Udtalelser fra WHOs eksperter
I forbindelse med, at Verdenssundhedsorganisationen WHO i maj 2011
kategoriserede radiofrekvent stråling som muligt kræftfremkaldende,
kom en række af de tilknyttede eksperter med kommentarer til det
historiske kursskifte i WHO.
Professor Lennart Hardell, en af topforskerne i ekspertgruppen / WHO havde
indkladt, sagde om den nye risikokategorisering af radiofrekvent stråling som
muligt kræftfremkaldende:
”Resultatet indebærer et paradigmeskift i synet på sundhedsrisici ved
radiofrekvent stråling.”
Uddrag fra Microwave News:
“On Tuesday, May 31, more than two dozen scientists and doctors from 14
countries —a group IARC Director
Christopher Wild
called "the world's
leading experts"— issued a joint statement that cell phone and other types of
radiofrequency (RF) and microwave radiation might cause cancer.
"[Our] conclusion means that there could be some risk, and therefore
we need to keep a close watch for a link between cell phones and
cancer risk," said
Jonathan Samet,
who served as the chairman of the
IARC RF working group.
The decision "brings it to a new level," said
Kurt Straif,
the head of the
agency's monograph program, who helped organize the meeting —the first
ever on RF and microwave cancer risks. Many members of the panel agreed.
"Before this, the view that there might be a cancer risk from cell phones was
widely argued as being implausible," said
Ron Melnick,
who led one of the
subgroups at the IARC meeting. "Now the World Health Organization has put
its official stamp on this possibility." Melnick, a former senior official at the
National Toxicology Program
until he retired two years ago, designed the
world's largest study
to see whether cell phone radiation can lead to cancer in
rats and mice. Those results are not expected for a couple more years.
"The possible risk cannot be dismissed anymore, at least until we get credible
new evidence to the contrary," said
Dariusz Leszczynski
of the Finnish
Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) in Helsinki, a member of the
IARC subgroup on mechanisms.
The IARC news was a sensation. Many stories were featured on the front
pages of the world's leading newspapers, such as the
Washington Post,