OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2017-18
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 23
AS (18) DRS 1 E
Original: English
Implementing OSCE Commitments:
The Role of Parliaments
Mr. Kristian Vigenin
11 JULY 2018
OSCE, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 23: Praktik og procedurer i forbindelse med den årlige session i Berlin fra 7. til 11. juli 2018
Rapporteur: Mr. Kristian Vigenin (Bulgaria)
Recalling OSCE principles defined in the Helsinki Final Act, namely sovereign equality
and the respect for the rights inherent in sovereignty, refraining from the threat or use of
force, inviolability of frontiers, territorial integrity of States, peaceful settlement of
disputes, non-intervention in internal affairs, respect for human rights and fundamental
freedoms, equal rights and self-determination of peoples, co-operation among States, and
the fulfilment in good faith of obligations under international law,
Condemning all forms of terrorism and deeply regretting the loss of life resulting from
acts of extremist violence in the OSCE area,
Recognizing that the current geopolitical landscape and state of global tensions underline
the urgency of fully implementing OSCE commitments, particularly in the dimension of
political affairs and security, as well as renewed efforts to resolve the crisis in and around
Ukraine, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the conflict in Georgia, and the Transdniestrian
Taking note of decisions reached at the 2017 OSCE Ministerial Council in the politico-
military dimension of security, including Decision No. 10/17 Small Arms and Light
Weapons and Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition, and Decision No. 5/17 Enhancing
OSCE Efforts to Reduce the Risk of Conflict Stemming from the Use of Information and
Communication Technologies,
Recalling commitments in the fields of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation,
and democratic control of armed forces as expressed in the Vienna Document, the OSCE
Document on Small Arms and Light Weapons, and the Code of Conduct on Politico-
Military Aspects of Security,
Regretting the deterioration in arms control, nuclear security and nuclear weapons
reduction agreements, and the negative effects this could have on strategic stability and
threat reduction,
Expressing deep concern over persistent fragmentation of the zone of application of
existing arms control and confidence- and-security-building regimes due to unresolved
conflicts in the OSCE area which pose serious risks and challenges to military
transparency, predictability and stability,
Concerned by declining confidence in nuclear weapons reduction agreements and by
heightened confrontational rhetoric of world leaders,
Welcoming the adoption on 7 July 2017 of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear
Weapons, the first legally binding international agreement to comprehensively prohibit
nuclear weapons, with the goal of their total elimination,
OSCE, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 23: Praktik og procedurer i forbindelse med den årlige session i Berlin fra 7. til 11. juli 2018
10. Considering that the full implementation of OSCE commitments and strengthening of
arms control regimes would enhance predictability and transparency, and could serve as
both a stabilizing force in the OSCE area and as a positive example to the world as a
11. Stressing that full implementation of OSCE commitments requires the engagement of
national parliaments to ensure security sector oversight, the ratification of relevant
international treaties, and harmonized and effective legal frameworks,
12. Recalling OSCE PA documents addressing the role of parliaments in the implementation
of the Code of Conduct, such as the 1992 Budapest Declaration, the 2000 Bucharest
Declaration, the 2006 Brussels Declaration, and the 2014 Baku Resolution on the
Democratic Control of Public and Private Security Sectors,
13. Underlining that a holistic and well co-ordinated approach to Security Sector Governance
and Reform is fundamental in dealing with today's security challenges, especially in the
areas of police reform, border management and security, counter-terrorism, anti-
corruption, and justice sector reform,
14. Recognizing the importance of Security Sector Governance and Reform as playing an
essential role in conflict prevention, early warning, crisis and post-conflict rehabilitation,
15. Regretting the diminishing confidence, trust, and predictability in the OSCE region, and
emphasizing the importance of work on the multilateral level, especially in light of failing
confidence in multilateral organizations and shortcomings in recent years,
16. Recalling that the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention bars countries from possessing
chemical weapons by prohibiting the development, production, acquisition, stockpiling,
retention, transfer or use of chemical weapons,
17. Supporting the work of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which
sets out to implement the provisions established in the Chemical Weapons Convention,
in order to achieve a world free of chemical weapons and the threat of their use,
18. Reaffirming that the proliferation of chemical weapons and their use by terrorists and
other non-state actors constitutes a threat to international peace and security, and recalling
the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2325 on non-proliferation of weapons of
mass destruction,
19. Emphasizing the role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, peace
negotiations, peace-building, peacekeeping, humanitarian response and in post-conflict
reconstruction, as stated in the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace
and Security,
20. Welcoming the conclusions of the Conference on Digital Resilience of a Democratic
State, held as part of the Lisbon Conferences of the OSCE PA,
OSCE, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 23: Praktik og procedurer i forbindelse med den årlige session i Berlin fra 7. til 11. juli 2018
