Udenrigsudvalget 2017-18
URU Alm.del Bilag 236
URU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 236: Forhåndsvarsel om konference om sult og fejlernæring den 29. - 30. oktober 2018 i Madrid
The number of people suffering from hunger has fallen significantly in the past 20 years,
however, this trend has seen a reversal in 2016 as a consequence of the increasing
number of conflicts, climate change and declining economic growth, among others.
According to United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates, a total
of 815 million people were undernourished in the world in 2016, up from the 777 million
in 2015.
In Africa, Asia and Latin America, hunger indicators have either worsened stagnated.
Many of those who are suffering from hunger are concentrated in marginalized and
vulnerable territories.
The triple burden of malnutrition where food insecurity, undernutrition, and overweight
and obesity co-exists has seen these problems being compounded by growing rates of
excess weight and obesity, a phenomenon that is becoming increasingly widespread
among children in almost every region, and among adults throughout the world. In 2016,
41 million children under the age of five were overweight.
The situation is even worse in North America, Europe and Oceania, where 28% of adults
are obese, in comparison to Asia (7%) and Africa (11%). In Latin America and the Caribbean,
approximately a quarter of the adult population is considered obese.
In light of this scenario, the United Nations 2030 Agenda calls on countries to redouble
their efforts to address objective 2 (ODS2), which seeks to end hunger, achieve food
security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture in order to build a
world where no one is left behind
The Hunger Free Latin America Latin and the
Caribbean Initiative (HFLAC 2025) was launched in the
context of the Latin American Summit on Chronic
Hunger carried out in Guatemala in 2005. The HFLAC
2025 is a political commitment of countries in the
region to harness all political and social forces to
eradicate hunger.
The Parliamentarian Front against Hunger of
Latin American and the Caribbean (PFH of LAC) was
launched with the support of HFLAC and the Latin
American and Caribbean Parliament. (PARLATINO).
2014 November, Italy.
On the Second International
Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), a Parliamentary
Meeting was organized under the title
Parliaments for
better nutrition.
2016 April, Brussels.
Several European
Parliamentarians convened the first meeting of the
European Alliance
‘Fight agai st Hu ger dedicated to
discussing specific issues of food security.
June, Spain.
Work meeting with PFH LAC and the
Spanish Parliament with the support of FAO and
October, Egypt.
The Pan-African Parliamentary
Alliance was officially lunched during the regular
Session of the Pan African Parliament in the presence
of approximately 125 Members of Parliament. The
ceremony of the signing of the Memorandum of
Understanding with FAO took place immediately after
November, Mexico.
Submission by the Spanish
Parliament of a proposal to hold the First World
Parliamentary Summit against Malnutrition at the 7th
Forum of the PFH LAC.
June, Spain.
Work meeting with PFH LAC, FAO,
AECID and the Spanish Parliament. A roadmap is
defined for the organization of the summit.
April, France.
Participation of the PFH and Pan-African
Alliance for Food and Nutrition Security at a meeting
of the Global Alliance for Resilience Initiative (AGIR)
together with the Food Crisis Prevention Network
(RPCA) where both parliamentary groups made a
commitment to continue working together.
October, Italia.
Official launching of the Summit
proposal at the 44th period of sessions of the
Committee on World Food Security, at the side event
k o as Co
it e t a d
contribution of
Parliaments towards the achievement of Sustainable
De elop e t Goal 2: Zero Hu ger.
October, Uruguay
Ratification of the endorsement by the 19 countries
that belongs to the PFH in order to hold the Summit
at the Eighth Forum of Latin American and the
Caribbean PFHs.
The Role of Legislators in Ensuring the Right to Food
Evidence has shown that where strong legislative frameworks exist and are
implemented, the rate of hunger and malnutrition decreases. As legislators,
Parliamentarians are therefore in a position of advantage and can, therefore, provide
impetus to promote enabling environments that ensure the food and nutrition security
of the societies they represent.
They also play a central role in key aspects areas such as overseeing policy, accountability,
proposing and approving laws and budgets for food and nutrition security.
