Undervisningsudvalget 2017-18
UNU Alm.del Bilag 40
Beretning om Danmarks deltagelse I
UNE“CO’s . ge e alko fe e e
30. oktober
14. november 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
De e e et i g f a UNE“CO’s . ge e alko fe e e
e edige et af de pe a-
nente danske delegation ved UNESCO i Paris i samarbejde med Undervisningsministeri-
et, Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet, Kulturministeriet og Den danske UNESCO-
Det indledende afsnit, som giver et overblik over samt en vurdering af generalkonferen-
cen, er forfattet af Undervisningsministeriet og delegationen i Paris, mens den øvrige del
af beretningen
referat af arbejdet i de fem programkommissioner og i den administra-
tive kommission
er sammenskrevet af Undervisningsministeriet og delegationen på
baggrund af bidrag fra de danske repræsentanter i de respektive kommissioner.
Arbejdsdokumenter fra generalkonferencen
ka fi des på UNE“CO’s doku e tdata-
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO's 39. generalkonference 2017
fokuspunkter og
resultater .................................................................................................................. 1
Afrapportering fra Kommissionen for reform og administrative forhold (APX), 31.
4. november .............................................................................................. 5
Afrapportering fra Uddannelseskommissionen (ED), 1.-4. november .......................... 7
Afrapportering fra Naturvidenskabskommissionen (SC), 6.-7. november 2017............. 9
Afrapportering fra Kommunikation- og Informationskommissionen (CI), 6.-7.
november 2017 ....................................................................................................... 11
Afrapportering fra Samfundsvidenskabskommissionen (SHS)
7.-9. november
2017 ........................................................................................................................ 13
Afrapportering fra Kulturkommissionen (CLT), 8.
10. november ............................. 15
Bilag 1
– De da ske delegatio
ed UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
..................... 17
Bilag 2
Danske indlæg i kommissionerne ............................................................... 19
9.1 Kommissionen for administrative og eksterne forhold (APX), 31. oktober
4. november ................................................................................................... 19
9.2 Uddannelseskommissionen (ED), 1.-4. november ........................................... 22
9.3 Naturvidenskabskommissionen (SC), 6.-7. november ...................................... 25
9.4 Kommunikation- og Informationskommissionen (CI), 6.-7. november ............ 27
9.5 Samfundsvidenskabskommissionen (SHS), 7.-9. november ............................. 30
9.6 Kulturkommissionen (CLT), 8.-10. november ................................................... 32
Bilag 3
Generalkonferencens dagsorden ................................................................ 35
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO's 39. generalkonference 2017
fokuspunkter og resultater
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
blev stiftet efter 2. Verdens-
krig med det klare mandat at fremme varig fred, menneskerettigheder og ligeværdig udvikling gennem
globalt samarbejde indenfor uddannelse, videnskab, kultur og kommunikation. Danmark var med i forreste
række blandt de stiftende medlemslande.
I perioden 30. oktober
14. november 2017 gennemførte UNESCO sin 39. generalkonference med delta-
gelse af alle 195 medlemslande og 11 associerede medlemmer, herunder Færøerne.
Hovedpunkter på generalkonferencens dagsorden
Hovedpunkter på generalkonferencens dagsorden var følgende:
Med afsæt i FN's Verdensmål at vedtage et nyt 4-årigt program, der fokuserer UNESCO's indsats på
støtte til medlemslandenes politik- og praksisudvikling til fremme af verdensmålene for bæredygtig
udvikling, samt på varetagelse af UNESCO's globalt ledende rolle i forhold til kvalitetsuddannelse til
alle (SDG 4), kultur og kulturarvs rolle for udvikling og bæredygtighed (SDG 11), bæredygtig forvalt-
ning af verdenshavene (SDG 14) og til sikring af ytringsfrihed og fri adgang til information (SDG 16).
Efter indstilling fra styrelsesrådet at vælge den tidligere franske kulturminister Audrey Azoulay til ny
generaldirektør for organisationen for de næste fire år.
At vedtage et nyt samlet budget for de kommende to år på samme niveau som hidtil. USA's udtræ-
den af organisationen pr. 31. december 2018 får ikke umiddelbart nogen yderligere budgetmæssige
konsekvenser, da USA ikke har betalt sit medlemsbidrag siden 2010.
At vedtage et omfattende sæt af anbefalinger for styrket reform af organisationens governance
med større effektivitet, relevans og strategisk-programmatisk sammenhængskraft som mål.
Danmarks deltagelse i 39. generalkonference
Danmarks delegation til UNESCO's 39. generalkonference blev ledet af undervisningsministe Merete Riisa-
ger, der er UNESCO-ansvarlig minister på regeringens vegne. I denne egenskab holdt undervisningsministe-
ren Danmarks hovedindlæg i plenumdebatten d. 3. november. Hun lagde heri bl.a. vægt på uddannelse for
demokratisk dannelse og medborgerskab, forsvar for kunstnerisk frihed, ytringsfrihed og journalisters sik-
kerhed samt beskyttelse af kulturarv i konflikt. Ministeren ønskede også Audrey Azoulay fra Frankrig tillyk-
ke ed alget so UNE“CO’s ko
e de ge e aldi ektø og sagde, at Da a k ha sto e fo e t i ge til
UNE“CO’s efo og esultate u de he des ledelse.
Herudover afholdt undervisningsministeren bilaterale møder med undervisningsminister i Sverige, Gustav
Fridolin, og med topledelsen i UNESCO, repræsenteret ved vicegeneraldirektør Getachew Engida. Ministe-
ren var også vært for en frokost med deltagelse af bl.a. Norges undervisningsminister, Henrik Asheim, samt
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
to danske ansatte i UNESCO, Vibeke Jensen og Louise Haxthausen, der er direktører for UNESCO's arbejde
for uddannelse, kultur og frie medier i henholdsvis Pakistan og Irak.
Efter ministerens afrejse mødtes den danske delegation, under ledelse af departementschef i Under-
visningsministeriet Jesper Fisker, med UNESCO's kommende generaldirektør Audrey Azoulay, der gjorde et
særdeles positivt, samarbejdsorienteret og handlekraftigt indtryk. Jesper Fisker tilsagde Azoulay Danmarks
støtte til fortsat reform og resultatorientering af UNESCO's vigtige arbejde. Som opfølgning udarbejdes et
fælles nordisk brev til generaldirektøren med nordiske budskaber om organisationens udfordringer og an-
befalede reforminitiativer, herunder i forhold til governance.
Departementschef Jesper Fisker og den danske delegations møde med Audrey Azoulay d. 3. november.
Udover undervisningsministeren og embedsmænd i Undervisningsministeriet, deltog også repræsentanter
fra Kulturministeriet, Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet samt formand og medlemmer af Den danske
UNESCO-nationalkommission og medarbejdere i Danmarks permanente repræsentation ved UNESCO i
Danmarks delegation til generalkonferencen.
En samlet oversigt over delegationen findes i bilag 1.
Danmarks fokuspunkter og resultater under UNESCO's 39. generalkonference
Gennem mere end 20 indlæg og aktiv deltagelse i udformning af generalkonferencens beslutninger inden-
for alle programområder opnåede delegationen generelt god lydhørhed og gennemslagskraft for danske
synspunkter og interesser. Eksemplerne herpå fremgår af rapporterne fra de seks programkommissioners
arbejde på de følgende sider. Her skal derfor blot omtales de væsentligste resultater, hvor Danmarks delta-
gelse i UNESCO's 39. generalkonference gjorde en markant forskel.
I forhold til
så var Danmark ledende i generalkonferencens vedtagelse af ikke mindre end 130 an-
befalinger til styrkelse og effektivisering af governance i organisationen, der omfatter op mod 50 beslut-
ningsfattende råd og komiteer indenfor forskellige faglige programmer og konventioner. Anbefalingerne
omhandler bl.a. mainstreaming af god praksis og styrkelse af programmatisk og strategisk sammenhæng
med beslutninger og prioriteter vedtaget af generalkonferencen. En afgørende uenighed mellem medlems-
lande drejede sig om forslag om større rotation og mere inkluderende governance ved fastsættelse af mak-
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
simum varighed af mandatperioder i UNESCO's Styrelsesråd. Forslaget blev kraftigt modarbejdet af flere
større medlemslande, men det blev vedtaget med overvældende majoritet.
I forhold til
og generalkonferencens diskussioner om sikring af kvalitetsuddannelse til alle (SDG
4), blev det positivt bemærket, at Danmark i flere indlæg nævnte, at vi opfatter det som et naturligt ele-
ment i kvalitetsuddannelse at give eleverne adga
g til ’ o p ehe si e se ualit edu atio ’, de u de støt-
ter unge i at tage ansvar for hinanden og mestre deres liv. I global kontekst er dette ikke et selvfølgeligt
perspektiv. Denne profilering er fint i tråd med regeringens handlingsplan til opfølgning
på FN’s e de s-
ål, h o i det i dgå so e sel stæ dig ålsæt i g at op etholde Da a ks olle so akti i te atio-
al fo tale fo ligestilli g og seksuel og ep odukti su dhed og ettighede . I sa a ejde ed UNE“CO's
sekretariat overvejes relevant opfølgning og involvering af flere medlemslande.
I forhold til
kultur og kunstnerisk frihed,
var Danmark ledende i organiseringen af et dagsordenssættende
nordisk side event om kunstnerisk frihed: "Setting a New Agenda: Partnerships for Artistic Freedom".
Kunstnerisk ytringsfrihed er under pres på verdensplan. De deltagende aktører
stater, kunstnerforbund,
advokater, domstole, menneskerettighedsinstitutioner
understregede behovet for styrket monitorering
og implementering af eksisterende standarder og lovgivning om kunstneres frihed. Fra Danmark deltog
skuespiller Katja Holm i debatpanelet, som repræsentant for kunstnere og i sin egenskab af formand for
Dansk Skuespillerforbund og vicepræsident for FIA. Opfølgning og fortsat overvejelse af behovet for en
global handlingsplan for kunstnerisk frihed vil bl.a. ske indenfor rammerne af UNESCO's 2005-konvention
om beskyttelse og fremme af de kunstneriske udtryksformers mangfoldighed.
I forhold til
så spillede den danske ungdomsrepræsentant en afgørende rolle for at lande
en konsensusbeslutning, der efterspørger en transparent og inkluderende involvering af unge, med fokus
på national repræsentation samt inddragelse af ungdomsrepræsentanter i planlægning af kommende ung-
domsfora og bedre sammenhæng og samspil med generalkonferencens dagsorden. Denne profilering er på
linje med Danmarks strategi for unge i udviklingspolitik. Opfølgning heraf vil ske i forbindelse med forbere-
delse af forårets styrelsesrådsmøde i april 2018, hvor UNESCO's ungdomsarbejde forventes på dagsordenen
og som tema for side event drevet af det europæiske UNESCO ungdomsnetværk.
I forhold til
ytringsfrihed og journalisters sikkerhed,
var Danmark en central aktør i diskussion om UNE-
SCO's fortsat ledende rolle i UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity. Iran,
Rusland og flere andre lande satte spørgsmålstegn ved definitionen af journalist, og hvem der bør omfattes
af særlige beskyttelsesforanstaltninger, og der var uenighed om behovet for omtale af særligt kvindelige
mediearbejderes udsatte position. Danmark spillede en aktiv rolle i forhandling af acceptable kompromis-
formuleringer herom. Løbende opfølgning herpå i UNESCO sker ved Danmarks aktive deltagelse i Group of
Friends of Safety of Journalists.
