Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2017-18
MOF Alm.del Bilag 35
International evaluation of the
Danish marine models
Perf ormed by t he Panel of internati onal experts
10. oktober 2017
Implement Consulting Group
Strandvejen 54
2900 Hellerup
Tel +45 4586 7900
Email [email protected]
MOF, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 35: Rapporten fra det internationale ekspertpanel om evaluering af de danske marine modeller
Table of contents
Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Aim and focus of the evaluation ................................................................... 2
1.2 The basis and process of the evaluation ...................................................... 3
1.3 Content and structure of the evaluation report ............................................. 6
1.4 Future development following the evaluation ............................................... 6
Compliance with the Water Framework Directive ................................................ 8
2.1 Reference conditions and boundary setting ................................................. 8
2.2 Choice of indicators...................................................................................... 9
2.3 Intercalibration ............................................................................................ 10
2.4 “One out, all out” ......................................................................................... 11
2.5 Other stressors on the ecosystem............................................................... 11
Coastal water typology ........................................................................................ 13
3.1 Basic idea behind typology ......................................................................... 13
3.2 The Danish typology ................................................................................... 13
3.3 Suitability of the Danish typology ................................................................ 14
3.4 Suitability of the Danish monitoring programme .......................................... 14
3.5 Suggestions towards a modified approach ................................................. 15
3.6 The look abroad .......................................................................................... 15
The use of seagrass and Kd as environmental indicators ................................... 16
4.1 Kd as an indicator for the biological element “benthic vegetation, macroalgae
and angiosperms” ............................................................................................... 16
4.2 Other indicators used in the statistical modelling ........................................ 19
Emphasis on nitrogen versus phosphorus .......................................................... 21
5.1 Phosphorus limitation .................................................................................. 21
5.2 Treatment of nitrogen and phosphorus in the Scientific Documentation Report
.................................................................................................................... 21
5.3 Possible implications for management ........................................................ 22
5.4 Seasonality ................................................................................................. 23
Statistical modelling ............................................................................................ 24
6.1 Setup........................................................................................................... 24
6.2 Panel evaluation of basic model setup ........................................................ 25
6.3 Panel evaluation of statistical model results................................................ 26
Mechanistic modelling ......................................................................................... 27
7.1 The models ................................................................................................. 27
7.2 Model setup, calibration and validation ....................................................... 28
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7.3 Validation .................................................................................................... 28
7.4 Reference conditions simulation ................................................................. 29
7.5 Scenarios and establishment of cause-effect relationships......................... 30
7.6 Conclusion on the mechanistic models ....................................................... 31
Calculation procedures to estimate Maximum Allowable Inputs from model results
............................................................................................................................ 32
8.1 Steps in the calculation of targets and MAI ................................................. 32
8.2 Averaging and “ensemble modelling” aspects in the procedure.................. 33
8.3 Conceptual differences between modelling approaches ............................. 35
8.4 Meta-modelling ........................................................................................... 36
Evaluation of Maximum Allowable Inputs results ................................................ 37
9.1 The overall Danish MAI in an international framework ................................ 37
9.2 Historic conditions as basis for target setting .............................................. 37
9.3 Effects of climate change on targets and MAI ............................................. 38
9.4 Relevance of typology on MAI .................................................................... 39
9.5 Relevance of indicator choice on MAI ......................................................... 39
9.6 Relevance of model quality and approach for MAI ...................................... 39
9.7 Conclusion and perspectives ...................................................................... 40
10. Overall assessment and conclusions .................................................................. 41
11. Recommendations for going further .................................................................... 43
12. List of references ................................................................................................ 45
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This report presents a scientific review of the Danish management approach regarding
coastal waters in relation to the implementation of the European Water Framework
Directive (WFD) in Denmark. The parties to the Agreement on Food and Agriculture
Package (22 December 2015) have decided to evaluate the modelling tools (pressure-
impact models) used to calculate the mitigation demands for nitrogen (N) runoff from
land in the Danish River Basin Management Plans. The results of the evaluation will be
utilised towards the development and application of models in the 3
generation water
plans valid for 2021-2027.
Task description by t he M inistry of Food and Agriculture
In agreement with the EU Water Framework Directive, Denmark has produced the River
Basin Management Plans devising a strategy for improving and securing that coastal
waters, lakes, streams and ground waters fulfil the demand for Good Ecological Status
as stated in the directive. For Danish coastal waters, it has been estimated that
reductions in N runoff from land are the primary concern if goals of Good Ecological
Status in coastal waters are to be fulfilled. On this background, mitigation measures have
been implemented in the 2015-2021 River Basin Management Plans to additionally
reduce the N runoff to coastal waters, corresponding to roughly half the total estimated
reduction needs.
The task of the evaluation panel is to perform a thorough evaluation of the marine
modelling tools that form the basis for the mitigation demands for land-based nitrogen
(N) runoff in the Danish River Basin Management Plans with regards to the importance
of N as well as other relevant pressures such as phosphorous, fisheries etc. In particular,
the evaluation panel has to:
Evaluate the use of models for determination of type-specific reference values
(according to the Water Framework Directive, Annex 2) for the water quality
element phytoplankton (chlorophyll).
Evaluate the use of models to determine environmental targets (Maximum
Allowable Inputs (MAI) of nitrogen)) and mitigation needs to achieve good
environmental status and evaluate differences and similarities between the use
of different methods and model types for coastal waters with different typology.
Evaluate the estimated nitrogen target loads and mitigation needs in the Danish
River Basin Management Plans and evaluate the method for determining the
Danish proportion of total mitigation needs. How is the current environmental
status in Danish coastal waters determined by N runoff from Danish land areas
in relation to other pressures such as N released from sediments and N loads
from catchments in neighbouring countries and airborne N deposition (the
Danish share of the total mitigation needs related N)?
Further, the Panel is expected to address the technical questions and comments from
the stakeholders.
Recruitment of experts
The Danish Ministry of Environment and Food has been responsible for the recruitment
of an international panel of five experts to carry out the evaluation. The recruitment of
experts has been conducted by a nomination process where the Danish Ministry of
Environment and Food has requested water management authorities in other countries
(Sweden, Finland, Poland, Germany, The Netherlands and England) and the European
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Environment Agency, Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the European Commission (DG
Environment) to nominate experts to conduct the evaluation. It has been stated in the
request that the nominees should have expert knowledge in the following areas: marine
ecology, marine ecosystem models, statistical methods and experience in marine water
management in relation to the Water Framework Directive.
The request by the Ministry resulted in the nomination of 14 experts of which 9 experts
subsequently indicated that they were interested in being part of an expert panel. Of
these, the Ministry has selected the following five experts to conduct the evaluation:
Professor Peter Herman, Deltares, Institute for applied research in the field of
water and subsurface, the Netherlands.
Professor Alice Newton, NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research
Professor Gerald Schernewski, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research,
Director Bo Gustafsson, Baltic Nest Institute (BNI), Stockholm University,
Senior Researcher Olli Malve, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE
Professor Peter Herman was chosen as chairman of the Panel
The five experts were chosen according to an assessment of their qualifications with
regards to experience with and competences in the following fields of study:
ecology/coastal ecology,
ecosystem modelling, use of statistics in environmental
marine management experience related to the implementation of the Water
Framework Directive.
Aim and focus of the evaluation
This section presents the aim and focus of the evaluation according to the international
panel (hereafter referred to as the Panel) and should therefore be seen as the Panel’s
further operationalisation of the task description in section 1.1.
The main aim of the evaluation
The main aim of the evaluation is to review whether the marine models – as
presented in the Scientific Documentation Report and as commented by the
researches and stakeholders –
provide solid and robust scientific evidence that the
proposed reductions in land-based N runoff will be both necessary and sufficient to
reach Good Ecological Status as defined in the Water Framework Directive.
By “solid”, the Panel means well based in international scientific literature, well
performed, credible
By “robust”, the Panel means not unduly dependent on arbitrary details, reliable
with acceptable precision
By “necessary”, the Panel means that by doing less the goals would not be
By “sufficient”, the Panel means that by executing the plans, there is a high
probability of reaching the goals
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The evaluation concerns the modelling tools (pressure/impact models) forming the basis
for the mitigation demands for land-based nitrogen (N) runoff in the Danish River Basin
Management Plans. The evaluation results will enter into the calculation of N mitigation
demands for coastal marine areas in the 3
generation water plans valid in 2021-2027.
The evaluation will answer questions related to points (i)-(iii) in the task description
above and is therefore focused on the scientific underpinning of the plans, in particular
the modelling tools. The evaluation must take into account the internationally agreed
goals of achieving Good Ecological Status in the Water Framework Directive. One that
basis, the Panel has defined the aim and focus of the evaluation as stated in the Text
Box shown above.
The scope of the evaluation does not include other models than the marine model and
other environmental targets than those applying to coastal areas. The scope of the
evaluation does not include the societal costs and benefits of the measures that would
be needed to fulfil the environmental targets.
The basis and process of the evaluation
The basis for the ev al uation
The basis on which the Panel has made the final evaluation consists of the following
The Scientific Documentation Report written by Aarhus University (DCE) and
DHI in June 2017, which documents the model tools and calculated MAI that
were developed for the Ministry over the period 2013-2015.
Questions and comments from the stakeholders to the Scientific Documentation
Report (see Annex 1 of the evaluation report)
Answers from the researchers to questions and comments which were
formulated by the Panel after the members of the Panel read and considered
the report as well as the questions and comments from the stakeholders (see
Annex 2a and 2b of the evaluation report).
Answers from the Panel on how they took into account each of the technical
questions and comments from the stakeholders (see Annex 3 of the evaluation
Selected background materials cited by the researchers, the stakeholders and
the Panel
The means for ens uri ng independence during t he proc ess
It is considered crucial that the evaluation of the Danish marine models be performed by
independent scientists. In order to guarantee independence, it was decided that the
Ministry of Environment and Food, the scientists from AU and DHI and the stakeholders
should keep arm’s length to the Panel throughout the process of the evaluation.
Implement Consulting Group (Implement) was engaged by the Ministry to facilitate the
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Figure 1. Communication model
As illustrated above, the communication model was designed to facilitate a dialogue that
ensured arm’s length between the involved parties and to promote a transparent flow of
communication. Implement has been the link between the Panel, the stakeholders and
the scientists. Besides facilitating the final writing workshop and the preparations leading
up to that, the main role of Implement has therefore been to ensure timely
communication and convey relevant material and information between the parties.
The evaluati on process
The evaluation process started in June 2017. It resulted in an evaluation report on 19
September, which was finalised after a writing workshop in Helsingør which took place
between 11-15 September. After the hearing process between 19. September and 2
October some minor corrections were made to the final report which was completed on
10 October.
The text and the activity plan below provide a more detailed overview of the evaluation
Initially, the stakeholders from Blåt Fremdriftsforum, the scientists from AU and DHI and
the Panel were invited to participate in separate meetings where Implement explained
the process of the evaluation. At the meetings, the activity plan and a communication
model were presented to make sure that all parties were properly informed about the
practical aspects, important deadlines and rules of communication. The process leading
up to the final evaluation workshop was thereafter as follows with respect to each of the
The stakeholders received the Scientific Documentation Report written by the
scientists from AU and DHI on 6 June and had until 4 July to formulate
questions and comments to the report. The comments and questions had to be
submitted in a table – made specifically for that purpose – that followed the
structure of the report. A “hotline” for questions regarding the practical aspects
of formulating and submitting the questions and comments was established by
Implement. The stakeholders submitted their questions and comments on 4
July, and they were all forwarded by Implement to the Panel on 6 July. In order
to sum up their main points of view in front of the Panel, the stakeholders were
invited to participate in a physical meeting with the Panel hosted by the Ministry
in Helsingør on 11 September during the writing workshop.
The Panel received the Scientific Documentation Report at the same time as
the stakeholders – on 6 June. Implement held a couple of status meetings with
the Panel in June and the beginning of July when the comments and questions
from the stakeholders were forwarded to the Panel on 6 July. Based on the
reading of the Scientific Documentation Report and the questions and
comments from the stakeholders, the Panel has jointly formulated questions to
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the Danish scientists that were forwarded by Implement on 15 August. The
scientists from AU and DHI answered these questions on 4 September in order
for the Panel to take it into account in the evaluation. Throughout August,
Implement held some status meetings with the Panel to monitor the progression
and to prepare the writing workshop in Helsingør.
The scientists from AU and DHI worked out the Scientific Documentation
Report that was distributed by Implement to the stakeholders and the Panel.
The scientists received the comments and questions by the stakeholders on 6
July as an orientation. As stated above, the scientists received questions from
the Panel and replied to these on 4 September. During the writing workshop
from 11-15 September, the scientists have answered a limited amount of
additional questions from the Panel.
The Ministry of Environment and Food was not directly involved in the
evaluation process due to the principle of arm’s length. Implement has
occasionally informed the Ministry about the progress in the evaluation, and the
parties had a dialogue about the practicalities of the writing seminar in
Helsingør. Representatives from the Ministry were present at the meeting with
the stakeholders and the Panel in Helsingør on 11 September.
The writing of the evaluation report was thereafter carried out by the Panel and facilitated
by Implement in a final writing workshop in Helsingør between 11-15 September. The
evaluation report was edited and submitted for hearing on 19 September.
