Date: October 2
The Hon. Ms. Pia Kjærsgaard
Speaker of the Danish Parliament
The Palestinian civil society organizations sends you warmest regards and would like
to bring to your kind notice that the Palestinian civil society is following with great
concern the repercussions of the decision by the US President’s administration,
31 August 2018, to fully cease its contributions to funding UNRWA.
The establishment of UNRWA, with UNGA Res. 302 (IV) of 8 December 1949, was
with the objective to provide direct relief and employment for the Palestine refugees.
The Agency started its activities on 1 May 1950 and provided important living
servicing, most prominently in education, health and employment, but, most
importantly, it represented the recognition of the international community, which
recognized the establishment of Israel on the Palestinian territory, of its responsibility
over the refugees issue, which also recognized their right to return, pursuant to Res.
194, yet, was unable to have that implemented on Israel for 70 years, as the
Palestinian refugees continue waiting for their right to return to their homeland, from
which they were deported.
The political ramifications of the decision taken by the US administration to stop
UNRWA funding, a decision that aims at dissolving and ending the Agency alleging
it contributes to sustaining the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is contrary to the
international law grounds relevant to the issue of the Palestinian refugees. This step is
considered as unprecedented in using humanitarian assistance for political
blackmailing and constitutes danger to the stability of the rules of international law
and International Humanitarian Law, a matter that is indicative to the attempt to
totally change these rules, in such a way that undermines international peace and
security and further ignores the basic rights of the Palestinian refugees, as stated in the
relevant UNGA resolutions, the first of which Resolution 194. The aforementioned
US decision seeks to serve as the beginning of turning the UNRWA into just another
organization similar to the Conciliation Committee and consequently cease to exist.
The cut on the UNRWA budget will inflict harm to more than 5.5 million Palestinian
refugees across
UNRWA’s operation areas.