Valletta, 3 February 2017
(OR. en)
SN 17/17
Malta Declaration by the Members of the European Council
on the external aspects of migration: addressing the Central Mediterranean route
1. We welcome and support the Maltese Presidency's efforts to take forward all elements of the
EU's comprehensive migration policy. We reaffirm our determination to act in full respect
of human rights, international law and European values, and in conjunction with UNHCR
and IOM.
2. A key element of a sustainable migration policy is to ensure effective control of our external
border and stem illegal flows into the EU. In 2016, arrivals decreased to one-third of the
levels in 2015. On the Eastern Mediterranean route, while pressures remain, arrivals in the
last four months of 2016 were down 98% year-on-year. We remain committed to the EU-
Turkey Statement and the full and non-discriminatory implementation of all its aspects, as
well as to continued support for the countries along the Western Balkans route.
SN 17/17