Ligestillingsudvalget 2017-18
LIU Alm.del Bilag 46
As the only global forum reaching out to all female Parliamentarians on a national level, WIP
endeavours to find ways to address global challenges by using the collective strength and ability
of women in Parliaments across the world.
Communication and a constant exchange of ideas are crucial in this regard. This is why WIP
seeks to establish strong and direct lines of communication and connection with all the Parlia-
ments of the world. All national Parliaments, all female Parliamentarians, regardless of their
political, geographical or cultural background shall be brought together in this unique network
to advance society.
WIP therefore aims to have “WIP Ambassadors” in every Parliament, dedicated to supporting
WIP in its mission and serving as the main contact person to connect her country’s Parliamentar-
ians with WIP.
WIP Ambassadors would:
be the first point of reference for WIP to contact for co-operation, initiatives, events etc.
which would potentially involve the WIP Ambassador’s Parliament,
receive special and first-hand information on future activities, would be involved in ac-
tivities in their home countries,
act as non-partisan representatives of WIP in their respective national Parliaments, cau-
cuses or regions,
foster cross-party support for the mission of WIP in their national Parliaments, society
and beyond,
encourage other female Parliamentarians from all parties to become involved in the
mission of WIP,
maintain constant contact with the WIP Secretariat and be the WIP Secretariat's infor-
mation hub,
participate in working sessions of WIP Ambassadors, evaluate and provide feedback of
WIP activities and contribute to the collection of data and dissemination of information
in their national Parliaments,
engage with the network of WIP by contributing to its different media outlets, social
media, events and communication campaigns.