Europaudvalget 2017-18
EUU Alm.del Bilag 889
Donald Tusk
President of the European Council
Rue de la Loi 175
1049 Brussels
European Aftalte Committee
M. Azrnani
Binnenhof la
2513 AA Den Haag
[email protected]
Date 12 ]uly 2018
Our reference 18-EU-B-048
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Dear President Tusk,
During the meeting ot the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of
Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC), held in Sofia
]une 17-19 2018,
delegations of the national parliaments of the European Union and the European
Parliament discussed the replies to the letter of December 20, 2017 regarding tour
proposals to enhance transparency in EU decision-malcing and to bring the European
Union doser to its citizens.
Delegations concluded that the letters we received did flot in substance engage with
the four proposals that have been put forward by national parliaments. Delegations
also noted that the Eurogroup has flot provided any reply so far. At the end of the
plenary session, the LIX COSAC decided to invite the Council and related bodies to
further reflect via a point by point answer on the proposals. We attach the conciusions
and contributions for your information, the relevant paragraphs are 2.6 and 2.7.
Moreover, we attach the original paper, presented at the LVIII plenary COSAC,
containing the four recommendations.
We note that the General Affairs Council of June 26, 2018 discussed the
implementation of the hA Better Law Making. We welcome the call from Member States
for a broader discussion on modernising the Council’s transparency policy. We believe
that the COSAC-proposals, as put forward in the letter of 20 December 2017, together
with the Court of Justice’s case-law and the Ombudsman’s inquires may constitute a
good basis for such a reflection. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss options
for reform in person.
EUU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 889: Breve til Det Europæiske Råd, det østrigske formandskab og formanden for eurogruppen vedr. de nationale parlamenters forslag om åbenhed
Sui t,iCciicra,rl
We look forward to receiving your more detailed reply to our letter in due time,
preferably before October l9th 2018, in order to be tabled for the next plenary COSAC
on November 18-20 2018 in Vienna.
Vours, s\ncerely,
Malik Azhni
the Standing Committee on European Affairs,
House of Representatives of the Netherlands
Bastiaan van,eldoorn
Chairriariof the Standing Committee on European Aftairs
Senate of the Netherlands
Erik Christensen
Chairman of the Standing Committee on European Affairs
Parliament of Denmark
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