Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2017-18
MOF Alm.del Bilag 610
Sustainable fisheries for
future generations
July 2018
Cm 9660
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
Sustainable fisheries
for future generations
Presented to Parliament
by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
by Command of Her Majesty
July 2018
Cm 9660
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
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MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
Foreword.............................................................................................................................. 6
Executive summary ............................................................................................................. 8
Setting our course....................................................................................................... 14
1.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 14
1.2. Legislation ............................................................................................................ 15
1.3. Negotiations with the EU and other coastal states................................................ 17
1.4. Meeting international commitments ...................................................................... 19
1.5. Territorial extent of our plans ................................................................................ 21
1.6. Setting our course: questions ............................................................................... 23
Pursuing sustainable management............................................................................. 24
2.1. Promoting sustainable fishing ............................................................................... 24
2.2. Managing who fishes in our seas and the amount caught .................................... 25
2.3. Reforming fisheries management ......................................................................... 26
2.4. Being ready to control our waters and preventing illegal, unreported and
unregulated fishing (IUU) ............................................................................................... 29
2.5. Collecting the best scientific data by the most modern methods .......................... 29
2.6. Preventing wasteful discarding of a precious natural resource ............................. 30
2.7. Protecting our marine environment ....................................................................... 32
2.8. Pursuing sustainable management: questions ..................................................... 34
Resourcing the new approach .................................................................................... 35
3.1. Fisheries funding .................................................................................................. 35
3.2. Future fisheries funding ........................................................................................ 35
3.3. Supporting our coastal communities ..................................................................... 36
3.4. Resourcing the new approach: questions ............................................................. 37
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MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
Partnership working .................................................................................................... 38
4.1. Partnership working: questions ............................................................................. 39
Next steps ................................................................................................................... 40
Annex A: The UK fisheries industry ................................................................................... 41
Annex B: The CFP and the need for fisheries reform ........................................................ 43
Annex C: Zonal Attachment Evidence ............................................................................... 45
Annex D: Stakeholder engagement ................................................................................... 57
Cm 9660
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
I am delighted to publish today a White Paper on Defra’s future fisheries policy.
Our seas and oceans are an integral part of our history, economy and way of life.
Delivering a green Brexit centres around three interconnected areas of policy: fishing,
farming and our environment. Leaving the EU and the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)
gives us the opportunity to introduce a sustainable, responsive and resilient new fisheries
As an independent coastal state for the first time in over 40 years, access to UK waters will
be on our terms, under our control and for the benefit of UK fishermen. Today we are
setting out our plans to promote a more competitive, profitable and sustainable fishing
industry across the whole of the UK, and setting a gold standard for sustainable fishing
around the world.
The allocation of fishing opportunities under the CFP is outdated, and
the UK’s share
not accurately reflect the resources in UK waters. On average between 2012 and 2016
other EU Member States’ vessels landed in the region of 760,000 tonnes of fish (£540
million revenue) annually caught in UK waters; whereas UK vessels landed approximately
90,000 tonnes of fish (£110 million revenue) caught in other Member States’ waters per
year in the same time period.
As we leave the EU, we are committed to working closely
with our partners to manage shared stocks in a sustainable way and share fishing
opportunities on a fair and scientific basis. We have instigated a comprehensive
programme of research to inform this process and provide the evidence to secure a fairer
share of fishing opportunities for UK fishers.
There are specific and considerable opportunities for UK fisheries outside of the EU. In
2016, the UK exported £1.17 billion of seafood to the EU, and imported £1.04 billion from
the EU. Equipped with a new fisheries policy, the UK fisheries sector will be in a strong
position to trade seafood with export markets around the world.
Foremost, this White Paper recognises that healthy fish stocks are the first step to vibrant
commercial and recreational fishing industries, and prioritises a healthy marine
environment. We will continue to work under the principle of maximum sustainable yield,
which has done so much to restore stocks, as well as to help to protect our valuable
UK data source:
(the datasets underlying the UK landings by EEZ report)
OMS data source:
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
marine ecosystems, and we will continue to prevent wasteful discards. In all this, scientific
evidence will guide decisions, making sure that we pass a healthy marine environment and
profitable fishing industry on to the next generation.
The commercial fishing industry and wider seafood sector are important to many coastal
communities across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (where particular
attention will be given to maintaining cross-border co-operation).
As a dynamic industry, fisheries require rapid and responsive regulation. Bringing control
back to the UK will enable greater scrutiny of fisheries policies, and swifter responses to
changing scientific advice or circumstances and meeting our international obligations.
This White Paper reflects continuing discussions with the Devolved Administrations, who
are responsible for domestic fisheries management in their areas, and stakeholders. I
hope that we will continue to work together to take advantage of the many and significant
opportunities facing the fishing industry across our island nation.
Together we will cast a future arrangement that is good for fisheries, for the environment,
and for consumers.
The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
Executive summary
This paper sets out the scope of
proposed new approach to fisheries
management. Our aim is to build a vibrant and sustainable UK fishing industry by taking
responsibility for managing fisheries resources within UK waters, while continuing to
protect and improve the marine environment, in line with our recent 25 Year Environment
The UK’s road to improved fishing opportunities
and transition
After leaving the EU, the UK will become an independent coastal state under international
law (UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS))
and will have the right to control
and manage access to fish in UK waters out to 200 nautical miles or the median line. In
line with UNCLOS, we will continue to co-operate closely with the EU and coastal states
on the sustainable management of fish stocks that cross borders.
In the short term, UK fisheries policy will align with the agreement reached with the EU on
19 March 2018 on an implementation period. This period will serve as a stepping stone to
our future relationship with the EU. However, from 2020, we will be negotiating access and
fishing opportunities for 2021 as an independent coastal state.
As an independent coastal state, we will decide who can access our waters after 2020 and
on what terms, for the first time in over 40 years. Any decisions about giving access to our
waters for vessels from the EU, or any other coastal states including Norway, will then be
a matter for negotiation.
Fisheries will be a separate strand of our future relationship with the EU. Through the
fisheries strand the EU and the UK, as an independent coastal state, will negotiate on
access to waters and fishing opportunities on an annual basis. This is consistent with the
approach to fisheries taken by other coastal states including Norway.
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982) sets out the legal framework within which all
activities in the oceans and seas must be carried out. It gives legal recognition to the right of a coastal state
to jurisdiction over its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) (12-200nm or the median line with other coastal
states). A coastal state has the right to exploit, develop, manage and conserve all the natural resources
(including fish) found in the waters of the EEZ, on the ocean floor and in the subsoil of its continental shelf.
Contracting states must cooperate with other states where the same stock or stocks straddle two or more
EEZs, the EEZ and the high seas, or where the stock is a highly migratory species, which is the case for
virtually all stocks fished by the UK.
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
Under the CFP’s principle of ‘relative
stability’, the UK receives a fixed share of fishing
opportunities based on historical fishing patterns in 1973 - 1978. This is unrepresentative
of the fish now in UK waters. On average between 2012 and 2016, other EU Member
States’ vessels landed in the region of 760,000
tonnes of fish (£540 million revenue)
annually caught in UK waters; whereas UK vessels landed approximately 90,000 tonnes of
fish (£110 million revenue) caught in other Member States’ waters per year in the same
time period.
We will be seeking to move away from relative stability towards a fairer and more scientific
method for future Total Allowable Catch (TAC) shares as a condition of future access.
Initially, we will seek to secure increased fishing opportunities through the process of
exchanges’ as part of annual fisheries negotiations. In due course, as part of those
annual negotiations we would be open to considering multi-annual agreements for
appropriate stocks, as happens currently between the EU and other coastal states.
In negotiating new arrangements with the EU, we will give particular attention to enabling
cross border co-operation on fisheries management between Northern Ireland and Ireland,
in line with the commitments agreed by the UK and the Commission in the Joint Report
(published 8 December 2017).
The UK has long been committed to sustainable fisheries, and we shall continue to work
closely with our neighbours to ensure the sustainable management of shared stocks. We
will seek to agree a process with the EU for future annual negotiations on access and
fishing opportunities, as well as an approach for continued cooperation on fisheries
management and on longer term sustainable approaches.
Access to markets for fisheries products will be agreed as part of our future economic
partnership, just as with other goods and food products. This is separate to the question of
fishing opportunities and access to waters, which consequently will be addressed
separately, founded on the UK’s legal status as an independent coastal state. This
consistent with fisheries agreements internationally, and with EU-third country precedents.
Both the EU and UK have an interest in continued trade for the fisheries and wider
seafood sector.
The UK will apply to be an independent member of Regional Fisheries Management
Organisations (RFMOs), including the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC),
where we will pursue our interests in negotiations on important stocks such as North-East
Atlantic mackerel, blue whiting and Atlanto-Scandian herring. We will also play an active
role in other international bodies such as the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
Where appropriate, we will work in close cooperation with the Crown Dependencies, who
independently manage their fisheries, and the Overseas Territories.
See footnote 1
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
Promoting sustainable fisheries
All of the Fisheries Administrations across the UK and the Crown Dependencies champion
sustainable fisheries and marine conservation. The UK will project these values in
negotiations with our neighbours, making adherence to sustainable practices a pre-
condition of any future access to our waters.
We will continue to apply the principle of Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) when setting
or agreeing total allowable catches (TACs), and we will promote fishing within MSY ranges
in line with international scientific advice on mixed fisheries. We will also continue to work
towards ending the wasteful practice of fish discards, including through the development of
new initiatives with industry and other interests.
