Ref. Ares(2018)1712011 - 28/03/2018
Commission services' assessment of the Action Plan submitted by the competent authorities of Denmark in response to Report ref. DG(SANTE)/2017-6123-
MR of the audit carried out from 09 October 2017 to 13 October 2017 in order to evaluate Member State activities to prevent tail-biting and avoid routine tail-
docking of pigs
The competent authority should provide inspectors
with suitable compliance criteria to enable them to
effectively enforce legal requirements of Council
Directive 2008/120/EC and Council Directive
98/58/EC that are related to risk factors for tail-
Conclusion 50. Findings 39, 45.
Action Proposed by the competent authority
The guideline for animal welfare controls in
pig herds and/or the guideline on enrichment
material will be updated to include
compliance criteria for air quality, feeding
space, and drinkers. It will at the same time
be considered, whether an update on the
compliance criteria concerning mixing of
pigs, which are already in the guideline, is
appropriate. This update is expected to be
finalised during the first half of 2018.
Commission services' assessment of the
competent authority's response
The proposed timescale for updating the
guidelines is satisfactory.
Compliance criteria for staff are expected to
include not only relevant training but should
also indicate what constitutes a sufficient
number of staff.
For a concluding assessment it would be
helpful to receive the updated guidelines so
they can be reviewed by the Commission
services. This can be done in the context of
the updates to the Danish Action Plan to
improve controls on the prevention of tail-
biting and the avoidance of routine tail-
An update of the guideline on animal welfare
controls in pig herds to include compliance
criteria for staff will have to wait the adoption
of an order, which requires that the person
responsible for a pig herd of a certain size
shall have relevant training. This update is
expected to be finalised during the second
half of 2018.
The competent authority should provide inspectors
with suitable instructions and guidance to be
The risk factors with regard to tail biting,
which are already mentioned in the guideline
Date: 14 March 2018
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