Valg og nordisk samarbejde i UNESCO
Der er i UNESCO et velfungerende nordisk samarbejde, såvel mellem de nordiske hovedstæder og UNESCO-
nationalkommissioner som mellem de nordiske UNESCO-repræsentationer i Paris. Det drejer sig om sub-
stansspørgsmål og om udvikling af evt. fælles nordiske positioner. Det kommer også til udtryk i en veletab-
leret nordisk rotationsordning i forhold til kandidaturer til forskellige UNESCO-organer, mest centralt i for-
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
hold til UNESCO's Styrelsesråd, hvor Danmark sidst var medlem i perioden fra 2009
2013. Ved general-
konferencen i år blev Finland indvalgt i Styrelsesrådet, hvor de afløser Sverige. Danmark har således fortsat
adgang til information og indflydelse gennem det nordiske samarbejde og Finland. I respekt for den nordi-
ske rotationsordning valgte Danmark at trække sit kandidatur til genvalg til Council for International Pro-
gramme for the Development of Communication (IPDC), til fordel for Sverige. Da dette var Danmarks ene-
ste kandidatur, er situationen nu således, at Danmark ikke er medlem af noget organ i tilknytning til UNE-
SCO's arbejde.
Danmarks profil i UNESCO
Med velforberedt og engageret deltagelse i generalkonferencens arbejde, bekræftede Danmark sin position
som et aktivt og konstruktivt medlemsland i UNESCO, hvis stemme det er værd at lytte til.
Dette er en privilegeret situation, som Danmark lagde grunden til gennem indsatsen i Styrelsesrådet fra
2013, og senere opfølgning, og som det fremadrettet fordrer en vedholdende indsats at opretholde.
En indsats, som udfordres af flere forhold.
Danmark er som nævnt ikke p.t. indvalgt i noget organ eller ekspertforum i UNESCO og har derfor ikke den-
ne platform for indflydelse. Og til forskel fra Finland, og særligt Norge og Sverige, der årligt giver store frivil-
lige bidrag til UNESCO's arbejde, så har Udenrigsministeriet siden 2013 indstillet Danmarks ekstra bidrag.
Dette betyder, at vi gradvist bliver aftagende interessante som samtale- og samarbejdspartnere i UNESCO,
og i et vist omfang også i det nordiske samarbejde.
Som det fremgår af denne rapport, er UNESCO en vigtig platform og partner for Danmark og danske priori-
teter i forhold til menneskerettigheder, herunder uddannelse og ligestilling, ytringsfrihed og frie medier
samt kulturarv og bæredygtig udvikling. Ikke bare ude i verden, men også her i Danmark. Dette gælder ikke
mindst i arbejdet med opfølgning på FN's Verdensmål, lokalt, nationalt og globalt.
På baggrund af Danmarks aktive og profilerede deltagelse i UNESCO's 39. generalkonference, er der et godt
udgangspunkt, for fremadrettet at overveje, hvordan vi fortsat sikrer kvalificeret dansk deltagelse i UNE-
SCO's arbejde, i det nordiske samarbejde og forstærker vores aktive bidrag, herunder gennem relevante
kandidaturer til UNESCO's faglige programmer og konventioner.
Fra General Policy Debate, hvor ministeren holdt Danmarks hovedindlæg d. 3. november.
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Afrapportering fra Kommissionen for reform og administrative
forhold (APX), 31. oktober
4. november
Fra Danmark deltog Jens Dalsgaard, generalsekretær for Den danske UNESCO-nationalkommission, Malene
Nielsen Mansour, stedfortrædende permanent repræsentant ved Danmarks permanente delegation ved
UNESCO og Dorthe Wendt, seniorrådgiver ved Danmarks permanente delegation ved UNESCO i APX-
kommissionens arbejde.
Overordnet set prægede tre væsentlige sager drøftelserne: 1) opfølgning på anbefali
ge o go e a e
og otatio i UNE“CO’s “t elses åd,
a gle de etali g af o ligato iske edle s id ag og
UNE“CO’s tilslut i g til FN-systemets
pensionsalder på 65 år. Danmark stod i spidsen for afgørelsen af vigti-
ge dele af reformarbejdet, og de danske mærkesager blev vedtaget med overbevisende flertal. I lyset af
UNE“CO’s udgetk ise afholdtes de udo e e fælles o disk udtalelse –
på initiativ fra Danmark
medlemslandes betalingspligt. Til gengæld forholdt Danmark sig passivt i en kompliceret og relativt kontro-
versiel sag om nye regler for UNESCO-ansattes pensionsalder. Alt i alt synes det overordnede resultat af
kommissionens drøftelser at give grund til forsigtig optimisme. Der er banet vej for vigtige reformskridt, og
fremadrettet bør indsatsen bestå i at sikre konkret opfølgning.
Governance reform
– opfølg i g og y regel o rotatio i UNESCO’s Styrelsesråd
Debatten viste bred opbakning til de knap 130 anbefalinger, der har væsentlige danske aftryk og er resulta-
tet af to års arbejde i generalkonferencens reformgruppe. Dog vakte en anbefaling om rotation massiv
odsta d f a et dusi la de, de histo isk set ha pe a e t plads i UNE“CO’s “t elses åd l.a. Rusla d,
Kina og Frankrig). På baggrund af omfattende konsultationer på tværs af regioner gik Danmark i spidsen for
planlægningen af en afstemning, der resulterede i en overbevisende sejr for rotationsprincippet (103 for og
i od . De udo e fik Da a k edtaget et fo slag o e
hå d og fo Good Go e a e , de skal
i spi e e UNE“CO’s tal ige elle statslige o ga e til ko k ete efo tiltag i et i g af øget p og a foku-
sering og resultatorientering.
Manglende betaling af obligatoriske medlemsbidrag til UNESCO
Introduktion til dette punkt gjorde det krystalklart, at organisationen fortsat befinder sig i en budgetkrise.
U“A’s gæld til o ga isatio e a. U“D
io. ha gjo t UNE“CO sæ ligt så a , å a d e igtige id ags-
ydere som Japan, Brasilien, Storbritannien, Saudi Arabien og Argentina er bagud med, eller ligefrem tilba-
geholder, deres pligtige medlemsbidrag. Imidlertid var det stort set kun de nordiske lande, der engagerede
sig i sagen. Danmark holdt et fælles nordisk indlæg, der udtrykte bekymring for de manglende indbetalinger
og samtidig understregede, at medlemsbidrag er grundlæggende for UNESCO som funktionel institution.
Derudover støttede Danmark en svensk resolutionstekst med oplæg til nye strategiske dialogmøder om
UNE“CO’s fi a sielle situatio , de tage udga gspu kt i o e o d ede te de se i FN-systemet.
kan tilføjes, at generaldirektørens kabinet efterfølgende har kvitteret for Danmark og de øvrige nordiske
landes indsats under debatten.
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
UNESCO’s tilslut i g til FN-systemets
regler om pensionsalder
I modsætning til lande som Tyskland, Frankrig, Sverige og Norge var dette punkt ikke en mærkesag for
Danmark. Imidlertid viste drøftelserne, at spørgsmålet om hvornår den nye pensionsalder i UNESCO (fra 62
til 65 år) skal træde i kraft ligger mange lande på sinde, og at splittelsen er skarp. På trods af Frankrigs væl-
dige engagement for at vente til 2020
– ulig is d e et af UNE“CO’s ledelse ed f a ske Aud e Azoula
som ny generaldirektør
blev den endelige beslutning, som ønsket af Tyskland, at hæve pensionsalderen
allerede pr. januar 2018.
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Afrapportering fra Uddannelseskommissionen (ED),
1.-4. november
Fra Danmark deltog Laust Joen Jakobsen, områdeansvarlig for uddannelse i Den danske UNESCO-
nationalkommission, Jens Dalsgaard, generalsekretær for den danske UNESCO-nationalkommission, og
Malene Nielsen Mansour, Deputy i Danmarks Permanente Delegation ved UNESCO i Uddannelseskommis-
sionens arbejde.
Det centrale omdrejningspunkt for UNESCO's uddannelsesarbejde er FN's Verdensmål for sikring af kvali-
tetsuddannelse for alle og muligheder for deltagelse i livslang læring (SDG 4). De to strenge i uddannelses-
programmet har fokus dels på støtte til medlemslandes udvikling af politik og praksis for sikring af kvalitet
og reelle uddannelsesmuligheder for alle, og dels på UNESCO's rolle som ledende agentur og global koordi-
nator af samarbejdet om SDG 4.
I tilknytning til generalkonferencen lancerede UNESCO publikationen Global Education Monitoring Report
2017/8, der er et udtryk for organisationens dagsordenssættende monitorerende arbejde. I år med fokus
på "Accountability in Education: Meeting our Commitments". Med afsæt i solide data og analyser kortlæg-
ges forskellige aktørers medansvar for sikring af alles ret til uddannelse og bedst mulige faglige udbytte.
Nationale regeringer er i sagens natur primært ansvarlige for sikring af retten til uddannelse, men rappor-
ten belyser også det vigtige samspil med andre centrale aktører og niveauer som kommuner, skoleledelse,
lærere, forældre, elever, virksomheder, medier og internationale organisationer. En vigtig diskussion, også i
en dansk kontekst.
Temaet om accountability var således også øverst på dagsordenen i første del af mødet i Uddannelses-
kommissionen, hvor mange undervisningsministre deltog. Finlands minister bemærkede således at tillid er
en afgørende forudsætning for læreres forvaltning af deres ansvar, hvilket blev fulgt op af Estlands mini-
ster, der understregede at også læreres professionelle autonomi er central for deres ansvar.
I forhold til generalkonferencens diskussion og vedtagelse af UNESCO's uddannelsesprogram, udtrykte
Danmark støtte til UNESCO's globalt koordinerende rolle, og opfordrede til fortsat synergi og klar ansvars-
og rollefordeling med andre internationale aktører som f.eks. Global Partnership for Education (GPE) og
Education Cannot Wait (ECW). Vedrørende indholdet af kvalitetsuddannelse, så gav Danmark udtryk for
positiv anerkendelse af UNESCO's vigtige bidrag til det videre arbejde med Uddannelse for Bæredygtig Ud-
vikling, Globalt Medborgerskab og forebyggelse af radikalisering gennem uddannelse. Det blev også positivt
bemærket, at Danmark i flere indlæg nævnte, at vi opfatter det som et naturligt element i kvalitetsuddan-
nelse at give eleverne adgang til helhedsorienteret seksualundervisning, der understøtter unge i at tage
ansvar for hinanden og mestre deres liv. I global kontekst er dette ikke et selvfølgeligt perspektiv.
I Uddannelseskommissionen blev det endvidere med aktiv dansk støtte vedtaget at fortsætte konsultatio-
ner om en ny global konvention om gensidig anerkendelse af højere uddannelseskvalifikationer med hen-
blik på endelig vedtagelse af konventionen på næste generalkonference i 2019. Konventionen har været
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
nogle år undervejs, og det er lykkedes at udvikle bred konsensus om, at en ny global ramme vil bidrage til
styrkelse af akademisk mobilitet og globalt samarbejde indenfor videregående uddannelser. Den nye kon-
vention skal bygge på god praksis indenfor de allerede eksisterende regionale konventioner, som f.eks.
Lissabonkonventionen, der har haft stor betydning for udviklingen i Europa.
