Ligestillingsudvalget 2017-18
LIU Alm.del Bilag 93
Sixty-second session
Challenges and opportunities in achieving
gender equality and the empowerment of
rural women and girls
New York
12 – 23
LIU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 93: Rejserapport for LIU's og URU's deltagelse i FN's Kvindekommissions 62. session i New York den 11-16/3-2018
The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), a functional commission
of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), is a global
policy-making body dedicated exclusively to promoting gender equality
and the empowerment of women.
The Commission
was established
by ECOSOC resolution 11(II) of 21 June 1946 with a mandate to prepare
recommendations on promoting women’s rights in political, economic,
civil, social and educational fields. The Commission is also responsible for
monitoring, reviewing and appraising progress achieved and problems
encountered in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and
Platform for Action of 1995 and of the outcomes of the twenty-third
special session of the General Assembly of 2000, at all levels, and to
support gender mainstreaming. The Commission also contributes to
the follow-up to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development so as to
accelerate the realization of gender equality and the empowerment of
women and girls.
Every year, representatives of Member States, United Nations entities
and non-governmental organizations in consultative status with
gather at United Nations Headquarters in New York for the
Commission’s annual session. Usually held for ten days in March, the
session provides an opportunity to review progress towards gender equality
and the empowerment of women,
identify challenges, set global standards
and norms and formulate policies to promote gender equality and women’s
empowerment worldwide. The session is also a key opportunity for policy
makers, advocates, researchers and activists to network and strategize,
mobilize and plan new initiatives and actions to further the cause of gender
equality and women’s empowerment.
The Commission’s annual programme of work and its working methods
are set out in relevant ECOSOC resolutions. The current working methods
call for a thematic approach, and determine the inter-active nature of
the session, the format of the outcomes and the participation of non-
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governmental organizations (see ECOSOC resolution 2015/6). The
Commission’s multi-year programme of work for the period 2017-2019 is
laid out in ECOSOC resolution 2016/3.
The sixty-second session of the Commission will take place from 12 to 23
March 2018. The Commission will address as its priority theme ‘Challenges
and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment
of rural women and girls’. In addition, it will evaluate progress in the
implementation of the agreed conclusions from the forty-seventh
session (2003) on ‘Participation in and access of women to the media,
and information and communications technologies and their impact on
and use as an instrument for the advancement and empowerment of
women’. The Commission will also consider and make a recommendation
on how best to utilize the year 2020, on the occasion of the twenty-fifth
anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women, so as to accelerate
the realization of gender equality and the empowerment of women and
girls. The ten-day session will include a ministerial segment with round
tables and other high-level interactive dialogues, a general discussion, as
well as interactive and expert panel discussions. Stakeholders will organize
many side events to draw attention to critical aspects of the work on
gender equality. Details are available at:
Agreed conclusions on the priority theme
These are the Commission’s principal outcome on the priority theme. They
are negotiated by all Member States, are short and succinct, and identify
gaps and challenges in the implementation of previous commitments
and make action-oriented recommendations for all States, relevant
intergovernmental bodies, mechanisms and entities of the United
Nations system and other relevant stakeholders. They aim to accelerate
implementation and are widely disseminated to the public so as to
encourage follow-up action (resolution 2015/6).
LIU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 93: Rejserapport for LIU's og URU's deltagelse i FN's Kvindekommissions 62. session i New York den 11-16/3-2018
The Commission usually adopts a small number of resolutions on different
topics. In addition, summaries by the Chair of the Commission of high-
level round tables and interactive dialogues highlight key issues discussed,
including recommendations for further action. These summaries are
not negotiated.
The Commission will consider a number of reports prepared by
UN-Women, including a report on the priority theme and a report on
progress made on the review theme at national level. Statements submitted
by NGOs also form part of the documentation for the session. The following
documents will become available on the CSW website at http://www. six weeks prior to the session:
• E/CN.6/2018/1: Provisional agenda and annotations
• E/CN.6/2018/1 /Add.1: Proposed organization of work
• E/CN.6/2018/2: Normative aspects of the work of the United Nations
Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (Report of
the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director of UN-Women)
• E/CN.6/2018/3: Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender
equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls (Report of
the Secretary-General)
• E/CN.6/2018/4: Participation in and access of women to the media, and
information and communications technologies and their impact on
and use as an instrument for the advancement and empowerment of
women (Report of the Secretary-General)
• E/CN.6/2018/5: Discussion guide for the Commission on the Status of
Women ministerial segment on the priority theme (Note by the Secretariat)
• E/CN.6/2018/6: The situation of, and assistance to, Palestinian women
(Report of the Secretary-General)
• E/CN.6/2018/7: Release of women and children taken hostage,
including those subsequently imprisoned, in armed conflicts (Report of
the Secretary-General)
LIU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 93: Rejserapport for LIU's og URU's deltagelse i FN's Kvindekommissions 62. session i New York den 11-16/3-2018
• E/CN.6/2018/8: Women, the girl child and HIV and AIDS (Report of the
• E/CN.6/2018/9: Report of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality
and the Empowerment of Women on the activities of the United
Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against
• E/CN.6/2018/10: Letter from the President of the Economic and Social
Council to the Chair of the Commission on the Status of Women
• E/CN.6/2018/11: Input to the 2018 session of the Economic and Social
Council and the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
(Note by the Secretary-General)
• E/CN.6/2018/12: Results of the sessions of the Committee on the
Elimination of Discrimination against Women (Note by the Secretariat)
• E/CN.6/2018/NGO/1–172: Written statements submitted by non-
governmental organizations.
