Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2017-18
MOF Alm.del Bilag 410
Rosa Curling
Associate solicitor
Rosa Curling is an international and UK
human rights
and public law solicitor.
She is an expert in both areas of law, having advised, and led litigation, on issues such as freedom of
information, privacy, anti-bribery, EU law, torture, immigration and refugee law, modern day slavery,
right to life, right to death, welfare benefits, access to education services, death penalty, access to
health services, the rule of law, international aid, unlawful detention, climate change and environmental
She has represented clients before the UK’s High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court, as well
as several Tribunals, including the Freedom of Information Tribunal and the Investigative Powers
Tribunal. She has also represented clients before the European Court of Human Rights, the European
Court of Justice, some of the African Regional Courts of Human Rights and the International Criminal
Some of her previous cases include:
A and others v. Secretary of State for the Home Department (No. 2)
in which the House of
Lords found evidence obtained by torture was not admissible in the UK courts.
Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign v. Secretary of State for Health,
in which the High
Court found the Secretary of State had acted unlawfully in deciding to close and downgrade
services at the Hospital.
WWF and Cornerhouse v. Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory
which challenged the decision taken by the Secretary of State to provide financial
support and assistance to Sakhalin Energy Investment Company (SEIC) for a project which had
already caused significant environmental damage and endangered the habitats of the Western
Pacific Gray Whale. A few months after issuing proceedings, SEIC withdrew its application for
support and assistance from the UK government.
UK Uncut Legal Action v. HMRC,
which challenged the decision of HMRC to let Goldman
Sachs off £20million worth of tax owed.
Help Refugees Limited v the Home Secretary
which is challenging the Secretary of State’s
failure to properly implement section 67 of the Immigration Act, a statutory provision by which
the UK government seeks to share the care of 95,000 unaccompanied asylum seeking children
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 410: Invitation til frokostmøde med advokat Rosa Curling den 19. april 2018
who currently live in Europe. To date, just over 200 of these children have been transferred
from Europe to the UK.
Abdel Hakim Belhadj, Caroline Lucas MP and Baroness Jenny Jones, and the Bureau of
Investigative Journalism v. The UK government and the UK Intelligence
challenging the UK government’s policy of mass surveillance, which is contrary to the
principles of legal, journalistic and parliamentary privilege, as well as the right to privacy.
Campaign Against the Arms Trade v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and
which is challenging the Secretary of State’s decision to continue to license sales
arms from the UK to Saudi Arabia, despite the serious allegations and compelling evidence that
there is a clear risk Saudi forces might use the equipment to violate international humanitarian
law in their ongoing bombardment of Yemen.
Khadija Al-Saadi v. Metropolitan Police,
which successfully challenged the failure by the
Police to investigate the involvement of government ministers and members of the UK secret
services in the unlawful rendition of eight Libyans from the Far East to Gaddafi’s Libya.
Mr O v. Secretary of State for Development:
successfully represented Mr O in a challenge to
the UK government's provision of aid money to the Ethiopian government's Villagisation
Programme, which is known to have resulted in the abuse, torture and loss of land for many
families in the area.
Noor Khan v. Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs,
challenged the
UK government's reported policy to share intelligence with the US government, which is then
used in CIA drone attacks in Pakistan. Several member of Noor's family were killed by the
Americans when a drone hit a Jirga which they were attending.
Serdar Mohammed v. Secretary of State for Defence:
challenged the UK government's
policy to transfer detainees held by UK forces in Afghanistan to detention centres run by the
Afghan authorities where torture and abuse were widespread.
UK Uncut Legal Action v. HMRC,
which challenged the decision of HMRC to let Goldman
Sachs off £20million worth of tax owed.
AM v. Director of Public Prosecutions
(DPP): represented "Martin" (not his real name) in a
challenge to the DPP's policy on assisted suicide. The DPP does not currently allow
professionals to assist individuals unable to take their own lives. The Supreme Court urged the
DPP to reconsider her position.
Lindsay Sandiford v. Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs,
challenged the refusal by the UK government to provide Linday with the assistance and support
she needs to appeal the death sentence that she is facing in Indonesia.
Independent Inquiry into Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust:
represented over 80
individuals before this Inquiry, which was set up to investigate the widespread concerns that
had raised about the mortality and the standard of care provided by the Trust at Stafford
Public Inquiry into Undercover Policing:
currently represents the former undercover police
officer who whistleblew about the widespread, unlawful and inappropriate practices of the
Special Demonstration Squad. The Inquiry’s purpose is to investigate and report on undercover
police operations in England and Wales since 1968 to date.
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 410: Invitation til frokostmøde med advokat Rosa Curling den 19. april 2018
Alaa Abd El-Fattah:
Rosa undertook a trial observation mission regarding the ongoing criminal
case being brought against the well know human rights activist Alaa Abd El-Fattah in Egypt.
BA in Anthropology and a Masters in Human Rights. Worked at several NGOs and charities
including Liberty, the European Roma Rights Centre, ChildLine and the British Institute of Human
Rights. Joined Leigh Day as a trainee in 2005 and qualified as a solicitor in 2007.
Key cases
Judicial review launched against Government over RBS investments
30 June 2009
Leigh Day client Jo Green wins fight against Cambridgeshire County Council on bus cuts
February 2012
Leominster By-Election ruled void by the High Court
30 April 2010
Success in Royal Liverpool Hospital case
01 May 2009
Related news
Legal action started over government plans to block immigration data access for EU citizens
March 2018
Environmental lawyers lodge appeal against INEOS injunction threatening some protesting
15 February 2018
Lawyers threaten legal action over decision not to immunise boys against HPV
11 February
‘Unlawful' closure of Dubs Amendment: permission to appeal granted
25 January 2018
gives opinion on the Saharawi people’s right to self-determination
January 2018