Det største tidsspilde i Uddannelseskommissionen udspillede sig på foranledning af Israel og føjede en poli-
tiserende dimension til kommissionens ellers konstruktive faglige drøftelse. I forbindelse med et beslut-
ningsforslag om uddannelse og kultur i de besatte arabiske områder, der ved foregående generalkonferen-
cer er blevet vedtaget ved konsensus, krævede Israel i år, at der skulle være afstemning om hver enkelt
paragraf for sig. Efter langstrakte procedurediskussioner og afstemninger endte Israel alligevel med at ac-
ceptere konsensus. En forestilling, der af mange lande formodes primært at være opført for et hjemligt
publikum og for yderligere at legitimere Israels tilbagetrækning fra UNESCO.
Bortset fra denne sidste parentes, forløb Uddannelseskommissionen godt og konstruktivt, og Danmarks
deltagelse satte sig gode spor i debatten, som der løbende vil blive fulgt op på.
Fra side eve tet o la eri ge af UNE“CO’s udda elsesrapport, Glo al Edu atio Mo itori g Report
2017/8, ved generalkonferencen d. 1. november 2017. Billedet til venstre viser Jens Dalsgaard, generalse-
kretær for Den danske UNESCO-nationalkommission, Bo Manderup-Jensen, formand for Den danske UNE-
SCO-nationalkommission og Laust Joen Jakobsen, medlem af Den danske UNESCO-nationalkommissionen,
som deltager ved lanceringen.
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Afrapportering fra Naturvidenskabskommissionen (SC),
6.-7. november 2017
Fra Danmark deltog Jørgen Prosper Sørensen, chefkonsulent i Uddannelses- og Forskningsministe-
riet, Andreas Bruun, fuldmægtig i Undervisningsministeriet og Dorthe Wendt, seniorrådgiver ved
Danmarks permanente delegation ved UNESCO i Naturvidenskabskommissionens arbejde.
Med tre indlæg i plenum markerede Danmark sine positioner ift. ligestilling, klimaforandringer,
Af ika, ha e es tilsta d og A ktis. Det le ge e elt æ dsat, at også UNE“CO’s atu ide ska s-
sektor i sit forslag til program og budget forholder sig tæt til implementeringen af de relevante
“DG’e og
-Agendaen samt til Paris-aftalen.
Vigtige dagsordenspunkter, diskussioner og beslutninger
Større synlighed
af UNE“CO’s ar ejde ed ferskva d
Med agg u d i de iga g æ e de fo ha dli ge o e
a kitektu fo FN’s a ejde ed fe sk-
vandsrelaterede problemstillinger, som skal styrke implementeringen af SDG 6 ønskede et flertal
af medlemslandene med Mexico i spidsen af styrke programmets fokus på ferskvand og synliggøre
UNE“CO’s I te atio al H d ologi al P og a
e IHP . Ko k et a fo slaget at i dsk i e et .
overordnet fokusområde i programmet for på den måde at gøre opmærksom på, at UNESCO, også
i et naturvidenskabeligt perspektiv, tager ferskvand og adgang hertil alvorligt. Titlen på det nye
fokuso åde i Natu ide ska sko
issio e s p og a e : I p o i g k o ledge a d st e gt-
g apa ities at all le els to a hie e ate se u it . Fo slaget le e ste
igt edtaget, o
end enkelte medlemsstater, herunder Danmark, i deres indlæg bemærkede at ferskvandsområdet
var udmærket dækket under de to eksisterende fokusområder. Forslaget betyder ikke ændring i
sektorens budgetallokering.
Vedtagelse af strategi for UNE“CO’s ar ejde ed kli afora dri ger for
- 2021
Opdate i ge af UNE“CO’s st ategi ift. o ga isatio e s a ejde ed kli afo a d i ge , de e
funderet på tværsektorielle initiativer, blev vedtaget med overvældende støtte. Kun USA talte
imod strategien.
Havenes tilstand -
I tergover e tal O ea ographi Co
issio ’s lede de rolle ift. “DG 4
Ge e alko fe e e s eha dli g af IOC’s p og a fo slag u de st egede de okse de
og a e ke delse, so UNE“CO’s ha p og a ha la dt edle sla de e. P og a
et e i høj
grad baseret på udvikling af stadigt mere sofistikerede monitorerings- og varslingssystemer og på
national kapacitetsopbygning, og spiller direkte ind ift. Verdensmålene, især SDG 14. Danmarks
indlæg fokuserede på den manglende opmærksomhed på Arktis og på ligestillingsperspektivet.
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
Sekretariatet medgav, at Arktis var for svagt markeret i programforslaget, og at man ville arbejde
videre med området.
UNESCO sites og centre i Danmark
– øget sy lighed af UNE“CO’s ar ejde
Det blev i det danske indlæg understreget, at de i Danmark etablerede UNESCO-sites og -centre
bl.a. Odsherred Geopark, Møn og Nyord Man and the Biosphere Reserve, og Aalborg UNESCO Ca-
tegori 2 Center i Problem Based Learning in Engineering Science and Sustainability alle har været
med til at sætte UNESCO på Danmarkskortet.
De vedtagne resolutioner er alle i overensstemmelse med Danmarks politik inden for områderne.
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Afrapportering fra Kommunikation- og Informationskommissio-
nen (CI), 6.-7. november 2017
Fra Danmark deltog Mogens Blicher Bjerregård og Michel Steen-Hansen, begge medlemmer af Den danske
UNESCO-nationalkommission samt Dorthe Wendt, seniorrådgiver ved Danmarks permanente delegation
ved UNESCO i Kommunikation- og Informationskommissionens arbejde.
Med tre indlæg i kommissionen og en aktiv dansk indsats i de undertiden intense forhandlinger var Dan-
mark med til at sætte dagsordenen med fokus på journalisters sikkerhed og kampen mod straffrihed samt
Ope Edu atio al Resou es OER . Det le ge e elt æ dsat, at UNE“CO’s Ko
u ikatio s-
og Informa-
tionssektor har taget lederskab ift. implementeringen af de dele af SDG 16.10, der omhandler adgang til
information og fundamentale frihedsrettigheder, herunder ytringsfrihed.
Vigtige dagsordenspunkter, diskussioner og beslutninger
“tyrke UNE“CO’s lederska ift. jour alisters sikkerhed og ka pe
od straffrihed
UNE“CO’s opfølg i g på UN Pla of A tio o the “afet of Jou alists a d the Issue of I pu it
le ikke
uventet et besværligt og tidskrævende punkt i CI-kommissionen. To temaer kom til at fylde debatten; defi-
nitionen af, hvad en journalist er og de trusler, som især kvinder er udsat for. Akkompagneret af Zimbabwe,
Rusland og såmænd også Belgien gik Iran i spidsen for debatten om, hvordan en journalist skal defineres.
Der blev heldigvis ikke lavet om på at fastholde en bred definition, da en snæver definition vil give autori-
tære regimer et værktøj til begrænsning af pressefriheden. Iran endte med at bede om en fodnote på dette
spørgsmål for at få sine synspunkter noteret.
I forhold til kvindelige journalister modsatte Rusland sig som udgangspunkt at acceptere en paragraf om, at
man i særlig grad skal bekæmpe de trusler og overgreb, kvinder i stigende omfang er udsat for. For at ac-
ceptere dette, insisterede Rusland på at få tilføjet en ny paragraf, der fastslår, at der er flest mænd, som
bliver dræbt i konfliktområderne. Et kompromisforslag blev først vedtaget efter flere timers diskussion i en
arbejdsgruppe, hvori Danmark aktivt deltog.
Det var de samme temaer som prægede debatten op til FN Generalforsamlingens (UNGA) vedtagelse af en
ny resolution om journalisters sikkerhed den 21. november i år.
Synlighed ift. Danida-støttet projekt for træning af dommerstanden i Afrika
Flere gange under CI-kommissionens møde blev der henvist til det dansk-finansierede projekt i Afrika, hvor
dommere og andre dele af retsvæsenet trænes i ytringsfrihed, pressefrihed og journalisters sikkerhed for at
arbejde imod straffrihed. Der var stor ros til projektet, ikke mindst fra de afrikanske medlemslande.
Etablering af et standardsættende instrument for Open Educational Resources (OER)
OER-begrebet blev første gang introduceret af UNESCO i 2002 og betegner enhver type offentligt frit til-
gængeligt undervisningsmateriale. OER bidrager til, at undervisere og institutioner frit kan dele, bruge og
ændre uddannelsesmateriale af høj kvalitet, hvorved også lande og områder, der ikke umiddelbart har ad-
gang til tilstrækkelige undervisningsmidler, har mulighed for at tilbyde kvalitetsundervisning.
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
Danmark understregede, at adgang til information og evnen til at bruge denne er en vigtig del for udvikling
af et bæredygtigt samfund
ikke mindst i forhold til uddannelse og læring. Det blev under punktet påpe-
get, at et standardsættende instrument kunne være nyttigt ift. at styrke implementering af national og
international lovgivning, politikudvikling og strategier inden for området samtidig med, at man via OER kan
styrke det internationale samarbejde ift.
“DG . Beslut i ge ede ge e aldi ektø e o til UNE“CO’s .
generalkonference i 2019 at udarbejde et forslag til en rekommandation for Open Educational Resources.
Konkrete resultater af Danmarks indsats
Øget fokus på og tilslutning til danske prioriteter
Danmark har under kommissionens arbejde klart bidraget til at få sat yderligere fokus på journalisters sik-
kerhed og kampen mod straffrihed, ytrings- og pressefrihed, adgang til information, og Media and Informa-
tion Literacy. Det danske arbejde i Group of Friends of the Safety of Journalists har vist sig nyttigt, ift. at få
indflydelse på beslutningerne og formidlet danske synspunkter.
Styrket nordisk samarbejde
Kommissionens arbejde var præget af et stærkt nordisk samarbejde, der var baseret på en solid nordisk
koordinering forud for mødet, og hvor man under de konkrete punkter og diskussioner støttede op om
hinandens kommentarer.
Opfølgning i Danmark og i Paris
National plan ift. journalisters sikkerhed
Fo at st ke i ple e te i ge af FN’s ha dlingsplan
for journalisters sikkerhed og kampen mod straffri-
hed er der for alle relevante partnere opstillet konkrete forslag til, hvorledes man hver især kan bidrage.
Dette gælder således også ift. de enkelte medlemsstaters aktive deltagelse. Nogle lande er begyndt at ud-
forme nationale retningslinjer for at sikre journalisters sikkerhed. I forlængelse af konferencen organiseret
af Den danske UNESCO-nationalkommissionen og International Media Support den 16. november 2017 om,
hvad det internationale samfund kan og bør gøre, når det gælder journalisters sikkerhed, kunne man anbe-
fale en styrket dansk indsats på området med deltagelse af regeringen, Danske Medier og Dansk Journalist-
forbund med henblik på at udfærdige en decideret plan for Danmarks indsats.
Mogens Blicher Bjerregaard fra Den danske UNESCO-nationalkommission deltog i arbejdet i Kommunikati-
on- og Informationskommissionen på Danmarks vegne.
