Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2017-18
UPN Alm.del Bilag 142
Council of the
European Union
Brussels, 29 January 2018
(OR. en)
XT 21012/18
BXT 13
No. prev. doc.:
General Secretariat of the Council
29 January 2018
XT 21011/18 BXT 12
General Affairs Council (Art. 50) on 29 January 2018
- Council Decision supplementing the Council Decision of 22 May 2017
authorising the opening of negotiations with the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland for an agreement setting out the arrangements
for its withdrawal from the EU
On 29 January 2018, the General Affairs Council (Art.50) examined the above mentioned draft
Council decision, including the draft supplementary directives for the negotiation of an agreement
with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland setting out the arrangements for its
withdrawal from the European Union.
The General Affaris Council (Art.50):
adopted the Council Decision supplementing the Council Decision of 22 May 2017
authorising the opening of negotiations with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland for an agreement setting out the arrangements for its withdrawal from the
European Union (doc. XT 21004/18 BXT 5 + COR 2), including its Annex (doc. 21004/18
BXT 5 ADD1 REV 2) setting out supplementary directives for the negotiation;
XT 21012/18
UPN, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 142: Endeligt forhandlingsdirektiv vedr. Storbritanniens udtræden af EU
decided to enter into the minutes the statements set out in the Annex to this note and to make
these statements public.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 142: Endeligt forhandlingsdirektiv vedr. Storbritanniens udtræden af EU
Council statement for the minutes
In line with the European Council guidelines of 29 April and 15 December 2017 it is recalled
that the EU is ready to establish partnerships with the UK in the areas of security, defence and
foreign policy as well as the fight against terrorism and international crime. Specific
arrangements with the UK in these areas could also be considered during the transition period,
taking into account the framework for the future relationship.
The Council will continue to follow all aspects of the negotiations closely and to keep these
negotiating directives under review in the light of progress in the negotiations and update
them as necessary.
Should the Union be called to authorise the United Kingdom to become bound by
international agreements entered into in its own capacity in the fields of competence of Union
law during the transition period, providing such authorisation will be the responsibility of the
Council in accordance with the relevant procedures under the Treaties.
Commission statement for the minutes
The Commission will issue, after consulting the Council, a guidance document on a consistent
application of the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement corresponding to paragraph 19 of the
Supplementary Directives for the negotiations, which foresees that as a general rule the United
Kingdom will not attend meetings of committees referred to in Article 3(2) of Regulation (EU)
No 182/2011 or Commission experts groups and other similar entities or of the agencies, offices or
bodies where Member States are represented, but that exceptionally on a case-by-case basis the
United Kingdom could be invited to attend without voting rights.
XT 21012/18