Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2017-18
MOF Alm.del Bilag 35
Executive summary
- International evaluation of the Danish marine models
To be published after the heari ng of the evaluati on report
10. oktober 2017
Implement Consulting Group
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MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 35: Rapporten fra det internationale ekspertpanel om evaluering af de danske marine modeller
Table of contents
Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1
Overall assessment and conclusions ................................................................... 4
Recommendations for going further ..................................................................... 5
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 35: Rapporten fra det internationale ekspertpanel om evaluering af de danske marine modeller
This report presents a scientific review of the Danish management approach regarding
coastal waters in relation to the implementation of the European Water Framework
Directive (WFD) in Denmark. The parties to the Agreement on Food and Agriculture
Package (22 December 2015) have decided to evaluate the modelling tools (pressure-
impact models) used to calculate the mitigation demands for nitrogen (N) runoff from
land in the Danish River Basin Management Plans. The results of the evaluation will be
utilised towards the development and application of models in the 3
generation water
plans valid for 2021-2027.
Task description by t he M inistry of Food and Agriculture
The task of the evaluation panel is to perform a thorough evaluation of the marine
modelling tools that form the basis for the mitigation demands for land-based nitrogen
(N) runoff in the Danish River Basin Management Plans with regards to the importance
of N as well as other relevant pressures such as phosphorous, fisheries etc. In particular,
the evaluation panel has to:
Evaluate the use of models for determination of type-specific reference values
(according to the Water Framework Directive, Annex 2) for the water quality
element phytoplankton (chlorophyll).
Evaluate the use of models to determine environmental targets (Maximum
Allowable Inputs (MAI) of nitrogen)) and mitigation needs to achieve good
environmental status and evaluate differences and similarities between the use
of different methods and model types for coastal waters with different typology.
Evaluate the estimated nitrogen target loads and mitigation needs in the Danish
River Basin Management Plans and evaluate the method for determining the
Danish proportion of total mitigation needs. How is the current environmental
status in Danish coastal waters determined by N runoff from Danish land areas
in relation to other pressures such as N released from sediments and N loads
from catchments in neighbouring countries and airborne N deposition (the
Danish share of the total mitigation needs related N)?
Further, the Panel is expected to address the technical questions and comments from
the stakeholders.
Recruitment of experts
The Danish Ministry of Environment and Food has been responsible for the recruitment
of an international panel of five experts to carry out the evaluation. The recruitment of
experts has been conducted by a nomination process where the Danish Ministry of
Environment and Food has requested water management authorities in other countries
(Sweden, Finland, Poland, Germany, The Netherlands and England) and the European
Environment Agency, Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the European Commission (DG
Environment) to nominate experts to conduct the evaluation. It has been stated in the
request that the nominees should have expert knowledge in the following areas: marine
ecology, marine ecosystem models, statistical methods and experience in marine water
management in relation to the Water Framework Directive.
The request by the Ministry resulted in the nomination of 14 experts of which 9 experts
subsequently indicated that they were interested in being part of an expert panel. Of
these, the Ministry has selected the following five experts to conduct the evaluation:
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 35: Rapporten fra det internationale ekspertpanel om evaluering af de danske marine modeller
Professor Peter Herman, Deltares, Institute for applied research in the field of
water and subsurface, the Netherlands.
Professor Alice Newton, NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research
Professor Gerald Schernewski, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research,
Director Bo Gustafsson, Baltic Nest Institute (BNI), Stockholm University,
Senior Researcher Olli Malve, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE
Professor Peter Herman was chosen as chairman of the Panel
The five experts were chosen according to an assessment of their qualifications with
regards to experience with and competences in the following fields of study:
ecology/coastal ecology,
ecosystem modelling, use of statistics in environmental
marine management experience related to the implementation of the Water
Framework Directive.
Ai m and f ocus of the evaluati on
This section presents the aim and focus of the evaluation according to the international
panel (hereafter referred to as the Panel) and should therefore be seen as the Panel’s
further operationalisation of the task description.