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Afrapportering fra Samfundsvidenskabskommissionen (SHS)
7.-9. november 2017
Fra Danmark deltog Jørgen Prosper Sørensen, chefkonsulent i Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet,
Jens Dalsgaard, generalsekretær for Den danske UNESCO-nationalkommission, Andreas Bruun, fuld-
mægtig i Undervisningsministeriet, Viktor Grønne, ungdomsrepræsentant i Den danske UNESCO-
nationalkommission og Dorthe Wendt seniorrådgiver ved Danmarks Permanente Delegation ved
UNESCO i Samfundsvidenskabskommissionen.
Med fem indlæg i plenum og en aktiv indsats i forhandlingerne var Danmark med til at sætte dagsordenen i
med fokus på danske prioriteter som ligestilling, Afrika, etiske principper ift. klimaforan-
dringer, forskeres rettigheder, arbejdet med og for unge samt transparens og inklusion i arbejdsprocesser.
Vigtige dagsordenspunkter, diskussioner og beslutninger
Vedtagelse af deklaration om etiske principper for klimaforandringer
Efter et langt forarbejde med mange konsultationer lykkedes det at vedtage en deklaration om etiske prin-
cipper for klimaforandringer. Kun USA talte imod deklarationen. Et stærkt EU-samarbejde bidrog til, at de-
klarationen ikke gav anledning til problematiske fortolkninger af Paris-aftalen og UN Framework Conventi-
on on Climate Change.
Opdatering af rekommandation om forskeres vilkår
Den globale udvikling har nødvendiggjort en opdatering af rekommandationen fra 1974 om forskeres vilkår.
Danmark har siden processens begyndelse været fortaler for opdateringen, der bl.a. forholder sig til brug af
informationsteknologi og data, beskyttelse af videnskabernes uafhængighed af politiske og økonomiske
interesser samt forskningsetik og professionelle standarder. Brasilien og Rusland havde omstridte æn-
dringsforslag, der efter en hurtig nedsat arbejdsgruppe med dansk deltagelse endte i en kompromisløsning.
Opdateringen blev vedtaget inklusiv et forslag fra Holland med ti temaer, der vil lette implementering og
monitorering af rekommandationen, som afspejler den reviderede rekommandation, og som vil kunne fun-
gere som udgangspunkt for kommende implementering og monitorering samtidig med at være et slags
Executive Summary til en lang tekst.
Konkrete resultater af Danmarks indsats
Øget fokus på og tilslutning til danske prioriteter
Danmark fremhævede visioner for etiske problemstillinger ift. klimaforandringer, Afrika, forskeres status og
ligestilling mellem kønnene, der gav genlyd i salen og fik støtte fra flere sider.
Sikring af transparent og inkluderende ungdomsrepræsentation
På ungdomsområdet førte Danmark an, både i plenum og i en arbejdsgruppe, for at sikre en transparent og
p o es ed fokus på l.a. atio al ep æse tatio
ed he lik på at st ke UNE“CO’s a ej-
de med og for unge.
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
U dgå yderligere elast i g af UNE“CO’s udget
I forhold til opfølgning på den sjette internationale konference for ministre ansvarlige for idræt og sport,
MINEPS VI, der fandt sted i juli måned 2017 i Kazan, Rusland, så blev det på dansk initiativ tydeliggjort i
eslut i ge he o , at de ide e opfølg i g skal ske ude de lige e at elaste UNE“CO’s egulæ e ud-
get, der i forvejen er under stort pres.
Ungdomsrepræsentamt i Den danske UNESCO-nationalkommission, Viktor Grønne, deltog i Samfundsviden-
ska sko
issio e ved Ge eralko fere e og holdt her Da arks i dlæg o UNE“CO’s ar ejde ed u g-
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Afrapportering fra Kulturkommissionen (CLT), 8.
10. november
Fra Danmark deltog Per Nylykke, kontorchef i Kulturministeriet, Merete Ipsen, medlem af Den danske UNE-
SCO-nationalkommission Sofie Tolstrup, fuldmægtig i Kulturministeriet og Malene Nielsen Mansour, sted-
fortrædende permanent repræsentant ved Danmarks permanente delegation ved UNESCO i Kulturkommis-
sionens arbejde.
To o e o d ede udfo d i ge do i e ede de atte : UNE“CO’s kle te øko o i sa t i dsatse
od eks-
tremistiske gruppers angreb på kulturværdier og kulturel diversitet i konfliktsituationer som f.eks. Syrien,
Irak og Mali. Danmark deltog aktivt i diskussionerne og flere danske indspil blev samlet op af diverse sam-
arbejdspartnere. Endvidere bidrog det nordiske kultursamarbejde, som koordineres af Danmark, til en
stærk nordisk stemme på flere mærkesager. Danmark var desuden drivkraft på et nordisk side-event med
fokus på ku st e isk t i gsf ihed og UNE“CO’s o ati e æ ktøje i de he see de. De da ske skue-
spiller Katja Holm deltog i debatpanelet.
Vigtige dagsordenspunkter, diskussioner og beslutninger
Program og budget
De atte ga i dt k af ed op ak i g f a edle sla de e til UNE“CO’s kultu p og a , de fi t afspejle
-Agenda. Det er en ambitiøs dagsorden, og derfor støttede mange lande, inkl. Danmark, pro-
ets kla e fokus på ke eopga e e i de fo UNE“CO’s kultu ko e tio e . Ma ge la de a så
ska p p io ite i g so e a solut ød e dighed i l set af UNE“CO’s kle te øko o i og U“A’s gæld til o -
ganisationen (ca. USD 550 mio.). Danmark tilsluttede sig dette synspunkt og understregede behovet for at
fortsætte reformprocessen i retning af optimering og effektivisering af konventionernes arbejdsmekanis-
mer. Som inspirationskilde til yderligere reformtiltag pegede Danmark særskilt på det innovative og kon-
st ukti e a ejde u de UNE“CO’s
-konvention, der sætter globale standarder for en mangfoldig kul-
tu i dust i. Ko k et udt kte Da a k tilf edshed ed UNE“CO’s hå dte i g af statspa ts appo te i g, de
danner grundlag for evidensbaserede policy-dialoger om tendenser og udfordringer med 2005-
konventionens implementering. Endvidere lagde Danmark vægt på systemets fleksible arbejdsprocesser,
der tillader tidssvarende initiativer
som f.eks. den dansk/nordiske satsning på skærpet global overvågning
af kunstnerisk frihed.
UNE“CO’s a tio o ultural heritage prote tio i e erge ies og I ple e tatio of the
Co ve -
Ma ge edle sla de tog o det fo at akke op o UNE“CO’s i dsats od ekst e istiske g uppe s a g e
på kulturskatte. Danmark understregede kulturkonventionernes vigtige funktion, der supplerer den politi-
ske e åge hed ed ju idiske fo pligtelse . Alle UNE“CO’s kultu ko e tio e a i spil, e de atte
fokuserede særligt på 1954-konventionens 2. protokol, der beskytter kulturværdier i tilfælde af væbnet
konflikt, samt 1970-konventionen, der bekæmper tyveri og plyndring.
Det le f e hæ et, at to pe a e te edle
e af FN’s “ikke heds åd –
Frankrig og Storbritannien
fornylig har tiltrådt 2. protokollen, mens både Danmark og Sverige bekendtgjorde deres snarlige tiltrædelse
og i øvrigt opfordrede til innovative UNESCO-tiltag, der kan fremme universel tilslutning. 1970-
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
konventionens betydning blev aktualiseret med Iraks indlæg, der fremhævede UNESCO som vigtig ressour-
ce for konfliktramte lande, hvor illegale arkæologiske udgravninger og videresalg er en del af hverdagen.
Imidlertid var det gruppen af latinamerikanske lande, som fremsatte en særskilt resolution med ønske om
at styrke 1970-konventionen. Flere vestlige lande frygtede, at initiativet åbnede op for en proces med om-
skrivning af den knap 50 år gamle konventionstekst. Norge stod derfor i spidsen for et ændringsforslag, der
skulle forhindre dette. Efter massivt pres blev resolutionen vedtaget vha. et dansk kompromisforslag. Un-
der drøftelsen påpegede Danmark vigtigheden af tilslutning til UNIDROIT-konventionen som supplement til
Dansk/nordisk side-e
e t o ku st erisk frihed: ”Setti g a Ne Age da: Part erships for Artisti Free-
do ”
Arrangementet blev afholdt som paneldebat med deltagelse af skuespiller Katja Holm, der talte kunstner-
nes sag. Mellem 120-150 deltog, hvilket viser, at der er interesse for emnet. Tidsrammen betød, at der ale-
ne var tid til debat i panelet men ikke var tid til input/spørgsmål fra salen. Arrangementet udtrykker det
dansk/nordiske ønske om at arbejde videre med en handlingsplan om kunstnerisk frihed.
Fra det dansk/nordiske side event om kunstnerisk ytringsfrihed d. 8. november. Skuespiller og formand for
Dansk Skuespillerforbund, Katja Holm, ses i billedet til højre, hvor hun sidder med i debatpanelet ved arran-
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Bilag 1
– De da ske delegatio
ed UNE“CO’s
. ge e alko fe-
De da ske delegatio ed UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere
e, 31. oktober
14. novem-
ber 2017 i Paris, bestod af følgende personer:
Undervisningsminister Merete Riisager
Klavs A. Holm
Ambassadør for den danske OECD- og UNESCO-delegation
Permanent delegeret
Stedfortrædende delegationsleder
Jesper Fisker
Stedfortrædende delegationsleder
Jens Dalsgaard
Generalsekretær for Den danske UNESCO-nationalkommission
Bo Manderup-Jensen
Formand for Den danske UNESCO-nationalkommission
Lise Lotte Toft
Kontorchef, Internationalt Kontor
Laust Joen Jakobsen
Den danske UNESCO-nationalkommission
Merete Ipsen
Den danske UNESCO-nationalkommission
Mogens Blicher Bjerregaard
Den danske UNESCO-nationalkommission
Michel Steen-Hansen
Den danske UNESCO-nationalkommission
Per Nylykke
Kontorchef, Medier, Folkeoplysning og idræt
Viktor Grønne
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
Den danske UNESCO-nationalkommission
Katja Holm
Den danske UNESCO-nationalkommission
Jørgen Sørensen
Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet
Sofie Tolstrup
Andreas Bruun
Malene Nielsen Mansour
Stedfortrædende permanent repræsentant
Den permanente danske delegation ved UNESCO
Dorthe Wendt
Den permanente danske delegation ved UNESCO
Maj Blankenberg
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Bilag 2
Danske indlæg i kommissionerne
Kommissionen for administrative og eksterne forhold (APX), 31. oktober
1. Draft Programme and Budget 2018-19, Internal Oversight, Strategic Planning and Gender Equality
(item 3.2)
2. Adoption of provisional budget ceiling (item 3.4)
3. Governance procedures and working methods of the governing bodies (item 5.1)
4. Proposals for dialogue between Member States and NGOs, including within the governing bodies
(item 8.1)
Colle tio of Me
e “tates’ Co t i utio s ite
Dagsordenspunkter i Kommissionen for administrative og eksterne forhold, hvor Danmark holdt indlæg:
6. Human Resources Management Strategy for 2017-2022 (item 10.6)
1. Draft Programme and Budget 2018-19, Internal Oversight, Strategic Planning and Gender Equality
(item 3.2)
Thank you Madam Chairperson,
Denmark would like to comment on three topics, which are of particular importance to us:
International Oversight Service (part I.B of the Draft Budget)
Strategic Planning (part II.B, chapter 3)
Gender Equality Implementation (part II.B, chapter 2)
Overall, we agree with the proposed priorities, but we wish to convey some key messages to express both
our support and expectations for the next biennium.