The hearing of the evaluation report among stakeholders from Blåt Fremdriftsforum and
the scientists from AU and DHI took place between 19 September and 2 October.
Figure 2. Activity plan of the evaluation process
After the hearing process, the evaluation report will be published by the Ministry of
Environment and Food along with annexes containing the hearing comments and
answers by the Panel. The activity plan above illustrates the entire process of the
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Content and structure of the evaluation report
The evaluation report is divided into a number of themes which the evaluation panel
found to be the most important in order to cover the topics in the terms of reference and
pursue the aim of the evaluation. According to the Panel, the main themes are those
covered in Chapters 2-9 in the evaluation report which has the following structure:
Introduction (Chapter 1)
Compliance with the Water Framework Directive (Chapter 2)
Coastal water typology (Chapter 3)
The use of seagrass and Kd as environmental indicators (Chapter 4)
Emphasis on nitrogen versus phosphorus (Chapter 5)
Statistical modelling (Chapter 6)
Mechanistic modelling (Chapter 7)
Calculation procedures to estimate Maximum Allowable Inputs from model
results (Chapter 8)
Evaluation of Maximum Allowable Input results (Chapter 9)
Overall assessment and conclusions (Chapter 10)
Recommendations for going further (chapter 11)
By going through the most important themes and discussing the main problems within
each theme, the review by the Panel focuses on whether these problems have been
adequately solved in the Scientific Documentation Report – rather than going through
the details in the report chapter by chapter.
This means that the review text by the Panel mainly concentrates on investigating
possible weaknesses in the overall modelling approach followed by the researchers from
Aarhus University (DCE) and DHI. However, the review contains conclusions with
respect to both the strengths and weaknesses of the approach, and critical remarks
should be viewed in the context of the overall assessment as presented in Chapter 10.
After the thematic chapters, the evaluation contains an overall assessment of the marine
modelling approach and report. The final assessment will provide an answer to the
central question on whether the modelling approach and report provides solid and robust
scientific evidence that the proposed reductions in land-based N runoff will be both
necessary and sufficient to reach Good Ecological Status as defined in the Water
Framework Directive. Moreover, the assessment will answer other related questions to
cover the terms of reference.
Finally, recommendations are given as to how the Danish marine models might be
improved in the future. Focus is on improvement that can be made within a reasonable
time frame and without investing excessive resources.
1.4 Future development following the evaluation
Once the researchers have made the adjustments to the modelling, they are encouraged
to publish their work in peer-reviewed journals to showcase Danish leadership in this
The work of the researchers has been performed over decades and several
administrations. This “organic” process has given rise to numerous interactions between
the scientists and authorities. In order to avoid confusion and misunderstandings, terms
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of reference, the scope of the missions set by the Ministry and agreements on choices,
e.g. indicators to be used, should be well-defined. This can be important for the further
political process, but has not been subject to examination by the Panel.
The Panel hopes that the attention given to the views of the stakeholders and the
responses of the researchers during the scientific scrutiny of the Scientific
Documentation Report will help to build trust between the parties and contribute to a
successful outcome.
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2. Compliance with the Water Framework
This chapter examines whether the Scientific Documentation Report complies with
Directive 2000/60/EC, commonly referred to as the Water Framework Directive (WFD). It
also addresses some of the concerns and questions of the stakeholders. In this chapter,
we focus on the following general questions relating to the compliance with the Water
Framework Directive:
Is the procedure for setting the type-specific reference condition WFD
Is the choice of indicators selected WFD compliant?
Have the indicators been intercalibrated?
Has the “one-out, all-out” principle been respected?
The questions are the basis for the subsections of the chapter. In addition, the chapter
devotes attention to the question whether all relevant stressors have sufficiently been
taken into account.
The community policy on water was adopted by the European Parliament and Council on
23 October 2000 as an integrated Community Directive 2000/60/EC, commonly referred
to as the Water Framework Directive (WFD). It was published in the Official Journal (OJ
L 327) on 22 December 2000 and was also adopted by member states (MS). In
Denmark, it was adopted as national legislation in 2003.
Article 1 states: “The purpose of this Directive is to establish a framework for the
protection of inland surface waters, transitional waters, coastal waters and groundwater”.
Preamble 26 of the WFD states that “member states should aim to achieve the objective
of at least good water status by defining and implementing the necessary measures
within integrated programmes of measures, taking into account existing community
requirements”. Article 4 introduces the concept of the River Basin Management Plans
(RBMP) as fundamental to “making operational the programmes of measures”, and
these are detailed in article 13. RBMP are a single system of water management by river
basin, which are the natural geographical and hydrological units, instead of according to
administrative or political boundaries.
The report “Development of models and methods to support the establishment of the
Danish River Management Plans”, which we refer to as the Scientific Documentation
Report, contributes to the implementation of the WFD to maintain or achieve Good
Ecological Status in Danish Coastal Waters (CW). Therefore, an evaluation of the WFD
compliance of the methodology and results is valuable and important.
2.1 Reference conditions and boundary setting
Annex 2 of the WFD (section 1.1) addresses the characterisation of surface water body
types. First, the water bodies must be placed in one of the surface water categories:
rivers, lakes, transitional waters or coastal waters. Another possible category is artificial
and heavily modified bodies of water.
The WFD then specifies that the water bodies are to be differentiated according to their
type. Denmark merged transitional waters with coastal waters, therefore a Fish BQE is
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not necessary. Denmark has 119 marine water bodies
. These are categorised into six
open water body types and 12 estuarine water body types, all included in coastal waters,
according to a report by Dahl et al (2005). In Chapter 3, we discuss the further
implications and consequences of this typology. We note that in their answers to the
Panel, the researchers state that there is a project proposal on an “update of the
typology applied towards the RBMP 2021-2027”.
Annex 2 of the WFD (section 1.3) specifies the procedure for the “establishment of type-
specific reference conditions for surface water body types”. Type-specific reference
conditions (RC) may be either spatially based or based on modelling or may be derived
using a combination of these methods. Where it is not possible to use these methods,
member states may use expert judgement to establish such conditions. The Danish
approach relies on modelling and a 1900 baseline, since there are no pristine systems
that can be used as a reference. This approach is appropriate, WFD compliant and
better than only using expert judgement.
Good Ecological Status (GES) falls between the “High/Good” boundary and the “Good-
Moderate” status. The relationship between reference condition, the boundaries and
GES is shown in Figure 3. The setting of the reference conditions and the boundaries,
especially the G/M boundary, is important. This determines whether management
measures are necessary. Classification below the G/M boundary requires management
measures to be adopted.
Figure 3. Relationship between reference condition, the boundaries and GES
Target values must fall in the green (GES) range.
2.2 Choice of indicators
Annex 5 of the WFD specifies the quality elements (QE) for the classification of
ecological status of coastal waters (1.1.4). Good Ecological Status is an assessment
based on a combination of biological quality elements (e.g. phytoplankton, other aquatic
flora and benthic invertebrates); Hydro-morphological elements (e.g. structure and
substrate of the seabed, tidal regime); chemical and physico-chemical elements (e.g.
transparency, oxygenation conditions, nutrient conditions).
The indicators chosen in the Danish RBMP report are Chlorophyll a, Kd and a benthic
index as well as some secondary indicators in statistical modelling approaches (see
Chapter 4 of this evaluation report). Denmark has not adopted transitional waters as a
separate category, and therefore there is no need to include a fish biological quality
element. Chlorophyll a is a proxy for phytoplankton biomass and has been
intercalibrated (see 2.3 below). Kd is a measure of attenuation, hence an indirect
measure of growth conditions for benthic plants and algae. Thus, it is not a direct
indicator of aquatic flora (eelgrass), but rather a light control on the distribution of
eelgrass. Furthermore, Kd is not independent of Chlorophyll a, since phytoplankton cells
contribute to light attenuation and a loss in transparency. Kd has not been
Scientific Documentation Report, section 3.1, p. 14, 837 2016
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intercalibrated, although eelgrass depth limit, for which it is a proxy, has (see 2.3 below).
The Danish Benthic index addresses the benthic invertebrates’ biological quality
element. Chlorophyll a was the indicator chosen for the intercalibration of the WFD,
which Denmark participated in. The marine models under evaluation only considered
indicators for the physico-chemical elements’ oxygenation condition and nutrient
condition in the statistical modelling.
Most of the calculations in the modelling are based on only Chlorophyll a and
Kd to derive the targets for N
Furthermore, the choice of Kd as an indicator for submerged aquatic vegetation
(eelgrass) may be insufficient (Chapter 4)
The inclusion of other indicators throughout the process and modelling
(oxygenation condition and nutrient limitation) are also discussed in Chapter 4
2.3 Intercalibration
A Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) has been in operation since 2001, bringing
together national experts, stakeholders and the Commission involved in the
implementation of the WFD. During the process, a series of Guidance Documents and
CIS Thematic Information Sheets were produced. These are not legally binding but give
mainly technical advice about the implementation process.
The WFD requires the national classifications of Good Ecological Status to be
harmonised through an intercalibration exercise, Birk et al (2013). This is to avoid
adjacent water bodies being classified in a different way. Intercalibration was carried out
by member states that share typologies and transboundary water bodies. In the case of
Denmark, the shared water types were NEA 1/26C: NEA 8B and BC 6. These are
explained in Table 1.
Table 1. Common typologies intercalibrated for Chlorophyll a with Germany and
BC 6
Water type
The North-East Atlantic, enclosed seas, exposed
or sheltered, partly stratified
The North-East Atlantic Kattegat coastal waters
Baltic Coast (SW)
As mentioned in 2.2, Chlorophyll a was the indicator chosen for the intercalibration of the
WFD, which Denmark participated in. The overall status with respect to intercalibration of
the indicators used in the Danish marine models is as follows:
Chlorophyll a has been successfully intercalibrated with SE and DE
Kd has not been intercalibrated (as confirmed by the researchers from Aarhus
University (DCE) and DHI and the European Commission’s Joint Research
Eelgrass depth limit has been intercalibrated
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2.4 “One out, all out”
The WFD preamble 11 specifies that it is “based on the precautionary principle and on
the principles that preventive action should be taken”. The “one-out, all-out” principle is a
key principle that reflects the WFD integrated approach for the protection of water
resources and associated aquatic ecosystems. Quality elements comprised in the
definition of ecological status provide a holistic picture of the health of the aquatic
environment. The overall status would only be “good” if all the elements comprised are at
least considered “good”. This ensures that all pressures capable of degrading the water
status are addressed and are a guarantee of the environmental integrity of the objectives
of the directive.
Progress achieved towards “good” status of water bodies can be reported using
indicators at individual quality element level. However, this does not preclude the “one-
out, all-out” principle. The WFD will be reviewed by 2019, taking into account the results
of the second RBMPs. The proper implementation of the Nitrates Directive, which is a
basic measure under the WFD, is necessary for the achievement of the WFD objectives.
However, in many cases, this will not be sufficient, and additional measures will have to
be taken by member states to ensure that the WFD objectives are reached.
Based on the “one-out, all-out” principle, indicators for different quality elements should
be considered individually. If one is classified as below the G/M boundary, then
management measures must be applied. This was not applied in the Scientific
Documentation Report as confirmed by the researchers in their answers to the panel
questions. The different methods of aggregation and their implications in both the WFD
and MSFD are discussed in Borja et al (2014). We further discuss the “one-out, all-out”
principle in relation to indicators in Chapter 4 and in relation to the calculation
procedures in Chapter 8.
2.5 Other stressors on the ecosystem
In his classic paper on eutrophication problems, Cloern (2001) describes how the vision
on eutrophication problems has evolved from viewing nutrient enrichment as a single
isolated issue, towards a vision that emphasises the interactions between multiple
stressors, the physics and hydrography of the systems, and eutrophication. He makes a
plea for integrated models and tools that describe how nutrient enrichment modulates
the response of ecosystems to other stressors, such as chemical pollution, introduction
of invasive species, habitat modifications, fishing pressure and others, in the physical
setting of a water body. The different stressors should not be viewed as additive factors
with – from a management perspective – the option to choose reduction of any of these
stressors to obtain a similar percentage of improvement in the ecosystem response.
Restoring physical habitat quality, as an example, will have very little effect if
eutrophication leads to oxygen problems, low transparency of the water or low
phytoplankton quality due to the interactions of the causal factor “physical structure” with
eutrophication. Reversely, remediation of eutrophication problems may not suffice to
improve ecological quality, if additional action on other stressors is needed.
In many questions and comments of the stakeholders, reference was made to the report
by Andersen et al (2017) that lists many stressors on the marine ecosystem and, using a
particular weighting, concludes on an overall percentage of stress due to nutrient
loading. One could try and argue that this provides evidence that similar improvements
of ecological status could be obtained by working on other stressors than nutrient
loading, but in so doing would miss the essential point that the effect of the different
stressors is not additive and that the final ecosystem response is modulated by the
interaction between the stressors, not their individual additive effect. The Panel endorses
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the fundamental view on interaction between stressors, and on the key role of nutrient
loading and eutrophication in modulating the ecological response of Danish coastal
waters, that is expressed in the Scientific Documentation Report and in the models
(especially the mechanistic models) underlying the analyses.