The evaluation will answer questions related to points (i)-(iii) in the task description
above and is therefore focused on the scientific underpinning of the plans, in particular
the modelling tools. The evaluation must take into account the internationally agreed
goals of achieving Good Ecological Status in the Water Framework Directive.
The main aim of the evaluation
The main aim of the evaluation is to review whether the marine models – as
presented in the Scientific Documentation Report and as commented by the
researches and stakeholders –
provide solid and robust scientific evidence that the
proposed reductions in land-based N runoff will be both necessary and sufficient to
reach Good Ecological Status as defined in the Water Framework Directive.
By “solid”, the Panel means well based in international scientific literature, well
performed, credible
By “robust”, the Panel means not unduly dependent on arbitrary details, reliable
with acceptable precision
By “necessary”, the Panel means that by doing less the goals would not be
By “sufficient”, the Panel means that by executing the plans, there is a high
probability of reaching the goals
The scope of the evaluation does not include other models than the marine model and
other environmental targets than those applying to coastal areas. The scope of the
evaluation does not include the societal costs and benefits of the measures that would
be needed to fulfil the environmental targets.
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 35: Rapporten fra det internationale ekspertpanel om evaluering af de danske marine modeller
The basis for the ev al uation
The basis on which the Panel has made the final evaluation consists of the following
The Scientific Documentation Report written by Aarhus University (DCE) and
DHI in June 2017, which documents the model tools and calculated MAI that
were developed for the Ministry over the period 2013-2015.
Questions and comments from the stakeholders to the Scientific Documentation
Report (see Annex 1 of the evaluation report)
Answers from the researchers to questions and comments which were
formulated by the Panel after the members of the Panel read and considered
the report as well as the questions and comments from the stakeholders (see
Annex 2a and 2b of the evaluation report).
Answers from the Panel on how they took into account each of the technical
questions and comments from the stakeholders (see Annex 3 of the evaluation
Selected background materials cited by the researchers, the stakeholders and
the Panel
The eval uation pr ocess
It is considered crucial that the evaluation of the Danish marine models be performed by
independent scientists. In order to guarantee independence, it was decided that the
Ministry of Environment and Food, the scientists from AU and DHI and the stakeholders
should keep arm’s length to the Panel throughout the process of the evaluation.
Implement Consulting Group (Implement) was engaged by the Ministry to facilitate the
The evaluation process started in June 2017. It resulted in an evaluation report on 19
September, which was finalised after a writing workshop in Helsingør which took place
between 11-15 September. After the hearing process between 19. September and 2
October some minor corrections were made to the final report which was completed on
10 October.
The heari ng proc ess
A hearing of the evaluation report among stakeholders from Blåt Fremdriftsforum and the
scientists from AU and DHI took place between 19 September and 2 October. Three
stakeholder organisations plus AU and DHI submitted additional comments and
questions which were answered by the Panel between 2 and 9 October. The additional
comments, questions, and answers are listed in the document
which was
completed 10 October.
When studying the reactions of researchers and stakeholders, the Panel realized that a
few factual errors occurred in its report, and that furthermore the choice of wording was
not always entirely precise and consistent, with respect to the difference between water
body specific, type-specific, and regionalized references, targets and MAIs. In order to
avoid further confusion with other readers of the report, the Panel decided to slightly edit
the report and the final version was therefore submitted on 10. October. The changes in
the final version, compared to the version commented upon by the stakeholders and
researchers, have been summarized in the first Table in the document
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 35: Rapporten fra det internationale ekspertpanel om evaluering af de danske marine modeller
The Panel hopes that the attention given to the views of the stakeholders and the
responses of the researchers during the scientific scrutiny of the Scientific
Documentation Report will help to build trust between the parties and contribute to a
successful outcome.
2. Overall assessment and conclusions
The Water Framework Directive aims at restoring Good Ecological Status in surface
waters in Europe. The Scientific Documentation Report proposes measures of nutrient
load reduction to reach this Good Ecological Status in Danish transitional and coastal
waters. The Panel fully endorses the importance attached to nutrient reductions as a
necessary requirement to reach this Good Ecological Status and stresses the
importance of nutrient conditions as a modulating factor interacting with any additional
measures taken to improve the state of the system.
