Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
22. marts 2017 10:35
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
RE: Can the hull of a ship be stored outside an impermeable area during the
dismantling of the ship
Dear Lissie,
No objection, but the following limitations:
- It should be clarified that I did not receive a reply from you to my request that you clarify your question of
24 January 2017, especially with regards to an apparent confusion between "interior of the ship" and "hull".
- The word "hull" in your original question is in fact not the primary word used in the Technical Guidelines.
We refer instead to the "interior of the ship" – one condition for the use of the interior of the ship as
impermeable floor subsequently referring to the hull's integrity, another condition referring to paint chips,
another to the cutting of the bottom part of the ship, etc).
- That preliminary reply of 25 January 2017 should be read together with the answer to your latest official
query and the April 2016 Technical Guidelines (2016/C 128/01), section 2.2.2. Notably:
It should be noted
that the possibility to consider the interior of the ship as "impermeable floor" does not deny the hull of the
ship its hazardous character (e.g. when it is covered with hazardous paint) nor does it suspend the
Regulation's requirements applicable to hazardous items.
Best regards,
Wednesday, March 22, 2017 10:22 AM
GASC Emilien (ENV)
SV: Can the hull of a ship be stored outside an impermeable area during the dismantling of the ship
Dear Emilien
Do you have any objections if we also share this correspondence with the Parliament?
Venlig hilsen
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
Cand Jur | Cirkulær Økonomi & Affald
+45 72 54 43 76 |
Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet
| Strandgade 29 | 1401 København K | Tlf. +45 72 54 40 00 |
Den 1. februar 2017 er Styrelsen for Vand- og Naturforvaltning (SVANA) og Miljøstyrelsen blevet lagt sammen under navnet
Miljøstyrelsen – en ny grøn velfærdsstyrelse med fokus på miljø i bred forstand. Styrelsen vil i en periode have adresse både på
Strandgade 29, 1401 København K og på Haraldsgade 53, 2100 København Ø.
25. januar 2017 17:05
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
RE: Can the hull of a ship be stored outside an impermeable area during the dismantling of the ship
Dear Lissie,