Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2017-18
UPN Alm.del Bilag 6
Leaders’ Agenda
October 2017
Building our future together
In Bratislava and Rome, Leaders re-stated their commitment to the European project and decided
to build their future together within a strengthened European Union. They underlined their unity
and their willingness to take the fate of the Union in their own hands, working together in the
European Council. Since then, optimism has been on the rise, and ambition has returned. Against
this background, we should further step up our eforts and re-energise our work, and, to this efect,
set out clearly what we intend to deliver.
This document provides an overview of the main issues that the President of the European Council
intends to put on the agenda of the Leaders between now and June 2019. Some will be discussed
in formal European Council meetings, while others will be addressed in an informal format, at 27
or 28, depending on the substance. The agenda includes ongoing work strands, as well as issues
that require discussions aimed at resolving deadlocks or inding solutions to key political dossiers
(indicated in italics). The latter will be prepared with “decision notes” setting out in clear terms the
political problems to be solved.
The agenda does not list points that recur on a regular basis, such as external relations, except where
a speciic item is already known at this stage. Between now and the end of March 2019 there will
also have to be regular meetings of the European Council in the Article 50 format to deal with the
Brexit issue.
This Leaders’ Agenda is a living document that will be updated and amended as required.
UPN, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 6: Hyrdebrev forud for mødet i Det Europæiske Råd den 19.-20. oktober 2017
19 - 20 October 2017
Migration: consolidation of the external dimension, including inancing
Digital Europe: follow up to Tallinn Digital Summit
Defence: PESCO state of play, European Defence Industrial Development Programme
Leaders’ Agenda
17 November 2017 - Gothenburg Social Summit
Social Europe: Fair Jobs and Growth
Education and Culture (30th anniversary of Erasmus)
14-15 December 2017
Defence: launch PESCO and general overview of the various defence iles
Social issues, culture and education: follow up Gothenburg Social Summit
Migration: way forward on the external and the internal dimension
Euro Summit: EMU + Banking Union (agreement on timeline for decisions)
23 February 2018 - Informal meeting
Institutional issues: European Parliament composition/transnational lists,
appointments, including Spitzenkandidaten
MFF: debate on political priorities
22-23 March 2018
Single Market strategies (ensuring progress towards reaching the 2018 deadline)
Trade: trade defence, free trade agreements, screening of investments
Climate and Energy (orientation for further work)
Digital: issues requiring decision by the Leaders, such as e-commerce,
copyright, taxation
Research and Innovation: steps necessary to ensure global competitiveness
17 May 2018 - EU-Western Balkans Summit (Soia)
EU-Western Balkans Summit
(poss.) Migration: overall agreement on internal and external policy
October October 2017
UPN, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 6: Hyrdebrev forud for mødet i Det Europæiske Råd den 19.-20. oktober 2017
28-29 June 2018
European Council Decision on the composition of the European Parliament
Defence (orientation for further work)
EMU (concrete decisions on reform)
(poss.) Migration: overall agreement on internal and external policy
Leaders’ Agenda: state of play on implementation
September 2018 - Informal Meeting (Vienna)
Internal Security: checks at external borders, exchange of information, operational
cooperation, security and criminal justice in cyberspace, preventing radicalisation
(orientation for future work)
18-19 October 2018
Internal security: follow up to the informal meeting
Trade: future trade policy, role of the EU in the multilateral trade system
13-14 December 2018
MFF (progress report)
Single Market (orientation for the future beyond the 2018 deadline)
21-22 March 2019
Economic issues and trade
EMU (state of play and any further decisions)
9 May 2019 - Informal meeting (Sibiu)
Implementation of the Leaders’ agenda
Preparation of the Strategic Agenda 2019-2024
20-21 June 2019
MFF (progress report/discussion aiming for concluding negotiations later in 2019)
Strategic Agenda 2019-2024
High level appointments
October 2017
UPN, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 6: Hyrdebrev forud for mødet i Det Europæiske Råd den 19.-20. oktober 2017
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