We will work with the Devolved Administrations to develop technical measures such as
Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) (including CCTV) on vessels fishing in the UK's
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), to ensure compliance with fisheries regulations across
the UK.
As set out in the 25 Year Environment Plan, we will pursue an ecosystem approach to
fisheries management that aims for more sustainable management and accounts for, and
seeks to minimise, impacts on non-commercial species and the marine environment
Access agreements and quota allocation
Our Fisheries Bill includes proposals for powers to deliver what we negotiate with the EU
and other coastal states on access to waters and fishing opportunities. This includes
powers for the UK Government and Devolved Administrations to implement international
agreements reached on access to UK waters, and to set fishing opportunities (principally
quota).The principle of universal access to UK waters will continue to apply to all UK
We are also making plans so that we are ready to implement arrangements negotiated
and to meet the different enforcement challenges in our waters after we leave the EU and
the CFP.
CFP technical regulations
Under an implementation period, the existing body of EU regulations will continue to apply
until December 2020.
The EU (Withdrawal) Act will be used to make EU law part of a new body of UK law, to be
known as retained EU law. The Act includes powers to enable corrections to be made to
the laws that do not operate appropriately once we have left the EU. In time, this body of
law will be replaced with domestic legislation. In fisheries, this will cover about 100
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
legislative instruments covering issues such as gear types, mesh sizes, minimum landing
sizes and other technical standards.
The Fisheries Bill proposes taking powers that will enable this retained EU law to be
amended expeditiously by secondary legislation. The marine environment is dynamic and
timely decisions are required.
These powers will allow us to make rapid legislative and policy adjustment where this is
appropriate, including in cases where measures are currently introduced by the European
Commission through Delegated Acts.
A new UK framework
We are working with the Devolved Administrations to develop a new UK framework for
fisheries management, which is likely to include both legislative and non-legislative
elements. This will respect the devolution settlements and maximise all Fisheries
Administrations’ power to manage their fisheries while,
where necessary, maintaining the
overall coherence of the UK’s fisheries policy, particularly to ensure compliance with
international obligations, protect the UK internal market and manage our shared resources
In international fisheries negotiations, the UK delegation will include representatives from
each administration of the UK, as is the case now. The duty of cooperation within the
delegation will remain and wherever possible consensus will be sought on negotiating
priorities. If there is a disagreement within the UK delegation, the Secretary of State will,
as now, have the power to make a final decision as the leader of the UK delegation, acting
in the interests of the whole country.
The UK Government is responsible for overall compliance with international obligations
and the Devolved Administrations are responsible for implementing these obligations in
their own areas.
We are also working with the Crown Dependencies to develop new fisheries management
agreements which reflect their independence in managing their fisheries while maintaining
the overall coherence of the UK’s fisheries policy.
This White Paper is a UK Government policy document that discusses a range of fisheries
policy matters, subject to the continuing discussions between Defra and the Devolved
Administrations. The extent of the different provisions proposed for the new Fisheries Bill
will vary depending on what powers already exist in different areas and what is agreed
between the Administrations: some will have UK-wide extent; others will apply to England
only, others to England and the Devolved Administrations that wish to adopt them. The
powers concerning international relations, on access to waters and setting quota, will be
exercised at UK level as they relate to reserved matters.
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
Reforming fisheries management
As we negotiate with the EU and coastal states for a fairer share of the fishing
opportunities, we also need to consider how those additional opportunities are allocated
across the UK and within England in future.
Leaving the EU provides the opportunity to move towards a fairer and more scientific
method for the allocation of fishing opportunities.
We do not intend to change the method for allocating existing quota. However, in relation
to any additional fishing
opportunities negotiated by virtue of the UK’s new status as an
independent coastal state, Defra intend to begin a conversation with the Devolved
Administrations, Crown Dependencies and stakeholders to allocate these on a different
basis, including the potential use of alternative methodologies such as zonal attachment. A
new methodology would be in place in time for the allocation of any additional fishing
opportunities agreed from December 2020 onwards.
In England, Defra will seek to mirror the approach outlined for UK allocations, by
developing with stakeholders a new allocation methodology for additional fishing
opportunities agreed from December 2020 onwards, while ensuring the functioning of the
UK internal market.
To give us the tools to enable changes, the Fisheries Bill proposes powers that will enable
Defra to explore and pilot alternative approaches to the future allocation of fishing
opportunities and models to fund future fisheries science in England.
We will consider the establishment of a reserve of quota to be managed and allocated by
the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) in accordance with new criteria to meet the
future needs of the industry. This could include allocation of some fishing opportunities
specifically for recreational angling.
We will consider allocating some fishing opportunity, which could be from within the
reserve, through a tendering or auctioning system.
We will also consider allocating part of any new quota in the reserve to underpin a new
approach to tackle the problem of choke species, so that the crucial discard ban works in
practice as well as in theory.
We will consider the development of new ways to deter fishers from catching or discarding
fish caught in excess of quota, drawing on the experience of other fishing states such as
New Zealand. Such fish could be subject to a charge related to the market value of the fish
landed, with the landings covered by quota retained in the reserve for such purposes.
These charges could be recycled back into the sector to help develop measures to help
them further change behaviour and thus reduce the need for the scheme over time.
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
Such an approach would maintain a powerful disincentive to targeting any fish species
where quota is scarce since fish subject to a charge would have little or no value to the
fishermen who landed them. However, it would avoid the problem of individual Producer
Organisations or vessels being grounded through the problem of choke species.
We want an efficient but sustainable industry. Technological advances have driven greater
efficiency and modern smaller boats are able to catch far more fish than previously. We
will therefore consider new criteria to define low impact inshore fishing vessels to replace
the current
10 metre’ category.
We will consider a targeted scientific trial using an effort (days at sea) based regime in
place of a quota regime for some low impact inshore fisheries.
If evaluation of the outcomes shows that such approaches are successful with the low
impact inshore fleet, consistent with our commitment to sustainable fishing, then we will
give careful consideration to further selective trials for deployment of effort based regimes
or alternative hybrid models in other parts of the demersal fleet.
In considering how fisheries may be managed in future, we will be very mindful of lessons
about unintended consequences and importantly, about the implications
for fishermen’s
We will consider how we can further integrate recreational angling within the new fisheries
framework recognising the societal benefits of this activity and impacts on some stocks.
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
1. Setting our course
1.1. Introduction
The UK Government’s aim is to build a vibrant and sustainable marine fishing industry by
taking exclusive responsibility for managing fisheries resources within our own waters.
When we leave the EU, the UK will become an independent coastal state under
international law (UNCLOS
) with jurisdiction over our territorial sea and
out to 200
nautical miles (nm) or the median line between us and neighbouring states.
This White Paper sets out Defra’s new approach to fisheries management
after the UK
becomes an independent coastal state outside of the CFP, which needs to be science-
based, principled and adaptive.
The document discusses a range of fisheries policy matters, subject to continuing
discussions between Defra and the Devolved Administrations about a future
(section 1.5), and discussions about where powers or competencies returning
from the EU should be exercised (consistent with the government’s
2017 Manifesto
Domestic fisheries management is already devolved and there is an expectation for an
increase in the Devolved Administrations’
powers in this area.
We will pursue our new policy approach through action in three inter-related areas:
centred on the EU (Withdrawal) Act and the forthcoming Fisheries Bill,
including new powers to control access to UK waters and to set fishing opportunities,
followed up through secondary legislation and executive action (section 1.2 below);
Negotiations with the EU and other coastal states,
particularly on access to waters
and fishing opportunities (section 1.3);
Meeting our international commitments,
notably on sustainability and trade (section
The main focus here is commercial marine fisheries, a UK sector which landed £936m
sea fish (including shellfish) in 2016 into the UK and abroad (see
Annex A).
See footnote 2
will respect the devolution settlements: no decision-making that has been devolved will be taken back
to Westminster. Indeed, we envisage that the powers of the Devolved Administrations will increase as we
leave the EU.’
Accessed from:
UK sea fisheries annual report 2016, MMO
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
fishing, with around 1 million anglers, is also an important sector and we also take account
of the implications for the wider seafood industry including processing and aquaculture
(section 4). We aim to manage these fisheries
and the wider marine environment
as a
shared resource, a
public asset
held in stewardship for the benefit of all.
25 Year Environment Plan (25YEP)
set out this government’s
ambition to
secure clean, healthy, productive, and biologically diverse seas and oceans. This includes
pursuing an ecosystem approach to fisheries management, which aims for more
sustainable management and accounts for, and seeks to minimise, impacts on non-
commercial species and the marine environment generally. This involves restoring and
maintaining the healthy fish stocks and marine environment which underpin a prosperous
fishing industry (sections 2.1, 2.6 and 2.7).
Sustainable seafood production contributes to ensuring that the UK has a secure,
environmentally sustainable and healthy supply of food. There are exciting opportunities
for fishers, as well as the wider seafood sector across the UK,
to supply consumers’
growing demand for sustainable, resource-efficient and nutritious food.
These are outline proposals, and we want to deepen and strengthen our
the Devolved Administrations, as well as industry and other non-governmental
stakeholders, to implement them in ways that work best for the seafood industries, coastal
communities and the marine environment.
1.2. Legislation
We will use both primary and secondary legislation to pursue our new approach, taking
account of the wider landscape of domestic legislation concerning EU exit.
At the time of publication of this White Paper, the government is preparing a
Agreement and Implementation Bill (WAIB)
that will ensure a legal framework is in
place for the implementation period, under which most EU rules will continue to apply until
December 2020.
