Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2017-18, Udenrigsudvalget 2017-18
UPN Alm.del Bilag 253, URU Alm.del Bilag 201
Explanatory Paper of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace
This paper is an explanatory document explaining the idea of the creation of the Global Council for
Tolerance and Peace, which includes the objectives and principles of the Council as set out in its Articles
of Association, as well as the composition of the Council with its various organs and a presentation for
the basic elements of the Council’s strategic frame during the initial years of work.
First: Idea of Eestablishing the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace
Throughout the world, nations seek security, peace, stability and happiness for all human beings
regardless of color, gender, origin, creed or religion. Despite efforts to prevent international and
regional disputes and conflicts, the international community has witnessed a steady increase in
international and regional conflicts that have erupted over the past decades and caused death to
millions of people around the world.
In order to build a real and sustainable peace for mankind, these escalating problems must not be
solved by resorting to violence or the use of military force, which complicates these conflicts. The best
solution is to promote a culture of tolerance among peoples and among nations, and to adopt the soft
power policy which some countries realized and considered the importance thereof and called for them
Whereas, the vision of the wise people around the world calls for joint international action, which seeks
to spread a culture of tolerance and peaceful coexistence, uphold human values, support the points of
rapprochement among peoples, and in line with the contemporary orientation of the United Nations,
which believes that tolerance and peace are an urgent necessity, called for by the Secretary-General of
the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Gutierrez, in many international events,
Therefore, the idea of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace was established in order to achieve
these objectives as an international space and a global platform for the purposes of tolerance, peace
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UPN, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 253: Invitation til fællesmøde med præsidenten for De Forenede Arabiske Emiraters Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP)
and lofty humanitarian objectives, and as an international organization adopting the principles of
democracy, international law and charters as a methodology for its work.
Second: Objectives of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace
1. The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace aims to:
promote the value of tolerance and culture of peace;
fight against discrimination, religious sectarianism, ethnocentrism and sectarian bigotry among
human beings; and
develop the norms of international law to strengthen the principles of tolerance for achieving
2. The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace takes into account some principles, namely:
Respect for the United Nations’ principles and support of the achievement of its objectives,
respect for the rules of international law relevant to the work of non-governmental
organizations, respect for the national laws of the States where the duties of the Council are
exercised and the empowerment of women, youth and persons with disabilities and enabling
them to play effective roles at the national and international levels.
Third: Composition of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace
The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace is composed of four main organs, namely:
Constituent Assembly
The Constituent Assembly shall be composed of internationally distinguished and respected characters,
who are of good repute, high standing and honorable history in the fields of peace and tolerance.
At its first meeting, the Council shall elect the Chairman of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace.
The Constituent Assembly of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace shall hold its meeting once a
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UPN, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 253: Invitation til fællesmøde med præsidenten for De Forenede Arabiske Emiraters Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP)
year at the Council’s head office or elsewhere, and the Constituent Assembly shall hold extraordinary
meetings in emergency situations.
Governing Body
The Governing Body is composed of the Chairman of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, elected
by the Constituent Assembly and his team of assistants, advisers and secretaries. The Chairman of the
Global Council for Tolerance and Peace exercises his powers and competences to achieve the Council's
objectives and implement the strategy on tolerance and peace. The Chairman shall be the legal
representative of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace and its official spokesperson.
The Governing Body shall be responsible for the administration of all the affairs of the Organization and
its departments. The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace has a Secretariat General affiliated to the
Governing Body, and such Secretariat General serves as the administrative and executive body of the
General Assembly
The membership of the General Assembly of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace shall be open
for natural or corporate persons who are concerned with tolerance and peace. Membership application
may be submitted by anyone who has the capacity to contribute effectively to efforts to promote
tolerance and world peace, whether through research efforts, constructive visions or proposals, or field
work, regardless of nationality, and the Council may reject any membership application.
The General Assembly is a gathering place for those who are concerned with tolerance, security and
peace around the world, held every year, and concerned with studying ways to promote tolerance and
peace, ways to overcome obstacles to the application of the standards recognized by the United
Nations. The General Assembly of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace does not issue any binding
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UPN, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 253: Invitation til fællesmøde med præsidenten for De Forenede Arabiske Emiraters Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP)
Parliament for Tolerance and Peace
Parliament for Tolerance and Peace is the representative body of the Global Council
for Tolerance and Peace. Members of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace should be
members of their national parliaments. Women, youth and persons with disabilities shall be represented
in the Parliament. Meeting of the Parliament shall be quarterly held. It may be exceptionally held, if
necessary. The Parliament will discuss the issues raised by the General Assembly and the Governing
Body, as well as the latest developments in the international arena regarding tolerance and peace; and
will give appropriate recommendation thereabout.
Fourth: The main elements of the strategic framework of the Council during its first years of operation
The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace seeks to achieve its objectives through its strategic
framework and through an implementation plan that includes two main axes:
The First Axis: International Communication Programs
Such Programs aim to strengthen the Council's presence on the international scene by opening
effective channels of communication with intergovernmental organizations, States, parliaments,
international non-governmental organizations, personalities with outstanding activity in tolerance
and peace, and major universities and research and study centers around the world.
Communicate with international organizations, whether regional or specialized, led by the
United Nations. Serious steps have already been taken to conclude a Memorandum of
Understanding with the United Nations, whereby the United Nations shall provide experts,
technical and technological support necessary for the work of the Council in accordance with
the relevant international standards. The Council also aims to execute similar Memoranda of
Understanding and partnership agreements.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 253: Invitation til fællesmøde med præsidenten for De Forenede Arabiske Emiraters Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP)
b. Open channels of communication with various States and their governmental bodies concerned
with subjects related to the objectives of the Council.
c. Open channels of communication with parliaments, whether international, regional or national,
with a view to promoting joint action for the purposes of tolerance and peace.
d. Strengthen communication with international non-governmental organizations in the belief that
they play an active role in the international arena.
e. Achieve communication with prominent and internationally recognized figures in the field of
tolerance and peace, through the executive positions they currently occupy or previously
Open channels of communication with major universities and research and strategic research
centers, believing in the importance of the role of research and studies in identifying ways to
address contemporary international peace issues and the important role that the Council can
play in directing studies and research to address the real issues monitored by the Council,
through its direct and actual existence and contact.
The Second Axis: Activating Mechanisms of Soft Power
The Council will activate the mechanisms of soft power to serve the principles of tolerance and peace in
the world through:
a. Convening periodic international conferences in accordance with international developments
and in the interest of tolerance and peace in the world.
b. Cultural exchange programs that aim to promote the culture of coexistence, combat extremism
and terrorism, renounce violence and strengthen human values in general and values of
tolerance in particular.
c. Media System Program, in which the Council establishes an information system that will help it
reach various parts of the world in order to promote the culture of tolerance and peace.
d. Open regional offices in five countries selected in such a way as to allow the Council wide
geographical spread and enable the Council to carry out its work more efficiently.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 253: Invitation til fællesmøde med præsidenten for De Forenede Arabiske Emiraters Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP)
Partnerships and agreements
The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace was launched in Malta on November 2
2017, during an
official ceremony at Malta's Mediterranean Convention Center, at the joint invitation of the United
Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Government of Malta, and the Global Council.
The Council has signed a memorandum of understanding with the United Nations Population Fund
(UNFPA) for the purpose of cooperation and for building international partnerships and an agreement
with the State of
Malta on the diplomatic immunities and privileges of the Council’s members.
The Council has signed an agreement on the diplomatic immunities and privileges of Council members
with the State of Malta, where the headquarters of the Council is located.
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