OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2017-18
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 15
The Secretary General
Heads of OSCE PA delegations
Members of the OSCE PA
Copenhagen, 6 March 2018
Dear OSCE PA Members,
It was a pleasure to see many of you again during our recent Winter Meeting in Vienna. This
meeting has become a critical point on the OSCE agenda, and I’m pleased that substantive debates
could be held on some of the most important issues facing the OSCE region today. The Winter
Meeting has always served as an opportunity for OSCE parliamentarians to interact with the
executive side of our Organization, and once again, representatives of the Executive Structures and
Heads of all OSCE Institutions participated in our meeting. I hope that you found this to be a useful
and constructive meeting.
I am sure that many of you listened with great interest to the address by OSCE Secretary
General Thomas Greminger, in which he outlined his proposals on how reforms of the Organization
could take place to make the OSCE more ‘fit for purpose’. I take this opportunity to share with you
a copy of Ambassador Greminger’s remarks.
The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has long supported strengthening the OSCE and called
for reforms to make the Organization more effective, and I see Secretary General Greminger’s
proposals as being in line with our initiatives. Moreover, it also shows that PA’s thinking and
Secretary General Greminger’s concept for reforms are coherent with one another. In light of this, it
is my view that Secretary General Greminger’s deserves the support of our Assembly as the
governmental branch continues its consultations. Ambassador Greminger welcomes collaboration
with the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in this effort, recognizing of course that it will and must be
a Government-run process. I therefore take this opportunity to encourage you to support a
constructive and ambitious approach by your Government, including representatives in Vienna, in
this endeavour to render the OSCE as effective and as efficient as it can be. I believe that a serious
collective effort will help to make the OSCE more ‘fit for purpose’, and thereby better able to serve
the citizens of the OSCE that you and your colleagues represent.
Thank you once again for the time you took out of your schedule to engage in OSCE issues,
and for the support to the OSCE and its work.
Sincerely yours,
Roberto Montella
Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Tordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., Denmark
Phone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30 - [email protected] - www.oscepa.org