European Affairs Committee
Courtesy translation
Lisboa, 9 December 2016
Subject: Green card on taxation and financial transparency in the European Union
Dear Colleague,
The contribution adopted at the LVI COSAC stated the importance of the green card
procedure as a means of improving the role of national parliaments in the European
decision-making process, which is why future possible initiatives under the "green card"
scheme must continue to be explored.
My speech on strengthening the role of national parliaments in the EU provided the
opportunity to share the concern of the Assembleia da Repúblicaregarding issues of
taxation and financial transparency in the EU and the intention to draft a proposal
aimed at inviting the European Commission to adopt measures leading to more
equitable and fairer tax system for European citizens.
In fact, using abusive forms of tax planning makes the tax system more unfair for most
companies and citizens. Greater transparency of tax law would, by providing security to
companies and by clarifying the rules applying to taxpayers, stimulate investment and
compliance with the law, and it could, therefore, be favourable to the goal of pursuing
the Single Market based on the principles and freedoms underpinning the treaties.
Accordingly, and as with initiatives relating to Food Waste and Corporate Social
Responsibility, respectively promoted by the House of Lords and the French National
Assembly, I propose that we work together on a "green card" on taxation and financial
transparency in the European Union, based on a resolution passed in a plenary sitting
of the Assembleia da República on 21 October.
To this end, I am attaching a proposal for a "green card", and I would be very grateful
to receive your comments and suggestions for changes, along with your intention to
endorse this initiative, before 15 May 2017.
I firmly believe that by sharing and cooperating in this task it will be possible to achieve
this objective and submit a collective, consensual and constructive proposal to the
European Commission by July 2017.
I look forward to hearing from you and hope we can continue a fruitful discussion on
this matter.
Regina Bastos
Chair, Committee for European Affairs