This fundamental view on the importance of water quality as the main modulator in
promoting Good Ecological Status is fully in line with the Water Framework Directive
implementation and with the use of intercalibrated indicators such as Chlorophyll a and
measures of chemical pollution as the prime measures of ecological status. Inclusion in
the WFD was based on extensive and in-depth reviews of ample scientific evidence.
Other legal instruments, e.g. the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, take a broader
view and also include more explicitly other stressors such as invasive species, shipping,
fishing and physical modification. The Panel is convinced that these aspects fully merit
inclusion in a holistic view on restoring Good Ecological Status but in no way decrease
the importance that has to be attached to controlling nutrient loadings as a necessary
condition for restoration of Good Ecological Status.
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3. Coastal water typology
The Scientific Documentation Report uses a modified Danish coastal water typology as
the basis to calculate reference conditions and targets for coastal waters as well as
Maximum Allowable Inputs (MAI). The typology is a crucial element for all following
steps. Therefore, in this chapter, the Panel evaluates its suitability, analyses its
shortcomings and provides suggestions.
3.1 Basic idea behind typology
Annex 2 of the WFD gives instructions on how typology should be carried out and lists
the obligatory and optional factors that can be used (see Chapter 2 of this evaluation).
Most European Union member states applied the most specific system B. In this
approach, the physical and chemical factors that determine the characteristics of coastal
and transitional waters are latitude, longitude, tidal range and salinity as obligatory
factors. Optional factors are current velocity, wave exposure, mean water temperature,
mixing characteristics, turbidity, retention time, mean substratum composition and water
temperature range.
The Common Implementation Strategy (see Chapter 2) for the WFD (2000/60/EC):
“Guidance Document No 5” on “Transitional and Coastal Waters – Typology, Reference
Conditions and Classification Systems” provides a detailed guideline for carrying out a
characterisation of all water bodies, referred to as typology. The aim is to produce a
simple physical typology that is both ecologically relevant and practical to implement. It
aims at linking similar water bodies under one type to enable the establishment of type-
specific reference conditions. Guidance Document No 5 suggests ranges for several
factors that could be used in the typology.
Once the water has been characterised as transitional (TW) or coastal (CW), a typology
for each is developed by the member states. Denmark, like Germany, chose to include
estuarine waters within coastal waters because all the parameters, except depth, are the
same. Whether a typology separates transitional and coastal waters or combines both
under coastal waters does not make a difference for the calculation of reference
conditions, targets and Maximum Allowable Inputs (MAI). It does not necessarily affect
the number of types nor the number of water bodies in a country. Because of the narrow
guidelines, most countries considered the typology development as a largely technical
3.2 The Danish typology
According to the Common Implementation Strategy for the WFD (2000/60/EC), Dahl et al
(2005) divided the Danish coastal waters into 15 different types: 5 open water types and
10 estuary types. Transitional waters were included in the typology. Dahl et al (2005)
state that “the large number of types reflects the strong salinity gradient present in the
Danish coastal waters, but also that the physical factors that are relevant for defining a
type, vary greatly among the Danish estuaries”. The national typologies in the Baltic
Region show many similarities, and in several cases coastal and transitional waters were
merged into one system to reduce complexity. In the Scientific Documentation Report,
the Danish typology is further simplified and types are merged. The aim of this
simplification is that less Chlorophyll a reference and threshold values for a Good
Ecological Status (target values that fall between the High-Good and Good-Moderate
boundaries) have to be defined.
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The Common Implementation Strategy for the WFD (2000/60/EC) reminds member
states that, when developing a typology, they should keep the major objective of the
Directive in mind, namely to establish a framework for the protection of both water quality
and water resources preventing further deterioration and protecting and enhancing
ecosystems. It is pointed out that typology is a tool to assist this process, and it is
recognised “that a simple typology system needs to be complemented by more complex
reference conditions that cover ranges of biological conditions” (p. 28). It means that
every country has the freedom to adjust the typology to its own needs and to refine it to
the required degree.
3.3 Suitability of the Danish typology
The major question is whether the typology in the Scientific Documentation Report is
sufficiently detailed to allow the definition of reliable reference and target values for
Chlorophyll a and the other indicators in all coastal waters. Reliable means that these
values well reflect the ecological conditions and properties of all coastal waters. This is a
precondition for defining target values that allow to derive to derive reliable MAI for each
water body. The general impression is that the typology allows the derivation of suitable
target values and MAI for water bodies in the sea with strong water mixing. An indication
is that the inter-calibrated values for Chlorophyll a with Germany and Sweden for the sea
and outer coastal waters are well in agreement with the results of the Scientific
Documentation Report (Schernewski et al, 2015). In general, the comparable German
Chlorophyll a target values for the open sea are slightly lower, but would allow a cross-
border harmonisation.
Many fjords and coastal bays share a similar Chlorophyll a target concentration of 3.6
mg/m³, namely Norsminde Fjord, Mariager Fjord (outer), Nissum Bredning, Randers
Fjord (outer), Horsens Fjord, Kolding Fjord, Vejle Fjord, Odense Fjord, Nyborg Fjord,
Kerteminde Fjord, Holckenhavn Fjord, Bredningen, Emtekær Nor, Nærå Strand,
Nakkebølle Fjord, Dalby Bugt, Karrebæk Fjord and Roskilde Fjord.
The Scientific Documentation Report and the additional data tables provided by the
authors of the report show that water bodies with diverse properties are represented by
only one target value. The typology is too simplified to reflect the specific characteristics
of the individual fjordic water bodies. The consequence is a large and not sufficiently
justified variation in the required load reduction for each water body. In the
understanding of the Panel, the Danish typology does not sufficiently reflect the
individual properties of the many Danish fjords and inner coastal waters. The solution
could be either to subdivide the typology for these systems, taking into account
especially water exchange rate and fresh water discharge, or to develop individual
Chlorophyll a target values for every single water body. The statistical modelling,
especially when carried out across water bodies, could be an excellent basis for this.
3.4 Suitability of the Danish monitoring programme
A precondition for a refined typology for fjords and inner coastal waters is the existence
of a suitable and comprehensive monitoring programme. The present Danish national
monitoring programme includes more than 90 stations along the coast and in the sea. It
is very comprehensive and seems to be well-adjusted to the WFD requirements.
Altogether, 119 water bodies are separated in Denmark. In some cases, fjord systems
are divided into two or more water bodies and are represented only by one monitoring
station. Examples are Mariager Fjord, Randers Fjord, Vejle Fjord and Flensborg Fjord. It
means that practically every water body or spatially linked group of water bodies (like a
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fjord) are represented by one monitoring station. This is important, because only the
existence of a monitoring station and regular data collection allows assessing whether
the target is reached or not.
3.5 Suggestions towards a modified approach
Such a comprehensive monitoring programme not only allows a refinement of the
typology, but would allow the definition of individual Chlorophyll a reference and target
values for every water body, respectively some spatially linked group of water bodies.
We strongly suggest considering this approach, especially when the aim is to calculate
as precise and water-body specific MAI as possible. Denmark is one of the few countries
in Europe, where the necessary data, expertise and models are available for such a
comprehensive approach. In detail, it has to be assessed if additional monitoring
stations, temporary data collection at some locations or complementation of the
monitoring programme with remote sensing might be necessary. Neither the application
of the meta-modelling nor monitoring of the success of the proposed measures are
possible without a minimal set of follow-up actions in the field.
3.6 The look abroad
Similar discussions took place in Germany as well, and the results are reflected in a
national report and an international publication (Schernewski et al, 2015). Germany
carried out a comprehensive revision of all German Baltic reference and target values for
nutrients and Chlorophyll a. The discussion process within the accompanying official
national working group came to the conclusion that especially the different estuaries and
lagoons have so specific properties and behaviours, and that type-specific Chlorophyll a
and nutrient reference and target values would be too general. As a consequence,
specific Chlorophyll a and nutrient reference and target values were developed for every
single water body, resulting in 35 major Chlorophyll a reference and target values for the
German Baltic waters alone.
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4. The use of seagrass and Kd as
environmental indicators
The use of Chlorophyll a as an indicator for phytoplankton is widespread and accepted in
the WFD. The indicator is intercalibrated between Denmark and neighbouring countries
and is fully endorsed by the Panel. In this chapter, we will discuss the appropriateness of
other indicators. We discuss the use of Kd as an indicator for aquatic macrophytes and
angiosperms, and subsequently devote a discussion to the indicators for hypoxia and
nutrient limitation, used in the statistical modelling approach. The main questions are
whether these indicators are appropriate for demonstrating important ecological quality
aspects, whether they can be related to nutrient inputs, and whether they should be
maintained in the scientific modelling approaches.
4.1 Kd as an indicator for the biological element “benthic
vegetation, macroalgae and angiosperms”
One of the three main indicators used in the WFD as measures of Good Ecological
Status is the condition for aquatic macrophytes and angiosperms. In most Danish
estuarine and marine waters, this concerns eelgrass (Zostera
even though this
is not the only species of angiosperm that occurs. Pondweed (Potamogeton species)
may cover extensive parts of some systems and should be taken into
account as “angiosperm vegetation”. However, in systems where this occurs (e.g.
Odense Fjord), it is still eelgrass that dominates the deeper (>1.5 m) parts and thus
remains the most critical indicator. The Panel has no complete overview of the situation
in all the different water bodies, but stresses the generality of the required “angiosperm
vegetation” indicator, so that it may occasionally differ from the single “Zostera maximum
depth” indicator, at least in principle.
In the scientific documentation report and the underlying model work, water
transparency, expressed as the light extinction coefficient Kd (m
) is used as a proxy for
the depth limit for eelgrass. This is based on solid scientific evidence that eelgrass needs
a light intensity at the bottom of between 10-20% of the incident light. The choice of 14%
is based on this literature, and on area-specific experiments for Danish waters, and is
well justified. However, the Panel points out that, due to the non-linear interaction
between light intensity and Kd and in the presence of temporal variability in Kd, the
average light intensity reaching the bottom in a water system at a particular depth may
differ significantly from the light intensity calculated at this depth using the average Kd.
As clearly stated in the report, water transparency is a necessary but insufficient
condition for seagrass to re-establish in these estuarine systems. Recent studies of
seagrass reproduction, as well as adult seagrass survival, have pointed to factors such
as disturbance by floating algae, resuspension of fine material, disturbance by lugworms,
herbicides and others to influence recovery (Flindt et al, 2016; Kuusemäe et al, 2016;
Canal-Verges et al, 2016). It is likely that the presence of eelgrass itself plays a role in
these circumstances, not only as a seed source but also by collecting and fixing fine
sediment material. It has been shown in general (van der Heide et al, 2011) and in a
specific restoration case in North America (Orth et al, 2012) that this may lead to
alternative stable states and strong non-linear behaviour: once extensive seagrass
As an example, if Kd has a lognormal distribution with a logarithmic mean of -1.0 (mean approx.
0.4 m
), and a logarithmic standard deviation of 0.5, the depth was on average 14% of incident light
reaches the bottom is 6.15 m, whereas the depth limit calculated from the average Kd is 4.85 m.
Note that the difference depends on the statistical distribution of Kd in the field, which the Panel
cannot evaluate.
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meadows are present, they contribute to keeping the water clear and extend their range
to deeper waters, but in the absence of meadows the water remains turbid and prevents
the development of meadows. As a consequence, restoration of seagrass meadows (i.e.
transition from unvegetated to vegetated state) may require more stringent conditions to
be fulfilled than what is needed to maintain an existing vegetation. These more stringent
conditions may relate to lower nutrient loadings, but may also relate to the exclusion of
other disturbing factors. Therefore, it is unlikely that Kd as a sole indicator covers the
entire range of conditions needed for eelgrass restoration, but it is even more unlikely
that restoration will succeed without at least restoring Kd to the levels needed for the
Good-Moderate boundary conditions.
The time course of Kd in the water bodies studied by statistical modelling is shown in the
Annexes to this evaluation report. In most cases, it is very difficult or impossible to detect
a significant downward trend in the values. Even though a significant correlation of
summer (June to August) averages of Kd with N load is reported for 16 out of 22 stations
[p 94], the slopes of these relations are very low [p 94], and no material changes in
yearly averages are observed over time despite changes in N loading. Similarly, in the
mechanistic modelling, slopes for change of Kd as a function of N load are usually small,
and the model is not able to reproduce the reference (observed around 1900) Kd values
by modelling reference loads of 1900. The total range in Kd across all systems at
reference loadings is approximately 0.15 m
, whereas the total range in the observations
is approximately 0.35 m
. The model is calibrated to reproduce the mean reasonably,
but is not able to capture the full (temporal and cross-system) variation very well.
Based on a statistical analysis of all Danish systems since the 1980s, Riemann et al
(2016) report a significant increase in Secchi depth between 1980 and 1990, when many
systems made the transition from hypertrophic to eutrophic state, but absence of any
systematic trend afterwards. In addition, they remark that Secchi disc depth data even
overestimate the effect on Kd, because of a shift from scattering to absorption as the
main light extinction mechanism between 1980 and 2010. In summary, none of the
within-system statistical analyses or models seem to be able to demonstrate a strong
dependence of Kd on nutrient loading in the period 1990-2013.