Fi stl , De a k highl app e iates UNE“CO’s E aluatio Poli , a d e st o gl e ou age the O ga iza-
tion to take all necessary steps for its full implementation, in particular the 3% target for operational budg-
et e pe ditu e o e aluatio . This is ke fo e ide e-based
decision-making and organizational learning
as well as accountability for results and programme
effe ti e ess as efle ted i E pe ted Result o. .
“e o dl , st ategi pla i g is esse tial fo UNE“CO’s apa it to deli e o its a date i a ti el a d
impactful manner. Hence, Denmark welcomes the steps taken towards an Integrated Budget Framework,
and strongly encourage the Organization to work on the house-wide resource mobilization strategy based
on the findings of the new audit. This strategy along with the Structured Financing Dialogues are important
tools for filling the funding gap.
Finally in regard to gender equality, Denmark would like to congratulate the Director General with the re-
po t a out the a
ele a t ge de e ualit a ti ities that ha e take pla e i all of UNE“CO’s ajo p o-
grammes. It is clear that the main work is being and should be done directly by the various Main Pro-
grammes. It is encouraging to see how in particular the Education and the Communication and Information
Sectors have managed to put the gender equality issues high up on their agenda.
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
Likewise, we encourage other sectors and the IOC to give priority to gender equality both in their strategic
reflections and in their concrete activities.
The Director General should also be commended for the fact that UNESCO has achieved a very high degree
of gender equalit
i its staff, ot least at the di e to s’ le el. This is a a hie e e t UNE“CO a e p oud
of and we hope that the coming Director General will continue on this good note.
Thank you for your attention!
2. Adoption of provisional budget ceiling (item 3.4)
Thank you Madam Chairperson,
As sta ti g poi t fo ou dis ussio o UNE“CO’s udget eili g, De a k ishes to e o fi its o
ment to UNESCO as an important partner for the achievement of the SDGs, not least for the implementa-
tion of SDG4.
Expectations are high, and repeatedly, we
Member States
call upon UNESCO to respond effectively to
these demands. Overall, Denmark sees important steps taken in the right direction
For instance, the clear
a d isi le alig e t of UNE“CO’s p og a
e a d
udget to the new Agenda.
A reasonable amount of resources is of course necessary to ensure a critical mass of activities
to make a
and reform efforts are not always for free neither. Hence, Denmark welcomes the recommen-
dation of the Executive Board to appropriate a regular programme budget that reflects continuity of the
overall budget level of the Organization
instead decrease.
This said, our analysis of recent reform efforts indicates that UNESCO is both willing and ready for change,
but may not at this stage be fully equipped to live up to the ambitions.
Looking forward, Denmark encourages UNESCO to continue its reform agenda. We see three main lines of
1. Develop clear and concrete responses to UN Secretary-Ge
e al Gute as’
reform agenda;
2. Implement the recommendations of the General Conference on governance reform;
3. Continue reform efforts for focusing of activities, efficiencies and strengthening the evaluation cul-
Denmark looks forward to cooperating with Member States and the Secretariat.
Thank you for your attention!
3. Governance procedures and working methods of the governing bodies (item 5.1)
Thank you, Madam Chairperson,
First and foremost, we wish to congratulate everyone in this room for the results that we have achieved
after 2 years of hard, but constructive, work to improve governance;
The recommendations before us are comprehensive, and we are particularly glad to see clear recommen-
dations on the further alignment of activities of the almost 50 different international and intergovernmen-
tal bodies and programmes;
It is esse tial if e ish to i ease the fo us of UNE“CO’s C/ p og a
This said, Denmark would like to comment very shortly on three issues, in particular:
1. Term limits
we support the approval of recommendation number 20
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
2. Follow-up working group
recommendation no. 134 should reflect what has been broadly sup-
ported at previous discussions: that the WG should meet for 1 day in preparation for the 40
sion of the General Conference
3. Our draft amendment
which is a technical amendment that ensures that the follow-up tool we al-
ready agreed upon is ready in 2018 when the implementation phase starts, fully in line with the
timeline endorsed by the EXB in October;
Thank you for your attention!
4. Proposals for dialogue between Member States and NGOs, including within the governing bodies
(item 8.1)
Thank you Madame Chairperson,
Denmark would like to thank the Director General for her report and for the collaboration with the Nordic
countries. Denmark is very satisfied with the excellent work done by the trainees from the Nordic countries
appi g the diffe e t fo s of olla o atio et ee a ious UN age ies a d NGO’s.
Denmark strongly supports the multi-stakeholder approach when it comes to find solutions to the global
challenges and we are of the opinion that civil society organizations have their rightful place within such a
multi-stakeholder framework.
We look forward to the report to be submitted to the 205 Executive Board about how UNESCO can make
ette use of the e isti g odalities fo oope atio ith NGO’s a d e e tual possi ilities fo i ludi g
NGO ep ese tati es i UNE“CO’s go e i g odies.
Thank you for your attention!
Colle tio of Me
er States’ Co tri utio s ite
Thank you Madam Chairperson
I have the honor to speak on behalf of the Nordic countries: Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the Far-
oe Islands, and my own country Denmark.
Let me start by thanking the Secretariat for its report. It gives a clear overview of the collection of Member
“tates’ o t i utio s a d ashflo i pli atio –
essential information, especially in the current context of
the budget crisis.
While we appreciate to see that, many Member States do their outmost to ensure prompt payment of con-
tributions, the Nordic countries wish to express concern about the non-payment of assessed contributions
by some Member States.
It goes ithout sa i g that the O ga izatio ’s fi a ial situatio is se iousl halle ged, a d e a e of
course deeply concerned by the severe implications for delivery of regular programme activities.
All Member States should meet their obligations. Assessed contributions are the bedrock for UNESCO as
well as for the UN system. We wish to see a strong and efficient UN system fit to deliver on the 2030 Agen-
The international community is facing common global challenges, and the UN family is under heavy pres-
sure to deliver sustainable solutions. Our position is clear: we will strive for committed global cooperation
and multilateral answers. We, the Nordic countries, see our assessed contributions to UNESCO as an in-
vestment to achieve our common commitments.
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
UNESCO can count on the assessed contributions of the Nordic countries.
Thank you for your attention!
6. Human Resources Management Strategy for 2017-2022 (item 10.6)
Thank you Madame Chairperson,
Denmark would like to congratulate UNESCO with the excellent results when it comes to gender equality
among UNESCO staff. It is not least impressive to note the balance that has been reached at the manage-
ment level. UNESCO can be proud of this achievement, which may serve as inspiration for other UN agen-
UNESCO has many highly qualified and hard working staff members and it is important to find resources for
securing them access to relevant further education. UNESCO is the educational agency of the UN and it is
somewhat ironic that the Organisation itself does not live up to what it recommends Member States to do.
In order for the staff to be able to continue to offer dynamic and qualified service to Member States, it
must have access to further education.
It is also disappointing to see that, once again, UNESCO has not been able to put in place an effective policy
fo staff o ilit . UNE“CO’s a ti ities a e de eloped a d i ple e
ted both at headquarters and in the
field offices and it must be made mandatory for all professional staff, including at the management level to
gain experience from a variety of duty stations.
We are looking forward to follow the implementation of the Human Resources Management Strategy.
Thank you for your attention!
Uddannelseskommissionen (ED), 1.-4. november
Dagsordenspunkter i Uddannelseskommissionen, hvor Danmark holdt indlæg:
1. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021 (item 3.2) /
UNE“CO’s ole i the i ple e tatio of the “DG
-Education 2030 Agenda (item 4.8)
2. Progress report on the preparation of a global convention on the recognition of higher education
qualifications (item 6.1)
3. Consolidated report on the implementation by Member States of the 1960 Convention and Rec-
ommendation against Discrimination in Education (7.1) / Consolidated report on the implementa-
tion by Member States of the 1974 Recommendation concerning Education for International Un-
derstanding Cooperation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental
Freedoms (7.2)
1. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021 (item 3.2) /
role in the implementation of the SDG4-Education 2030 Agenda (item 4.8)
Denmark would like to thank the Director-General for the Draft Programme and Budget. We are happy to
see SDG4 clearly and systematically incorporated in the proposal.
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
In relation to MLA 1 we fully support UNESCO's efforts to assist Member States in enhancing inclusive quali-
ty education for all. In light of the very limited resources we encourage UNESCO to reinforce focus on up-
stream policy advice and capacity building, including monitoring.
From our perspective of qualit
edu atio e ould like to sha e a fe o se atio s o UNE“CO’s o k:
Global Citizenship Education and Prevention of Violent Extremism through Education are important areas
and of high priority for Denmark. We appreciate ongoing work, but we would like
UNE“CO’s i te se to al
approach to be reflected more strategically
– This is UNE“CO’s o pa ati e ad a tage, it should e full
As a atu al di e sio of ualit edu atio , e also el o e UNE“CO’s a tio o the elatio ship e-
tween education and health, and the need for a more comprehensive approach to school health. UNESCO
clearly has a mandate and a role to play in this area. Within the same field, we are also particularly inter-
ested in UNESCO's work on learning environments that are free from gender- and LGBT-related violence
and bullying. The new monitoring platform appears promising, and UNESCO can count on our supportive
A d of ou se, ualit edu atio is depe di g o ualified tea he s. Espe iall , e app e iate UNE“CO’s
ith ke pa t e s, i ludi g tea he s’ u io s a d asso iatio s. Tea he s a e i flue tial a d po e -
ful forces for equity, access and quality in education
they are key to the achievement of SDG4.
In relation to MLA 2
De a k el o es UNE“CO’s ole i the
implementation of the SDG4. Global com-
mitment alongside regional, national and local engagement is key to its achievement.
De a k also ishes to st ess the i po ta e of a lea st ateg o UNE“CO’s i te a tio ith othe i te -
national key players
not least, the Global Partnership for Education and Education Cannot Wait. A clear
articulation of the complementary role and action of UNESCO in relation to other important actors is key to
the visibility and credibility of UNESCO.
While cooperation with civil society actors is important, at this stage, we would encourage further reflec-
tio s o UNE“CO’s out ea h st ateg fo oope atio ith Me e “tates. I ou ie , UNE“CO should
focus on its standard-setting role and strong advocacy
avoid fragmented small-scale activities, and rather
provide policy advice and upstream capacity-building.
2. Progress report on the preparation of a global convention on the recognition of higher education
qualifications (item 6.1)
Thank you Mr. Chair,
First and foremost, Denmark wishes to express its appreciation of the preliminary draft of the Global Con-
vention. We would like to thank the Drafting Committee for its comprehensive work in this regard. Den-
mark is particularly glad to see the focus on real competences and partial recognition reflected in the pre-
liminary draft.
We also wish to underline that the work in relation to the Global Convention should not undermine the
well-functioning regional networks. Enabling stakeholders in Member States to advocate for the ratification
of the conventions and to enhance their implementation is important, but budget restraints may call for
alternative modalities.
Denmark would also like to highlight Article VII of the preliminary Draft and its potential in relation to the
present refugee crisis, where recognition of refugee qualifications is an increasingly pressing issue. Refugee
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
e plo e t, hi h e ofte i ludes a edu atio di e sio , sta ds out as a lea p io it i De a k’s
implementation plan of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Hence, we will follow this question
very closely in UNESCO.
