Finansudvalget 2017-18
FIU Alm.del Bilag 56
(Dated 19/12/2017)
European Parliamentary Week 2018
- European Semester Conference -
- Interparliamentary Conference on Stability,
Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union -
Co-organised by
the European Parliament and
the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
European Parliament
Brussels, 19 - 20 February 2018
Monday, 19 February 2018
12.00 - 15.00
12.00 - 15.00
15.00 - 16.30
Registration of participants from national Parliaments
Registration desk “Event Participants and Guests”, Altiero Spinelli Building
Political group meetings (tbc)
Opening plenary session: Policy priorities of the 2018 European
Semester cycle?
Meeting room: Hemicycle (Paul-Henri Spaak Building, 3rd floor)
Co-chaired by
Roberto Gualtieri,
Chair of the Committee on Economic
Evgeniya Angelova,
Deputy Chair of the Finance and Budgetary
Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
Introductory remarks and exchange of views with
Valdis Dombrovskis,
Vice-President of the European Commission for
the Euro and Social Dialogue [tbc]
Pierre Moscovici,
European Commissioner for Economic and
Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs [tbc]
Marianne Thyssen,
European Commissioner for Employment, Social
Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility [tbc]
Krzysztof Hetman,
rapporteur on the 2018 European Semester,
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European
Parliament [tbc]
Hugues Bayet,
rapporteur on the 2018 European Semester, Committee
on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament [tbc]
Two Members of national Parliaments
FIU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 56: Arrangementer i den europæiske parlamentariske uge (uge 8)
16.30 - 18.30
Interparliamentary Committee Meetings (in parallel)
Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Meeting room: PHS 3C50 (Paul-Henri Spaak Building, 3rd floor)
Co-chaired by
Roberto Gualtieri,
Chair of the Committee on Economic
and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament and
Petar Kanev,
of the Committee on Economic Policy and Tourism of the National
Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
Future of EU Tax Policy: Taxation of the Digital Economy,
follow-up to Panama Papers & Paradise Papers, and the
work of the EP PANA Inquiry Committee
Session II:
Banking Union: managing the balance between risk sharing
and risk reduction
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
Meeting room: JAN 4Q1 (József Antall Building, 4th floor)
Co-chaired by
Thomas Händel,
Chair of the Committee on Employment
and Social Affairs of the European Parliament and
Hasan Ademov,
of the Committee on Labour, Social and Demographic Policy of the
National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
Session I:
Digitalisation and the future of work
Session II:
Inequalities in Member States
Committee on Budgets
Meeting room: JAN 6Q2 (József Antall Building, 6th floor)
Co-chaired by
Jean Arthuis,
Chair of the Budget Committee of the
European Parliament and
Evgeniya Angelova,
Deputy Chair of the Finance
and Budgetary Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of
The post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) -
addressing emerging challenges and new priorities, and
their financing
Session II:
The next multiannual financial framework (MFF)
Session I:
Session I:
18.30 – 21.00
Cocktail and Dinner
House of European History, Rue Belliard 135, 1000 Brussels
Welcome address by
Mairead McGuinness,
Vice-President of the
European Parliament
FIU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 56: Arrangementer i den europæiske parlamentariske uge (uge 8)
Tuesday, 20 February 2018
9.00 - 11.00
Plenary session: Strengthening resilience and stabilisation in the EMU
Meeting room: Hemicycle (Paul-Henri Spaak Building, 3rd floor)
Co-chaired by
Antonio Tajani,
President of the European Parliament and
Tsveta Karayancheva,
President of the National Assembly of the Republic
of Bulgaria
Introductory remarks and exchange of views with
President of the European Commission
President of the Euro Summit
President of the Euro Group
President of the European Central Bank
Plenary session: From the ESM to the EMF: What should be the role of
Meeting room: Hemicycle (Paul-Henri Spaak Building, 3rd floor)
Co-chaired by
Bogusław Liberadzki,
Vice-President of the European
Parliament and
Menda Stoyanova,
Chair of the Finance and Budgetary
Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
Introductory remarks and exchange of views with
Roberto Gualtieri,
Chair of the Committee on Economic and
Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
Two Members of national Parliaments
13.00 - 15.00
15.00 - 17.00
Espace Yehudi Menuhin (Paul-Henri Spaak Building, 1st floor)
Political group meetings (tbc)
Concluding plenary session: The next Multiannual Financial
Framework (MFF)
Meeting room: Hemicycle (Paul-Henri Spaak Building, 3rd floor)
Co-chaired by
Jean Arthuis,
Chair of the Budget Committee of the
European Parliament and
Menda Stoyanova,
Chair of the Finance and
Budgetary Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
Introductory remarks and exchange of views with
Günther H. Oettinger,
European Commissioner for Budget and
Human Resources [tbc]
Marinela Petrova,
Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of
Bulgaria [tbc]
Jan Olbrycht
Isabelle Thomas,
co-rapporteurs on the MFF,
Committee on Budgets of the European Parliament [tbc]
Two Members of national Parliaments