However, when viewed across systems, the data shown in annex B of the Scientific
Documentation Report for Chlorophyll a and Kd in the systems studied with the statistical
modelling strongly suggest a close correlation between average Chlorophyll a
concentration and average Kd over the study period (see Figure 4 in Chapter 8). It is
likely that a common cause – most probably the relative influence of the freshwater end
member in the water of the estuary – determines both. However, within each of the
systems, we do not observe a correlated evolution in time of the two indicators over the
1990-2012 period. A further interesting observation is that the targets for Kd and
Chlorophyll a, as derived in the Scientific Documentation report, show exactly the same
correlation but in a narrower range of both indicators. As these reference values
represent historic conditions, the suggestion is that on a centennial time scale, Kd and
Chlorophyll a covary in time. Therefore, it is possible that Kd does respond to nutrient
loading, but with significant delay and only on long time scales.
From these considerations, the Panel concludes that both indicators represent
eutrophication effects, but that the estimation of the effect of nutrient reduction on
Chlorophyll a is more reliable than the estimation of this effect on Kd.
The Scientific Documentation Report suggests that other causes, in particular the influx
of dissolved and particulate organic matter from freshwater, as well as long-term storage
of fine and fluffy sediment material, influences the transparency of the water. Trends in
benthic filter feeders (that have decreased significantly in biomass between 1990 and
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2017 – see Riemann et al, 2016) may also be a causal factor. It can be assumed that
filter feeders decrease in biomass as a consequence of the decrease in phytoplankton
primary production, which may result in less filtration and fixation of fine particles in the
sediment. It is difficult to evaluate each of these hypotheses, but the very good
correlation between average chlorophyll and average Kd across systems suggests that
the influx of some substance with the freshwater, that may be higher nowadays than in
1900, plays a dominant role. In their answer to the questions of the Panel, the
researchers have thoroughly analysed and dismissed the possibility that herbicides play
a significant role in this freshwater influence. The most probable hypothesis is that the
influx of coloured organic substances has increased between 1900 and now.
The consequences of incorporating Kd as an important indicator for water quality, in the
absence of strong slopes between nutrient loading and Kd, are different for the
mechanistic modelling and the statistical modelling exercises. The mechanistic modelling
estimates which part of the distance between target and status can be bridged by
reducing Danish land-based N sources. It corrects for this fraction in the calculation of
the effort required. The Panel finds this approach appropriate and does not think it leads
to unjustifiable overestimation of efforts needed.
The statistical modelling approach does not follow the same reasoning as the
mechanistic modelling. For some water bodies, N load reductions of well above 100%
are calculated to be needed in order to bring Kd down to target levels. This is of course
physically impossible. The problem is solved by “translating” the required very high
efforts into realisable efforts [25% when the calculation is 25%-100%, 50% for calculation
100%-200%, 75% for calculation >200%). Despite questions to the researchers, the
Panel has not been able to discover the logic behind this translation. The researchers
argue that this is basically expert judgement and further argue that 25% is the order of
magnitude of interannual variation of the N load, therefore when an effort is estimated to
be “large”, it should be above this level but not too much. In the opinion of the Panel, the
“translation” introduces an unnecessary element of arbitrariness into the whole
procedure that is in contrast with the general evidence-based approach and that
therefore exposes the entire procedure to unproductive criticism. The Panel furthermore
observes that the situation here is analogous to the situation treated in the chapter on
mechanistic modelling, where very often the target value cannot entirely be reached with
reduction of Danish land-based N. Therefore, the Panel suggests harmonising the
approach across the two modelling lines and adopting the approach of the mechanistic
modelling also in the statistical modelling.
In further work, the Panel recommends reviewing the approach for this WFD indicator by
starting from the basic observation that not Kd, but survival and restoration of aquatic
angiosperm vegetation is the real criterion. In some systems, this criterion may actually
be fulfilled by other species than eelgrass (e.g.
species), in
which case the criterion could also be considered as generally fulfilled. However, in most
cases, eelgrass will be the species of interest. As mentioned above, recent modelling
work of Kuusemäe et al (2016) and Flindt et al (2016) has taken a more comprehensive
view on restoration of eelgrass, and the influence of nutrient loading on the process. This
work is actually built into the mechanistic models used in the present study, but the
results have not been directly used in order to estimate the influence of nutrient
reduction on seagrass restoration. The Panel proposes to make better use of these
models, probably after more extensive validation, to more directly estimate the effect of
nutrient reductions on seagrass development possibilities.
In view of the apparent difficulties in estimating the effect of nutrient reductions on Kd at
short time scales, the insufficiency of Kd as a representation of all factors needed for
restoration of seagrass, and the high correlation between Kd and Chlorophyll a both in
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status and targets at longer time scales, the Panel suggests to relatively downweigh the
importance of Kd in the final calculations of reductions needed. It further recommends
pursuing studies attempting to estimate conditions for seagrass restoration based on
already developed more comprehensive models. In the absence of the latter, and given
the correlation between Kd and Chlorophyll a, the Panel is of the opinion that adherence
to the “one-out, all-out” principle with respect to Kd and Chlorophyll a, is not imperative.
A weighted average of reduction needs for both indicators might be preferable.
4.2 Other indicators used in the statistical modelling
In contrast to the mechanistic modelling, the statistical modelling bases its conclusions
on three other indicators: (1) the occurrence of hypoxia, (2) ecological signs of hypoxia
from nutrients and (3) chlorophyll and (4) the number of days of N limitation of
phytoplankton growth. Indicator (2) and (3) are given half weight as they estimate one
element together. Compared to Chlorophyll a and Kd, the combination (2) - (3) and the
indicators (1) and (4) are given half the weight.
The Panel is surprised by the inclusion of these indicators in only one line of modelling,
as it could also have been done in the mechanistic modelling. The latter contains all the
variables needed to estimate hypoxic/anoxic conditions as well as direct estimates of
nutrient limitation of phytoplankton growth. The asymmetric situation leads to a decrease
of comparability of the two models and decreases credibility of the procedure of
averaging both approaches, e.g. in meta-modelling. The Panel further notes that in
meta-modelling based on the statistical approach, the ancillary indicators are sometimes
included and sometimes not, depending on data availability.
With respect to the occurrence of hypoxia, the researchers note in the Scientific
Documentation Report that:
“There is direct evidence for a relationship between nutrient loadings and oxygen
concentrations in bottom water (Markager et al, 2006) and the size of hypoxic/anoxic
areas (Scavia et al, 2003; Christensen et al submitted). However, these relationships are
complicated by a considerable time lag and a high sensitivity to climate variables like
water temperature and wind stress.”
With respect to the number of days with nutrient limitation, figure 8.7 of the Scientific
Documentation Report shows a direct correlation with Chlorophyll a concentrations, but
with considerable scatter (considering the log scale of the y-axis). Two questions can
thus be posed: Do the additional indicators measure a significantly different indicator
compared to Chlorophyll a and Kd, and can the effects of nutrient reduction on both
indicators be estimated reliably?
The Panel is of the opinion that both criteria lead to doubt about the usefulness of these
indicators. It is clear that phytoplankton production and biomass is related to the amount
of organic matter sinking to the bottom and fuelling oxygen consumption. This could be a
reason to include the spring in the Chlorophyll a indicator, but anyhow a correlation
between Chlorophyll a and the probability of occurrence of hypoxia can be expected.
Note, moreover, that excessive summer Chlorophyll a is the ecological sign of hypoxia
used. The high dependence of occurrence of hypoxia on weather conditions induces
considerable variability that obscures effects of nutrient reductions on the indicators.
There is essentially only one (on/off) observation per year. In addition to these
difficulties, a rather arbitrary look-up table approach has to be used in order to estimate
the required nutrient reduction for improvement in the hypoxia indicators.
For the indicator “days with nutrient limitation”, it can be expected that nutrient reduction,
if effective on Chlorophyll a at all, can only be effective through the increase of the time
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duration of nutrient limitation. It is hard to see how the response of this indicator could
differ from the response of Chlorophyll a concentration. The latter, however, can be
measured more easily and more reliably. We note that there is considerable
disagreement in the literature on the correct value of Km, the Monod limitation
parameter, and that it differs considerably between different phytoplankton species and
groups. Also for this indicator, a look-up table has to be used to estimate the required
load reductions.
In summary, even though the ancillary indicators aim at describing important ecological
phenomena, it is not easy to translate them into required load reductions (expert
judgment and look-up tables are needed) and their added value compared to Chlorophyll
a and Kd is limited. Therefore, the Panel is of the opinion that these indicators do not
bring a substantial improvement of the approach. The Panel recommends using the
mechanistic models to better study how the important phenomenon of oxygen depletion
can be linked directly to required nutrient reductions before using it in practice to
estimate required nutrient reduction. If, based on these studies, it can be decided to use
these additional indicators, they should be introduced in both statistical and mechanistic
modelling approaches for consistency of the approach.
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5. Emphasis on nitrogen versus phosphorus
In this chapter, it is evaluated to what extent the Scientific Documentation Report
a priori
focused exclusively on nitrogen (N) reductions as measures to reach Good Ecological
Status, or if evidence is given that rules out positive effects from phosphorus (P) load
reductions. We thus address the question whether management options were
unnecessarily limited by focus on reduction of the yearly N load only.
5.1 Phosphorus limitation
The nutrient emissions from large point sources were dramatically reduced already
during the 1980s, causing a large and relatively sudden decrease in the P loads. After
that first effort, focus has been directed to mitigation of N loads, primarily through
measures in agriculture. This has resulted in a smoother, but substantial, decline in the
nutrient inputs (mostly N inputs) thereafter. Currently, the overall inputs of N and P are
roughly about 4.2 and 3.4 times higher, respectively, than estimated reference inputs for
the year 1900 (Riemann et al, 2016). This indicates that the N/P ratio of nutrient inputs is
not exceptionally deviating from the historic inputs.
Previous studies have shown substantial and significant reductions of primary production
(e.g. Timmermann et al, 2014) and Chlorophyll a concentrations (e.g., Riemann et al,
2016) in response to the early P load reductions. Thus, there is no doubt that reduction
of P loads can, in principle, lead to improvement of water quality in terms of WFD
indicators. However, it is uncertain to what degree these historical responses are
transferrable to present-day conditions, because emissions from point sources did not
have the annual cycle of the diffuse sources and, moreover, they were observed in
generally hypertrophic situations that are not comparable to the present state.
Traditionally, marine coastal waters have been regarded as N limited, but in the past
decades, scientists have become increasingly aware of complicated co-limitation
patterns and intricate nutrient dynamics. Processes such as N fixation and sediment P
release can modify long-term response compared to the direct response of
phytoplankton to nutrient additions on short time scales. A number of studies from
Danish waters confirm that N is in general limiting algal production during summer time,
and P is often limiting in spring, but there are seasonal and spatial variations of nutrient
limitation. These field studies suggest that at least in a number of systems, regulation of
annual primary production by P load reduction could be feasible.
5.2 Treatment of nitrogen and phosphorus in the Scientific
Documentation Report
There are several elements that have contributed to the large emphasis on N load
reduction in the Scientific Documentation Report. In particular, we discuss the nature of
the indicators used, the selection of the study period, the procedures of the statistical
modelling and the characteristics of the mechanistic model.
The basis for all calculations are the indicators Chlorophyll a and Kd during summer.
This has potential implications for the exclusive focus on nitrogen load reductions.
Summer phytoplankton in most Danish water bodies is predominantly nitrogen limited.
The choice of summer Chlorophyll a as an indicator may have focused the attention
primarily on processes that are dominant in summer and on nitrogen loads as a primary
factor responsible for eutrophication. This is also pointed out in the Scientific
Documentation Report, where it is suggested that developing new indicators focusing on
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other parts of the season would give a more diverse focus on both nitrogen and
In general, the Panel is of the opinion that the selection of indicators only representing
summer conditions could be too restrictive. In waters with some degree of stratification,
the spring bloom has the highest contribution to export production, fuelling the organic
matter on the sediment and largely determining the oxygen demand in the rest of the
season that could lead to P release from the sediments. The Scientific Documentation
Report suggests that limitation of the spring bloom by P occurs in a number of water
bodies, thus suggesting that the effectiveness of P load reduction on an indicator
representing the full growing season could be significant.
Another factor potentially excluding possible influence of P in the analysis is the selected
period for the statistical model (1990-2013). This period excludes most of the period of
major development of efficient sewage treatment in the 1980s that caused a major
decrease in point source P loads. For most water bodies, the P load trends that are now
dominated by diffuse sources are less significant than N load trends, and thereby it is
naturally more difficult to find significant effects. However, the Panel endorses the choice
of period, because the seasonality and mechanisms of P limitation in current situations
may differ from the historical, point-source dominated situation, as argued above.
In the statistical modelling approach, the variable selection procedure may have masked
the potential role of phosphorus load reduction. There is a bias in the selection of
variables towards regressions with N. This occurs first through the automated variable
selection process. Whenever N load is selected as the dominant variable, possible P
dependence is disregarded because P load is no longer considered as a secondary
independent variable. If, on the other hand, P is selected as the dominant controlling
variable, that regression model is not used. Thus, potential influence of P load
reductions, or combinations of N and P load reductions, are not investigated further.