On this background, it should be recognised that the recognition of qualifications, which are not docu-
mented or not fully documented, is a very difficult exercise. At present, only few countries have actually
i t odu ed egulatio s o e i g the e og itio of efugees’ a d displa ed pe so s’ ualifi atio s. De -
a k is o e the fe
ho, esta lishi g a a kg ou d pape , p o ides a asis fo de isio s a out ad is-
sion to further studies, credit transfers or access to the labor market.
Withi the f a e o k of the Lis o Re og itio Co e tio , this a kg ou d pape is e o
e ded as
something for countries to aim for
when developing procedures for recognition of qualifications from
refugees and displaced persons without documentary evidence.
To sum up: Denmark welcomes the approval of a process towards the development of the Draft Global
Convention, and we look forward to participating in the formal consultations in 2018.
Thank you for your attention!
3. Consolidated report on the implementation by Member States of the 1960 Convention and Recom-
mendation against Discrimination in Education (7.1) / Consolidated report on the implementation by
Member States of the 1974 Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding
Cooperation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (7.2)
Thank you Mr. Chair,
De a k el o es UNE“CO’s effo ts to st e gthe its o ito i g fu tio i elatio to the
related standard-setting instruments. It is an opportunity to inspire and develop policy advice and up-
stream capacity building, and we hope to see UNESCO develop efficient ways of showcasing and dissemi-
nating the experiences and good practices emerging from the two reports before us.
As a political agenda, Education 2030 does not in itself create legal obligations. This is why the 1960 Con-
vention represents a powerful tool to advance SDG4, covering the right to education more extensively than
any other normative instrument.
While state epo ti g o the Co e tio ’s i ple e tatio is i po ta t fo go e
e t a ou ta ilit a d
Denmark is proud of having contributed
we should consider the risk of overburdening
reporting systems. Hence, Denmark welcomes further reflections on possible synergies within the UN.
Coming to the findings of the Report before us, Denmark has a few comments and questions:
Firstly, the Report stresses that harmful practices, such as early marriage and child labour, continue
to prevail in some parts of the world, depriving children of their right to go to school. In addition,
misperceptions of the role of education are highlighted as severely limiting the opportunities of
girls and boys, and vulnerable groups in particular.
Tackling these challenges is a top priority for the Danish Government in the follow-up of the 2030
Age da. Could UNE“CO’s “e eta iat ela o ate o its futu e a tio s i this a ea?
Secondly, the Report points to the absence of a legal and policy environment as a factor that
strongly hinders the improvement of the right to education. Some States have cited a general lack
of knowledge and awareness of the provisions of the 1960 Convention, and only 101 states have
ratified so far.
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
The Executive Board has recently advised Member States, not yet party to the Convention, to con-
sider becoming so. Denmark strongly supports this, and we welcome alternative steps to push for
universal ratification. Initiatives like the UNGA Treaty Events in New York could be one source of in-
Finally, the Report briefly mentions that NGO partners were encouraged to participate in the Con-
sultation on the implementation of the Convention. In addition, Denmark would encourage parallel
NGO reporting, like it
is do e fo UNE“CO’s
Cultu e Co e tio .
We are well aware of the challenges connected with the monitoring of the qualitative dimension of SDG 4,
target 4.7 in particular. We are looking forward to the continued monitoring of the 1974-recommendation
for this purpose.
Thank you.
Naturvidenskabskommissionen (SC), 6.-7. november
Dagsordenspunkter i Naturvidenskabskommissionen, hvor Danmark holdt indlæg:
1. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021 (item 3.2)
2. UNESCO Strategy for Action on Climate Change (item 4.9)
3. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021, the Intergovern-
mental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) (item 3.2)
1. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021 (item 3.2)
Thank you Mr. Chairperson.
It is with pleasure Denmark acknowledges the clear cohesion between Programme II and the Sustainable
Development Goals. UNESCO indeed has several comparative advantages where we believe the Organiza-
tion can make a quality contribution and even more so if an integrated science approach is applied.
This is not least the case in regard to major global challenges such as climate change, protection and man-
agement of fresh water resources, the state of the oceans, disaster risk reduction, biodiversity, science
education and technology development and exchange.
UNE“CO’s a ti ities a e oth o ati e a d ope atio al, a d the O ga isatio ill, tha ks to its a Cat-
egory I and II institutes, be well positioned to facilitate - and where relevant - lead international coopera-
tion, especially if UNESCO manages to benefit from synergy from enhanced collaboration between these
many institutes. The Danish Aalborg Centre for Problem Based Learning in Engineering Science and Sustain-
ability is a part of that network and we are following it with great interest.
Denmark is pleased with the addition of the Møn biosphere to the MAB Programme and would like to
acknowledge the changes in the governance of the Man and the Biosphere programme. We hope that this
good example can serve as an inspiration for other programmes in the Sector.
Likewise, Denmark strongly supports the Geopark programme where the Danish Odsherred Geopark has
the advantage of exchange with colleagues from all over the world. It is worth to underline that UNESCO
sites like Odsherred Geopark and Møn MAB reserve, both relying on the support and engagement from
lo al so iet , ake UNE“CO’s o k e isi le a d o ete i De a k.
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
F o a Da ish pe spe ti e UNE“CO’s potential
to have real impact can be strengthened considerably if the
Sector manages to strengthen its intersectoral capacity, including more flexible organizational structures
and programme activities that are problem- and solution-oriented rather than sector-oriented.
In regard to the very lately proposed introduction of a new MLA 3 on Water Security, Denmark can accept
this, although we would have preferred to leave the original proposal of the SC Programme and budget as it
was. Denmark is of the opinion that the old MLA 2 clearly gave priority to IHP and furthermore indicated
the strong relations between IHP and other areas within the Natural Sciences sector.
The role of women and girls in the natural sciences is as important as ever and while Denmark appreciates
the efforts done in this area, we do encourage the Sector to reinforce and further target its activities.
There is also space for enhancing the work with and targeting young people. The sciences have an almost
decisive impact on the future of mankind and it is critical to include the global youth in finding ways to re-
solve the challenges the world is facing as well as work closely with the education sector on science educa-
Denmark is looking forward to follow the implementation of the programme.
Thank you for your attention.
2. UNESCO Strategy for Action on Climate Change (item 4.9)
Thank you Mr. Chairperson,
Climate change represents one of the biggest challenges for humanity in our time. Natural and social trans-
formations are already taking place, having considerable impact on basically all aspects of life on the planet
for a long period to come and they will particularly affect the most vulnerable groups.
A comprehensive and coherent strategy for the whole of UNESCO is therefore needed and Denmark is
pleased to see the proposed strategy for action on climate change, which we can support.
We app e iate that it is uilt upo the a ti ities of all UNE“CO’s se to s a d its i te go e
e tal p o-
grammes. Likewise, that it contains both upstream activities like monitoring and benchmarking as well as
policy development and data collection, awareness raising and capacity building. It is also satisfactory to
see that both gender and youth are directly addressed in the strategy. Women play a special role in mitigat-
ing the effects of climate change and young people will have to sustainable find solutions for the future.
For Denmark, it has been important to put focus on the particular issues related to make climate changes
explicit and relevant for young people. This is why Denmark supported the establishment of the Sandwatch
programme, which is still on going.
While the Science sector and IOC may have the most obvious role to play in the strategy, it is essential that
educational, cultural and communication and information issues are also included.
It is critical that the strategy is well aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals as well as with both
the Paris Agreement and the overall UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC as well as with
the efforts of individual Member States.
The proposed strategy is well aligned with Danish climate change priorities and Denmark will be pleased to
support the draft resolution.
We are looking forward to follow the work forward within the framework of the strategy.
Thank you for your attention!
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
3. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021, the Intergovernmen-
tal Oceanographic Commission (IOC) (item 3.2)
Thank you Mr. Chairperson,
The IOC has always been important to Denmark
actually, Denmark was among the founding fathers of the
Committee and it is with great pleasure that Denmark acknowledges that the IOC programme and budget
has been given its own chapter in the proposed C/5.
The programme of the IOC is traditionally well focused, technically of an impeccable quality, results orient-
ed and the proposed programme also has a very clear cohesion with the Sustainable Development Goals,
especially SDG 14 where IOC has been entrusted with a leading role within the UN system.
Denmark welcomes the establishment of the International Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Devel-
opment and compliments the IOC for its role in the UN Conference to support the implementation of SDG
14, held in June this year in New York.
The efforts of the IOC when it comes to facilitating the establishment of alert systems and the supporting
observational programs have been very successful and it is encouraging to see that these tasks will be con-
tinued in the new biennium.
Denmark would like to see IOC having the resources to play a more proactive role in regard to the Arctic
Ocean on improving the regional cooperation, the integration of observing systems and enhancing the
knowledge of emerging issues related to climate change.
It is good to see that the intersectoral activities of the IOC will be widened. In this regard, we note with
satisfaction the increased collaboration with the Social and Human Sciences sector on ethical issues, also
related to the freedom and independence of oceanographic research and researchers. Denmark still finds a
need for more flexible organizational structures and programme activities that are problem- and solution-
oriented rather than sector-oriented.
When looking at the impressive programme for the coming biennium there is one small hitch: it is a bit
disappoi ti g that UNE“CO’s glo al p io it o ge de has ot et put a o e lea a k o the o i g IOC
programme and Denmark encourages the IOC to rethink its approaches and allocation of resources in order
to change this.
The o ea s a e fu da e tal fo a ki d’s ell ei g a d the IOC has a i po ta t ole to pla i this e-
gard, not least in the light of the challenges posed by climate change. Denmark thinks that the IOC is well
situated to play a constructive and leading role in this context.
Thank you for your attention!
Kommunikation- og Informationskommissionen (CI), 6.-7. november
Dagsordenspunkter i Kommunikation- og Informationskommissionen, hvor Danmark holdt indlæg:
1. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021 (item 3.2)
2. Progress report on safety of journalists and the issue of impunity (item 4.20)
3. Desirability of a standard-setting instrument on international collaboration in the field of Open Ed-
ucational Resources, OER (item 6.3)
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
1. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021 (item 3.2)
Thank you very much Mr. Chairperson,
Journalists are killed, injured, harassed and imprisoned and impunity still constitutes to be a huge problem.
Female journalists are exposed to special threats and Denmark would like to see the work in this area in-
Freedom of expression, press freedom and open access to information and knowledge are pillars in a dem-
ocratic society and their spirit has rightly been inscribed in the Sustainable Development Goals especially in
goal 16, where UNESCO CI is leading 16.10.
UNE“CO’s CI p og a is ele a t, ell-structured
and has the right focus and priorities. And as a member of
the Group of Friends of the
“afet of Jou alists, De a k is e satisfied ith UNE“CO’s oo di ati g ole
in relation to the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the issue of impunity.
It is critical now to follow up on the recommendations from the coordination meeting in Geneva in June
this Summer to strengthen the establishment of well-functioning national safety mechanisms.
In this era of so-called fake news, which we could also name and shame as it is: propaganda, lies, and disin-
formation, we more than ever need high professional and ethical standards in media. Journalists need to be
free, independent, safe and well educated to do this. Journalism has huge responsibilities - to the truth, not
to any governments or advertisers.
As mentioned, Denmark finds the draft CI-program well-structured and setting the right direction. We do
however find the phrasing of expected results 3 and 6 duplicative in relation to the other expected results.