European Union (Withdrawal) Act
enables the government to provide continuity and
legal certainty by bringing EU rules into UK law as
EU law’. Retained EU law will
then be replaced in time with domestic legislation.
For fisheries, retained EU law will include around 100 pieces of legislation that make up
the CFP, and set out
the CFP’s high-level
objectives. This will mean we continue to deliver
international commitments on sustainable fishing, as well as provisions on elements
including the landing obligation (discard ban), technical measures on matters such as gear
types and mesh sizes, measures relating to control and enforcement and the common
market organisation (background on the CFP at
Annex B.)
The CFP Regulations also
contain specific powers which allow the Commission to make legislation in relation to a
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
variety of other matters, such as to amend species under conservation measures based
on scientific evidence, or to introduce measures to protect marine life.
Our approach will be to use powers under the EU (Withdrawal) Act to correct this body of
retained EU law, so that it is operable in the UK, pending future review.
The powers in the EU (Withdrawal) Act to correct retained EU law are time limited.
The government has been clear we will bring forward major policy changes through other
primary legislation.
The Fisheries Bill, announced in the Queen’s speech last year, will
deliver a significant change to the way fisheries are managed in the UK. The Bill will
restate the UK’s commitment to sustainable fisheries
and propose provisions:
To enable the UK to take back
control of access
to our fishing waters (territorial sea
extending up to 12 nautical miles and our EEZ extending up to 200 nautical miles
offshore) by allowing the UK to decide
which countries’ vessels may fish in these
To preserve equal access for UK vessels throughout UK waters.
currently provides for access for UK vessels throughout UK waters. The Bill would
ensure that this is maintained.
set fishing opportunities
(quota or days at sea) for the UK. This would implement
the international agreements on TACs made between the UK, the EU and coastal
states like Norway.
To require the Secretary of State to develop a policy statement, with Devolved
Administration ministers, on how to apply specified
sustainability principles and
in fisheries management.
To allow the UK to respond to scientific advice, protect the marine environment and
meet our international commitments by taking a power to
amend retained EU law
to make changes to existing UK law) relating to fisheries. This is necessary because of
the large number of highly technical regulations which need to be amended regularly in
order to manage fisheries sustainably, as well implement international commitments
relating to fisheries. The power would be exercisable by the Secretary of State in
relation to England, subject to final decisions on the EU (Withdrawal) Act and
discussions with the Devolved Administrations on constitutional issues and UK
frameworks, and will be as tightly constrained as possible.
To ensure we can protect the
marine environment,
by extending powers in the Marine
and Coastal Access Act to allow for the regulation of fishing activity for the purpose of
protecting the marine environment both in the inshore and offshore zones outside
Marine Protected Areas. This would be for England only but we are open to
discussions with the Devolved Administrations about creating similar powers for them.
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
To improve the MMO’s
cost recovery.
These will make sure the MMO in England has
the same powers as the Devolved Administrations already have. They will ensure we
can encourage behaviour change in the industry and a responsible approach to the
management of a public asset.
To allow a scheme to be set up to
tender or auction English quota
linked, for
instance, to a proportion of the quota gained as a result of negotiations with the EU and
coastal states and to introduce a scheme to enable fishers to avoid the problem of
choke species while deterring discards.
To modernise
powers in England.
We do not yet know the outcome of the UK’s negotiations to withdraw from the EU or on a
future economic partnership. The powers proposed in the Fisheries Bill have therefore
been developed to make sure that we can respond flexibly and quickly to a dynamic
environment as we approach exit, but also manage fisheries more effectively, for example
by responding to scientific advice in the years to come. In doing so, the Fisheries Bill will
mean that Parliament has a greater level of scrutiny over future secondary legislation on
fisheries than it currently enjoys over comparable EU legislation.
1.3. Negotiations with the EU and other coastal states
As an independent coastal state, the UK will work closely with the EU and other coastal
states, including Norway and the Faroe Islands, to manage transboundary stocks,
including through agreeing TACs, access and shares of fishing opportunities. This is vital
for sustainable exploitation. The UK has long championed sustainable fishing and is
committed to such cooperation in line with our obligations under
and the
Fish Stocks Agreement (UNFSA).
Defra will continue to work closely with the Devolved Administrations and Crown
Dependencies in determining and pursuing mutually beneficial UK positions in
international negotiations, as reflected in the UK framework process discussed at section
On 19 March, the UK and EU reached an agreement on the nature and length of the
implementation period. This was endorsed by the European Council on 22 March. The
agreement clarifies that the UK’s share of quotas will not change during the
implementation period and that the UK can attend international negotiations as part of the
EU delegation. Furthermore, the agreement includes an obligation on both sides to act in
good faith during the implementation period.
These arrangements will only apply to negotiations in 2019. The UK will be a full Member
State for negotiations in 2018 and, critically, in 2020 we will be negotiating fishing
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
opportunities for 2021 as a third country and independent coastal state completely
separately from the CFP.
As an independent coastal state, we will decide who can access our waters after 2020,
and on what terms, for the first time in over 40 years. Any decisions about giving vessels
from the EU, and any other coastal states, access to our waters will then be a matter for
Fisheries will be a separate strand of our future relationship with the EU. Through the
fisheries strand the EU and the UK, as an independent coastal state, will negotiate on
access to waters and fishing opportunities on an annual basis. This is consistent with the
approach to fisheries taken by other Coastal States including Norway.
To make sure that we are fully able to control UK waters after leaving the EU, the
government gave notice on 3 July 2017 to withdraw from the 1964
London Fisheries
(LFC). This provides for certain arrangements between coastal states
allowing access to fisheries in the 6-12 nautical mile zone. Vessels from France, Ireland,
Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands have some access to the UK 6-12 nautical mile
zone. Withdrawal from the Convention requires 2 years notice.
Given the heavy reliance on UK waters of the EU fishing industry (on average between
2012 and 2016 other EU Member States’ vessels landed in the region of 760,000 tonnes
of fish (£540 million revenue)), as well as the importance of EU waters to the UK (UK
vessels landed approximately 90,000 tonnes of fish (£110 million revenue)
in other
Member States’ waters per year in the same time period),
it is in both our interests to reach
a deal that works for the UK and
the EU’s
fishing communities.
Under the CFP’s principle of
relative stability, the UK receives a fixed share of fishing
opportunities based on historical fishing patterns in 1973 - 1978. This is seen by many in
the sector as unrepresentative of the fish now in UK waters.
We will be seeking to move away from relative stability towards a fairer and more scientific
method for future TAC shares as a condition of future access. Initially, we will seek to
secure increased fishing opportunities through the process of
‘annual exchanges’
as part
of annual fisheries negotiations. In due course, as part of those annual negotiations we
would be open to considering multi-annual agreements for appropriate stocks, as happens
currently between the EU and other coastal states.
We have instigated a comprehensive programme of research to inform this process,
working closely with Cefas and MMO, to provide the evidence to support a fairer share of
fishing opportunities for UK fishers.
Annex C
sets out some indicative charts
See footnote 1
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demonstrating how relative stability provides a poor deal for the UK compared to other
potential approaches.
The UK has always been committed to sustainable fisheries and we shall continue to work
closely with our neighbours to ensure the sustainable management of shared stocks and
the wider marine environment. As part of the negotiations on our future relationship with
the EU, we will seek to agree a process for future annual negotiations on access and
fishing opportunities as well as an approach for continued cooperation on fisheries
management and on longer term sustainable approaches.
Access to markets for fisheries products will be agreed as part of our future economic
partnership, just as with other goods and food products. This is separate to the question of
fishing opportunities and access to waters, which consequently will be addressed
separately, founded on the UK’s legal status as an independent coastal state. This is
consistent with fisheries agreements internationally, and with EU-third country precedents.
Both the EU and UK have an interest in continued trade for the fisheries and wider
seafood sector.
In negotiating new arrangements with the EU, we will give particular attention to enabling
cross border co-operation on fisheries management between Northern Ireland and Ireland,
in line with the commitments agreed by the UK and the Commission in the Joint Report
(published 8
of December 2017).
The UK will also apply to be an independent member of Regional Fisheries Management
Organisations (RFMOs, including the
North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission
(NEAFC), where we will pursue our interests in negotiations on important pelagic stocks
such as mackerel and Atlanto-Scandian herring. We will also play an active role in other
international bodies such as the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Where
appropriate, we will work in close cooperation with the Crown Dependencies and the
Overseas Territories.
In addition to taking part in established negotiations on fishing opportunities, we will look to
move to longer term sustainable approaches in co-operation with the EU and other
countries. The UK will project our commitment to sustainable fisheries and marine
conservation in such negotiations and would require compliance with sustainable practices
for any access granted to fish in UK waters. This will involve close co-operation between
Defra and the Devolved Administrations.
1.4. Meeting international commitments
The UK Government has long championed sustainable fisheries, and is fully
committed to achieving sustainable fisheries, including through delivering the
commitments and goals we have advocated at international level.
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Our new approach will help us deliver on commitments and principles including those in
Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
and the
United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), especially SDG 14
both at home and abroad.
We remain fully committed to meeting our obligations under UNCLOS, UNFSA, FAO and
relevant RFMOs, multilateral environmental agreements, such as the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD) and Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
(CITES), and the
World Trade Organisation
(WTO) - and will reinvigorate our role in
these organisations. By doing this we will maintain trade with other countries and develop
a full relationship with the international bodies and committees that oversee control of
fisheries and the marine environment. We will also continue to work actively through
informal agreements and partnerships such as the UN Clean Seas Campaign and the
Global Ghost Gear Initiative.
