Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Remarks at the Joint Session of the Three General Committees
Winter PA Session
Secretary General Thomas Greminger
Vienna, 22 February 2018
Mr. Chairperson, dear George,
Undersecretary of State Amendola,
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for inviting me to address this distinguished meeting. I appreciate any chance to
speak with the Parliamentary Assembly. This time I attach special importance to our
interaction because I would like to use this opportunity to share with you some of my views
on making the OSCE “fit for purpose”.
Last week, I presented a non-paper to participating States on some suggestions for reform.
My motivation is to strengthen the OSCE, adapt it to changing times, and to make it more
responsive to the needs of participating States.
You may ask, why now?
First, the political climate. The OSCE is needed more than ever to help states cope with the
challenges of change, and to foster cooperation at a time of deep distrust and dangerous
Second, the financial situation. Times are tough. Resources are tight. We need to ensure
maximum effectiveness.
And third, structural conditions. The OSCE has evolved in an organic way over the past 25
years. Its ability to adapt has been one of its strengths. But it has never fully made the
transition from Conference to Organization. Nor has there been a sober assessment of its
fitness for carrying out the tasks it has been mandated to do.
Therefore, I have identified three priority areas for reform. I call them the “3 Ps”.
Using the OSCE as a platform for supporting inclusive dialogue and joint action;
Working towards a positive unifying agenda; and
Leveraging partnerships.
Allow me to explain each of these three in a bit more depth.