OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2017-18
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 19
Why the 7 Arguments Used to Justify Nord Stream II are Wrong
Advocates of Russia’s Nord Stream II pipeline
rely on seven justifications to explain their support
for the project. Intentionally or inadvertently, the backers of Nord Stream II use justifications that
are based on incorrect assumptions or outright disinformation. In order to objectively evaluate the
need for Nord Stream II, these flawed justifications must be identified and corrected.
gas transit system is in good technical condition and does not require massive
external investment. Russia has run numerous stress tests to prove the reliability of
Ukraine’s route.
Naftogaz meets all nominations made by Gazprom for transit across Ukraine
fully in line with the contract, and this is the best evidence
of the system’s good technical shape.
For many years, Naftogaz updates this data online on a daily basis. In its turn, Gazprom has never
provided proofs of any alleged technical failures of gas transit across Ukraine.
In January 2009, Russia made a political decision to halt gas supplies to Europe aiming to force
favorable conditions for Gazprom’s business in Ukraine and to promote Nord Stream in the EU.
Ukraine provided some of its own gas to cover critical gas shortages in certain CEE countries when
Russia stopped gas flows completely.
In early March 2018, Gazprom attempted to create another gas crisis in Europe, by failing to supply
prepaid gas volumes to Naftogaz and reducing pressure on the Russian side of the gas transmission
system to 20% below the contractual norm
all in the middle of a severe cold spell in Europe.
Under these extreme conditions created by Russia to promote Nord Stream II, the Ukrainian gas
transit system has performed impeccably, and Naftogaz fulfilled
all Gazprom’s nominations.
The Ukrainian system is extremely reliable, as its performance shows. It can benefit from some
modernization to boost efficiency but its maintenance and modernization needs are only $100-300
million per year to ensure the transit capacity of 110 bcm/y, booked by Gazprom. The best way to
secure this funding is through ensuring the system is used and generates revenues.
#2: Nord Stream II’s only onshore extension is directed southward and will not provide
Western Europe with a replacement for falling gas deliveries from the Netherlands and
The Nord Stream II pipeline will only be continued to the south via the European Gas
Pipeline Link (EUGAL) and it will not generate additional capacity for Western Europe. Nord
Stream II is merely redirecting flows from existing routes in Central and Eastern Europe. It also
does not provide access to any new gas sources.
#3: Europe has available unused transit capacity of 55 billion cubic meters (bcm) and
need Nord Stream II’s additional capacity.
The Ukrainian gas transit system has a capacity of
146 bcm. In 2017, it transited 93.5 bcm, and there is nearly 55 bcm spare capacity in the system.
Nord Stream II costs billions to build but will merely replicate
existing capacity in order
to carry the same gas to the same clients in CEE and Southern Europe, but through a longer
route. There is no commercial logic to the project.
Moreover, advocates of Nord Stream II force the EU to sacrifice Ukraine’s 146 bcm flexible
onshore capacity in exchange for a risky, technically fragile offshore pipeline of 55 bcm. As a
result, if Europe’s gas demand increases by 2030, as Gazprom
suggests, there will be no Ukrainian
gas transit system to help it meet this new demand.
OSCE, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 19: Ukraines positionspapir af Nord Stream 2
#4: Fully controlled by Russia, Nord Stream II will eliminate
independent gas
transit system. Both systems cannot coexist. Europe will get even more dependent on Russia.
If built, Nord Stream II will strip Ukraine of another 55 bcm of transit flows, and
Turkstream pipeline under the Black Sea will divert another 30-40 bcm. Gazprom will abandon
gas transit system as soon as these diversionary pipelines are built. If the Ukrainian
system is not used, it will have to be severely downsized or scrapped entirely.
Currently, Gazprom enjoys the exceptional flexibility and spare capacity of the Ukrainian system
to enable its record high gas supplies to the EU. In the chart below, the blue and the light blue lines
are actual gas loads of the Nord Stream and Yamal pipelines, respectively. Both of these routes
are controlled by Gazprom. These pipelines are loaded near their maximum capacities, with stable
and predictable flows. The only significant swings are observed when Nord Stream is closed for
planned maintenance.
The orange line is the actual load of the Ukrainian system in the direction which Nord Stream II
is going to take over. The chart shows that, despite the wild swings never announced by Gazprom
in advance, the Ukrainian gas transit system flexibly covers all the residual demand from Europe.
gas transmission system is a sophisticated network of interconnected pipelines
with excess capacity and dozens of compressor stations to ensure reliability and flexibility of
transit. Two parallel offshore pipelines of Nord Stream II with just two compressor stations
are not a reasonable replacement for Ukraine’s
system is a highly flexible
and robust mesh of pipelines and compressors, backed by the largest European gas storages, which
serves to balance swings in European gas demand.
#6: Gas delivered via Nord Stream II will be priced at the level of competition or slightly
cheaper. Nord Stream II will not reduce gas prices in Germany.
There is no reason for
OSCE, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 19: Ukraines positionspapir af Nord Stream 2
Gazprom to sell at a rate much lower than what its competition offers. At present, Gazprom
delivers the same gas to Germany through Nord Stream, yet this gas the Russian company does
not sell this gas below the prevailing market price. If Nord Stream II is built,
Gazprom’s dominance
would be further reinforced, and there would be no incentive to lower prices in Germany. Nord
Stream II is likely, however, to result in price increases in other EU countries. That would make
German companies more competitive compared to their EU counterparts but this is hardly a fair
way to compete.
#7: The Nord Stream II is a threat to European energy and national security. It is not just a
commercial deal between several companies and should be assessed in a wider context
commensurate with the project’s potential consequences.
Nord Stream II threatens European
peace and stability, which is a vital interest for stakeholders on both sides of the Atlantics. With
Nord Stream II in place, lacking any need for the Ukrainian gas transit system, Russia will lose an
important incentive to avoid
further escalation of the Kremlin’s
military aggression against
Ukraine and its hybrid war against the rest of Europe and the USA. A joint and decisive policy of
all parties currently affected by the Kremlin’s hostile activities against the West is necessary to
thwart further destabilization of peace and order in Europe.