We are committed to support and implement the WTO ambition to end fisheries subsidies
that contribute to overcapacity, overfishing and illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing;
this will have significant global and development benefits and fulfil the pledge made by
world leaders for the WTO to effect SDG 14.6.
WTO rules also set the framework for bilateral trade negotiations. The government is
committed to seeking a deep and special partnership with the EU, encompassing the best
possible deal for the seafood sector, including the shellfish, processing and aquaculture
sectors, while ensuring that consumers continue to have a wide choice of high-quality food
products at affordable prices. We are also committed to seek continuity in current trade
and investment relationships, including those covered by EU third country Free Trade
Agreements (FTAs) and preferential arrangements, as well as to secure access to new
markets globally.
The UK will also work internationally to promote sustainable management of fisheries and
the marine environment, drawing on its world class scientific expertise including Cefas,
Marine Scotland Science, the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, conservation advisors
and academic institutions.
In April 2018, the UK hosted the
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting,
provided a platform to highlight the importance of the oceans to all Commonwealth
member states. The UK Government supports the Blue Charter for the Commonwealth
which addresses a range of environmental and blue economy issues, including through
the provision of scientific advice and training to develop sustainable fisheries and
aquaculture. The Blue Charter will galvanise action so that member states can move
towards delivering the targets set out in SDG 14.
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1.5. Territorial extent of our plans
We are working with the Devolved Administrations to develop a new UK framework for
fisheries policy to make sure that the UK meets its international obligations, including
under trade agreements, as well as enabling the functioning of the UK internal market
(while acknowledging policy divergence) and the management of common fisheries
resources. We expect that the outcome of this process will be an increase in the decision-
making power of each of the Devolved Administrations.
Under each of the three devolution settlements, fisheries policy is devolved. It currently
operates under an EU framework through the CFP. Below this, the four UK Fisheries
Administrations, in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, are able to make
decisions on how to manage their fisheries within the CFP. This means there is some
divergence, but also a degree of commonality, assisted by the agreement of a voluntary
fisheries concordat on domestic management issues. In addition, there is close co-
operation between the UK Government and the Devolved Administrations on international
fisheries negotiations.
As the UK leaves the CFP and fisheries management powers return from the EU, we are
working closely with the Devolved Administrations to agree where UK-wide frameworks
will be required.
These decisions are being guided by the cross-cutting principles for the consideration of
UK frameworks agreed by the UK Government and the Scottish and Welsh Governments
at JMC (EN) in October 2017:
i. Common frameworks will be established where they are necessary in order to:
enable the functioning of the UK internal market, while acknowledging policy
ensure compliance with international obligations;
ensure the UK can negotiate, enter into and implement new trade agreements and
international treaties;
enable the management of common resources;
administer and provide access to justice in cases with a cross-border element;
safeguard the security of the UK.
ii. Frameworks will respect the devolution settlements and the democratic accountability of
the devolved legislatures and will therefore:
be based on established conventions and practices, including the competence of
the devolved institutions and will not normally be adjusted without their consent;
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maintain, as a minimum, equivalent flexibility for tailoring policies to the specific
needs of each territory as is afforded by current EU rules;
lead to a significant increase in decision-making powers for the Devolved
iii. Frameworks will ensure recognition of the economic and social linkages between
Northern Ireland and Ireland and that Northern Ireland will be the only part of the UK
that shares a land frontier with the EU. They will also adhere to the Belfast Agreement.
There is support from some in the UK fishing and seafood industry for a UK framework
which provides a degree of consistency across the different parts of the UK, making it
easier for them to move, catch and sell fish whilst operating under common rules. Other
stakeholders have underlined the need for close collaboration between different competent
authorities on cross border issues.
Initial discussions between Defra and the Devolved Administrations suggest that there are
a number of fisheries policy areas where common approaches will be necessary or
desirable across the UK. Many of these can be implemented through co-operation
arrangements but others will require legislation. Joint work is continuing to develop a
common framework, including a new memorandum of understanding on non-legislative
elements, which will address both international and domestic management issues, as well
as maintaining the functioning of the UK internal market. The composition and scope of the
framework has not yet been agreed and work continues with the Devolved
We are also working with the Bailiwick of Jersey, the Bailiwick of Guernsey, including the
jurisdictions of Alderney and Sark, and the Isle of Man. We will develop new fisheries
management agreements with the Crown Dependencies which reflect their autonomy in
managing their fisheries while maintaining the overall coherence of the UK’s fisheries
policy to ensure compliance with international obligations.
This White Paper is a UK Government policy document that discusses a range of fisheries
policy matters, subject to the continuing discussions between Defra and the Devolved
Administrations. The scope of the different provisions proposed for the new Fisheries Bill
will vary depending on what powers already exist in different areas and what is agreed
between the Administrations: some will have UK-wide extent; others will apply to England
only, or to England and the Devolved Administrations that wish to adopt them. The
powers concerning international relations, on access to waters and setting quota, will be
exercised at UK level.
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1.6. Setting our course: questions
Q1: Do you agree with the proposed powers in the Fisheries Bill?
Q2: What are your priorities for UK negotiations with the EU on
Q3. What are your priorities for controlling our waters after exit?
Q4: What are your priorities for the UK’s international role in fisheries
(beyond the EU)?
Q5: What are the fisheries policy areas where a common legislative or
non-legislative approach (framework) across the UK is necessary?
Q6: Do you have any further comments relating to the issues addressed
in this section?
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2. Pursuing sustainable management
2.1. Promoting sustainable fishing
Both within the EU and globally the UK has championed sustainable fishing, including the
achievement of Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). Building on the general objective
including MSY in UNCLOS (1982), we successfully worked to consolidate this as a specific
political commitment at the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development
(2002) and a legally-binding one for EU Member States in the reformed CFP of 2014.
The sustainable exploitation of stocks is vital to the existence of the fishing and
recreational sectors. Achieving MSY may involve short term costs to these sectors from a
reduction in catch for certain species, but results in longer term benefits from a more
sustainable level of fishing.
Working together with EU Member States and other coastal states such as Norway, we
have seen significant progress in recent years towards setting exploitation rates that are
consistent with MSY. Out of 45 stocks that are MSY-assessed and targeted by the UK, 31
are now being exploited in line with MSY
. The process of rebuilding stocks to their
maximum potential is a gradual one, but it is bearing results.
For example, cod stocks in the North Sea have recovered thanks to better management
over the last decade, resulting from close adherence to scientific advice, incentivising of
measures that improve selectivity, and involving industry in managing the recovery.
Stocks have now risen to safe levels
. North Sea cod can now be sold in supermarkets
and restaurants, bearing the Marine Stewardship Council’s ‘blue tick’ label, indicating that
it is sustainable and fully traceable.
Further to our commitments under SDG14, including its targets for 2020, the UK
Government will continue to work with our European partners to regulate fishing and to set
harvest rates that restore and maintain fish stocks at least to levels that can produce MSY.
This will mean agreeing catch rates that are based on the best available science. In mixed
fisheries, that will include taking account of the interactions between harvested species
and with the wider ecosystem, in order to set rates that will optimise MSY across the
different stocks and ensure their long term health. Where the data is insufficient to have an
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MSY-based assessment, we will adopt catch limits or other precautionary management
measures that conserve those stocks while data is improved. There will also be close co-
operation between Defra and the Devolved Administrations, who have responsibilities for
such conservation measures where stocks are concentrated in their territorial sea.
After we leave the EU and the CFP the government will publish an
annual statement on
our assessment of the state of stocks
of interest to the UK (mainly from the
International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES)) and our approach to setting
fishing rates and other management measures for the year ahead. If particular stocks are
in trouble and falling below safe biological limits, the government will work with all
interested parties to draw up and implement recovery plans, to ensure they are restored to
a healthy condition. This will be done in collaboration with the Devolved Administrations,
also recognising that some stocks are concentrated in the areas they manage.
Success will ultimately be measured by our ability to rebuild and maintain stocks, while
improving the health of our marine ecosystems and adapting to changes including the
impacts of climate change. This will require long-term planning on the part of all four
Fisheries Administrations and their deployment of the full range of measures within our
control including catch limits, discard controls, gear selectivity, spatial and temporal
closures, minimisation of by-catch, and a strong compliance mechanism. It will also require
continued and close cooperation with our European partners with whom we share these
precious resources.
The 25YEP for England looks well beyond the SDGs to 2042, so contains the following
goal: Ensuring that all fish stocks are recovered to and maintained at levels that can
produce their maximum sustainable yield. This reflects commitments under UNCLOS and
the SDGs which apply across the UK.
2.2. Managing who fishes in our seas and the amount
As an independent coastal state we will pursue negotiating outcomes on access and
fishing opportunities that are consistent with the best available scientific evidence.
Any foreign vessels granted access to fish in UK waters will need to meet the same
requirements as our fleets across all UK fishing zones, including adherence to sustainable
Commercial fishing opportunities can be managed by the amount of fish a vessel can
catch (quota system), or by the amount of time it can spend fishing, (effort system). We
currently regulate mainly by quota, which is the system supported by most fisheries
scientists, industry representatives and other stakeholders around the world.
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We know too that fishing remains one of the most dangerous occupations and that some
of the unintended consequences of action can result in implications for fisherman’s safety.
We therefore intend to consider safety throughout the policy development and
implementation process for new management systems, practices and technology.
