Udenrigsudvalget 2017-18
URU Alm.del Bilag 101
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sendt: 17. januar 2018 12:14
Emne: A letter to the Speaker of Folketinget
Honorable Speaker of Folketinget Ms. Pia Kjærsgaard,
The presidency of the Forum of Armenian Associations of Europe (FAAE) refer to the statement of the
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan published in the Turkish media, which has received reaction by the
Turkish MP of Armenian descent, Garo Paylan. It concerns President Erdogan's call on organizing attempted
murders of active Armenians and other Christian leaders in Europe.
In our opinion, President Erdogan's statement is a criminal act and should be condemned as such in Europe
and worldwide because it incites a new wave of terrorism.
We believe that the Danish Parliament ought to react to such a shameful statement. It can be expected
that, in reply to President Erdogan's statement, appropriate responses may be initiated by the Armenian
and other Christian communities and organizations in Europe, the consequences of which will be
We ki dly ask for you to assess a d i terve e i respo se to Preside t Erdoğa 's irrespo sible state e t to
prevent any future conflict.
Yous faithfully,
President of FAAE
Dr. Ashot Grigorian