Thus, the work parliamentarians carry out nationally and regionally can directly
contribute to the reduction in hunger and malnutrition and ultimately the realisation of
the right to food.
Increasingly, legislators throughout the world are becoming involved in intra and inter-
parliamentary dialogue to eradicate malnutrition in all its forms and are participating
actively in national and international networks on the subject. These include the
Parliamentary Fronts against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean (PFH LAC), the
Latin American Parliament (PARLATINO), the Pan-African Parliamentary Alliance for Food
and Nutrition Security, and the European Parliamentary alliance that have all committed
to achieve SDG2.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have been providing technical assistance
to the aforementioned Parliamentary bodies and the national alliances.
Interactions among Parliamentarian Alliances
Parliamentarians from different regions have already had previous opportunities for
interaction and dialogue on Zero Hunger issues. On the occasion of the ICN2 a
URU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 236: Forhåndsvarsel om konference om sult og fejlernæring den 29. - 30. oktober 2018 i Madrid
Parliamentary Meeting
– Parliaments for better nutrition
was organized in Rome by the Inter-Parliamentary Union in November
2014 where senior policy makers gathered and collectively committed to eliminating global hunger and preventing all forms of
malnutrition worldwide. FAO attached great importance to the role of Parliamentarians in ensuring that the political
commitments reached at the ICN2 was implemented at the national level.
In this regard, the VI (2015)
VII (2016) and VIII (2017) Forum of The Parliamentary Front against Hunger in Latin America and the
Caribbean (PFH), co-organized by FAO in the context of the Hunger-Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative, jointly with
the PFH supported the creation of a space for dialogue and contribution among parliamentarians from Asia, Africa, European
Union and Latin America and the Caribbean, considering parliamentarians as relevant actors for the development and
implementation of policy and regulatory frameworks for Food Security and Nutrition.
In line with this, parliamentarians from Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa, including other key actors, such as the Spanish
Agency for International Development Cooperation and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),
participated in a side meeting (April 2017) of the Global Alliance for Resilience Initiative (AGIR) together with the Food Crisis
Prevention Network (RPCA) and both parliamentary groups made a commitment to continue working together.
The Spain
FAO alliance and the Fight against Hunger
The Spain-FAO alliance to support the Hunger-Free Latin America and Caribbean 2025 Initiative (HFLAC 2025) focuses much of its
action on providing technical assistance to the PFH LAC, which, since 2009
the support of the Spanish Cooperation Agency
and other partners that have come on board in recent years, such as the Mexican and Brazilian cooperation agencies- have placed
the right to food at the top of their government agendas.
In view of the experience gained in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Spanish Parliament has embarked on a series of
collaborative efforts with the fronts and their partners to promote what has been accomplished worldwide.
Global Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition
The Global Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition Madrid
2018 aims to bring together Parliamentarians from
across the world to consolidate parliamentary political commitment for the achievement of SDG2 on the following specific
Highlight the role legislative bodies can play to achieve a hunger-free world by 2030.
Identify and share political experiences, legislation and good practices which are fundamental in the fight against hunger and
Build a network of parliamentary alliances that contribute to the achievement of SDG2: Zero Hunger, progress towards the
commitments of the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), and the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition,
paying particular attention to the most vulnerable people and territories.
In essence, the Summit will provide a great opportunity to share experiences on legislation enacted in parliaments throughout
the world and their implementation, and the creation of linkages amongst Parliamentarians and Parliaments for collaboration.
The summit will also provide the opportunity to identify the needs of parliamentarians in order to address the challenges
associated with the fight against hunger and malnutrition.
Global Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition
is being organized by arises from commitments to which the
Spanish Parliament, the PFH LAC, FAO, PARLATINO and the Spanish International Cooperation Agency for Development (AECID)
have committed themselves.
The Global Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition is to not only convene parliamentarians from the fronts and
alliances that have already expressed their commitment to the issues at hand, but also invite new legislators interested in food
and nutrition security.
This proposal therefore seeks to involve all relevant stakeholders in the fight against hunger and malnutrition, through a new way
of dealing with and addressing the challenges put forth in the 2030 Agenda.