2.3. Reforming fisheries management
Leaving the EU and CFP means the UK will no longer be bound by relative stability, and
provides the opportunity to move towards a fairer and more scientific method for the
allocation of fishing opportunities. As highlighted in section 1.3 above, there is an
imbalance between fish caught in our waters by foreign vessels compared with our fleet’s
catch in other countries’ waters.
The fish in our seas, like our wider marine assets, are a public resource and therefore the
rights to catch them are a
public asset.
As we look to negotiate with the EU and coastal
states for a fairer share of the fishing opportunities, we also need to consider how those
opportunities are allocated across the UK and within England in future.
Currently, opportunities (largely quota) are apportioned administratively to each of the four
Fisheries Administrations by the Secretary of State. The apportionment is done using a
methodology set out in the UK Quota Management Rules (QMRs) under arrangements
made in the 2012 Fisheries Concordat. Each of the Fisheries Administrations is then able
to allocate its quota to its industry as it wishes. This methodology uses Fixed Quota Assets
(FQAs). FQAs were established in 1999, based on a reference period of 1993 to 1996,
and we recognise that fishermen have invested in FQAs. We will continue to use this
methodology for the apportionment of existing quota.
In relation to any additional opportunities
negotiated by virtue of the UK’s new status as an
independent coastal state, leaving the EU allows us to explore other methodologies, such
as zonal attachment, to help inform how we might allocate additional fishing opportunities.
Defra intends to begin a conversation with the Devolved Administrations and stakeholders
to allocate these on a different basis. A new methodology will to be in place in time for the
allocation of any additional opportunities agreed from December 2020 onwards.
In England, Defra will take a similar approach to that outlined for UK allocations, by
developing with stakeholders new allocation criteria for any additional quota agreed from
December 2020 onwards, while ensuring the functioning of the UK internal market.
We will learn from best practice in other fisheries nations, such as Iceland and New
Zealand, where the commercial fishing industry and the recreational sector works in closer
partnership with government while making a greater financial contribution. We will also
look at the establishment of a
drawing on any additional fishing opportunity in
England, to be allocated by the MMO in accordance with the new criteria. We will work
with the industry and key stakeholders to develop these, but some early thoughts include:
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That we will retain some fishing opportunities to incentivise the reduction of discards
(see 2.6 below).
To place a value on fish as a sustainable natural resource and raise revenue from the
new opportunity. This revenue will be used to support fisheries science, particularly the
stock surveys that underpin annual negotiations for the Total Allowable Catch and in
year fisheries management. We would work with industry and stakeholders to examine
a range of ways to distribute any new fishing opportunities, which may include
auctioning or tendering, considering the wider potential benefits, including those which
stand to be delivered by applicant Producer Organisations’
(POs) plans for sustainable
To consider the needs of different parts of the industry in distribution of the new
opportunity, subject to the review of sectoral categories mentioned at section 2.3.
To consider whether some fishing opportunities should be reserved for the recreational
angling sector.
Fisheries POs have a key role to play in the management of our fisheries in the future,
from contributing to quota management to supporting their members in creating added
value in their catches. We will work with POs to consider how we can build upon their
strengths and identify potential new roles in fisheries management.
We are reviewing the economic link conditions to ensure that UK registered vessels
including foreign owned vessels, fishing for UK quota produce genuine economic benefits
for UK coastal communities dependent on fisheries and fisheries related industries. Our
aim is to ensure that UK communities derive maximum benefit from UK quota.
Defra will review how fishing opportunities are managed in England. Some fishermen
advocate a greater use of an effort system, as currently used for some non-quota shellfish,
or a combination of the two approaches. We have looked at fisheries management
systems in other countries. Where effort only has been used, there are reports that key
stocks have not been managed sustainably. TAC and quota systems are used in most
other cases. However, while taking account of evidence from previous experiences
elsewhere, Defra will consider a targeted scientific trial in English waters to see whether
effort controls could provide an effective way to manage some waters or stocks consistent
with delivering our commitment to fish at sustainable levels. This would initially be focused
on the lowest impact inshore fisheries and would require robust vessel monitoring systems
and catch reporting to be in place before any trial could begin in order to evaluate the
outcomes and case for any extension of trialling.
Defra and MMO will also work with scientists, stakeholders and industry to develop an
effective method for sustainable management of non-quota stocks in the Western Waters.
This will include exploring the use of management systems such as catch limits and
technical measures in place of the existing effort regime for certain shellfisheries, to
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determine whether these would be more appropriate for particular species and fishing
methods, and more effective in achieving sustainable fisheries. The outcome overall could
be a combination of new multi-species and stock specific management plans, backed up
by appropriate control and enforcement including the use of modern technology such as
vessel monitoring systems and cameras. We will also discuss these issues with the
Devolved Administrations.
We want a diverse fishing fleet using efficient, modern technology (where appropriate) and
best practice to help it fish sustainably and safely. We want to explore incentives to fish
within sustainable limits and with appropriate regard to the health of the wider marine
environment. We want a proportionate approach to regulation which makes sure that those
who are compliant are able to fish and those that are not cannot; and that those who have
the highest impact on stocks and ecosystems will be subject to the tightest requirements.
We want to use technology to support the collection and use of data and information to
develop a much more transparent regime, learning from coastal states such as Norway,
Iceland and the Faroe Islands.
Defra and MMO can use this opportunity to review how the English inshore fleet, many
parts of which could be viewed as relatively low impact (such as artisan fishers with close
ties to their coastal communities), is managed and regulated. Instead of the current
10 metre’ category we will consider a variety of potential options including limits to engine
power and restrictions on where such vessels can fish. This approach supported by vessel
monitoring and electronic catch-reporting could allow us to provide increased fishing
opportunities, or lighter regulation, for those involved in low impact fishing activity. At the
same time, it would be necessary to monitor the potential cumulative impact of medium
impact vessels.
Recreational angling is a popular sport in England bringing both economic and social
benefits to the UK. Defra will look at how to further integrate recreational angling into
fishery management governance and decisions. This could include managing some stocks
specifically for the recreational angling sector only.
Experience has shown that in developing fisheries management policy, there can be
unintended consequences. We therefore will need to proceed carefully, considering the
best available evidence, safety implications and will work closely with industry and
interested parties.
Such measures should help support a diverse, profitable and sustainable fleet that serves
the needs of coastal communities and the UK economy.
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2.4. Being ready to control our waters and preventing
illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU)
Robust systems need to be in place as we leave the EU to protect UK waters from illegal
or irresponsible fishing activities. Defra will work closely with the Devolved Administrations,
Crown Dependencies, delivery bodies (principally the MMO and the Inshore Fisheries and
Conservation Authorities (IFCAs)) and other agencies to make sure that effective and
control and enforcement
is in place in UK waters and for UK vessels fishing
The Joint Maritime Operations Co-ordination Centre (JMOCC) was established in October
2017, with 12 main partners including the MMO, Royal Navy, Border Force, Marine
Scotland, IFCAs, Maritime and Coastguard Agency, National Crime Agency and the
National Maritime Information Centre.
The JMOCC will operate as a coordinating authority, including for cross-agency patrol
capabilities, information sharing and aerial surveillance, and make sure we can control our
EEZ and work with the industry so that the most modern technology is in place to monitor
activities of fishing vessels. Together with effective legislation, such measures will help
deliver sustainable fishing and enable us to demonstrate compliance with our international
The UK seafood industry is dependent on international trade and we currently have a trade
surplus with the EU. In order to maintain this, we need to use the most reliable possible
methods of
ensuring that the fish caught is fully recorded
and make sure that full data
informs our management methods, helping to maintain access to EU markets and
increase access for our exports to other overseas markets. We will also seek to control our
borders to prevent global IUU catches from entering our supply chain, including through
continued international cooperation.
Deploying well-resourced, modern systems across our whole fleet to help control our
waters and monitor the fish we catch will benefit both the UK economy and global
sustainability as we leave the EU. We will monitor and adjust these as we develop our new
UK management approach so that the most effective methods are used. We will
encourage the use of innovative technology, use our information more intelligently and to
create greater transparency.
2.5. Collecting the best scientific data by the most
modern methods
Flexible, efficient and effective fisheries management needs the best possible scientific
data on fish stocks and impacts on the wider environment, so Defra will make sure that our
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monitoring programme
is allied with the most modern equipment and utilisation of all
available data, including that used to monitor fishing activity as described in section 2.3.
In England we are looking at how to use technologies and techniques including: Earth
Observation (EO) via remote sensing technologies to track plankton eaten by pelagic
species, supplemented by surveying and analysis; REM technology; enhancing the data
collected from fish grading machines; and software systems that enable fishermen to
collect data and meet reporting requirements by using smartphone apps. Learning from
other coastal states such as Norway, Iceland and the Faroe Islands, we will ensure greater
transparency which will benefit all.
Defra will build on the existing close co-operation with the Devolved Administrations on
data collection, while engaging with industry and others including NGOs, to gather the best
available scientific evidence to inform policy and delivery.
UK scientists will continue to make a strong contribution to
international co-operation on
stock assessment and related fisheries science,
primarily through the ICES as the
independent global body for these purposes. In addition, UK scientists will continue to co-
operate regionally with EU and other countries’ counterparts, on fisheries as well
as the
marine environment.
2.6. Preventing wasteful discarding of a precious
natural resource
Historically, the CFP approach to quota management resulted in fishermen discarding
some of their catch before they landed at ports, resulting in up to a million tonnes of fish
being thrown back into EU waters each year
UK Ministers successfully worked to introduce the reforms leading to an obligation to land
all catch, also known as the ‘discard ban’. The EU landing obligation first came into force
in 2015 for pelagic species (such as mackerel and herring). Demersal species (such as
cod and haddock) were covered from 2016, with additional fisheries being gradually
phased in each year until all quota species are covered by 1 January 2019.
