Udenrigsudvalget 2017-18
URU Alm.del Bilag 76
23 November 2017 No XIII-803
The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania,
commemorating the anniversary of the death of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky who
uncovered the financial fraud schemes involving the officials and citizens of the Russian
Federation where the amount of USD 230 millions of taxpayers’ money was fraudulently
misappropriated, who was unlawfully arrested, detained for 358 days and subjected to torture,
and who died on 16 November 2009, having been maliciously denied necessary medical care;
noting that so far not a single responsible person has been convicted of this well-
documented crime, while five officials have been honoured with state decorations;
stressing the moral responsibility and obligation of democratic states to contribute to
ending of impunity for gross violations of human rights, large-scale financial fraud schemes and
corruption, regardless of their occurrence, by adopting legal acts providing for targeted
sanctions, namely, a visa ban for and a freezing of the assets and property of the perpetrators of
such crimes;
having regard to the fact that the legal acts symbolically named after Sergei Magnitsky
and providing for sanctions have already been adopted by the United States of America, Estonia,
Great Britain and Canada;
recalling that the European Parliament has been calling for a number of years for
adoption of the Magnitsky sanctions at EU-level and reiterated this call in its recent document
European Parliament resolution of 13 September 2017 on corruption and human rights in third
countries (2017/2028 (INI)),
that the amendments of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Legal Status of
Aliens adopted by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania are an important step towards
ensuring that aliens who have committed large-scale crimes in the areas of human rights,
corruption or money laundering would be prohibited from entering the territory of the Republic
of Lithuania, and contributing to the strengthening of the national security of Lithuania;
URU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 76: Henvendelse af 8. december 2017 fra Litauens parlament om resolution om bekæmpelse af menneskerettighedskrænkelser, økonomisk kriminalitet og korruption
that this process will be completed only after the adoption of legal acts that
prevent such persons from acquiring property in Lithuania or through Lithuania and from
holding crime-related proceeds, and that ensure their freezing, and
the Government of the
Republic of Lithuania to submit, in the near future, proposals for relevant legal acts to the
Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania;
the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of the Interior who are
responsible for the implementation of the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on
the Legal Status of Aliens to take immediate action necessary to implement the said provisions
and to initiate the appropriate consultations with the countries which have already adopted the
Magnitsky legal acts;
to place the following persons on the list of persons banned from entering the
Republic of Lithuania based on the US Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of
2012 and on the grounds provided for in the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Legal
Status of Aliens:
DROGANOV, Aleksey O., born 11 October 1975;
KARPOV, Pavel, born 27 August 1977;
KOMNOV, Dmitriy, born 17 May 1977;
KHIMINA, Yelena, born 11 September 1953;
KRIVORUCHKO, Aleksey, born 25 August 1977;
KUZNETSOV, Artem, born 28 February 1975;
LOGUNOV, Oleg, born 4 February 1962;
PECHEGIN, Andrey I., born 24 September 1965;
PODOPRIGOROV, Sergei G., born 8 January 1974;
PROKOPENKO, Ivan Pavlovitch, born 28 September 1973;
SILCHENKO, Oleg F., born 25 June 1977;
STASHINA, Yelena, born 5 November 1963;
STEPANOVA, Olga G., born 29 July 1962;
TOLCHINSKIY, Dmitri M., born 11 May 1982;
UKHNALYOVA, Svetlana, born 14 March 1973;
VINOGRADOVA, Natalya V., born 16 June 1973;
BOGATIROV, Letscha, born 14 March 1975;
DUKUZOV, Kazbek, born 1974;
LITVINOVA, Larisa Anatolievna, born 18 November 1963;
KRATOV, Dmitry Borisovich, born 16 July 1964;
GAUS, Alexandra Viktorovna, born 29 March 1975;
URU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 76: Henvendelse af 8. december 2017 fra Litauens parlament om resolution om bekæmpelse af menneskerettighedskrænkelser, økonomisk kriminalitet og korruption
TAGIYEV, Fikret, born 3 April 1962;
ALISOV, Igor Borisovich, born 11 March 1968;
MARKELOV, Viktor Aleksandrovich, born 15 December 1967;
KLYUEV, Dmitry Vladislavovich, born 10 August 1967;
STEPANOV, Vladlen Yurievich, born 17 July 1962;
KHLEBNIKOV, Vyacheslav Georgievich, born 9 July 1967;
VAKHAYEV, Musa, born 1964;
SUGAIPOV, Umar, born 17 April 1966;
KRECHETOV, Andrei Alexandrovich, born 22 September 1981;
DAUDOV, Magomed Khozhakhmedovich, born 26 February 1980;
ALAUDINOV, Apti Kharonovich, born 5 October 1973;
GRIN, Victor Yakovlevich, born 1 January 1951;
STRIZHOV, Andrei Alexandrovich, born 1August 1983;
ANICHIN, Aleksey Vasilyevich, born 1 December 1949;
KIBIS, Boris Borisovich, born 20 November 1977;
URZHUMTSEV, Oleg Vyacheslavovich, born 22 October 1968;
LAPSHOV, Pavel Vladimirovich, born 7 July 1976;
ANTONOV, Yevgeni Yuvenalievich, born 1955;
PLAKSIN, Gennady Nikolaevich, born 31 August 1961;
LUGOVOI, Andrei Konstantinovich, born 19 September 1966;
KOVTUN, Dmitri, born 1965;
BASTRYKIN, Alexander Ivanovich, born 27 August 1953;
GORDIEVSKY, Stanislav Evgenievich, born 9 September 1977;
to the national parliaments of the EU Member States and NATO countries inviting
to adopt Magnitsky legal acts, thus strengthening a common area of justice, responsibility and
the initiative to adopt targeted Magnitsky sanctions at EU-level and
calls on
Government of the Republic of Lithuania to raise these issues in relevant configurations of the
Council of the EU;
High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Federica Mogherini, the European Commission and the Council of Europe to listen to the calls of
the European Parliament to adopt the Magnitsky sanctions at EU-level and to launch, in the near
future, a comprehensive discussion on the relevant EU legal act.
Speaker of the Seimas
Viktoras Pranckietis