Finansudvalget 2017-18
FIU Alm.del
The Network of EU Independent Fiscal Institutions
Slotsholmsgade 10
1216 Copenhagen K
Phone +45 72 28 24 00
[email protected]
In reply to the statement by the network of EU Independent Fiscal Institutions on the
recent developments concerning the Danish Economic Council the Ministry for Eco-
nomic Affairs and the Interior can confirm that the Danish Government has decided
that the secretariat which serves the Danish Economic Councils should be relocated
to Horsens.
The decision is a part of a broader initiative to sustain the continued viability of all
communities in Denmark. Following the 2015 initiative of the former government when
3.900 government workplaces were relocated from the Copenhagen area to various
parts of the country, it was subsequently decided that an additional 4.000 workplaces
were to follow suit in 2018 and 2019.
It is beyond doubt that the Danish Government fully respects the independent role and
the functional autonomy of the Danish Economic Councils.
It is the view of the ministry that the decision to relocate the secretariat will not affect
the abilities of the Danish Economic Councils to exercise effective oversight over pub-
lic finances. The Economic Council will continue to have the same access to relevant
information and resources necessary to carry out their mandate as well as the contin-
ued freedom to communicate. To that respect it is worth mentioning that in Germany
the Independent Advisory Board to the Stability Council is also located outside of the
capital and the government center (in Mannheim).
When it comes to the question of recruitment of qualified economists for the secretari-
at we would like to add, that the location of Horsens was chosen due to its proximity to
the second and third largest universities in Denmark. The universities of both Aarhus
(ca. 50 km) and Odense (ca. 100 km) have strong economic departments which thus
offer a solid foundation for future recruitment to the secretariat.
In conclusion the ministry reiterates that the Danish Government also in practice and
not only de jure emphasizes the compliance with the Directive on Fiscal Frameworks
and the principles of the Fiscal Compact.
Best regards
Mette Dige Rønholt