The UK Government remains fully committed to ending the wasteful discarding of
fish and wants to work with the industry to address this issue.
In mixed fisheries common in UK waters, where several species can be caught during
fishing activities, there are practical difficulties implementing the current EU landing
obligation. In particular there is the problem of ‘choke’ where the exhaustion
of one quota
prevents fishing continuing for other species. In England we will work with the fishing
industry and NGOs on the introduction of a complementary package of measures that are
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tailored to work effectively in UK waters. We will also be working closely with the
Devolved Administrations on this issue.
We will develop new ways to help fishers manage fish caught out of quota, drawing on the
experience of other fishing nations such as New Zealand, Iceland and Norway. One option
is for such fish to be landed and subject to a charge related to the market value of the fish
landed; the landings could be covered by quota retained in a reserve for such purposes.
The Fisheries Bill will therefore propose powers for the Secretary of State to establish a
scheme to encourage compliance with the landing obligation and minimise wasteful
discarding. Where fishers are unable to find quota to set against their catch they would be
required to pay a charge that was, at least, equivalent to the catch’s commercial
(with an allowance for handling costs). This flexibility will be particularly important in mixed
fisheries where it is very difficult entirely to avoid by-catch and traditional enforcement
methods such as quota penalties and prosecution might not always be appropriate.
This could provide a powerful disincentive to targeting any fish species where quota is
scarce since fish subject to a charge would have no value to the fishermen who landed
them. However, it would give the sector a mechanism by which they could land the fish
and thus avoid the problem of vessels being grounded because of choke species. We will
consider whether it could be appropriate for income generated to be recycled into the
sector to help develop measures to encourage further behavioural change and thus
reduce the need for the scheme over time.
Defra is considering a number of
other measures to reduce wasteful discards as we
leave the CFP, including:
REM on vessels
not only in the UK fleet but also other vessels accessing UK waters
- to promote compliance at sea. Another benefit of REM will be improved data
gathering which will strengthen our scientific evidence base (section 2.5).
Adaptive management measures to promote selective gears and avoid high risk areas,
e.g. real time closures.
In England, further exemptions for high survivability. Where there is strong scientific
evidence that species in particular fisheries show a good survival rate after being
discarded, we will permit flexibilities for industry, in addition to those currently allowed
under the EU landing obligation.
In England, removal of certain stocks from catch limits (quota). We will carefully
consider whether alternative fisheries management measures could be used for
certain species instead of catch limits. There would be strict criteria on the removal of
catch limits and any proposal would need to be based on strong scientific evidence
and consistent with our commitments to sustainability.
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If supported by the science, removing the requirement to land under-size fish of stocks
that have little or no value, subject to appropriate control and enforcement and full
documentation of the catches, which would be set against quota.
We will establish a joint working party with industry and other interests to help develop the
detail of how the schemes and other initiatives could work in practice. We will learn
lessons from the implementation of the EU landing obligation to make sure that a new UK
approach to discards is practical and effective.
2.7. Protecting our marine environment
Sustainable fishing not only requires stock management and protection of vulnerable
Marine Protected Area (MPA) features, such as seabed habitats, cetaceans and seabirds,
but also taking account of wider marine ecosystem impacts. The marine environment is a
shared public asset and the impacts of the fishing industry need to be considered
alongside those of other industries, sea users and the wider public. This is why the 25YEP
commits us to reversing the loss of marine biodiversity and, where practicable, restoring it.
Effective management is required to reduce, offset, and where possible avoid, those
fishing activities which have negative impacts on the health of the marine environment.
This will frequently benefit the industry itself by maintaining ecosystems on which it
depends, as well as helping achieve our wider objective to have a marine environment that
is clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse.
Our UK Marine Strategy Regulations (2010), require the UK Government and Devolved
Administrations to develop a
UK Marine Strategy
that applies an ecosystem-based
approach to decisions on activities undertaken in, or affecting, the marine strategy area.
The Marine Strategy put in place a comprehensive programme of measures designed to
meet the biodiversity targets set to protect marine habitats and species in order to achieve
good environmental status (GES) by the end of 2020.
Later in 2018, we will update the 2012 assessment of the extent that GES has been
achieved, and update the targets used to characterise GES.
The UK has supported such objectives internationally, regionally, in the North-East Atlantic
, and through interventions on EU fisheries policy, such as the 2016 revision of
the EU
Deep Sea Access
regulation. There we successfully championed spatial
management, including a targeted 800m depth ban on bottom-trawling, to protect
vulnerable marine ecosystems while avoiding unnecessary impacts on the fishing industry.
OSPAR is the mechanism by which 15 Governments and the EU cooperate to protect the marine
environment of the North-East Atlantic.
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We are also working closely with stakeholders to develop approaches to tackling the issue
of bycatch of marine species such as cetaceans and seabirds, with the aim of identifying
and implementing practical and effective risk-based mitigation.
Defra’s recent 25YEP underlines the need for decision making processes
to take account
of effects on the natural environment, including through the natural capital approach, which
is reflected in the options for placing value on fish as a public asset set out in section 2.3
above. We will also work through OSPAR to assess the impact of fisheries on our marine
After we leave the EU and CFP, we will retain EU Regulations that allow us to manage the
impacts of fishing activity on the marine environment. In addition, we want UK authorities
to be empowered to decide what measures are needed to protect the habitats and species
throughout our waters (section 1.2). This will enable the government to deliver its
commitment to a well-managed, ecologically coherent network of MPAs, in line with its
vision for the marine environment and the 25YEP.
Progress on creating a ‘blue belt’ of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) around our
We have 299 MPAs in UK waters. Over 24% of UK waters are protected within MPAs
and this includes 50 Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) in England protecting over
of precious marine habitats. In addition we have 45 Special Protection Areas
for seabirds and 39 marine Special Areas of Conservation in England. A third tranche of
Marine Conservation Zones will complete the network of ‘Blue belt’ sites.
Concerns have been raised that when the UK leaves the EU
and irrespective of the new
relationship we negotiate with it - there might be a
‘governance gap’
which could weaken
accountability for the implementation of environmental regulations, including for the marine
environment, which would also have implications for fisheries management.
Defra recognises these concerns and on 12 November 2017 the Secretary of State set out
plans to consult on a new, independent body to hold government to account on
environmental standards after we have left the EU. We have also proposed a new policy
statement on environmental principles to underpin future-policy-making to apply after we
On 10 May we published a consultation document on these issues, including how the new
body can assist scrutiny of the recently published 25YEP.
We will bring forward a new,
ambitious Environmental Principles and Governance Bill to deliver these proposals. We
will publish a draft Bill in autumn 2018, with introduction of the Bill early in the second
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session of this Parliament. We are exploring with the Devolved Administrations whether
they wish to take a similar approach.
2.8. Pursuing sustainable management: questions
Q7: Do you agree with the measures proposed to ensure fishing at
sustainable levels?
Q8: Do you agree that existing quota should continue to be allocated on
an FQA basis?
Q9: How should any additional quota that we negotiate as an
independent coastal state be allocated?
Q10: Do you agree that Defra should run a targeted scientific trial of an
effort system in English inshore waters?
Q11: Do you agree with our proposals to explore alternative
management systems for certain shellfisheries in England?
Q12: Do you agree that there is a case for further integrating
recreational angling into fisheries management?
Q13: Do you agree with the proposed package of measures and
initiatives to reduce wasteful discards?
Q14: Do you agree with the proposed approach to protecting our marine
environment in relation to fisheries including the powers proposed in
the Fisheries Bill (see section 1.2)?
Q15. What opportunities are there for the sector to become more
involved in both the provision and direction of science and evidence
development needed for fisheries management?
Q16. Do you have any further comments relating to the issues
addressed in this section?
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3. Resourcing the new approach
3.1. Fisheries funding
The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) provides financial assistance to
beneficiaries engaged in the catching, harvesting, processing and marketing of sea
fisheries and produce from marine and fresh water aquaculture. Additionally it delivers
environmental improvements, supports wider research and innovation, and assists coastal
communities to adapt to changing circumstances and employment opportunities.
Background: European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
The EMFF allocation available to the UK between 2014 and 2020 is €243.1m and is
split into three main activities;
Grants for projects (€145.6m)
Data Collection Framework (DCF) for fisheries monitoring and assessment
Control and
Enforcement (€45.2m).
The priorities of the current programme include promoting the transition of the UK’s
fleet to practices to encourage sustainable and discard-free fisheries and to develop
IT tools and technologies used for control and enforcement and to improve the
traceability of fisheries products.
3.2. Future fisheries funding
We will consider whether and how to replace the EMFF, which has supported the sector
across the UK.
In the design of any future scheme we could consider the sustainability and productivity of
different parts of the sector and of coastal communities. Any funding would need to be
consistent with the thrust of our new approach to fisheries management.
Any new scheme would be compatible with state aid rules, consistent with the functioning
of the UK internal market and compatible with the WTO ambition to end fisheries subsidies
that contribute to overcapacity, overfishing and illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing.
To provide flexibility to introduce a new grants scheme that can deliver better value for
money, we are proposing in the Fisheries Bill, a power to replace, modernise and broaden
the existing grant-making powers in the Fisheries Act 1981.
