Bæredygtigt Landbrug
General comments to the evaluation of the models
Overall consideration of the N: P ratio
It is important to remember that the water environment target for
Denmark as well as EU is ”good ecological status”.
Although N restrictions dominate the Danish environment strategy, it
is worth mentioning that neither EU nor WFD have similar
The high demands for reduced N discharge from cultivation surfaces
are solely based on Danish model calculations that, besides lacking
statistic quality, do not involve the other main nutrient P – an
important factor according to international scientific material - and
therefore have poor scientific founding.
Further to this, DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy,
has overestimated the Danish share of N in the Danish water body
areas and thus the benefit of N restrictions.
On top of this, the administration has, without political approval,
changed the calculation method, changing the reference level from
“water environment” to “marine areas”, which means an increase in
the reduction requirements of approx. 30%.
N:P Interactions
A fundamental problem in Danish water management is a lacking
recognition of phosphorous (P) impact on the eutrophication status in
the water bodies.
Does the
reviewing group agree that
"N limitation" means that the
ecosystem receives too much P
(from wastewater, run off and
sediment) - not that nitrogen must be
Especially the well documented interaction between N and P in
marine environments is completely underestimated. This has caused
a disproportionate focus on the effect of nitrogen, while the effect of
phosphorous has not been included in the equation.
Focus has been missing on phosphorous wastewater emissions from
Danish wastewater treatment plants that have lacked the efficiency of
equivalent plants in our neighbouring countries. Furthermore, a series
of wet weather overflow have been grossly underestimated as their
occurrence exceeds the statistics with around 50%.
The fact that the P emissions from city wastewater lead to
requirements for substantial agricultural N restrictions based on
unqualified nitrogen calculations has had great impact on the
agricultural sector in Denmark and has resulted in tremendous costs
N and P in marine environments
Increased focus on the function between the two main nutrients,
nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) and their interaction is crucial.
The following statement illustrates the abovementioned approach:
“Nitrogen is the determining factor for our marine environment. It is without
any doubt. It is an absolute fact”
(Stiig Markager, DCE, Aarhus University, who is involved in ministerial
Such statements have misled the politicians and the public. The fact
is that opinions differ on this subject. Among international scientists
there is a different view (please see appendixes A) Ecological