Udenrigsudvalget 2017-18
URU Alm.del Bilag 82
High-Level Expert Conference
2019 and Beyond:
Taking Stock and Moving Forward
from the Interlaken Process
Wednesday 22 to Friday 24 November 2017
Kokkedal Castle, Denmark
By the end of 2019, the Committee of Ministers must decide whether the measures already
adopted within the Interlaken Process have proven to be sufficient to assure sustainable
functioning of the control mechanism of the Convention or whether more profound changes
are necessary.
Approaching this deadline, the Danish Chairmanship wishes to facilitate a renewed
discussion on the future of the Convention system looking beyond the 2019 deadline.
At the Conference, representatives of Council of Europe Member States will meet with
judges of the European Court of Human Rights and officials from the Secretariat of the
Council of Europe, parliamentarians and national judges, as well as experts from civil
society to address both the immediate problems facing the Convention system and discuss
ideas for the long-term future.
The goal is to explore how the promotion and protection of human rights under the
Convention system can be developed and improved in both the short-term and long-term.
Following the main tracks laid out in the Interlaken Process, the Conference will address
both the question of how to ensure a more sustainable functioning of the Convention
system and discuss ways of strengthening the authority of the system.
In order to encourage a free and open discussion and the sharing of information,
discussions at the Conference will take place under the Chatham House Rule.
URU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 82: Materiale fra den internationale ekspertkonferencen om reform af det europæiske menneskerettighedssystem, som regeringen afholdt på Kokkedal Slot den 22.- 24. november 2017, fra justitsministeren
Wednesday 22 November
Participants arrive (sandwiches available)
Welcome to Kokkedal
Rasmus Kieffer-Kristensen
Head of Danish ECHR Initiative, Danish Ministry of Justice
Reflections on the Interlaken Process and a Look to the Future
Søren Pape Poulsen
Danish Minister of Justice
Guido Raimondi
President of the European Court of Human Rights
Frank Schürmann
Government Agent of Switzerland
Başak Çali
Professor of International Law at Hertie School of Governance and Director of the
Center for Global Public Law at Koç University
Reception followed by welcome dinner hosted by the Danish Minister of Justice
Thursday 23 November
1. The Caseload Challenge
How to Achieve a Balanced Throughput
Facilitator: Philip Leach
Professor of Human Rights Law at Middlesex University, solicitor, and Director of the
European Human Rights Advocacy Centre
Keynote speaker: Mikael Rask Madsen
Professor of Law and Director of iCourts, Center of Excellence for International Courts,
University of Copenhagen
ECtHR Post Interlaken and Brighton: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead’
Breakout Discussions
Dealing with systemic and structural problems
the case of prison conditions
Pilot-judgments and the Burmych case
a new institutional balance?
Admissibility on the road to Protocol 15
The art of the possible: Setting ambitious, yet realistic goals for the future
Feedback from Breakout Discussions
Photograph followed by coffee/tea break
URU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 82: Materiale fra den internationale ekspertkonferencen om reform af det europæiske menneskerettighedssystem, som regeringen afholdt på Kokkedal Slot den 22.- 24. november 2017, fra justitsministeren
2. The Authority Challenge: Key Factors to Address
Facilitator: Isabelle Niedlispacher
Government agent of Belgium
Keynote speaker: Jonas Christoffersen
Director of the Danish Institute of Human Rights
Learned and New Perspectives on Human Rights Dialogue’
Breakout Discussions
Selection and election of judges
The need for a clear and commonly accepted framework
interpretation and its limits
Addressing the element of surprise
keeping member states informed and
Advocating the Strasbourg system
a shared responsibility
Feedback from Breakout Discussions
3. Bolstering Authority through Communication and Participation
Facilitator: Mikael Rask Madsen
Professor of Law and Director of iCourts, Center of Excellence for International Courts,
University of Copenhagen
Keynote speaker: Ingo Venzke
Associate Professor of International and European Law and Director of the Amsterdam
Center for International Law
‘Justifying the
ECtHR's Public Authority: Strategies of Procedural Legitimation
and Politicization’
Breakout Discussions
Increasing third party interventions by member states
Increasing third party interventions (amicus curiae) by civil society, NHRIs and
other interest organisations
A new role for the Committee of Ministers?
Feedback from Breakout Discussions
Dinner (informal)
URU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 82: Materiale fra den internationale ekspertkonferencen om reform af det europæiske menneskerettighedssystem, som regeringen afholdt på Kokkedal Slot den 22.- 24. november 2017, fra justitsministeren
Friday 24 November
4. Towards an Age of Subsidiarity?
Facilitator: Kristine Lice
Government Agent of Latvia
Keynote speaker: Robert Spano
Judge, Section President, European Court of Human Rights
‘The Future of the European Court of
Human Rights
Subsidiarity, Process-Based
Review and the Rule of Law’
Breakout Discussions
Codifying subsidiarity in the light of recent case law
Judicial dialogue post Protocol 16
parliaments as key interlocutors
Feedback from Breakout Discussions
Closing of Conference
Participants departure