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We will also use the Fisheries Bill to ensure the MMO in England has the same powers as
elsewhere in the UK to recover their costs for fisheries management. This will ensure that
they can carry out a process of continual improvement, making the service they provide to
the sector as efficient as possible. In line with government’s
Managing Public Money,
certain services provided by public sector organisations are financed by charges, normally
reflecting the full cost of providing those services. This may sometimes include services
related to compliance and monitoring, subject to Treasury approval. This might also
encourage schemes of self-assurance. Cost recovery will also encourage behaviour
change in the industry and a responsible approach to the management of a public asset
3.3. Supporting our coastal communities
The government’s 2017 manifesto
committed to establish a
United Kingdom Shared
Prosperity Fund.
With this Fund, the government will focus investment towards domestic
priorities, reduce inequalities between communities across the country and increase
productivity based on our modern industrial strategy.
This will be important for coastal communities across the UK, many of which are situated
in rural areas and face particular challenges arising from their geography.
The Industrial Strategy White Paper set out the government’s
intention to consult widely on
the precise design and priorities for the fund in 2018.
Another fund available to support fishing communities is the
Coastal Communities Fund
(CCF) which is a multi-million pound government fund to support coastal communities in
the UK. CCF supports projects which will promote economic growth and create more jobs
in coastal areas.
Since 2012 the government has invested £174 million across the UK in 295 CCF projects
(noting that for Scotland CCF has now been devolved as part of the Smith Commission
agreement). Through CCF there will be another £40 million available for spend from April
2019 to end of March 2021; this has now closed for new applications.
Working alongside CCF, government has also provided £1.46 million to help establish 146
Coastal Community Teams (CCTs) bring together local businesses, councils and
communities to develop and take forward strategic economic plans for local areas, making
better use of other private and public investment, including the CCF.
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3.4. Resourcing the new approach: questions
Q17: What would be your priorities for any future funding for the sector
or coastal communities?
Q18. Do you have any further comments relating to the issues
addressed in this section?
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4. Partnership working
We have been listening to a range of stakeholders as we have developed the approach to
fisheries management laid out in this White Paper (summary of engagement at
Annex D).
The UK Government wants to see a diverse, profitable and sustainable fishing fleet, while
recognising that its structure, opportunities and challenges vary across different parts of
the UK. We remain fully committed to working with a wide range of partners to introduce a
management regime that works for the catching sector, coastal communities, the seafood
sector, consumers, NGOs and the wider public.
Among our closest partners are the Devolved Administrations and we have outlined
current discussions on how we work together at section 1.5. Working closely with the EU
and other overseas Fisheries Administrations is also essential for the management of
shared stocks.
Our commitment to work with the wider industry was shown when in May 2016 the
Fisheries Minister George Eustice invited stakeholders to be part of a
Seafood Industry
Expert Working Group
with a membership that spans sea and farm to plate. The Group
was tasked with helping to deliver the Seafood 2040 vision by identifying actions to
support the long-term sustainable growth and future economic success of the seafood
chain in England, taking into account its workforce, the communities in which it operates
and the needs of the consumer.
The Expert Group has recently launched Seafood 2040: A Strategic Framework for
. It contains twenty-five recommendations for a range of organisations including
the industry, Seafish, government and the third sector which will help to develop, support
and grow the whole seafood value chain. Whilst the Strategic Framework’s focus was on
England, many of the recommendations are likely to be applicable and beneficial to the
Devolved Administrations and, where this is appropriate, we will work with them to deliver
greater benefits for the UK as a whole.
Our future vision is that industry should take a greater, shared responsibility for sustainably
managing fisheries, while making a greater contribution towards the costs. This can
include, for example, work to develop new management practices and contributing to
fisheries science, being part of the delegation in the negotiations, being more actively
engaged in fisheries management decisions and co-designing future policy. We are
examining cases where other countries have pursued this partnership approach, including
through putting a value on fishing opportunities to incentivise sustainable management.
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This White Paper is a first step in setting out our future approach but we remain committed
to working closely with the industry, the NGOs and other stakeholders as we pursue
legislative and other methods to implement reform. This will help us to refine proposals so
that they deliver for the economy, the environment and society. As we develop plans
further we will engage further with stakeholders and enable proper Parliamentary scrutiny
of any future changes to legislation.
4.1. Partnership working: questions
Q19: How far do you agree with our future vision to pursue a
partnership approach with industry and others for sustainably
managing fisheries?
Q20. Do you have any further comments relating to the issues
addressed in this section?
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5. Next steps
We will continue to develop and deliver our new approach to fisheries management for the
benefit of industry, fishing communities and the marine environment across the whole of
the UK. As explained in Section 4, we have been speaking to stakeholders and will
continue to engage with them through both formal and informal consultation mechanisms,
as we introduce different elements of the reform package over a number of years. We
would welcome views on the initial outline approach in this White Paper.
We want to hear from as many people and organisations as possible
from industry,
NGOs, academia and others.
Many of the questions posed in this White Paper are open. We encourage respondents to
provide not just their opinions but also the supporting facts and reasoning to inform the
evidence base for the development of final proposals. Respondents do not have to answer
all the questions and so can choose those of specific interest. Questions which you do not
wish to respond to can be left blank.
Response due date:
Please respond by 12
September 2018.
How to respond:
Please respond via citizen space accessible via the following link
can also be sent to us by email ([email protected]) or by Post to:
Fisheries White Paper Consultation team
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
First Floor,
Seacole Block,
2 Marsham Street
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
Annex A: The UK fisheries industry
The marine fisheries industry is of totemic importance for specific parts of the UK,
particularly in coastal areas, including in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, so it is
essential to pursue reforms that will enable it to continue on a sustainable basis.
The UK Fisheries Catching Sector:
in 2016, the UK fishing industry had 6,191 registered
fishing vessels, of which almost 80% was made up of vessels of 10 metres and under in
length. Whilst being larger in numbers these smaller vessels accounted for only 9% of the
fleet’s capacity
There were an estimated 11,757 fishers in 2016. Of these, 5,306 were based in England,
753 in Wales, 4,823 in Scotland and 875 in Northern Ireland. Part-time fishers accounted
for 19% of the total.
The most important ports, by volume and value of all landings by UK vessels, are
Peterhead, Lerwick and Fraserburgh. The main ports in England are Plymouth, Brixham
and Newlyn. On an annual basis in 2016 - UK vessels landed 701,000 tonnes of sea fish
(including shellfish) into the UK and abroad with a value of £936m
Marine fisheries are part of
the wider seafood supply chain.
Our current seafood
consumption patterns mean that trade is vital, including for the aquaculture and processing
sectors, so it is important that our new fisheries regime enables industry to trade with
current and new markets.
The ONS’ Annual Business Survey for
2016 estimated the fishing and aquaculture
sector’s approximate gross value added (aGVA) to be £788m.
The processing and
preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs was estimated to be £653m (aGVA). The
total contribution to the economy was approximately £1.4bn
On Trade,
in 2016, the UK
imported £3.07bn of seafood and exported £1.64bn worldwide, leaving an annual trade
UK sea fisheries annual report 2016, MMO. Available at:
ONS UK Non-Financial Business Economy (Annual Business Survey). Available at:
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gap of £1.43bn
. However, the UK was at a trade surplus with the EU, with exports at
£1.17bn and imports at £1.04bn in 2016
UK Seafood Trade 2016 (source: MMO)
World (inc. EU27)
Value of trade, £bn
Sustainable management of marine fisheries is also beneficial for the wider
and consequently for tourism and the recreational fishing sector, which
contribute economically and socially to the UK.
Chapter 4: Supplies, overseas trade and marketing. Available at:
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Annex B: The CFP and the need for fisheries
Historically, the UK only managed a narrow band of sea close to its coast: a maximum of
12 nautical miles was under our control. After we joined the EU, international law changed
and independent coastal nations have been able to manage the seas in their Exclusive
Economic Zone (i.e. waters out to 200 nautical miles).
Even within the UK’s 12nm territorial
sea, the UK has arrangements with certain countries
allowing them to fish. Under the
1964 London Fisheries Convention,
vessels from
France, Ireland, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands fish in the 6-12 nm zone. UK
vessels also have access rights to fish in some other states’ territorial
sea. These historic
arrangements are recognised by the Common Fisheries Policy.
Key elements of the
Shared access for EU vessels to EU waters
other Member State (MS) vessels
have access to UK waters and UK vessels have access to other Member State
Total Allowable Catch (TAC) and quota for key fish stocks for each MS are agreed
annually in December between EU Member States. For fishing activities in waters
external to the EU the Commission represents the EU in negotiations with third
countries and in international fisheries agreements. Under the CFP’s principle of
‘relative stability’, Member
States receive a fixed share of fishing opportunities
based on historical fishing patterns from 1973 to 1978.
Directly applicable fisheries management legislation, including on detailed technical
measures and control and enforcement
The UK played a key role in securing radical reforms which entered into force on 1
January 2014. These included provisions on decentralised decision making
(regionalisation), sustainable fishing (Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY)) and elimination
of the wasteful practice of discarding (discard ban/landing obligation).
Despite reforms to the CFP, leaving the CFP provides opportunities to develop a system
better suited to the UK fisheries sector, and in particular to move away from the relative
stability towards a fairer and more scientific method for the allocation of fishing
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Concerns over the sustainability of the CFP remain, as it is still the case that 40% of fish
stocks in the Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic Sea are being fished at unsustainable levels
There are also concerns about whether different CFP provisions are sufficiently coherent
or adaptable to new evidence. The new UK regime needs to be fleeter of foot.