It is reassuring to see that the good monitoring and benchmarking activities of the Sector continues. Having
special indicators for Internet universality will be very important when we are working to ensure the free-
dom and independence of the Internet. The various sets of indicators CI has produced have proved to be
very useful when it comes to practical media development and they will now serve in the indicator box for
the “DG’s.
The Memory of the World Program has become more and more vital and important. It is therefore neces-
sary to find ways of running the program that efficiently protects it against being used by politic interests.
CI has a good tradition of working intersectorally, and we do support that this is even further strengthened.
Impact increases when UNESCO puts all its knowledge together. One of the examples is Media and Infor-
mation Literacy, where a cooperation between the educational sector and the CI-sector could have a huge
impact. It has a potential, when you bring in journalists to the education sector increasing mutual under-
standings in the two sectors. It will increase the societal support for free, independent and pluralistic media
as one of the fundamental pillars of our democracies.
Thank you for your attention!
2. Progress report on safety of journalists and the issue of impunity (item 4.20)
Thank you Mr Chairperson
Denmark would like to thank the Director General for this very important document. Sometimes what
o es late is the ost i po ta t a d UNE“CO’s o k i fa ou of the safet of jou alists a d o atti g
impunity is indeed one of the most important programme areas within the mandate of the Organisation.
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Just four days ago we marked the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists and
there is more and more need for UNESCO to work in this field. There can be no free press if journalists can-
not report without fear for their lives or the lives of their families. Unfortunately, we still see journalist be-
ing killed
basically two every week over that last ten years
and we see an increasing amount of violence,
imprisonments without due legal procedures, threats and harassments. The violence and threats are physi-
cal but increasingly also digital and more and more targeting female journalists.
From Denmark we also notice the impact of capacity-building where judges, police, security forces meet
journalists to be trained in freedom in expression to get better understandings.
A study recently came out
from the International Media Support shows increase of safety and decrease of impunity in those countries
with most cooperation on this field. Therefore the initiative on this in Africa is very important.
The document C/61 resumes well the lead responsibilities of UNESCO within the useful framework of the
UN Plan of Action of the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity and Denmark is delighted to be able
to support this good work through its membership of the Group of Friends of the Safety of Journalists. We
a e pleased to see ho UNE“CO’s a pla ed a ti ities o e the o ple it of the issue a d e a e
particularly happy to note the increased attention paid to the plight of female journalists.
Denmark wholeheartedly supports the proposed resolution.
I thank you for your attention.
3. Desirability of a standard-setting instrument on international collaboration in the field of Open Edu-
cational Resources, OER (item 6.3)
Dear Chairperson
One of the most important UN's sustainable development goals is access to information and the ability to
use it.
This is one of the reasons why Denmark supports a standard-setting instrument on international collabora-
tion in the field of Open Educational Resources. OER is a part of the digital transformation of education and
has the potential to contribute to the realization of SDG4 and 16.1.
It is important, that the instrument is capable of supporting the member states in ensuring, that the quality
of the learning materials and the access to it, is satisfying and suitable to the different local needs. In order
for OER to be widely used, it is furthermore essential, that adequate guidance on OER is developed and
provided to teachers, librarians and students.
It is imperative, that the smaller languages are also supported and it is vital, that the instrument does not
promote or cause
accidental or otherwise
infringes on international agreements on copyrights, intellec-
tual property rights and the like.
We are happy to note, that the instrument is a recommendation, because this allows for more flexibility,
which is crucial when dealing with digital issues.
Thank you for your attention.
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
Samfundsvidenskabskommissionen (SHS), 7.-9. november
Dagsordenspunkter i Samfundsvidenskabskommissionen, hvor Danmark holdt indlæg:
Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021 (item 3.2)
Conclusion of the Youth Forum (item 4.5)
Desirability of preparing a declaration of ethical principles in relation to climate change (item 6.2)
Proposal for the revision of the 1974 Recommendation on the Status of Scientific Researchers (item
1. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021 (item 3.2)
Thank you Madame Chairperson.
Denmark appreciates the efforts made by the SHS sector to align the coming programme with the Sustain-
able Development Goals in a strategic way, in particular by strengthening the links between the social and
human sciences and public policies that can serve the attainment of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda.
The hu a ights pe spe ti e is u de li ed epeatedl i the “DG’s. Like ise, the i po ta e of so ial a d
human dynamics when understanding and finding solutions to important challenges such as social inclu-
sion, migration, intercultural dialogue, and urban development.
We also recognize that the programme is much improved in regard to both ethics and youth related activi-
ties. Working with and through young people is more important than ever and maintaining an ethical di-
mension in all debate about social development is also critical, as well as ensuring high ethical standards
for free and independent research and strengthening the connection between social and humanistic sci-
We are less happy with the part of MLA 2 that deals with intercultural dialogue. It is a very important area
but we still find it to be vague and quite abstract and we would have preferred to see it clearly main-
streamed in the whole Programme III.
UNESCO has done great work when it comes to physical education, sport and anti-doping. Denmark puts
emphasis on gender equality, integrity in sport, on economic, social and environmental sustainability, as
well as social inclusion, lifelong participation and safety. This is why Denmark has worked very actively, in
MINEPS and CIGEPS, and together with a large number of countries to ensure that the anti-doping conven-
tion will be working as it should and that the right measures are taken if Member States do not comply with
the measures in the convention.
O e all UNE“CO has huge pote tial i ega d to the e “DG’s if it a ages to st e gthe its i te se to al
capacity, including more flexible organizational structures and programme activities that are problem- and
solution-oriented rather than sector-oriented.
We believe that the SHS programme can still be improved in this regard, just as we miss a more systematic
collaboration with the Natural Science sector. It would also be good if the Sector would make further ef-
forts to establish stronger external partnerships.
Fi all , e a e disappoi ted to see the e lo udget allo atio s pla ed fo UNE“CO’s t o glo al p io i-
ties, Gender and Africa. This is not satisfactory and Denmark would like to see that changed.
As mentioned, Denmark finds that the SHS Programme has a lot of relevance and we are looking forward to
see its potential being unfolded.
Thank you very much for your attention.
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
2. Conclusion of the Youth Forum (item 4.5)
Thank you, Madame Chairperson
My name is Viktor Grønne, and I am the national youth representative of Denmark.
First of all, Denmark wants to thank the participants at the Youth Forum for their recommendations. They
are worth taking note of, although we feel the format of the forum did not sufficiently ensure legitimate
youth nor national representation.
We e ai o
itted to UNE“CO’s Ope atio al “t ateg o Youth, as highlighted ou i itiati e to i -
clude youth as equal member in our National Commission, at the Nordic UNESCO meetings, and now in our
delegation to the General Conference. UNESCO policies and programmes must be developed with and by
For future orientation, we want to emphasise the European UNESCO Youth Recommendations. As we see
it, UNESCO should mainstream and meaningfully integrate youth across its international activities, whereas
the Member States have a responsibility to engage youth local and national level.
In ongoing programme implementation we encourage enhanced participation of young experts - not be-
cause they are young, but because they are experts with different outlooks.
In relation to formal and decision-making fora, we strongly underline that UNESCO must involve Youth Rep-
resentatives with a formal mandate; representing national or regional youth organisations, who are in-
volved in UNESCO activities and networks at national level.
This is particularly true to the Youth Forum, which must be adapted to ensure its relevance in relation to
the General Conference. To that end, we kindly request the Secretariat to put out a plan detailing the pro-
cess towards the 11th UNESCO Youth Forum, which will allow for a transparent discussion on its format and
not least timing.
Thank you for your attention.
3. Desirability of preparing a declaration of ethical principles in relation to climate change (item 6.2)
Thank you Madame Chairperson,
Denmark would like to thank the Director-General for the Draft Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation
to Climate Change.
There is no doubt that the world is facing unheard challenges when it comes to find solutions to the envi-
ronmental and social transformations that follow the ongoing climate changes. It is therefore pertinent for
UNESCO to look seriously into the ethical questions related to this whole process.
While acknowledging the work that has been done, Denmark would like to mention that we did not find
the process leading up to this draft declaration as transparent as we could have hoped for. Having said that,
we do believe that the draft declaration contains relevant considerations and valuable principles.
It is however very important to underline, that these draft ethical principles should not provide any basis
for possible interpretations of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
It is also on this background that Denmark - like others - would have preferred to see some of our previous
text proposals included in the Declaration in order to better reflect the wording of the Paris Agreement, but
in the spirit of compromise, Denmark can accept the proposal as it stands.
Should a consensual decision however not be possible, we reserve our possibility to come back with con-
crete proposals for change.
Thank you for your attention!
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
4. Proposal for the revision of the 1974 Recommendation on the Status of Scientific Researchers (item
Dear Madame Chairperson,
De a k el o es the e ised d aft e o
e datio o the “tatus of “ ie e a d “ ie tifi Resea h-
e s a d also app e iated the e title
for the recommendation.
In a timely way, this revision updates the language on the new challenges for science and for scientists, not
least in regard to information technology, ethics, protection of privacy and data and fundamental rights and
For Denmark, it is critical that the freedom to engage in all kind of scientific research without intervention
from political or commercial interests is protected as well as the independence of the scientists. This is also
why high ethical and professional standards must be requested of the scientists themselves and the univer-
sity system must be able to train young scientists on this in a systematic way.
Much research has demonstrated the special challenges for women researchers and it is important that the
international community keeps an eye on this and seeks all measures to improve their conditions.
As for the reporting procedures, Denmark would appeal that this is made as simple and standardized as at
all possible. We know from experience that simpler reporting procedures yield many more reports, which
then will contribute to better statistics and increased conditions for science and scientists.
Thank you for your attention.
Kulturkommissionen (CLT), 8.-10. november
Dagsordenspunkter i Kulturkommissionen, hvor Danmark holdt indlæg:
1. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021 (item 3.2)
Rei fo e e t of UNE“CO’s a tio fo the p ote tio of ultu al he itage a d the p o otio of ul-
tural pluralism in the event of armed conflict (item 4.12)
3. Strengthening the implementation of the 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Pre-
venting the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (item 4.14)
1. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021 (item 3.2)
Thank you Mr. Chair,
Denmark would like to thank the Director-General for the Draft Programme and Budget. We are happy to
see a clear demonstration of how the Culture Conventions are expected to contribute to the Sustainable
Development Goals, and in line with the human-rights-based approach.
The 2030 Agenda acknowledges the transversal role of culture, and we look forward to seeing the concrete
esults of UNE“CO’s p oposed i te se to al
modalities. At World Press Freedom Day in May this year, art-
ists and journalists came together to exchange on experiences and challenges. From the discussions it be-
came clear that the culture sector can learn a lot from the communication sector. We encourage UNESCO
to take further steps in this direction.
Overall, we agree with the proposed programme priorities: that is to focus on the statutory obligations of
the Cultu e Co e tio s, as the lea l o stitute UNE“CO’s o pa ati e ad a tage i the field
of culture.
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
We e og ize ith app e iatio UNE“CO’s effo ts to opti ize the pe iodi epo ti g e e ises fo e ha ed
monitoring the implementation of these conventions. Especially, the Global Report of the 2005 Convention
should be source of inspiration for other culture conventions. The approach is strategic and coherent with
the new 2030 Agenda.
The statutory meetings are indeed costly, and we strongly encourage UNESCO to better explore its conven-
ing power. All meetings of state parties constitute a huge potential for gathering policy-makers and experts,
not only to exchange views and experiences, but also to take stock based on evidence, and to identify glob-
al trends and challenges and to guide the direction of future action.
