE Technology personnel that has contributed to this report.
Hazard 1:
An arrived ferry should be moored before a departing ferry casts off. This is essential
to the basic safety. If a crew is in a hurry because of a delay, there is a potential danger that this
rule is not fulfilled at all times.
Hazard 2:
Unpredictable weather situations can occur, and this could take the master on e.g. an
arriving ferry by surprise with the risk of losing control or getting too close to another berth or a
moored ferry.
Hazard 3:
The wake wash from the water jets can be significant, especially in weather with
strong winds. It could set the whole or larger part of the water body in the port in movement and
create additional forces and movements of a moored ferry loading or un-loading with the result
of damage to the ferry, ramp and land installations.
Hazard 4:
Technical problems with the machinery or the jets on the arriving or departing ferry.
This could increase the risk of losing control of the ferry or result in a need for larger (than
normal) manoeuvring space. The moving ferry could come closer to a berthed ferry than
normally with the risk of a collision.
Hazard 5:
Poor communication such as misunderstandings or unclear communication between
ferries and/or the port master.
During the hearing process the following hazard were suggested:
Hazard 6:
Even with predicted wind/gales/storms where full control with the ferry is maintained
there will be no room for other ship/ferries in the port.
Mols-Linien has often asked a fuel tanker to leave berth C for safe arrival to berth B.
As there is no practical experience with a ship berthed on a possible future berth D, hazard 6 needs to be
112-32037 JCB/EAT
Sund & Bælt
TRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 401: MFU spm. om ministeren vil oversende den sikkerhedsrapport fra Force Technology, der er omtalt i Styregruppen for Daglig Sejlads Ebeltoft-Odden og returs henvendelse, jf. TRU alm. del – bilag 77, til transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
FORCE Technology, DMI
The conclusions presented in this section are based on the facts presented in this report as well as
discussions between the FORCE Technology personnel involved in the study.
1. The time schedule suggested by Kattegatruten is not viable as outlined. Even if they could reduce
the ferries’ port time to 20 minutes, it is still considered unrealistic that the manoeuvres for two
ferries can be executed on average in 10 minutes. Also by experience, it often happens that the
planned ferry schedule is not followed due to weather or due to the amount of vehicles loaded
and unloaded.
2. It is likely that it is viable to have one ferry moored while another is arriving or departing, but
this can only be done if there is an acceptable safety distance between the moored and the
moving ferry.
The cases in section 4.1 indicate that numbers 3, 4, 7 and 8 are the most viable combinations for
a second operator to make use of a new developed berth D at the east side of the port.
However, there could be concern for case 8 in strong winds (in excess of 12 m/s).
3. The most realistic possibility for a second operator is to use case 7 and 8 for westerly winds and
case 3 and 4 for easterly winds. This requires a development of Berth D and that Mols-linien
vacate berth A.
4. A set of operating rules and regulations concerning use of the port needs to be developed to
solve practical problems that e.g. would occur if the planned arrival or departure of a ferry is
5. The size, shape and use of the suggested safety zones have to be developed further and be
discussed with the Maritime authorities, port authority and the ferry operators.
The recommendations are based on FORCE Technology’s extensive experience with fast ferry operations
and on the specific situations, observations and considerations described in this report.
1. Standard operation procedures (SOP) should be developed together with or as part of a set of
port regulations. A port master might be needed to administer these regulations and also be
responsible for communication with all ferries entering and leaving the port, if the ferry operators
cannot demonstrate safe conduct of operations in the port and in the safety zone
2. In order to establish the actual safety margins and other considerations, it is recommended to
perform full-mission marine simulation tests of the most relevant combinations of berth usage.
See section 4.1.
112-32037 JCB/EAT
Sund & Bælt