UK waters border several independent fisheries nations that are not members of the EU,
including Norway, the Faroe Islands and Iceland. We share several key fisheries stocks
that are important to the UK with these non-EU coastal states. Under the current system,
the EU negotiates with these nations on our behalf, so we can only influence the outcome
indirectly. As an independent coastal state, the UK will negotiate on its own behalf.
Available at:
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Annex C: Zonal Attachment Evidence
Under the Common Fisheries Policy, fishing opportunities for quota stocks are divided
amongst EU Member States using the principle of relative stability. Once a Total Allowable
Catch (TAC) is determined for a given stock, the relative stability key is used to allocate
shares to individual Member States based on their fishing activity over the reference period
of 1973-1978. Although the TAC may change annually, the percentage shares for each
stock are fixed.
The UK’s overall share of fishing opportunities under relative stability does not accurately
reflect the quantity of fish found and caught within the UK’s Exclusive Economic Zone
which extends out to 200 nautical miles or the median line with other states. Relative stability
therefore results in a poor deal for the UK.
A chart showing the UK’s EEZ is provided below for reference. Note for this purpose we
have included UK territorial sea (0-12 nm) as part of the EEZ.
Leaving the EU provides an opportunity to move away from relative stability towards a fairer
method for the allocation of fishing opportunities. We have instigated a comprehensive
programme of research to inform this process, working closely with Cefas and MMO, to
provide the evidence to support consideration of a future fairer share of fishing opportunities.
The indicative stock examples below illustrate cases where
the UK’s current share of fishing
opportunities does not reflect the fish present in UK waters. The examples compare different
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zonal attachment
measures to
the UK’s 2018
quota share
for each stock (under relative
stability). The zonal attachment information provided for each stock is explained below.
Zonal Attachment
The percentage of a given
stock that was caught and
landed from within the UK’s
EEZ on average over the
2012-2016 period.
The percentage of a given
stock’s total habitable area,
based primarily on depth and
latitude/longitude, that lies
within the UK’s EEZ.
Blue rectangles show parts of the stock
area from which there were no landings.
Density of landings from other rectangles is
indicated in the chart key.
Orange shading defines the habitable area
for the stock.
Blue shading indicates parts of the stock
area that are outside the depth range
considered suitable for that species.
Purple shading shows areas within the
relevant depth range but considered
outside the stock’s biogeographic limits.
The percentage of a given
stock that lies within the UK’s
EEZ based on scientific trawl
survey data.
No charts currently available.
The zonal attachment figures based on landings statistics have been provided by the Marine
Management Organisation (MMO) and are provisional. The MMO will be publishing final
form statistics on Thursday 27th September 2018. A short
ad hoc
statistical release
been published by the MMO to describe the data sources and methods that were used to
derive the statistics published here.
Other zonal attachment figures, based on bathymetry and swept-area biomass, have been
provided by Cefas. This work is ongoing and is being updated continually; an interim report
containing details of the methodologies used to calculate the figures below, alongside similar
data for other stocks, will be released later in the year.
Zonal attachment is a general term used to describe the spatial distribution of fish stocks: there is no
single agreed definition of how zonal attachment should be measured.
Calculated from EU Council Regulation 2018/120. Link:
Available at:
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Sole (Eastern Channel)
Spatial distribution of stock based on zonal attachment measures:
Zonal Attachment Measures
2018 Quota
UK Share
Swept-area Biomass
Waters deeper than 50 m were excluded, as sole is most abundant on the inner continental shelf.
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Cod (Celtic Sea)
Spatial distribution of stock based on zonal attachment measures:
Zonal Attachment Measures
2018 Quota
UK Share
Swept-area Biomass
Waters deeper than 300 m were excluded, as Atlantic cod is not expected to occur in commercial quantities
in these areas. Areas south of 48°N were also excluded, as these are considered outside the biogeographical
limits of cod.
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Haddock (Celtic Sea)
Spatial distribution of stock based on zonal attachment measures:
Zonal Attachment Measures
2018 Quota
UK Share
Swept-area Biomass
Waters outside the 30–300 m bathymetric range were excluded, as haddock is not expected to occur in
commercial quantities in these areas. Areas outside ICES Divisions 7b-c, 7e-k and 8a were also excluded, as
these are considered outside the biogeographical limits of haddock.
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Whiting (Celtic Sea)
Spatial distribution of stock based on zonal attachment measures:
Zonal Attachment Measures
2018 Quota
UK Share
Swept-area Biomass
Waters deeper than 200 m were excluded, as whiting is not expected to occur in commercial quantities in
these areas.
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Haddock (Irish Sea)
Spatial distribution of stock based on zonal attachment measures:
Zonal Attachment Measures
2018 Quota
UK Share
Swept-area Biomass
The distribution of haddock in Division 7a is largely concentrated in the north-western Irish Sea, and for this
reason a minimum depth of 50 m was used for this stock.
Range represents survey variation between Q1 and Q4.
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Megrim (West of Scotland)
Spatial distribution of stock based on zonal attachment measures:
Zonal Attachment Measures
2018 Quota
UK Share
Swept-area Biomass
Waters outside the 100–500 m bathymetric range were excluded, as megrims are not expected to occur in
commercial quantities in these areas.
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Saithe (West of Scotland)
Spatial distribution of stock based on zonal attachment measures:
Zonal Attachment Measures
2018 Quota
UK Share
Swept-area Biomass
This is the UK share of the total TAC, including Norway. UK share of EU quota in 2018 is 35%. Note that
the Hague Preference was invoked in 2018
UK relative stability share of EU quota is 18%.
Waters outside the 90–400 m bathymetric range were excluded, as saithe tend to be less frequent in waters
>400 m, and shallower waters contain mostly juveniles.
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Anglerfish (North Sea)
Spatial distribution of stock based on zonal attachment measures:
Zonal Attachment Measures
2018 Quota
UK Share
Swept-area Biomass
Waters shallower than 50 m deep were excluded, as anglerfishes are generally found in deeper waters.
Within the North Sea, anglerfishes are found mostly in northern areas.
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
Saithe (North Sea)
Spatial distribution of stock based on zonal attachment measures:
Zonal Attachment Measures
2018 Quota
UK Share (excl.
UK Share (incl.
Swept-area Biomass
Includes Norwegian landings.
Waters outside the 90–400 m bathymetric range were excluded, as saithe tend to be less frequent in waters
>400 m, and shallower waters contain mostly juveniles.
Range represents survey variation between Q1 and Q3.
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
Sole (North Sea)
Spatial distribution of stock based on zonal attachment measures:
Zonal Attachment Measures
2018 Quota
UK Share
Swept-area Biomass
This is the UK share of the total TAC, including Norway. UK share of EU quota in 2018 is also 4%.
Waters deeper than 50 m were excluded, as sole is most abundant on the inner continental shelf.
Range represents survey variation between Q1 and Q3.
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
Annex D: Stakeholder engagement
Defra has undertaken a wide-range of stakeholder engagement since the EU referendum.
At Ministerial and official level, this has included visits to fishing ports, roundtables and
meetings with various bodies. Those spoken to include individual fishermen, importers,
exporters, retailers, producer organisations, academics, independent consultants, charities
as well as representative organisations, interested parties and environmental Non-
Governmental Organisations (eNGOs).
A full range of views have been expressed across a very wide range of issues and there is
no consensus. Different sectors within the fishing industry (catching, processing, and
trading) have different priorities. Within each of those sectors, there is a range of views.
There is also a regional variation in views, reflecting specific local concerns. There is
more consensus within the eNGO community. In academia, priorities reflect academic
Key themes coming from the engagement are described below, considerations on these
issues are included in the White Paper:
The theme that the UK should secure a fairer share of the natural resources in its
waters is consistently mentioned. For many in the catching sector, this is the priority
There is less consensus about what should happen to the additional resource, with
views ranging from a preference to share it out under the same arrangements as now,
to suggestions that the government should keep at least some of any additional quota
and give it to new entrants or the under 10 metre pool. It could be converted into
(also known as days at sea). It could be sold, auctioned or leased.
Access to UK waters is another common theme. Some stakeholders think very
strongly that UK waters (out to 200 nautical miles) should be for the UK fishing industry
only. Others think either just to 0-6 nm or 0-12nm should be exclusive to UK boats.
Still others think that access should be negotiated with other countries, while at the
other end of the spectrum some think there should be no change to current
Access for UK vessels into EU waters has been raised as something of importance to
some but not all
The place of fisheries in relation to the wider exit negotiations has also been a theme,
including concerns that it may be used as a bargaining chip.
Fishing sustainably and the government’s
continuing commitment to protecting the
marine environment have been raised, particularly but not exclusively by the eNGOs.
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
Certain eNGOs have mentioned that fishing opportunities are a publicly owned asset,
so a wider consideration must be given to its sustainable use
Trade is of great interest. For many directly involved in trade, the priority is frictionless
trade with the EU. However, there are some who feel this is not necessary as markets
can be developed elsewhere. For others, the continuation of seamless trade with third
countries, such as Norway and Iceland, is important. Tariffs are of concern to some
but not all. There is a similar range of views on non-tariff barriers, with some noting
particular concerns about the effects on live and fresh products
The border arrangements between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland have
been raised, given concerns about the impact on fish as food, as have the local fishing
Devolution and a UK framework have been raised, with a wide range of views
Future funding and whether the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) will be
replaced have been raised. Some think the EMFF must be replaced, while others think
it is less of a priority
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 610: Invitation til møde med det britiske ministerium for miljø, fødevarer og landdistrikter om et fremtidigt fiskerisamarbejde