Folketingets Miljø- og Fødevareudvalg
1240 København K
Den 27. februar 2018
Miljø- og fødevareministerens besvarelse af spørgsmål nr. 435 (MOF alm. del) stillet 14.02.2018 efter
ønske fra Trine Torp (SF).
Spørgsmål nr. 435
"Vil ministeren oversende en kommenteret liste over udestående, danske reservationer, jf. udkast til
dagsorden for HELCOM-mødet før ministermødet, den 5. marts 2018
2%20Annotations%20to%20the%20Provisional%20Agenda.pdf), hvor det bl.a. fremgår, at ”HOD 53-
2017 discussed the principles of reallocation of extra reduction to assess the progress towards national
reduction targets for nutrients and pointed out that the methodology of reallocation of extra reduction
has been already agreed by HOD 49-2016 and that the only disagreement on the principle 8
is still preventing its application for the assessment results. HOD 53-2017 took note of the suggestion
by Germany regarding a compromise version for the text of the principle 8 and invited Germany and
Denmark to consider and agree on the principle 8 in the format of intersessional consultations and
continue discussion at HELCOM 39-2018 with an intention to come to an agreement on the use of the
extra reduction for the assessment. The Meeting is invited to consider and agree on the principles
based on the outcome of intersessional consultations. The Meeting is invited to agree on the draft
policy messages on assessment of progress towards national nutrient input targets taking into account
a decision on the principles as described above. HOD 53-2017 regretted that no progress has been
achieved on the draft HELCOM Recommendation on biotopes, habitats and biotope complexes and
noted that all Contracting Parties with the exception of Denmark can endorse the Recommendation as
it stands. Denmark informed the meeting that their position remains the same and noted that the
matter is tabled at STATE&CONSERVATION 8-201”?
Af dagsorden til kommissionsmødet den 5. marts 2018 fremgår det, at Danmark har
undersøgelsesforbehold for HELCOM anbefaling 19/10 "
“Application by the Baltic Sea States of
guidelines for holding tanks/oily water separating or filtering equipment for ships of less than 400
tons gross tonnage”,
forbehold for allokeringsprincip 8 samt for udkast til HELCOM anbefaling "on
biotopes, habitats and biotope complexes".
Eftersom ministererklæringen endnu ikke er forhandlet
færdig, fremgår det ligeledes, at alle landene har et generelt undersøgelsesforbehold for denne.
Nedenfor begrundes de enkelte forbehold.
Danmark har for nuværende ikke udeståender i forhold til teksten i det foreliggende udkast til
ministererklæringen, men har dog taget et generelt parlamentarisk forbehold for erklæringen.
Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet • Slotsholmsgade 12 • 1216 København K
Tlf. 38 14 21 42 • Fax 33 14 50 42 • CVR 12854358 • EAN 5798000862005 • [email protected] •