The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly calls the attention of OSCE governments to the
21. Urges a renewed commitment from OSCE participating States to the Organization's
principles of dialogue and detente in the spirit of the Helsinki Final Act, including through
the strengthening of arms control regimes, security sector reform, the development of
confidence- and security-building measures, the good-faith implementation of existing
agreements, and greater parliamentary oversight of military, security and intelligence
22. Calls on OSCE participating States to ensure that fundamental human rights are respected
by all security and intelligence services, both public and private, and that the norms and
principles outlined by the Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security are
fully implemented;
23. Urges renewed support for Global Exchange of Military Information to ensure the
continued annual exchange of information on major weapon and equipment systems and
personnel in participating States' conventional armed forces, on their territory as well as
24. Reiterates the importance of the Structured Dialogue as a process which fosters
transparency, predictability, threat perception and risk reduction;
27. Recommends that the implementation of confidence- and security building measures,
such as those anchored in the Vienna Document, be improved by expanding military-to-
military contacts and enhancing dialogue between participating States;
28. Further recommends that modernization of the Vienna Document include a greater level
of analysis of exchanged information to enhance the confidence- and security-building
effect of the already existing data provided by the Conflict Prevention Centre;
29. Reiterates the need for enhancing cybersecurity between States through confidence- and
security-building measures, as well as elaboration of binding international legal
framework, in order to prevent tension and conflicts stemming from the use of
information and communication technologies (ICTs), and to protect critical infrastructure
from cyber threats;
30. Promotes adequate and timely responses by national authorities to evolving threats
stemming from cybersecurity and ICTs, ranging from better forensics to innovative
approaches to prevent ICTs from becoming tactical facilitators for terrorists;
31. Urges nuclear weapons States of the OSCE area to recommit to nuclear non-proliferation
and disarmament, including by agreeing to no-first-use principles and arms reduction
32. Calls for the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 on
preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons;
OSCE, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 23: Praktik og procedurer i forbindelse med den årlige session i Berlin fra 7. til 11. juli 2018
Underlines the need for taking effective tailor-made measures to address specific risks
and challenges associated with grey zones, such as accumulation of undeclared,
unaccounted and uncontrolled military equipment and illegal military build-up, and calls
on the OSCE participating States to make full use of existing OSCE formats, including
the Forum for Security Cooperation and the Structured Dialogue to that end;
Reconfirms its previous positions on the crisis in and around Ukraine, and renews its
support for a settlement based on the Package of Measures for the Implementation of the
Minsk Agreements and the end to military hostilities, including the full withdrawal of
heavy-calibre weaponry by both sides, and full access to the OSCE's Special Monitoring
Mission to Ukraine (SMM) and humanitarian aid organizations;
35. Reiterates its regret over the lack of progress towards the settlement of the Nagorno-
Karabakh conflict, calls on the parties to engage without further delay in substantive
negotiations with a view to finding the earliest possible sustainable solution to the
conflict, and urges the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group to redouble their efforts to
that end;
36. Reiterates its support for the peaceful resolution of the conflict in Georgia with full
respect to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country within its internationally
recognized borders, and emphasizes the necessity for the implementation of the EU-
mediated 12 August 2008 Ceasefire Agreement, in particular for the withdrawal of
Russian military forces from Georgian territory, and the establishment of international
security mechanisms with the aim to ensure lasting peace and security on the ground;
37. Calls for continued engagement of the OSCE in the Western Balkans with the aim to
further consolidate democracy, strengthen stability and security, promote human rights
and support media freedom, and cautions against the rise of nationalist forces in the
The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly calls the attention of OSCE national parliaments to the
39. Urges parliaments to provide comprehensive and fully effective oversight over the private
and public security sectors and to increase the Code of Conduct's legitimacy and
relevance through active political support, as well as to improve oversight and control
over their national intelligence services to ensure full respect for fundamental human
rights and to thoroughly investigate possible violations of domestic or international law;
40. Recommends that parliaments establish and strengthen parliamentary bodies for
a priori
ex post facto
scrutiny of security and intelligence services' activities, providing them
with appropriate mandates and resources in order to ensure effective democratic
oversight over intelligence activities;
41. Recalls that mediation and dialogue are widely recognized as cost-effective ways of
preventing, managing and resolving violent conflicts, and encourages the Parliamentary
Assembly to continue to take an active role in mediation.
OSCE, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 23: Praktik og procedurer i forbindelse med den årlige session i Berlin fra 7. til 11. juli 2018
[Set out text of Amendment here:]
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