Sundheds- og Ældreudvalget 2017-18
SUU Alm.del Bilag 371
To Sundhedsministeriet and whom it may concern.
cc: Folketingets Sundhedsudvalg.
NOVA - the scientific part of PBS - has just released this short video on Toxoplasma.
Even with a cautious approach to the subject NOVA is clear; humanity has a parasite that is
dangerous to humanity.
As the notion of "a
manipulating brain parasite",
of Toxoplasma"
and "risk
grows in the general population, the need for response and prophylactic measures
grow too. Is such a response being prepared for?
Assuming that this meme of a "brain-parasite" eventually takes hold in the global discourse - what
will authorities do? How can damage be avoided? What kind of actions will be demanded by the
public? Important to realize that once the Tg issue reaches its critical mass - it will immediately "go
global" - and how does one respond to that?
This can not remain a taboo. We believe that major societal issues are at stake.
Bo Hembæk Svensson et al.