The mechanistic models include all relevant processes for modelling effects from both N
and P and combinations of them both. However, major focus in the formulations of
scenarios is on N, and the few scenarios, including also P reductions, are not detailed
and perhaps not optimal for exploring the influence from P load reduction. In addition, we
observe that for a significant portion of the water bodies, the models seem to
overestimate P concentrations during summer. This can have eliminated the potential
impact from P load reductions on the indicators.
5.3 Possible implications for management
Based on the different factors leading to a focus on N load reduction, the Panel
concludes that the study does not demonstrate significant contributions from P loads on
the summer indicators, but the evidence is not strong enough to exclude that P
reductions or combined N and P reductions could be effective in reducing year-averaged
chlorophyll levels as well as sediment oxygen demand.
Keeping the option for combined N/P reduction open may have significant management
implications in regions where very large N load reductions are demanded. Focused
studies resulting in an envelope of combinations of Maximum Allowable Inputs of N and
P would probably lead to greater flexibility and more cost-efficient nutrient reduction
management in these areas. In making this recommendation, the Panel acknowledges
that great efforts have already been made to reduce the P load from urban waste waters,
and that little gain has to be expected from intensifying those efforts, following the law of
diminishing returns. However, any innovative approach to reducing remaining P loads,
including the P load from agriculture, could significantly enlarge the portfolio of potential
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measures. The Panel recommends using basin load models in combination with the
mechanistic models used in the Scientific Documentation Report to investigate these
5.4 Seasonality
The exclusive focus on summer indicators in combination with water bodies with short
residence times implies a direct link between summer loads and the indicator. Typical
residence times in Danish estuaries are short in many cases, ranging from a few days to
about 3 months (Rasmussen and Josefsson, 2002). Even if the indicators would include
the spring phytoplankton bloom, regulation by N loads would mostly focus on the
summer period in water bodies where P limits the spring bloom. There seems to be a
possibility to regulate Good Ecological Status by focusing on the summer loads, rather
than on the yearly integrated loads. The Panel recognises that the problem is
complicated by N retention in the system in the form of organic N stocks accumulating
over the season and even years, so that the calculation is not straightforward. Moreover,
spatial displacement of problems to other systems as a consequence of flushing winter
nutrient loads has to be taken into account. Even so, the Panel estimates that the
modelling tools developed, especially the mechanistic modelling, are able to investigate
scenarios with seasonal regulation of the N (and P) input into the system. Therefore,
nutrient load management could be focused on optimising the effect in the coastal
estuaries. The Panel does not have a complete overview of the potential, in agricultural
practice, to focus in particular on summer N load. However, it recommends exploring the
possibilities to do so and use the mechanistic models to estimate how this would affect
the GES indicators.
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6. Statistical modelling
In this chapter, the Panel reviews and sums up the objectives and basic setup of
statistical modelling and their usage in defining Maximum Allowable Inputs (MAI). The
main issues are averaging of statistical and mechanistic models, the analysis of within
and cross-system variability in Chlorophyll a and Kd responses, collinearity of
phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) loading, filtering out the effect of flushing and the
uncertainty and resulting risk of over- and under-dimensioning of MAI.
6.1 Setup
The statistical model approach as presented in the Scientific Documentation Report aims
at demonstrating the dependence of the indicators Chlorophyll a, Kd, hypoxia, anoxia,
number of days with nutrient limitation on the N and P loading of the system as well as
on some other physical and chemical characteristics of the system. The statistical
models (there is one model per sufficiently monitored water body) also estimate how
concentrations of Total N and Total P depend on the nutrient loadings and physico-
chemical characteristics. These latter analyses are informative on the functioning of the
systems but are not really used any further in the overall modelling procedure.
A few basic choices for the setup of the statistical modelling have been made at the start
of the study. The most important choices were:
Restrict the database analysed by the statistical modelling to the period 1991-
2012. This implies that the major decrease in P input, as well as the ecological
consequences of this decrease, in general are not part of the analysed
Restrict the construction of statistical models to those systems where sufficient
data are available. What is “sufficient” is always open to discussion, but the
Panel is of the opinion that the choices are reasonable and have been well
Use annual averages of nutrient loads, concentrations and other variables as
the basis for modelling.
Construct one statistical model per water body without cross-system model
Perform a variable selection method for significant independent variables,
where (due to collinearity problems) only one type of nutrient loading (either N
or P) was entered into the set of independent variables.
The most important results of the statistical models are the slopes of the relation
between N loads and the indicators Chlorophyll a and Kd. These slopes are only
determined, if N load was selected as the most important independent variable and thus
entered into the statistical model. When this was not the case, substitute solutions have
been used. The statistical model that was used to estimate the slopes (Partial Least
Squares) is different from the model used to select the variables (Multiple Linear
The construction and use of the statistical model are well explained in the Scientific
Documentation Report. Measures of goodness-of-fit are given at different stages in the
description. No formal uncertainty analysis of the model as a whole, nor variance
estimation of the estimated parameters (in particular the N load – indicator slopes) have
been given.
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6.2 Panel evaluation of basic model setup
The Panel distinguishes three major uses of the results of the statistical modelling:
Estimation of the relation between nutrient loading and indicators at relatively
long time scales (5-10 years), as a basis for estimation of reference conditions
of Chlorophyll a, and of the effectiveness of load reductions in reaching the
target conditions.
Provide insight into the water body characteristics that explain the differences
between water bodies in status or slopes.
Provide an independent, evidence-based check on the accuracy of the
mechanistic modelling approach.
The Panel remarks that the statistical models are not needed to ascertain that nutrients,
both N and P, are important for phytoplankton. This point was also made by the
researchers, stressing that the body of scientific evidence showing these relations is
In contrast to the researchers, however, the Panel questions if the step of variable
selection was needed at all. It involves mixing of two methods (MLR and PLS). It also
leads to the suggestion that in some systems, N load was not involved at all in
determining Chlorophyll a and Kd. In systems where N load was selected as the most
important determining factor, possible secondary effects of P load cannot be shown and
are obliterated. The most important consequence of this option, however, is that it may
lead to biased estimates of the slopes and MAI. If, in a particular water body, the slope is
very small (close to zero), it is very likely that N load will not be selected as the most
important independent variable in the variable selection procedure. Subsequently, for
this system, the slope will be estimated as the average type-specific slope, almost
inevitably leading to a higher slope than shown by the data. This will then lead to a lower
reference and target value for the system than the one suggested by the data. As these
reference values will enter into a type-specific averaging afterwards, the final
consequences of these choices become difficult to assess, but likely affect the targets for
all systems in the type.
Moreover, the Panel is of the opinion that there is no real reason for estimating the short-
term response of the indicators on year-to-year variations in nutrient loads, with or
without time lags of a few months. Both nutrient loads and concentrations of nutrients
and chlorophyll are known to vary considerably with freshwater discharge, which is
variable from year to year. Short-term (i.e. year-to-year) responses of indicators to short-
term variations in nutrient loads will not necessarily be the same as the decadal-scale
responses that the study really wants to estimate. For instance, high discharge will not
only increase the total load of nutrients to a system, but simultaneously also decrease
the freshwater residence time and thus the ability of the ecosystem to take up and use
these nutrients. This may contrast with a decadal-scale increase in nutrient load, where
clearer and possibly also different ecological responses might be expected.
Therefore, the Panel is of the opinion that a clearer focus on the long-term slopes and
the cross-system variability is needed. Through the use of mixed or Bayesian
hierarchical models, short-term and long-term variations can be separated and
collinearity between variables can be built in as part of the model (Malve & Qian, 2006).
Danish water systems differ in a number of morphological and hydrographical
characteristics, leading to a diversity of systems that is not very well captured by the few
types used in the typology (see Chapter 3 in this evaluation report). However, there are a
few characteristics that presumably dominate the differences in nutrient, chlorophyll and
Kd status between systems. The relative influence of freshwater in the water, dependent
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on discharge rates, flushing rates and exchange rates with the coastal system, will most
probably be a key parameter. Nutrient concentrations in seawater are relatively stable
and do not differ very much between the reference conditions and now. In contrast,
nutrient concentrations in freshwater are much higher and are obviously much more
directly influenced by nutrient loads. As a consequence, it may be expected that much of
the variation in status and slopes between systems may be explained with a cross-
system statistical model as suggested above. The main purpose of this setup is to
improve within-system estimates of slopes with information coming from similar systems
elsewhere, and to improve meta-modelling applications. It should lead to a model that
estimates the slopes (which are the results of primary importance) based on independent
variables summarising the water body characteristics, while simultaneously estimating
(and evaluating) system-specific deviations. Such an approach could constitute an
improvement with respect to the current within-system modelling approach.
In order for the statistical model to provide an independent, evidence-based check on
the results of the mechanistic modelling, two requirements must be fulfilled. First, the
procedures of the statistical and mechanistic modelling should not be unduly mixed at
early stages (see comments in Chapter 8 in this evaluation report). Second, the
statistical model should contain a formal estimation of variances of the estimated
parameters. Statistical modelling techniques have much better formal methods to
estimate uncertainty than mechanistic models, and this opportunity should be taken in
order to better formalise both uncertainty resulting from modelling and from data
uncertainty. For this evaluation to be effective, the setup of a single cross-system
statistical model is better suited than the current set of separate within-system models.
6.3 Panel evaluation of statistical model results
Even though the simultaneous development of two model lines, statistical and
mechanistic, may seem redundant at first sight, the Panel endorses the continuation of
this approach. The richness of the Danish database is an internationally exceptional
asset that provides the opportunity of an evidence-based check on mechanistic model
outcomes. This asset should be used, and the two modelling lines are a very good way
to do so. However, the Panel recommends strengthening this aspect, e.g. by keeping the
two model lines more separate and independent throughout the modelling procedure, so
that the check becomes clearer and more explicit in the final stages of result
interpretation. Furthermore, as specified above, the Panel is of the opinion that a cross-
system approach in the statistical modelling would strengthen the possibilities of
obtaining insight into possible causes for model divergence and would assist better in
choosing final management strategies based on the model comparison. In addition, a
formal uncertainty analysis of the statistical model would contribute to this goal.
With respect to the present outcomes of the statistical modelling, the Panel sees reasons
to suspect bias in estimated slopes and reference values due to the variable selection
procedure, as specified above. The Panel suspects that the slope estimates, being a
mixture of short-term and long-term ecological responses, might be biased as estimators
of the long-term response. However, the Panel does not consider these remarks as a
reason to entirely dismiss the statistical model results as unreliable. The mentioned
discrepancies are probably minor in comparison with the overall range of the results and
in comparison with the inevitable variability in the observations. The within-systems PLS
regression approach used is robust and not expected to be overly influenced by the
mixture of short and long time scales. The variable selection procedures have led to the
replacement of slopes with type-averaged slopes, but mostly in types with small slopes.
Nonetheless, there is enough reason to improve the statistical model and the slope
estimates that follow from it.
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7. Mechanistic modelling
The mechanistic models are evaluated in this chapter with respect to included processes
and technical implementation, performance and the different scenarios that are used.
7.1 The models
The mechanistic modelling is based on the DHI systems MIKE 3 combined with
ECOLAB. Four models are set up: a large-scale model encompassing the whole Baltic
Sea up to Skagerrak (IDW model) and three models of specific estuaries; Limfjorden,
Roskilde Fjord and Odense Fjord (estuary models). In all, 45 of the 119 Danish water
bodies are covered by the mechanistic models. The IDW and estuary models differ in
some specific ways, adapting them to the circumstances. However, the three
implementations of the estuary model are identical in terms of processes, but needed
somewhat different calibration.
The pelagic dynamics in both models follow classic NPZ concepts similar to other
models, and the bacterial loop is not explicitly resolved. An addition to many other similar
models is that internal nutrient pools are explicitly modelled using the Droop equations
(Droop, 1968). Both models also feature explicit benthic vegetation state-variables, but
not benthic fauna.
The estuary models are quite comprehensive in terms of processes, including
sophisticated representation of benthic vegetation and elaborate description of
resuspension coupled to dynamic wave-shear processes from the hydrodynamic model.
Spatial sediment characteristics are taken into account both for sediment-water
interaction and as controlling the benthic vegetation.
Specifically, the IDW includes three autotrophic groups to take into account the seasonal
succession and nitrogen fixation typical for the open sea areas of the Baltic Sea. Further,
the representation of the sediments does not include explicit representation of inorganic
particles and instead an empirical direct relationship between shear stress and turbidity
is used. Simplification of the sediment module was necessary because of lack of detailed
information from the wider area and because of computational constraints.
In many biogeochemical models, Chlorophyll a is estimated from the autotroph biomass
in retrospect using a specific ratio. The models used in the Scientific Documentation
Report are more advanced in this aspect in that Chlorophyll a is dynamically calculated
based on fitness of the autotrophs and light conditions. In the IDW model, where there
are three autotrophic functional groups, the weighted average contributions from all
groups are taken into account in calculating the production and removal of Chlorophyll a.
The water transparency, Kd, is computed from a relationship that includes Chlorophyll a
concentration, detritus carbon, (coloured) dissolved organic carbon and inorganic matter.
All these components are explicitly modelled, although the inorganic matter
representation in the IDW is a less complicated empirical relationship than in the estuary
In summary, the models are quite comprehensive and include all processes that we think
are relevant for the problem at hand. The MIKE system, with its sub-components, is a
mature system, although it is not so frequently used by research scientists, and,
therefore, there are not that many peer-reviewed articles with applications as there are
for some open access model systems. Despite this, we have no reason to question the
model system capabilities.