UN-Women is the United Nations organization dedicated to gender
equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women
and girls, UN-Women was established to accelerate progress on realizing
their rights and meeting their needs worldwide. UN-Women supports
United Nations Member States as they set global standards for achieving
gender equality, and works with governments and civil society to design
laws, policies, programmes and services needed to implement these
standards. It stands behind women’s enjoyment of their human rights
in all aspects of life, focusing on five priority areas: increasing women’s
leadership and participation; ending violence against women; engaging
women in all aspects of peace and security processes; enhancing women’s
economic empowerment; and making gender equality central to national
development planning and budgeting. UN-Women also coordinates and
promotes the United Nations system’s work in advancing gender equality.
UN-Women serves as the substantive Secretariat of the Commission and in
that capacity, supports all aspects of the Commission’s work. UN-Women
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prepares the evidence-base, policy analysis and recommendations that
underpin the Commission’s deliberations on the themes selected for each
session, as well as for negotiated outcomes. UN-Women reaches out to
stakeholders, creates awareness and works to build alliances and forge
consensus around the topics under consideration. The Entity facilitates the
participation of civil society representatives in the Commission’s sessions.
In the lead-up to CSW62, UN-Women, the International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) co-convened an
expert group meeting on ‘Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender
equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls’, from 20 to 22
September 2017, at IFAD Headquarters in Rome, Italy. A multi-stakeholder
forum will be held in January 2018 at the UN Headquarters in New York to
build alliances and strengthen partnerships. The Entity will also convene or
facilitate other preparatory activities, including for civil society.
The Commission consists of 45 members who are elected for a period of
four years by ECOSOC on the basis of equitable geographical distribution,
according to the following pattern:
(a) Thirteen members from African States
(b) Eleven members from Asia-Pacific States
(c) Nine members from Latin American and Caribbean States
(d) Eight members from Western European and other States
(e) Four members from Eastern European States.
(Term expires at close of session in year)
1. Albania 2019
2. Bahrain 2021
3. Bangladesh 2018
4. Belgium 2019
5. Bosnia and
Herzegovina 2019
6. Brazil 2020
7. Canada 2021
8. Chile 2021
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9. China 2021
10.Colombia 2019
11. Congo 2018
12. Egypt 2018
13. El Salvador 2018
14. Equatorial Guinea
15. Eritrea 2020
16. Estonia 2021
17. Ghana 2018
18. Guatemala 2020
19. Guyana 2018
20. India 2018
22. Ireland 2021
23. Israel 2021
24. Kazakhstan 2018
25. Kenya 2018
26. Kuwait 2020
27. Liberia 2019
28. Liechtenstein 2019
29. Malawi 2019
30. Mongolia 2019
31. Namibia 2021
32. Niger 2021
33. Nigeria 2020
36. Qatar 2020
37. Republic of Korea
38. Russian Federation
39. Spain 2019
40.Tajikistan 2018
41. Trinidad and Tobago
42. Tunisia 2021
43. United Kingdom
44. United Republic of
Tanzania 2018
45. Uruguay 2018
34. Norway 2020
21. Iran (Islamic Republic
of) 2019
35. Peru 2021
The Bureau of the Commission plays a crucial role in facilitating the
preparation, and in ensuring the successful outcome of the annual
sessions of the Commission. Bureau members are elected for two years.
Chair-designate: H.E. Ms. Geraldine Byrne Nason (Ireland), Western
European and other States Group
• Ms. Koki Muli Grignon (Kenya), African States Group, Vice-Chair
• Mr. Mauricio Carabali Baquero (Colombia), Latin American and Caribbean
States Group, Vice-Chair
• Ms. Rena Tasuja (Estonia), Eastern European States Group, Vice-Chair-
• Mr. Shah Asif Rahman (Bangladesh), Asia-Pacific States Group, Vice-
LIU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 93: Rejserapport for LIU's og URU's deltagelse i FN's Kvindekommissions 62. session i New York den 11-16/3-2018
For more information on the sixty-second session of the Commission on the
Status of Women please visit:
January 2018
220 East 42nd Street
New York, New York 10017, USA
Tel: 646-781-4400
Fax: 646-781-4444