In comparison with many other European countries, Denmark has excellent databases,
models and scientific expertise as a basis for the implementation of the Water
Framework Directive. The Panel was delighted to see that these resources have been
mobilised to achieve a leading position at the European scale. The Panel was impressed
by the openness and transparency of the interaction between government, researchers
and stakeholders as well as by the high intellectual level of the discussions. This open
exchange of ideas and opinions is a perfect basis for a further improvement of the
scientific basis for the WFD implementation.
The Panel has reviewed the choice of indicators and procedures, in the context of the
WFD requirements and specifications, and found that the indicators, the methods to
determine reference conditions and the methods to determine required actions were
WFD compliant. The Danish implementation is based on either direct historical
observation or model determination of reference conditions. Little or no uncontrollable
“expert judgement” is involved. In that respect, the Danish models are attaining the
highest possible standard of WFD implementation.
The Panel has analysed the consequences of using a relatively coarse typology of
coastal waters for calculating reference conditions, targets and Maximum Allowable
Inputs of nitrogen. The Panel concludes that the use of a coarse typology has led to
reduction requirements that are not optimal for each of the individual water bodies. The
Panel is convinced that the full use of available data and models would allow Denmark to
forego the typology and develop advanced, specific reduction targets for each water
body. The Panel recommends focusing on the water body scale of resolution throughout
the scientific process. The regional grouping of reduction measures should be decided
upon only at the stage of translating scientific advice into management action plans.
The Panel has analysed the indicators used and concluded that Chlorophyll a is a useful
intercalibrated indicator of phytoplankton, while Kd is less optimal as an indicator of
benthic angiosperms and macrophytes. The other indicators, used in the statistical
modelling only, currently present methodological problems and are not yet mature
enough for inclusion in the management plans. The Panel has identified promising
developments in the modelling with respect to angiosperm and macrophyte indicators
and made recommendations on how to extend and develop the indicator set in the
In view of the large efforts in the past to remove P load from point sources, the Panel
endorses the emphasis placed in the Scientific Documentation Report on reducing N
loads from diffuse sources. However, at least in principle, there could be an additional
role for P load reduction and for seasonal regulation of the N load. The Panel is of the
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 35: Rapporten fra det internationale ekspertpanel om evaluering af de danske marine modeller
opinion that these options merit further scientific exploration, especially in watersheds
where high efforts for N load reduction are required.
Although the maintenance of two parallel modelling lines (statistical and mechanistic)
may seem redundant at first sight, the Panel strongly endorses maintaining these lines.
Given the wealth of data available, it provides unique possibilities for evidence-based
checking of mechanistic model results. The Panel assesses the mechanistic model as a
state-of-the-art, very comprehensive tool, but emphasises that independent checking on
data as well as uncertainty analysis remain necessary and can be performed by the
statistical approach. This coherence can be optimised by improving the approach and
methods of the statistical modelling.
The Panel endorses the general logic of the methodology to derive reference and target
values from the models and to calculate the required N load reduction to reach the
targets. The Panel has identified several points in the workflow where averaging is
performed. This results in interdependence of model types, loss of indicator resolution
and loss of spatial resolution. It also adds complexity to the procedure and makes it very
difficult to understand. None of these losses are necessary since the model results and
database do permit a fully transparent derivation of water body-specific required nutrient
Summing up these different aspects of the work, the Panel positively evaluates that
nutrient load reductions are based on
scientific evidence and generally high-level
modelling approaches. The Panel is very positive about the near lack of expert judgment
in the work and is of the opinion that in the few places where it does occur, it is not
necessary and can be removed. The general (country-averaged) level of required
nutrient load reduction compares favourably with independent efforts in similar areas and
seems a
measure of what is needed. At the same time, the Panel assesses the
spatial resolution of the required efforts as
unnecessarily coarse.