Denmark strongly encourages serious considerations on ways to follow-up on the recommendations the
audit of the Culture Sector. Especially those recommendations that seek to tackle the, unfortunately too
well-known, problems in relation to the Lists of the World Heritage Convention and the Intangible Cultural
Heritage. Our message: implementation of these two Conventions constitutes much more than inscriptions
on lists.
Finally, Denmark wishes to underline the urgent need for an innovative, coherent and targeted resource
mobilization strategy. The funding gap of the culture sector is crystal clear
not least when it comes to the
ope atio al a ti ities of UNE“CO’s a tio pla fo the p ote tio of ultu al he itage i o fli t situatio s.
Thank you for your attention!
Rei for e e t of UNESCO’s a tio for the prote tio of ultural heritage a d the pro otio of ul-
tural pluralism in the event of armed conflict (item 4.12)
Thank you Madam Chair,
Denmark wishes to thank the Secretariat for its important work in the field of cultural heritage protection
and promotion cultural pluralism in the event of armed conflict.
As a politi al o
it e t, UNE“CO’s st ateg does ot i itself eate legal o ligatio s. Ho e e ,
UNE“CO’s ultu e o e tio s add legal a ou ta ilit to this
by promoting legal environ-
ments underpinning national policies and strategies.
Hence, the culture conventions represent a powerful tool to make real progress, covering the right to cul-
ture more extensively than any other normative instrument.
UNE“CO’s st ateg also e ou age Me e “tates, ot et pa t to the o e tio s –
in particular the 2
to consider becoming so.
In full support of these efforts, the Danish government has proposed to start the process of formal ratifica-
tion of the second protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954.
We welcome additional steps to push for universal ratification. Initiatives like the UNGA Treaty Events in
New York could be one source of inspiration.
While state epo ti g o the o e tio s’ i plementation
is important for government accountability and
transparency, Denmark welcomes further reflections on possible synergies between the various reporting
systems within the UN to avoid duplication of work.
Finally, the IOS Evaluation Report contains important findings, which should be taken into consideration in
the design and planning of future strategic actions.
Thank you for your attention!
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
3. Strengthening the implementation of the 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Prevent-
ing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (item 4.14)
Thank you Madam Chair,
We wish to thank the GRULAC countries for the initiative to discuss the implementation of the 1970 Con-
vention, as the challenges of illicit trafficking of cultural properties are rapidly growing.
Denmark is participating in a number of regional activities to combat these worrisome trends
in the EU as
well as in the Nordic region. At the global level, we
a e also deepl e gaged i UNE“CO’s go e a e e-
form. This also includes reform of the working mechanisms of the 1970 convention
to improve its imple-
To that end, Denmark wishes to share some of our reflections with you today, and your feedback is of
course very welcome:
Firstly, the meetings of states parties are indeed costly. Hence, to make the best of them, Denmark
encourages UNESCO to better explore its convening power. All meetings constitute a huge poten-
tial for gathering policy-makers and experts, not only to exchange views and experiences, but also
to take stock based on evidence, and to identify global trends and challenges and to guide the di-
rection of future action.
Regarding the national reporting exercise: we see a need to clarify and clearly communicate the
overall purpose and benefits to all relevant stakeholders. In our opinion, the review of such nation-
al reports
presented to the General Conference
should identify trends and challenges to
strengthen the implementation of the Convention.
We have sufficient concrete material to guide our efforts to improve. To highlight a few: Recom-
mendation no. 75 of the Working Group on Governance requires enhanced reporting to the Gen-
eral Conference, and a List of Good practices has been produced to inspire new measures to im-
prove the implementation of the 1970 Convention.
Finally, the universal ratification of the UNIDROIT Convention would be an efficient response. UNI-
DROIT is a complementary instrument to the 1970 Convention. For instance, the UNIDROIT text co-
vers all stolen cultural objects, not just inventoried and declared ones, and the text stipulates that
all cultural property must be returned.
On our final note, we wish to ask a question to the Secretariat:
Could you elaborate on the reflection process that the General Conference is encouraged to sup-
port in the proposed Draft Resolution?
For instance, what is the time frame? Do you envisage any important milestones? And finally, do
you have any concrete proposals in the pipeline, already?
Thank you for your attention!
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Bilag 3
Generalkonferencens dagsorden
Der henvises til dokument 39 C/1 Prov. Rev. For yderligere information.
Link til dokument:
1. Organization of the session
1.1. Opening of the session by the President of the 38th session of the General Conference
1.2. Establishment of the Credentials Committee and report by the Committee to the General Con-
1.3. Report by the Director-General on communications received from Member States invoking the
provisions of Article IV.C, paragraph 8 (c), of the Constitution
1.4. Adoption of the agenda
1.5. Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the General Conference and of the Chairpersons,
Vice-Chairpersons and Rapporteurs of the commissions and committees
1.6. Organization of the work of the session
1.7. Admission to the work of the General Conference of observers from international non-
governmental organizations other than those with the status of official partners of UNESCO, and
recommendation of the Executive Board thereon
2. Reports on the activities of the organization, and evaluation of the programme
2.1. Report of the Director-General on the activities of the Organization in 2014-2015, presented by
the Chair of the Executive Board
2.2. Reports by the Executive Board on its own activities and on programme implementation
3. Draft programme and budget for 2018-2021 (39 C/5)
3.1. Methods of preparing the budget, budget estimates for 2018-2021, and budgeting techniques
3.2. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2018-2021
3.3. Adoption of the Appropriation Resolution for 2018-2019
3.4. Adoption of the provisional budget ceiling
4. General policy and programme questions
4.1. Proposals by Member States concerning the celebration of anniversaries in 2018-2019 with
which UNESCO could be associated
4.2. Jerusalem and the implementation of 38 C/Resolution 52
4.3. Implementation of 38 C/Resolution 72 concerning educational and cultural institutions in the oc-
cupied Arab territories
4.4. Establishment of category 2 institutes and centres under the auspices of UNESCO
4.5. Conclusions of the Youth Forum
4.6. Proclamation of an International Day of Light
4.7. Report on the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) beyond 2015
UNE“CO’s ole i the i ple e tatio of the “DG
-Education 2030 Agenda
4.9. UNESCO Strategy for Action on Climate Change
4.10. The importance of
sou d i toda ’s o ld: p o oti g est p a ti es
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
4.11. Challenges and Responsibilities for a Planet in Transition: World Humanities Conference
“t ateg fo the ei fo e e t of UNE“CO’s A tio fo the p ote tio of ultu e a d the p o o-
tion of cultural pluralism in the event of armed conflict
4.13. International Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)
4.14. Strengthening the implementation of the 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Pre-
venting the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
4.15. Follow-up of the Sixth International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for
Physical Education and Sport (MINEPS VI)
4.16. Cooperation of UNESCO with the International Township of Auroville, India
4.17. Revision of the statutes of the Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Intergovernmen-
tal Council
Que e ’s all fo a tio : I te et a d the Radi alizatio of Youth
4.19. Proclamation by the United Nations of 2019 as an International Year of the Periodic Table of
Chemical Elements
“t e gthe i g UNE“CO’s leade ship i the i ple e tatio of the UN Pla of A tio o “afet of
Journalists and the issue of impunity
5. Methods of work of the organization
5.1. Governance, procedures and working methods of the governing bodies of UNESCO
5.2. Definition of regions with a view to the execution by the Organization of regional activities
6. Constitutional and legal questions
A. Preparation and adoption of new instruments
6.1. Progress report on the preparation of a Global Convention on the Recognition of Higher Educa-
tion Qualifications
6.2. Draft Declaration of ethical principles in relation to climate change
6.3. Desirability of a standard-setting instrument on international collaboration in the field of Open
Educational Resources (OER)
7. Constitutional and legal questions
B. Monitoring of existing instruments
7.1. Summary of the reports received from Member States on the measures taken to implement the
1960 Convention and Recommendation against Discrimination in Education
7.2. Consolidated report on the implementation by Member States of the 1974 Recommendation
concerning Education for International Understanding Cooperation and Peace and Education re-
lating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
7.3. Consolidated report on the implementation by Member States of the 1974 Recommendation on
the Status of Scientific Researchers
7.4. Proposal for the revision of the 1974 Recommendation on the Status of Scientific Researchers
7.5. Consolidated report on the implementation by Member States of the 1978 Revised Recommen-
dation concerning the International Standardization of Educational Statistics
7.6. Preliminary revision of the 1974 Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas
and Degrees in Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (1974)
© The Department, 7 December 2017
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
8. Relations with member states and international organizations
8.1. Proposals for qualitative dialogue between Member States and NGOs, including within the gov-
erning bodies
8.2. Principles and conditions of the Participation Programme and emergency assistance
8.3. Draft Regulatory Framework Regarding Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO
8.4. Request for the admission of New Caledonia as an Associate Member of UNESCO
9. Administrative and financial questions
financial questions
9.1. Financial report and audited consolidated financial statements relating to the accounts of
UNESCO for the year ended 31 December 2016, and report by the External Auditor
“ ale of assess e ts a d u e
of Me e “tates’ o t i utio s
9.3. Collection of Membe
“tates’ o t i utio s
9.4. Working Capital Fund: level and administration
10. Staff issues
10.1. Staff Regulations and Staff Rules
10.2. Staff salaries, allowances and benefits
U ited Natio s Joi t “taff Pe sio Fu d a d appoi t e t of Me e “tates’ ep ese tati es to
the UNESCO Staff Pension Committee for 2018-2019
10.4. Report by the Director-General on the state of the Medical Benefits Fund (MBF)
10.5. Audit of the Medical Benefits Fund (MBF) and the medical service of UNESCO
10.6. Report by the Director-General on the Human Resources Management Strategy for 2017-2022
11. Headquarter questions
11.1. Report by the Director-General, in cooperation with the Headquarters Committee, on managing
the UNESCO complex
12. Director-general
12.1. Appointment of the Director-General
13. Elections
13.1. Election of Members of the Executive Board
13.2. Election of the members of the Legal Committee for the 40th session of the General Conference
13.3. Election of members of the Headquarters Committee
13.4. Election of members of the Conciliation and Good Offices Commission responsible for seeking
the settlement of any disputes that may arise between States Parties to the Convention against
Discrimination in Education
13.5. Election of members of the Council of the UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE)
13.6. Election of members of the Intergovernmental Council for the Information for All Programme
13.7. Election of members of the International Coordinating Council of the Programme on Man and
the Biosphere (MAB)
UNU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 40: Endelige beretning om Danmarks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 39. generalkonference som fandt sted i perioden 30. oktober til 14. november 2017 i Paris, fra undervisningsministeren
Beretning fra
arks deltagelse i UNESCO’s 9. ge eralko fere e
13.8. Election of members of the Intergovernmental Council of the International Hydrological Pro-
gramme (IHP)
13.9. Election of members of the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural
Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation (ICPRCP)
13.10. Election of members of the Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme for the
Development of Communication (IPDC)
13.11. Election of members of the Intergovernmental Council of the Management of Social Transfor-
mations (MOST) Programme
13.12. Election of members of the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee (IGBC)
13.13. Election of the members of the Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Education and Sport
13.14. Election of members of the Governing Board of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)
13.15. Election of the members of the Executive Committee of the International Campaign for the Es-
tablishment of the Nubia Museum in Aswan and the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in
13.16. Appointment of an External Auditor
14. 40
session of the General Conference
14.1. Venue of the 40th session of the General Conference
© The Department, 7 December 2017