Grønlandsudvalget 2017-18
GRU Alm.del
N.NFG. File No. 107.F.1.r
Copenhagen, February 20, 2003
Your Excellency,
I have the honour to refer to Exchanges of Notes of October 14, 1964, May 5, 1965,
September 30, 1986, and September 29, 1992, between our two Governments concerning
certain adjustments of the geographical extension of the defence areas
Greenland made
available to the United States by the Government of Denmark pursuant to Article II (3) of
the Agreement of April 27, 1951, Concerning the Defence of Greenland as set forth
Technical Schedule of March 20, 1958, and the Memorandum of Understanding of March
13, 1991 between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of
the Kingdom of Denmark (including the Home Rule Government of Greenland)
Concerning Use of Sondrestrom Aviation Facility, Kulusuk Airfield and Other Matters
Related to United States Military Activities
1. Following the agreement
the Memorandum of Understanding of today's date
concerning removal of Dundas from the defence area and discussions between our
representatives, I have the honour to propose that the defence area in Greenland be
redefined as follows:
The defence area of Thule covers the area of the Southern bank of
Wolstenholme Fjord limited by Harald Moltke's Glacier (Sermerssuaq),
the ice cap and a straight line between the following two points: 69° 10' W,
76° 30' N and 68° 35' W, 76° 18' N, save the area delimited by a line beginning
at the coast south at 76° 325
N following the watershed to 68° 46' W, 76°
332' N and from there north to a point on the coast on 68° 44' W.
2. It is agreed that, in case of emergency or
performance of a mission makes it necessary,
access to and movement by the Armed Forces of the United States in any of the
portions of the defence areas relinquished in accordance with this and earlier Exchanges
of Notes is authorized subject to the provisions of Article V (3) and Article VI (as
1986) of the Agreement of April 27, 1951, Concerning the Defence of
His Excellency
Mr. Stuart Alan Bernstein
Ambassador of the United States of America
GRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 28: Spm. om at fremsende aftalegrundlaget for hver udvidelse og indskrænkelse af de amerikanske forsvarsområder i Grønland, som de har udviklet sig siden 1945, til udenrigsministeren
It is understood and agreed that the entitlement: to priority use by the United States of
facilities in Sondrestrom and Kulusuk shall continue in accordance with
XV of
the Memorandum of Understanding of March 13, 1991 referenced above.
3. The Danish Liaison Officer at Thule shall be informed immediately, and whenever
possible in advance, of any access or movement in the areas relinquished in accordance
with this and earlier Exchanges of Notes, as authorized therein.
this proposal is agreeable to the Government of the United States of America, this
Note and Your Excellency's reply to that effect shall constitute a new Technical
Schedule to the Agreement of April 27, 1951, Concerning the Defence of Greenland,
superseding the Technical Schedule contained in the Exchange of Notes of September
29, 1992.
shall enter into force on the date ofYour Excellency's reply and remain in
force for the duration of the Agreement of April 27, 1951.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my
highest consideration.
Per Stig M0ller
Minister for Foreign Affairs
GRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 28: Spm. om at fremsende aftalegrundlaget for hver udvidelse og indskrænkelse af de amerikanske forsvarsområder i Grønland, som de har udviklet sig siden 1945, til udenrigsministeren
March 12, 2003
I have the honor to refer to your note of February 20, 2003 which
reads as follows:
"I have the honour to refer to Exchanges of Notes of October 14,
1964, May 5, 1965, September 30, 1986, and September 29, 1992,
between our two Governments concerning certain adjustments of the
geographical extension of the defence areas in Greenland made
available to the United States by the Government of Denmark
pursuant to Article II (3) of the Agreement of April 27, 1951,
Concerning the Defence of Greenland as set forth in Technical
Schedule of March 20, 1958, and the Memorandum of Understanding
of March 13, 1991 between the Government of the United States of
America and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark (ipcluding
the Home Rule Government of Greenland) Concerning Use of
Sondrestrom Aviation Facility, Kulusuk Airfield and Other Matters
Related to United States Military Activities in Greenland.
(1). Following the agreement in the Memorandum of Understanding
of today's date concerning removal of Dundas from the defence
area and discussions between our representatives, I have the
honour to propose that the defence area in Greenland be redefined
as follows:
The defence area of Thule covers the area of the Southern bank of
Wolstenholme Fjord limited by Harald Moltke's Glacier
(Serrnerssuaq), the ice cap and a straight line between the
following two points: 69° lO'W, 76° 30'N and 68° 35'W, 76° 18'N,
save the area delimited by a line beginning at the coast south at
76° 325 min N following the watershed to 68° 46'W, 76° 332'N and
from there north to a point on the coast on 68° 44'W.
(2). It is agreed that, in case of emergency or if performance of
a mission makes it necessary, access to and movement by the Armed
Forces of the United States in any of the portions of the defence
areas relinquished in accordance with this and earlier Exchanges
of Notes is authorized subject to the provisions of Article V(3)
and Article VI (as modified in 1986) of the Agreement of April
27, 1951, Concerning the Defence of Greenland.
It is understood and agreed that the entitlement to priority use
by the United States facilities in Sondrestrom and Kulusuk shall
continue in accordance with Article XV of the Memorandum of
Understanding of March 13, 1991 referenced above.
GRU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 28: Spm. om at fremsende aftalegrundlaget for hver udvidelse og indskrænkelse af de amerikanske forsvarsområder i Grønland, som de har udviklet sig siden 1945, til udenrigsministeren
(3). The Danish Liaison Officer at Thule shall be informed
immediately, and whenever possible in advance, of any access or
movement in the areas relinquished in accordance with this and
earlier Exchanges of Notes, as authorized therein.
If this proposal is agreeable to the Government of the United
States of America, this Note and Your Excellency's reply to that
effect shall constitute a new Technical Schedule to the Agreement
of April 27, 1951, Concerning the Defence of Greenland,
superseding the Technical Schedule contained in the Exchange of
Notes of September 29, 1992. It shall enter into force on the
date of Your Excellency's reply and remain in force for the
duration of the Agreement of April 27, 1951.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency
the assurance of
highest consideration."
I confirm that the foregoing proposal is agreeable to the
Government of The United States of America and that your note and
this reply shall constitute a new Technical Schedule to the
Agreement of April 27, 1951, Concerning the Defence of Greenland,
superseding the Technical Schedule contained in the Exchange of
Notes of September 29, 1992, and that it shall enter into force
on the date of this reply and remain in force for the duration of
the Agreement of April 27, 1951.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest
Stuart Bernstein
His Excellency
Per Stig M0ller,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
The Kingdom of Denmark.