The Panel is
convinced that the rich database, combined with an
improved statistical approach
the high-resolution mechanistic modelling tools, are able to derive improved, water body-
specific MAI values. Current scientific insight endorses the view that the overall
reductions proposed are
but cannot guarantee that they will be
Especially for benthic angiosperms and macrophytes, additional measures may be
3. Recommendations for going further
The Danish national monitoring programme used in the Scientific
Documentation Report includes more than 90 stations along the coast and in the sea. It
is very comprehensive and is generally well adjusted to the WFD requirements. It forms
the basis for the further development of models, for most calculations and is required to
evaluate the success of measures and whether the targets of the WFD are met. The
Panel recommends maintaining this monitoring system at full strength and assessing if
additional monitoring stations will be required for a water body-specific management.
The typology has weaknesses in reflecting the individual properties of fjordic
water bodies. Instead of suggesting a refinement of the existing typology, we
recommend calculating reference conditions and targets for each of the 119 water
bodies in Denmark. Denmark is one of the few countries in Europe, where the necessary
data, expertise and models are available for such a comprehensive approach. By taking
specific conditions and individuality of every water body into account, the calculated
targets and water body-specific Maximum Allowable Inputs will be optimised and lead to
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 35: Rapporten fra det internationale ekspertpanel om evaluering af de danske marine modeller
minimal waste of resources. For purposes of intercalibration, a robust typology can be
based on the results of the water body-specific analyses.
Choice of indicators:
Chlorophyll a is a generally accepted and intercalibrated indicator
of phytoplankton. Kd, as a measure for macrophytes and angiosperms, has certain
limitations. The Panel recommends building on recent efforts towards comprehensive
modelling of eelgrass in order to derive a better indicator of macrophytes, but to keep Kd
as a proxy meanwhile. The other indicators used in the statistical modelling address
important ecological questions, but are not mature in the sense that they lack a clear
quantitative relation with nutrient loading. The Panel recommends leaving them out of
the present modelling and developing targeted modelling directed at their incorporation
into the indicator system.
Statistical modelling:
The Panel sees great merit in the strategy to maintain two
independent lines of modelling, one based on statistical data analysis and the other
based on mechanistic modelling. The Panel recommends reorienting the statistical
modelling towards optimal estimation of the long-term slopes of the indicators on nutrient
loading in a cross-systems analysis way and keeping in principle both N and P loading
as explanatory variables. The Panel recommends elaborating the uncertainty analysis in
the statistical modelling and suggests that this will be facilitated when a single cross-
system advanced modelling approach is chosen.
Mechanistic models:
The mechanistic models are state-of-the-art, both in terms of
numerical technique and included processes. They are powerful tools for providing a
sound scientific basis for the implementation of the WFD in Denmark. A shortcoming is
that they do not cover all water bodies. As a consequence, different approaches were
used for the definition of reference conditions, targets and MAI in different water bodies.
We recommend extending a mechanistic modelling approach to as many water bodies
as possible to ensure that, in future, a uniform methodology can be used for the
definition of water body-specific MAI.
Methods to derive targets and MAI from the models:
The Panel recommends
simplifying the calculation procedure by removing the averaging steps between models,
between indicators, between water bodies within types and between water bodies on a
regional basis. In this way, the differences and correspondences between modelling
approaches, indicators and water bodies will become clear and can be further analysed.
Cross-checking of results of the statistical and mechanistic model approaches in
systems, where both are available, will form a basis for extrapolation to all systems. The
Panel recommends deriving one MAI per water body in this way and only deciding in a
later phase on regional averaging or lumping, when scientific results are translated into
management actions.
River basin interactions:
River basin models allow calculating the load reduction
potential of nitrogen and phosphorus for each river basin, the development of water
body-specific nitrogen and phosphorus load reduction scenarios and cost estimates.
Further, they allow addressing seasonal load and limitation patterns. The Panel
recommends a combination of river basin and coastal water models to enable the
development of water body-specific optimised management concepts that consider both
nitrogen and phosphorus.
International approach:
The technical WFD implementation guidelines force similar
approaches in all member states. As a consequence, requirements, modelling and
challenges are similar in different countries. Further, the WFD asks for an intercalibration
and harmonisation of targets with neighbouring countries. Therefore, the Panel
recommends a co-ordinated joint scientific approach, especially between Denmark,
Germany and Sweden.