Questions from the panel to the researchers
The panel members have all read the report, and commented individually on it. In these first appraisals, all
panel members have stressed the points that they thought were most important for the review. They have also
raised a number of questions, that ranged from general discussion points to very specific questions asking for
clarification, and details in need of closer examination.
Subsequently, the panel members have received the questions from the stakeholders. These questions also
range from very general discussion points to detailed questions and comments. The general discussion points
raised by the stakeholders corresponded well to the points already identified by the panel members. Some
remarks are outside of the scope of the review (e.g. legal and economic issues) and will not be commented
upon by the panel. Other issues are very local and also outside of the scope, as the panel members have
insufficient knowledge to comment on them in detail. The final report of the panel will follow the structure of
the scientific report and be formulated in general terms, but the panel intends to indicate in an appendix
whether and how it responded to each of the stakeholder questions, and where this response is to be found in
its report.
In this document the panel formulates a number of questions and discussion points to the researchers. A long
and complicated report naturally raises questions and discussion points, as a large number of decisions have
had to be made regarding the set-up of the study, choice of variables, indicators and processes, choice of policy
measures etc. With the
general questions
formulated in this document we want to give the researchers the
opportunity to better explain the reasoning behind these choices, where that was not clear to us in the report,
or to justify the choices made. The panel wants to take into account these justifications wherever possible in its
assessment. We consider these general questions to be the most important part of this document. In addition
to these general questions, we also formulated a number of
detailed questions.
Sometimes these concern
simple questions for clarification, sometimes they concern details that form part of the more general
questions. We would appreciate a simple answer to these detailed questions, but expect that in many
instances a reference to the answers to the general questions will suffice.
This document with questions, and the answers given to them, will not be published as part of the panel
report. However, both documents will be archived as part of the underlying documentation of the panel report.
The panel may cite (parts of) the answers in its final report, and will refer to these answers in an appropriate
General questions
Exclusive focus on reducing land-based N load to obtain good ecological status
Both the panel and the stakeholders miss a justification of the fundamental choice to focus exclusively on
reduction of (diffuse) N sources as the main means to improve water quality. The situation is complex, as there
is ample evidence that in many systems there is co-limitation of phytoplankton growth by N and P, with some
seasonal pattern in most systems. In addition, N fixation in the Baltic may aggravate the problem and undo N
reduction measures where ample P is available. But it is also true that the N:P ratio of winter loadings is biased
towards N, and that historical reductions have affected P loadings much more than N loadings.
We are in need of a thorough literature-based justification of the choices made, as this is a key aspect of the
whole study and the policy.
In addition, we would like the researchers to answer the following questions: