Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2017-18
ERU Alm.del Bilag 29
Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital
Markets Union
European Commission
Rue de Spa 2
1000 Brussels
30 October 2017
Response to the
Commission’s public consultation
on Transparency
and Fees in Cross-Border Transactions in the EU
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Commission’s Consulta-
tion on Transparency and Fees in Cross-Border Transactions in the EU.
Further integration and development of the Single Market in the financial
services area, including the aim of creating an integrated market for pay-
ments in the EU, is an objective Denmark fully share. We also strongly
support the European REFIT-program with the aim of simplifying legisla-
tion and reducing administrative burdens.
In general, we support reducing fees on transaction services for both con-
sumers and businesses. Low and reasonable prices on cross-border trans-
actions could enable more trade and activity across the EU, supporting
growth and creation of jobs as well as investment opportunities.
Possible initiatives to address these objectives should be based on a thor-
ough analysis of the impact in line with the principles of the Better Regu-
lation agenda. This includes analysis of benefits and costs for consumers,
businesses and financial institutions; potential costs associated with legis-
lative compliance; and the possible impact on other banking services if
real costs in transaction services cannot be covered. Generally, less intru-
sive alternatives to regulation should be part of such an analysis.
Further, financial technology (Fintech) has developed significantly during
the past few years and many new services imply easier ways of conduct-
ing transfers or even establish alternatives to already existing transaction
services. We should be conscious not to
winners”, nor in any way
be biased towards specific solutions or services nor implement legislation
which might have that effect.
The introduction of PSD2 should also be taken into account as payments
and transactions services are closely interlinked. The payment area regu-
lated in PSD2 taps into both Fintech and transaction services. Thus, this
recently introduced regulation could very well have an effect on cross-
border transactions and the cost associated with such transactions. There-
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ERU, Alm.del - 2017-18 - Bilag 29: Regeringens svar på EU-Kommissionens høring om gennemsigtighed og gebyrer på grænseoverskridende betalinger
fore, it might be appropriate to await the effect that these developments in
regulation and technology might have on transactions and the associated
fees before new regulation is considered.
It should also be kept in mind that fees on cross-border transactions, in-
cluding from Denmark to other Member States, are already declining.
This development indicates market dynamics leading toward the cheapest
and most efficient way of doing transactions.
Therefore, we would suggest that the Commission thoroughly investigates
new developments in the market as well as societal costs, benefits and
experience from past regulation (this could also include experiences from
other areas such as the roaming regulation) before new legislation is pro-
At the moment we are not convinced of the merits of including the Danish
Krone in the regulation, and following this consideration Denmark has
chosen not to use this discretion for non-euro Member States in the cur-
rent regulation. However, if the Commissions analysis provides clear and
sufficient grounds for including the Danish Krone and other non-euro
currencies in the regulation, we would be open to look further into such
an initiative in order to meet the objective of securing low and reasonable
prices for cross-border transactions. In line with the Better Regulation
principles, the analysis should also explore alternative approaches and
ensure that possible initiatives leave room for new innovation and market
I remain at your disposal for any comments or questions that you might
have, and I look forward to a constructive dialogue on how best to
achieve the objectives of well-functioning and integrated markets to the
benefit of consumers and business.
Yours sincerely,
Brian Mikkelsen
Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs