Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2017-18
UPN Alm.del Bilag 112
European Council
Brussels, 14 December 2017
(OR. en)
EUCO 19/1/17
General Secretariat of the Council
European Council meeting (14 December 2017)
Delegations will find attached the conclusions adopted by the European Council at the above
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UPN, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 112: Konklusioner fra mødet i Det Europæiske Råd 14. december 2017 EUCO 19-1-17
14 December 2017
Further to its December 2016 and June 2017 conclusions, the European Council reviewed
progress achieved in the field of security and defence, and:
welcomes the establishment of ambitious and inclusive permanent structured
cooperation (PESCO) and stresses the importance of quickly implementing the first
projects; calls on participating Member States to deliver on their national
implementation plans;
calls for further work on the European Defence Fund, and in particular the swift
adoption in 2018 of the European Defence Industrial Development Programme, in time
to finance the first capability projects in 2019;
expects the Council to complete the comprehensive revision of the Athena mechanism
for financing common costs of EU military missions and operations;
requests that the Council adopt, in spring 2018, a recommendation on a new dedicated
instrument covering all requirements for Capacity Building in support of Security and
Development after 2020;
asks for work to proceed on implementing the full set of proposals on EU-NATO
cooperation, including the additional ones agreed in December;
invites the High Representative, the Commission and the Member States to bring work
forward on military mobility, both in PESCO and in the context of EU-NATO
invites the High Representative to report in June 2018 on the work undertaken to
strengthen civilian CSDP and to produce, in consultation with the Member States and
the Commission, a Civilian CSDP Compact in 2018.
The European Council will return to these matters in June 2018.
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14 December 2017
Leaders highlighted the importance of the social, educational and cultural dimension of our
policies in bringing Europeans together and building our common future. Under the Treaties,
Member States remain primarily responsible for these areas, but much can be achieved by
working together, while fully respecting the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality.
The Social Summit in Gothenburg recalled the need to put people first, to further develop the
social dimension of the Union based on a shared commitment and established competences,
and to promote convergence through efforts at all levels, including by social partners. As a
first step the following should be taken forward:
implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights at Union and Member State level,
with due regard to their respective competences; the Commission is invited to propose
appropriate monitoring;
facilitating a well-functioning social dialogue at all levels, including the 'new start for
social dialogue' at EU level;
progressing swiftly on pending social files at EU level, and being ready to examine
future initiatives announced by the Commission in its Work Programme for 2018;
following up on the priorities of the EU Action Plan to tackle the gender pay gap;
delivering further on the new European Skills Agenda, with a particular focus in 2018
on implementing the Council Recommendation on Upskilling Pathways, intended for
people with the greatest skills needs.
The European Council will come back to all these matters in March 2018 to ensure
appropriate follow-up.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 112: Konklusioner fra mødet i Det Europæiske Råd 14. december 2017 EUCO 19-1-17
14 December 2017
Education and culture are key to building inclusive and cohesive societies, and to sustaining
our competitiveness. In Gothenburg we expressed a willingness to do more in these areas, in
which the EU plays an important supplementing and supporting role. As a result, the
European Council calls on Member States, the Council and the Commission, in line with their
respective competences, to take work forward with a view to:
stepping up mobility and exchanges, including through a substantially strengthened,
inclusive and extended Erasmus+ programme;
strengthening strategic partnerships across the EU between higher education institutions
and encouraging the emergence by 2024 of some twenty 'European Universities',
consisting in bottom-up networks of universities across the EU which will enable
students to obtain a degree by combining studies in several EU countries and contribute
to the international competitiveness of European universities;
enhancing the learning of languages, so that more young people will speak at least two
European languages in addition to their mother tongue;
promoting student mobility and participation in educational and cultural activities,
including through a 'European Student Card';
promoting cooperation of Member States on mutual recognition of higher education and
school leaving diplomas at secondary education level in the appropriate framework;
taking the opportunity of the European Year of Cultural Heritage to increase awareness
of the social and economic importance of culture and cultural heritage.
The Commission is invited to present, where relevant, proposals for Council
recommendations in spring 2018 with a view to adoption by the Council as soon as possible.
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14 December 2017
The European Council also asks the Commission, the Council and the Member States to
examine possible measures addressing:
the skills challenges linked to digitalisation, cybersecurity, media literacy and artificial
the need for an inclusive, lifelong-learning-based and innovation-driven approach to
education and training;
the legal and financial framework conditions for the development of cultural and
creative industries and the mobility of professionals of the cultural sector.
The issue of budgetary resources for the above activities will be addressed in the context of
the next Multiannual Financial Framework.
The European Council welcomes the outcome of the One Planet Summit in Paris on
12 December 2017 aimed at scaling-up public and private finance in support of climate
action, further to the COP 23 held in Bonn on 6-17 November 2017 and on the road to the
COP 24 to be held in Katowice, where the Paris Agreement implementation package will be
adopted. It strongly reaffirms the commitment of the EU and its Member States to swiftly and
fully implement the Paris Agreement and to continue to lead in the fight against climate
change, including through the adoption of pending legislative proposals at EU level.
The EU reiterates its firm commitment to the two-state solution and, in this context, the EU
position on Jerusalem remains unchanged.
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