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7.2 Model setup, calibration and validation
All model setups have high resolution, both in horizontal and vertical. The IDW resolution
is sufficient to resolve the internal physical dynamics, both of the narrow straits and
geostrophically balanced Kattegat-Skagerrak front. The computing cost of the high
resolution and high degree of complexity is significant, leading to a trade-off in the
execution of calibration and experiment simulations. All relevant forcing functions are
taken into account in a sensible way. The time period of simulation was 2002-2011. A
critical part of the riverine inputs is the division of whatever carbon data available into the
different categories of organic carbon in the model, especially the CDOC (coloured
dissolved organic carbon) that influences Kd and the refractory and labile fractions of
organic nutrients. This has been handled to the extent possible according to the
Scientific Documentation Report.
At least the hydrodynamics of the IDW model have been used previously and were set
up as a part of the EIA for the Fehmarnbelt fixed link project. The models for Odense
Fjord and Roskilde Fjord are applied to vegetation modelling applications in Kuusemäe
et al (2016) and Flindt et al (2016). Only the Limfjord model is newly developed. Thus,
there is some history behind three out of four implementations.
All four model implementations are calibrated independently. That resulted in somewhat
different parameter setting, also of the structurally identical estuary models. According to
the researchers, there are only about 10 parameters that differ, and all of these are
within the sediment module. The actual calibration procedure is not described in detail,
but for the three models that have a past history, it can be expected that this has been
an iterative process over some time.
7.3 Validation
The hydrodynamics are evaluated quantitatively with respect to salinity and temperature.
Salinity is important since it indicates whether circulation is correct and gives the right
mixing between the riverine water and open sea water in the estuaries of different sizes.
Temperature is of less importance for the circulation, but of imperative importance for the
biogeochemical processes. The quantitative comparison shows that the model results
are well within the criteria. Upon request from the Panel, the researchers supplied direct
time-series comparisons between observations and model results for all four models,
and inspection of these shows excellent agreement between model and data for both
salinity and temperature. The Panel is convinced that the models give a quite accurate
representation of the physical processes.
The validation of the biogeochemical models is done primarily through comparison with
observations of Chlorophyll a, Kd and nutrient concentrations. To simplify presentation of
the validation of the biogeochemical processes in the models, results are aggregated per
water type and month. This presentation may hinder interpretation of the magnitude of
the difference between modelled and observed annual cycles. Quantitative skill
assessment was performed by computing a cost function (measuring mean deviation
scaled by variation of the variable) and correlation from simultaneous model results and
observations. Upon request from the Panel, the researchers also supplied example time-
series of concurrent observations and model results from selected locations for the
standard measured variables.
The model separates well the differences in Chlorophyll a, Kd and nutrients between the
water types, and mean values are well captured for all variables.
The seasonal cycle of Chlorophyll a is well captured, although levels are somewhat low
during late spring – early summer in type 2 and 3 water bodies, and the autumn bloom
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seems to be underestimated in type 1 and 2 water bodies. The seasonal cycle of Kd is
quite weak in especially type 1 and 2 water bodies, so it is difficult to value the accuracy
from the seasonal averages in these water bodies. The tendency for all types 1-3 is,
however, that Kd in summer is less than during winter, indicating some influence from an
early spring bloom, but probably more from winter river runoff and turbidity from
resuspended material. The time-series plots of Kd supplied by the researcher confirm the
complications. The two open sea stations show seemingly random variations in time of
observed Kd due to short-term variability, and no visual seasonal cycle or trend can be
identified. There is no annual cycle (and only small variation) to be seen in the time-
series supplied for Odense Fjord and central Limfjorden, neither in observations nor in
model results. In Roskilde Fjord, there is significant variation in Kd with the seasons, but
from visual inspection the pattern is irregular and not very well captured by the model,
and it is not obvious what causes the variations. The time-series with clear seasonal
cycle are from the inner part of Skive Fjord, and here the model accurately simulates the
low Kd in winter time and high Kd in summer time.
The seasonal TN is modelled accurately for all water types. Winter DIN is somewhat
overestimated in type 1 and 2 water bodies, and DIN is somewhat overestimated in late
spring – early summer in type 3 waters. The overestimate of winter DIN in type 1 waters
is confirmed for the time-series examples supplied by the researchers. However, overall,
the model performs well on the nitrogen cycles.
There seems to be a consistent overestimation of DIP in the summer in type 1 and 2
waters, although somewhat later in type 1 than in type 2 waters. From inspection of the
time-series, it seems that the problem is larger in the IDW, smaller in the Limfjorden
model, while in the Odense Fjord and Roskilde Fjord, the seasonal cycle is quite correct.
Winter DIP and TP concentrations are accurately modelled for all water types.
The quantitative validation in terms of cost function and correlation confirms the
qualitative validation discussed above. Overall, the model is low in bias (cost function)
indicating that the levels are modelled accurately, with exception of DIP in type 3 and to
some extent type 1 waters and Kd in the type 5 waters. However, correlation is absent
for type 1 water bodies and weak for type 3 water bodies for Kd.
The comparison between modelled and observed primary production indicates that the
model performs well in this respect.
7.4 Reference conditions simulation
A hindcast simulation representing conditions around 1900 was performed. Forcing in
general was kept as for the 2002-2011 period, but loads and nutrient boundary
conditions needed adjustments. Appropriate waterborne and airborne loads were
obtained from existing well-established data sets, and boundary concentrations in
Skagerrak were adjusted according to previously published methodology. To overcome
the computational challenge of running the whole of the Baltic Sea to steady state, initial
conditions were adjusted in the IDW model according to literature values. It is the Panel’s
opinion that the setup of the simulation of reference conditions with the mechanistic
model is sound and based on current published scientific knowledge on the nutrient
loads around 1900.
Reference Chlorophyll a concentrations for all water bodies were extracted as average of
the last 5 years of the simulation. In a few cases, simulations were repeated in order to
be sure that average conditions were in equilibrium with the reference loads. It is unclear
whether Chlorophyll a concentrations were spatially averaged over the water bodies or
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7.5 Scenarios and establishment of cause-effect
A prerequisite in construction of load reduction scenarios is implementation of BSAP for
other countries than Denmark. That implies major reductions of primarily phosphorus to
Baltic Proper, Gulf of Finland and Gulf of Riga, but also nitrogen to Baltic Proper,
Kattegat and Gulf of Finland. The response time to the load reductions to Baltic Proper
and the Gulfs is very long. Estimations show that during the first decade after
implementation, all changes are within natural variability, but significant reduction in
winter nutrient (primarily phosphorus) concentrations will be seen between one and two
decades after implementation (HELCOM, 2013). The response time-scale has been
shown to vary between models (Eilola et al, 2011), but is long in all cases. This means
that the influence from load reductions to the Baltic Proper and the Gulf is limited during
the decade considered here. It could be noted that in the longer perspective, nutrient
concentrations would continue to decrease, and according to the underlying calculations
in the BSAP, load reductions to the Baltic Proper was a prerequisite for obtaining GES in
the Danish straits.
Three nitrogen reduction scenarios for the Danish loads were constructed by reducing
proportionally all waterborne loads by 15, 30 and 60%, respectively.
There is also a set of scenarios where the three nitrogen scenarios are combined with a
spatially distributed phosphorus reduction scenario according to reductions specified by
the Danish EPA. It is mentioned that no significant effect could be detected from the P
load scenarios, but there is no further elaboration on these scenarios. If the distribution is
such that most of the reduction occurs to relatively few water bodies, there could
potentially be an effect in these that would not be seen overall.
Indicator values from model results are calculated as water body spatial means, and
these are corrected to match the mean observational value at the measurement station.
The scenarios without phosphorus load reduction are used to estimate parameters for a
simplified surrogate model, built on temporal averages over 2007-2011. The three
scenarios are used to establish the linear response function. The extrapolated value at
present day Danish loads will represent the indicator value, given only reductions by
other countries. In the Scientific Documentation Report, also an average indicator value
from the reference scenario is included to indicate how much higher the value will be
because of higher loads from other countries. For most water bodies and indicators, the
linear approximation is appropriate. It should be remembered though that only a
proportion of the full effect from BSAP reductions has had time to develop in the
scenarios, and one would expect that for open sea water bodies, especially in the south,
water quality will continue to improve as time goes by.
There are implications from the approach of running scenarios with a constant
proportional load decrease in the scenarios. Some water bodies will be subject to
change due to load reductions to adjacent water bodies. Therefore, one cannot directly
sub-divide MAI to individual water bodies, if there is a risk that reduction is necessary
also in adjacent basins to obtain GES. To fully disentangle the individual contribution
spatially between all water bodies, one would need to test sensitivity to load reductions
to each individual water body by itself, and perhaps, if the effect is non-linear, even
combinations of water bodies. This would be a major computational challenge, and the
improvement in the results would most probably be minor. The reason for the latter is
that the problem mostly applies to open sea water bodies that would in any case
integrate the load reduction for a relatively large region, while enclosed water bodies still
are mostly dominated by local reductions.
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7.6 Conclusion on the mechanistic models
Having evaluated the mechanistic models, the Panel comes to the following conclusions:
The models are clearly state-of-the-art, both in terms of numerical techniques
and processes included. The quality of the results follows a high standard and
is as good as, or better than, other similar coupled physical-biogeochemical
model systems.
The hydrodynamics seem to perform excellently.
Levels of Chlorophyll a, Kd and nutrients are accurately modelled across water
body types.
The biogeochemistry seems to perform overall somewhat better for nitrogen
than for phosphorus, although in the models for Roskilde Fjord and Odense
Fjord, also phosphorus performs excellently. Weakest is the performance of
nutrients in the IDW model, where relatively frequently DIP seems to be
overestimated during summer or early autumn and nitrogen during winter.
Observed short-term variability in Kd in open waters is such that it seems
impossible to model.
Long-term response to large changes in nutrient loads has not been validated.
The nitrogen reduction scenarios are appropriately set up and relevant.
The scenario for P reduction is not extensively described, and it cannot be
judged whether it forms sufficient basis for exclusive focus on N.
It should be noted that in a longer time perspective, >10-20 years, the effect
from BSAP load reductions will influence the open sea water bodies, especially
in the southern part of the region.
It would be extremely valuable to extend the mechanistic modelling system to
as many water bodies as possible.
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8. Calculation procedures to estimate Maximum
Allowable Inputs from model results
In this chapter, we discuss the general build-up of the procedure to estimate reference
conditions, Good-Moderate boundary targets and the required N load reductions to
reach the target conditions. These procedures are based on the statistical and
mechanistic model results, but use and interpret them in a diversity of ways. In our
discussion, we focus on how the different models interact and on the different steps
taken to arrive at the final MAI per water body.
8.1 Steps in the calculation of targets and MAI
Despite the general logical nature of the procedure, and even though the Scientific
Documentation Report gives extensive explanations of the detailed procedures followed,
it is not easy to follow and weight the different steps used in deriving the Maximum
Allowable Inputs (MAI) for the water bodies. The essential steps, as the Panel
understands them, are summarised in the diagram shown in Table 2. The left column
refers to the procedures followed in the statistical modelling, and the right column to the
mechanistic modelling. Joint cells point to steps where both approaches are joined.
Table 2. Essential steps in the calculation procedure of targets and MAI in the Scientific Documentation.
Steps with averaging have red boxes.
Statistical modelling
Estimate the slope of the Chlorophyll a/N load relation
for those systems where N load was selected as a
significant independent variable in the regressions. For
8 water bodies where this was not the case, the
average type-specific slope was used.
Estimate the slope of the Kd/N load relationship, and
substitute with average type-specific slopes where no
significant relations could be found (6 water bodies).
Estimate 1900 reference Chlorophyll a levels, using
1900 N loads and the slopes as input.
Estimate 1900 reference Chlorophyll a levels, using a
1900 scenario with adjusted nutrient inputs (N, P),
adjusted benthic stocks etc.
Use the same historic data on Kd as 1900 reference
as the statistical modelling.
Mechanistic modelling
Do not estimate 1900 Kd from the models; use historic
observations instead. Where no direct observations
were available, use observations from nearby similar
water bodies.
Estimate Chlorophyll a reference levels per water body type by averaging the reference levels coming from the
statistical and the mechanistic models of all water bodies in the type. Notes: For type 1, some subtypes are
defined; a few systems have a
status aparte.
The slopes are not averaged, but kept per water body and model type.
The same procedure is NOT followed for Kd. Historic references are used in both approaches.
Estimate the required N load reduction to reach the
target values for Chlorophyll a, Kd, hypoxia, anoxia,
days with N limitation. Where logical inconsistencies
may exist (reductions >100%), use a look-up table to
substitute calculations. Unclear how this is done if
Estimate the required N load reduction to reach the
target values for Chlorophyll a and Kd, taking into
account the fraction due to Danish land-based
sources. Based on scenarios with varying degree of
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>100% is needed for Chlorophyll a.
Calculate the required load reduction as a weighted
average of the results in previous step.
overall reductions of N input.
Calculate the required load reduction as a simple
average of the results in previous step.
