OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2017-18
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 22
Code of Conduct for OSCE PA Election Observers
Respect the Laws of the Country and the Authority of Electoral Bodies
Observers will comply with all national laws and regulations of the host country and the authority of the bodies in
charge of administering the electoral process. Observers will not take any unnecessary or undue risks. Each
observer’s personal safety overrides all other considerations.
Respect the Integrity of the Election Observation Mission
Observers will attend all required mission briefings and debriefings and adhere to the deployment plan and all other
instructions provided by the Election Observation Mission. Observers will remain on duty throughout Election
Day, including observation of the vote count and, if instructed, the next stage of tabulation.
Maintain Strict Political Impartiality at All Times
Observers will maintain strict impartiality in the conduct of their duties and will, at no time, publicly express or
exhibit any bias or preference in relation to national authorities, parties, candidates, or with reference to any issues
in contention in the election process.
Do Not Obstruct Election Processes
Observers will undertake their duties in an unobtrusive manner and will not interfere in the electoral process.
Observers may raise questions with election officials and bring irregularities to their attention, but they must not
give instructions or countermand their decisions.
Provide Appropriate Identification
Observers will carry any prescribed identification issued by the host government or election commission and will
identify themselves to any authority upon request.
Refrain from Making Comments to the Public or the Media
Observers will not make any comments to the media on the electoral process or on the substance of their
observations, and any comment to the media will be limited to general information about the observation mission
and the role of the observers. Observers will inform media about any intended post-election statements to be issued
by the leadership on behalf of the observation mission.
Accuracy of Observations and Professionalism
Observers will base all conclusions on their personal observations or on clear and convincing facts or evidence.
Observers will exhibit the highest levels of personal discretion and professional behaviour at all times.
* * *
I have read and understand the above Code of Conduct.
I hereby confirm that I will follow the Code of
Conduct and that all of my activities as an election observer will be conducted completely in accordance with it. I
have no conflicts of interest, political, economic nor other, that will interfere with my ability to be an impartial
election observer and to follow the Code of Conduct.
I understand that serious violations of this Code of Conduct may result in the withdrawal of my
accreditation or my dismissal from the election observation mission.
The authority for such determinations
rests solely with the leadership of the election observation mission.
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