Smooth the variability in required N load reduction by
regional averaging. Unclear what was the basis for
delineating the regions.
Meta-model systems without a model.
IF status information is available, use type-averaged
slopes for N Chla, N Kd and N other indicators (latter
only if their status is known).
Calculate weighted average required N reduction.
ELSE use type-averaged required reduction.
Meta-model systems without a model.
IF status information is available, use type-averaged
slopes for N Chla, N Kd. Calculate average required N
ELSE use regionally averaged required reduction.
Average required N reduction for meta-modelled systems across statistical and mechanistic approaches.
IF mechanistic model exists for system: Drop information from statistical model and only use mechanistic model
ELSE use statistical model result.
Apply upstream-downstream rules.
All done!
8.2 Averaging and “ensemble modelling” aspects in the
In this procedure, both modelling approaches are largely independent and focused on
individual water bodies. However, four critical averaging steps intervene:
The Chlorophyll a targets are averaged per type, over the statistical and
mechanistic models. As far as the Panel understands it, this does not apply to
the slopes, which remain water body-specific. In the Scientific Documentation
Report, the averaging is justified as a means of reducing variability. As a
consequence of the averaging, there is a possibility of incompatibility between
slopes and targets: More than 100% of N load should be reduced. It remains
unclear how this is solved. Presumably the reductions >100% enter the
weighted average over indicators as such and are corrected by the averaging
over indicators.
The required load reduction for the different indicators (most importantly
Chlorophyll a and Kd) is averaged quite early in the procedure. This averaging
violates the “one-out-all-out” principle, as clearly stated by the researchers, but
is justified in the Scientific Documentation Report based on arguments of
reducing random variation in the required load reductions.
The mechanistic model results, in terms of required percentage load reduction,
are spatially averaged before the final meta-modelling step is applied to
systems without monitoring data. This step obscures differences between water
systems in regions. In the Scientific Documentation Report, it is very shortly
discussed, and justified based on observed variability between systems in the
regions that is – without proper argumentation – attributed to variability in the
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data on system status. It is not clear to the Panel why this would be the
justification for a relatively drastic step in reducing the spatial differentiation in
the model results. The Panel feels that this is an important yet poorly
argumented step in the entire procedure.
For meta-modelled systems, statistical and mechanistic meta-model results are
averaged. This is not the case, however, for individually modelled systems
where the mechanistic model has prevalence in the cases where both models
are available.
In the opinion of the Panel, the most problematic aspect of the procedure is the
averaging of Chlorophyll a reference (and GM boundary target) values across model
types and within water body types. As the types are relatively broad and contain water
bodies with quite dissimilar characteristics, this loss of local detail can easily lead to
situations where too much effort is spent in one system and too little in another. In that
case, there will be both economic and ecological loss of efficiency. In this respect, it is
informative to compare the targets used for Kd and for Chlorophyll a across all systems,
as is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Comparison of target values for Kd and Chlorophyll a across all water
bodies. Target values are shown as orange crosses. For comparison, the average
status values 1990-2012 are shown as blue diamonds. Regression lines of the two
sets are remarkably similar.
The figure shows that the target values of Kd, based on historic observations, are quite
variable within each of the water body types and largely overlapping between types.
There is much more discrimination between water bodies based on Kd than based on
the (uniformed) Chlorophyll a targets, implying that the latter are not optimised for the
water bodies.
The averaging of the required load reductions across the indicators (primarily Chlorophyll
a and Kd) early on in the procedure renders it impossible to judge whether, and how
much, the final results in terms of MAI depend on this violation of the one-out-all-out
principle. If, for reasons of compliance to the WFD procedures, it would be decided that
this is unacceptable, the present results cannot be used to make the recalculation. Also,
no elements are offered to evaluate the importance of this decision.
The adoption of common Chlorophyll a target values across the statistical and
mechanistic models also leads to a loss of independence of the two modelling
approaches. As a consequence, comparison of the required N load reduction obtained
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by the two different methods, as a check on the methodology, is not really possible
anymore. The Panel is of the opinion that it would be better to keep both methods
separated up to the last stage and then do an in-depth comparison, taking into account
water body characteristics to explain or understand any discrepancies. Averaging two
independent model results as “ensemble modelling” is an option that can be taken in
order to reduce variation in results, but it does not necessarily lead to a better solution. If
one of the methods is biased (e.g. is clearly unable to make reliable estimates in
particular types of systems), averaging is a worse solution than dropping the bad
prediction. The availability of extensive databases on almost all systems should allow the
model comparison to be evidence-based (e.g. model comparisons with data can be
made for systems where predictions differ substantially), so that well-justified choices
can be made.
Very little justification is given for the choice to give prevalence to the mechanistic
models where both models are available. Even if the choice could be well justified (which
is questionable since an independent comparison is impossible), it contrasts with the
meta-modelling approach where both are averaged. Consistency in the choice would
improve the overall approach.
In the opinion of the Panel, the spatial averaging of the mechanistic model results is not
necessary nor justified. There can be good reasons, from a management point of view,
to smoothen required load reductions regionally so that no abrupt changes in
requirements occur at too small scales where control would be virtually impossible.
However, such decisions could better be made on the basis of a map showing the
original model results, allowing one to judge whether a management problem is posed or
not. As it is performed now, it remains unclear to what degree the spatial averaging leads
to under- or overdoing in particular watersheds, leading to lack of transparency in the
management rules.
Summarising, the Panel recommends postponing the averaging operations to the very
last stages of the procedure. This will keep the two modelling approaches independent, it
will allow estimating the consequences of violating the one-out-all-out principle and avoid
confusion due to regional averaging. As a consequence, the effects of different
modelling strategies and different indicators will remain clear in the different results on
nutrient reduction. A close examination and comparison of these differences will allow
making informed decisions on the choice of strategy.
8.3 Conceptual differences between modelling approaches
There are a few points where the statistical and mechanistic modelling approaches are
not conceptually consistent. The most important point is that the statistical modelling
takes into account additional indicators, while the mechanistic models (although capable
of doing the same, as all relevant variables are calculated in the model) only focus on
Chlorophyll a and Kd. Even if this would not lead to large differences (this cannot be
controlled based on the report), the Panel feels that it leads to a different treatment of
water bodies, depending on the model applied to it, that is difficult to justify. Based on
the observation that the ancillary indicators are strongly correlated with Chlorophyll a and
can hardly be justified as probing independent characteristics of the ecosystem (see
Chapter 4), the Panel suggests dropping these ancillary indicators from the procedure. It
will make the two modelling approaches more comparable without apparent loss of
information on the ecosystem. The ancillary variables could better be used as
corroborating evidence for the need to take action (or not) in the water bodies concerned
and as documentation of the range of ecological results to be expected from sanitation of
the nutrient input.
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A second potential inconsistency between the two models is that the mechanistic
modelling explicitly separates how much of the distance to target can be reached by
reducing Danish land-based N loading alone, while such separation is not done for the
statistical model. However, the latter bases its regression approach on Danish (in fact:
local) land-based N loads, so that, implicitly, the reasoning is probably more similar than
it may appear when written out. Overall, the consequences of this difference are
extremely difficult to trace, but intuitively the Panel does not estimate this to be a major
conceptual difficulty. It may, however, have consequences in practice. A comparison of
independent model results of the two approaches would also inform better about this
8.4 Meta-modelling
With respect to meta-modelling, the Panel remarks that the coarseness of the typology
also has potential impact on the meta-modelling. It is clear that for the meta-modelling,
some knowledge on the (un-sampled or under-sampled) systems must be used in order
to set the best targets and use the appropriate slopes. As the typology used is rather
coarse, the current choices may not be optimal for these systems. The Panel sees a role
for statistical modelling here, provided that the statistical modelling would also focus on
understanding and modelling cross-system differences (in slopes and consequently in
targets) as a function of hydrographic and morphological characteristics of the systems.
Particularly the importance of freshwater influence in the systems and the flushing rates
may be overarching determining characteristics. The Panel estimates that a regression-
based approach could be better than a classification approach.
In the opinion of the Panel, the meta-modelling of the North Sea water bodies is less
reliable than that of the other water bodies. For the North Sea coastal systems, the
background modelling, which has focused on the Baltic systems instead, is not very
strong, and the meta-modelling is based on daring extrapolations from systems with
quite different ecological characteristics. The Panel recommends that more study is
made of the North Sea estuaries in order to improve the estimates of the nutrient load
reduction requirements, based on their very different physical and ecological
characteristics as well as on the very different basis (OSPAR intercalibration) for the
references and targets.
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9. Evaluation of Maximum Allowable Inputs
Maximum Allowable Inputs (MAI) define the annual load of nutrients, in this context of
nitrogen, that are acceptable to keep a coastal water body in a Good Ecological Status
according to the WFD or allow a water body to return to this status. Since nutrient load
management is a complex task and nutrient load reductions are associated with high
costs, reliable overall and water body-specific MAI are of outstanding importance. In this
chapter, the Panel reflects to what extent the suggested MAI can be regarded as reliable
enough to form the basis for policy and management actions.
9.1 The overall Danish MAI in an international framework
The nutrient reduction scheme of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan was revised in the
2013 HELCOM Ministerial Meeting, based on a new and more complete dataset as well
as an improved modelling approach. The new MAI, compared to the reference inputs of
1997-2003 for the Baltic Sea sub-basins Kattegat and Danish straits, demands only a
minor load reduction requirement of about 3%. In this revision, Denmark agreed to
reduce N loads to the Baltic Sea (from both land and air) by 2,890 t/a and P loads by 38
t/a. The Scientific Documentation Report suggests low N load reductions (>10%) for
Western Jutland and most parts of Zealand as well as Lolland and Falster (Figure 8.23,
p. 127). This seems reasonable and is well in agreement with international requirements.
However, to meet the targets for a good status, the Scientific Documentation Report
demands much higher load reduction, especially on Funen and Jutland. Here, Denmark
faces a situation similar to the Baltic coastal waters of Germany. Especially the inner
coastal waters, estuaries and bays in Germany require higher N load reduction than
demanded in the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan to reach the GES. According to the
German plans, the N load from German Baltic river basins has to be reduced by 21,500
tTN/a, with an average maximum allowed total N concentration in rivers of 2.5 mg/l,
resulting in an overall reduction of 34%.
For Denmark, depending on the model approach, an average overall reduction between
29% and 34% is suggested. There are many similarities with respect to geomorphology,
land use pattern and intensity as well as population and state of sewage purification
between the German and Danish Baltic catchments, and the coastal waters share many
similarities too. Therefore, the very good agreement in the assumed relative reduction
requirements between both countries indicates that the values meet the right order of
magnitude and seem reasonable.
However, the reliability of water body-specific MAI depends on the approach for
calculating reference conditions and subsequent target conditions, the typology and
type-specific targets, the considered indicators, the applied weighting, the model and
meta-model approach as well as the data processing and aggregation. The major
question is if all these aspects are sufficiently taken into account and if the application
has a sufficient quality to determine reliable water body-specific MAI and mitigation
needs to achieve the GES in Danish coastal waters.
9.2 Historic conditions as basis for target setting
The process in the Scientific Documentation Report follows the implementation
guidelines of the WFD. It means that it is based on historic reference conditions and
assumes that these conditions can serve as a basis for the definition of present and
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future targets. The reference conditions describe the status of biological quality elements
that would exist in a situation with no or very minor disturbance from human activities.
Reference conditions are therefore not pristine conditions. The WFD allows different
methods to calculate reference conditions. In countries with long monitoring data records
and the availability of suitable models, historic conditions are usually used as reference
state. Because of data availability, this period often refers to a period around 1900, being
aware that this period not always reflects a state with very minor disturbance from
human activities. Similar to Germany, the Scientific Documentation Report uses the
years around 1900 as reference. The Panel finds this approach well justified and the
data basis sufficient and suitable.
However, it is obvious that between 1900 and today, land-use pattern and population
densities have changed and different regions in Denmark developed differently until
today. Further, the year 1900 is well suitable to reflect a high ecological status in rural
areas, while cities already at that time emitted significant amounts of untreated sewage
and caused pollution in their surroundings beyond the thresholds for a high ecological
For the definition of reliable targets, the question is less how did it look like in 1900, but
rather how would reference conditions in a region look like, assuming present land-use
and population pattern. This means that targets and water body-specific MAI based on
historic conditions around 1900 bear uncertainties and for some water bodies may
require a deeper analysis. This is especially true for areas with known strong changes
between 1900 and today. However, the Panel agrees that this approach is the best
choice that still ensures full compliance with technical WFD implementation guidelines.
In Germany, the official national working group on targets and MAI discussed if reference
conditions should be calculated for and translated into the present situation. The
approach was to use combined river basin and marine models and present population
density and land-use pattern as well as the historic specific emissions per hectare and
capita to calculate resulting regionalised Chlorophyll a and nutrients concentrations. The
idea was to use the values as reference conditions to account for the fact that different
regions developed differently during the last 120 years and to be able to provide even
more reliable water body-specific targets. However, the majority of the working group
declined this approach for containing too many assumptions and for not fully following
the technical WFD implementation guidelines. Denmark would face similar problems with
this alternative approach.
9.3 Effects of climate change on targets and MAI
Climate change shows its effects only gradually on a time horizon of decades, while the
implementation of the WFD and measures to reach GES must take place within a
decade. Further, depending on the emission scenario, climate change effects on
countries and on regions within a country are uncertain, they show a large variability and
are hard to predict. The Scientific Documentation Report addresses this topic and, in our
opinion, provides sufficient evidence and reasons why climate change has not been
taken into account in the definition of targets and in calculating MAI in Denmark.
However, several nutrient load reduction measures in river basins show the full effect
only after decades. Major effects of climate change on Danish coastal waters, very likely,
will result from changed nutrient loads as a result of altered spatial and seasonal
precipitation and discharge patterns. Therefore, linked river basin – coastal water – sea
models used for the assessment of the effectiveness of measures in the river basin
should take into account climate change effects on river basin loads and shifts between
nutrients. However, climate change can affect internal processes in coastal waters as
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well. Riemann et al (2016), for example, point out that more frequent stratification and
higher water temperatures presumably hampered the improvement of bottom water
oxygen conditions and counteracted the expected positive effects of reduced nutrient
inputs in Denmark.
9.4 Relevance of typology on MAI
As indicated in Chapter 3, the Panel has the opinion that the Danish typology used in the
Scientific Documentation Report does not sufficiently reflect the individual properties of
the many Danish fjords and inner coastal waters. This is also true for the typology
reported in Dahl et al (2005). Type-specific targets for the indicators, especially
Chlorophyll a, that are applied to a wide range of significantly different water bodies do
not sufficiently reflect their properties and behaviour to loads reductions. Consequences
are less reliable water body-specific MAI. This may cause an underestimation of the
required load reduction for some water bodies and an overestimation for others.
9.5 Relevance of indicator choice on MAI
The Panel agrees that Chlorophyll a is a core indicator, and coastal water body-specific
Chlorophyll a concentrations are a sound basis for calculating water body-specific MAI.
Further, the Panel agrees that water transparency has to be restored as one necessary
condition to enable the recovery of eelgrass in coastal waters. Potentially, Kd can serve
as an indicator for describing suitable growing conditions for eelgrass. Eelgrass can
serve to indicate the status of macrophytes, a biological element in the WFD. Therefore,
Kd has the potential to be an important parameter for calculating MAI.
However, as pointed out in Chapter 4, the relationship between Kd in coastal waters and
external nutrient loading is sometimes very weak. Further, Kd and the insufficient
relationship have different consequences for and are differently treated in the
mechanistic and the statistical modelling exercises. In the statistical modelling approach,
for example, the use of Kd in some cases causes impossible N load reduction
requirements of above 100%. Further, Kd shows only a slow response to load reduction,
the data are subject to high variability, and it shows a correlation to Chlorophyll a.
Altogether, we consider Kd as a less suitable indicator in many Danish coastal water
bodies. A strong weight of Kd in the calculation of MAI should be avoided and would add
uncertainty to water body-specific MAI. Chapter 4 outlines possible solutions to
overcome or at least to deal with some of these problems. In the Scientific
Documentation Report, other indicators are sometimes mentioned and used in the
statistical model. We do not see a major advantage of these indicators for the calculation
of MAI, because they do not provide significant new information or show correlations to
the exiting indicators.
9.6 Relevance of model quality and approach for MAI
In general, the mechanic model has a very good potential for calculating water body-
specific MAI, but in the present state it does not cover all water bodies. The statistical
modelling is based on real monitoring data, and in most coastal water bodies it can serve
as a valuable tool to assess long-term trends as well as the mechanistic model
performance. As indicated in Chapter 8, the model application and the process of
calculating water body-specific MAI are complex and not entirely convincing. Most
problematic is the averaging of Chlorophyll a reference values across both models and
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within coastal water types. This has negative consequences for the meta-modelled water
bodies as well.
9.7 Conclusion and perspectives
Many of these aspects and shortcomings were mentioned and pointed out by several
stakeholders as well. The Panel picked up the stakeholder comments and examined in
some detail the MAI for specific areas with very high nutrient load reduction demands.
Altogether, the Panel largely shares the stakeholder concerns.
The calculation of water body-specific MAI is a challenging task, but potentially has one
major advantage: It allows the development of water body-specific management options
and solutions. For this purpose, the coastal water and sea models should be combined
with river basin models providing information about the quantitative potential and
efficiency of single (or sets of) measures and providing load reduction scenarios for
coastal models. If river basin models are able to provide nutrient load data on a monthly
basis, this would allow the development of scenarios that take into account the
seasonality of emissions. Assessing how seasonally differentiated emissions affect the
status of coastal water bodies could lead to optimised, cost-effective management.
Taking into account all aspects and associated problems, the Panel has the impression
that the water body-specific MAI are not sufficiently reliable to serve as a basis for
decision-making and planning of load reduction measures. Further, the MAI are only
addressing nitrogen load reductions and leaving out the possibility of potentially
managing water bodies via phosphorus load reduction. However, models, competences
and data are available in Denmark to meet the challenge to calculate water body-specific
MAI. Even a modified processing of the existing model results might lead to much more
reliable MAI.
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10. Overall assessment and conclusions
The Water Framework Directive aims at restoring Good Ecological Status in surface
waters in Europe. The Scientific Documentation Report proposes measures of nutrient
load reduction to reach this Good Ecological Status in Danish transitional and coastal
waters. The Panel fully endorses the importance attached to nutrient reductions as a
necessary requirement to reach this Good Ecological Status and stresses the
importance of nutrient conditions as a modulating factor interacting with any additional
measures taken to improve the state of the system.
In comparison with many other European countries, Denmark has excellent databases,
models and scientific expertise as a basis for the implementation of the Water
Framework Directive. The Panel was delighted to see that these resources have been
mobilised to achieve a leading position at the European scale. The Panel was impressed
by the openness and transparency of the interaction between government, researchers
and stakeholders as well as by the high intellectual level of the discussions. This open
exchange of ideas and opinions is a perfect basis for a further improvement of the
scientific basis for the WFD implementation.
The Panel has reviewed the choice of indicators and procedures, in the context of the
WFD requirements and specifications, and found that the indicators, the methods to
determine reference conditions and the methods to determine required actions were
WFD compliant. The Danish implementation is based on either direct historical
observation or model determination of reference conditions. Little or no uncontrollable
“expert judgement” is involved. In that respect, the Danish models are attaining the
highest possible standard of WFD implementation.
The Panel has analysed the consequences of using a relatively coarse typology of
coastal waters for calculating reference conditions, targets and Maximum Allowable
Inputs of nitrogen. The Panel concludes that the use of a coarse typology has led to
reduction requirements that are not optimal for each of the individual water bodies. The
Panel is convinced that the full use of available data and models would allow Denmark to
forego the typology and develop advanced, specific reduction targets for each water
body. The Panel recommends focusing on the water body scale of resolution throughout
the scientific process. The regional grouping of reduction measures should be decided
upon only at the stage of translating scientific advice into management action plans.
The Panel has analysed the indicators used and concluded that Chlorophyll a is a useful
intercalibrated indicator of phytoplankton, while Kd is less optimal as an indicator of
benthic angiosperms and macrophytes. The other indicators, used in the statistical
modelling only, currently present methodological problems and are not yet mature
enough for inclusion in the management plans. The Panel has identified promising
developments in the modelling with respect to angiosperm and macrophyte indicators
and made recommendations on how to extend and develop the indicator set in the
In view of the large efforts in the past to remove P load from point sources, the Panel
endorses the emphasis placed in the Scientific Documentation Report on reducing N
loads from diffuse sources. However, at least in principle, there could be an additional
role for P load reduction and for seasonal regulation of the N load. The Panel is of the
opinion that these options merit further scientific exploration, especially in watersheds
where high efforts for N load reduction are required.
Although the maintenance of two parallel modelling lines (statistical and mechanistic)
may seem redundant at first sight, the Panel strongly endorses maintaining these lines.
Given the wealth of data available, it provides unique possibilities for evidence-based
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checking of mechanistic model results. The Panel assesses the mechanistic model as a
state-of-the-art, very comprehensive tool, but emphasises that independent checking on
data as well as uncertainty analysis remain necessary and can be performed by the
statistical approach. This coherence can be optimised by improving the approach and
methods of the statistical modelling.
The Panel endorses the general logic of the methodology to derive reference and target
values from the models and to calculate the required N load reduction to reach the
targets. The Panel has identified several points in the workflow where averaging is
performed. This results in interdependence of model types, loss of indicator resolution
and loss of spatial resolution. It also adds complexity to the procedure and makes it very
difficult to understand. None of these losses are necessary since the model results and
database do permit a fully transparent derivation of water body-specific required nutrient
Summing up these different aspects of the work, the Panel positively evaluates that
nutrient load reductions are based on
scientific evidence and generally high-level
modelling approaches. The Panel is very positive about the near lack of expert judgment
in the work and is of the opinion that in the few places where it does occur, it is not
necessary and can be removed. The general (country-averaged) level of required
nutrient load reduction compares favourably with independent efforts in similar areas and
seems a
measure of what is needed. At the same time, the Panel assesses the
spatial resolution of the required efforts as
unnecessarily coarse.
The Panel is
convinced that the rich database, combined with an
improved statistical approach
the high-resolution mechanistic modelling tools, are able to derive improved, water body-
specific MAI values. Current scientific insight endorses the view that the overall
reductions proposed are
but cannot guarantee that they will be
Especially for benthic angiosperms and macrophytes, additional measures may be
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11. Recommendations for going further
The Danish national monitoring programme used in the Scientific
Documentation Report includes more than 90 stations along the coast and in the sea. It
is very comprehensive and is generally well adjusted to the WFD requirements. It forms
the basis for the further development of models, for most calculations and is required to
evaluate the success of measures and whether the targets of the WFD are met. The
Panel recommends maintaining this monitoring system at full strength and assessing if
additional monitoring stations will be required for a water body-specific management.
The typology has weaknesses in reflecting the individual properties of fjordic
water bodies. Instead of suggesting a refinement of the existing typology, we
recommend calculating reference conditions and targets for each of the 119 water
bodies in Denmark. Denmark is one of the few countries in Europe, where the necessary
data, expertise and models are available for such a comprehensive approach. By taking
specific conditions and individuality of every water body into account, the calculated
targets and water body-specific Maximum Allowable Inputs will be optimised and lead to
minimal waste of resources. For purposes of intercalibration, a robust typology can be
based on the results of the water body-specific analyses.
Choice of indicators:
Chlorophyll a is a generally accepted and intercalibrated indicator
of phytoplankton. Kd, as a measure for macrophytes and angiosperms, has certain
limitations. The Panel recommends building on recent efforts towards comprehensive
modelling of eelgrass in order to derive a better indicator of macrophytes, but to keep Kd
as a proxy meanwhile. The other indicators used in the statistical modelling address
important ecological questions, but are not mature in the sense that they lack a clear
quantitative relation with nutrient loading. The Panel recommends leaving them out of
the present modelling and developing targeted modelling directed at their incorporation
into the indicator system.
Statistical modelling:
The Panel sees great merit in the strategy to maintain two
independent lines of modelling, one based on statistical data analysis and the other
based on mechanistic modelling. The Panel recommends reorienting the statistical
modelling towards optimal estimation of the long-term slopes of the indicators on nutrient
loading in a cross-systems analysis way and keeping in principle both N and P loading
as explanatory variables. The Panel recommends elaborating the uncertainty analysis in
the statistical modelling and suggests that this will be facilitated when a single cross-
system advanced modelling approach is chosen.
Mechanistic models:
The mechanistic models are state-of-the-art, both in terms of
numerical technique and included processes. They are powerful tools for providing a
sound scientific basis for the implementation of the WFD in Denmark. A shortcoming is
that they do not cover all water bodies. As a consequence, different approaches were
used for the definition of reference conditions, targets and MAI in different water bodies.
We recommend extending a mechanistic modelling approach to as many water bodies
as possible to ensure that, in future, a uniform methodology can be used for the
definition of water body-specific MAI.
Methods to derive targets and MAI from the models:
The Panel recommends
simplifying the calculation procedure by removing the averaging steps between models,
between indicators, between water bodies within types and between water bodies on a
regional basis. In this way, the differences and correspondences between modelling
approaches, indicators and water bodies will become clear and can be further analysed.
Cross-checking of results of the statistical and mechanistic model approaches in
systems, where both are available, will form a basis for extrapolation to all systems. The
Panel recommends deriving one MAI per water body in this way and only deciding in a
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later phase on regional averaging or lumping, when scientific results are translated into
management actions.
River basin interactions:
River basin models allow calculating the load reduction
potential of nitrogen and phosphorus for each river basin, the development of water
body-specific nitrogen and phosphorus load reduction scenarios and cost estimates.
Further, they allow addressing seasonal load and limitation patterns. The Panel
recommends a combination of river basin and coastal water models to enable the
development of water body-specific optimised management concepts that consider both
nitrogen and phosphorus.
International approach:
The technical WFD implementation guidelines force similar
approaches in all member states. As a consequence, requirements, modelling and
challenges are similar in different countries. Further, the WFD asks for an intercalibration
and harmonisation of targets with neighbouring countries. Therefore, the Panel
recommends a co-ordinated joint scientific approach, especially between Denmark,
Germany and Sweden.
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12. List of references
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