Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2016-17
MOF Alm.del
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
[email protected]
28. marts 2017 14:52
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
RE: Urgent! Questions regarding the European list
Dear Lissie,
Please find below the Danish translation of our replies to the Danish Parliament's questions 553 and 555:
1) Spørgsmål 553:
Ifølge forordningen om ophugning af skibe er det ikke muligt at optage skibsophugningsanlæg på den
europæiske liste, hvis de ikke opfylder alle krav til optagelse. Det ville ikke blot være ulovligt at optage
faciliteter, som ikke opfylder alle krav, det ville også underminere resultaterne for de faciliteter, der faktisk
opfylder alle krav. Om end der i forordningen om ophugning af skibe ikke er fastsat nogen overgangsstatus eller
delvis status for faciliteter, som ikke opfylder alle krav, udvises der fleksibilitet, idet forordningen om ophugning
af skibe ikke begrænser det antal gange, et skibsophugningsanlæg kan ansøge om optagelse på listen, også selv
om den første ansøgning bliver afvist.
2) Spørgsmål 555:
Betingelserne for at anse skibets indre som "et uigennemtrængeligt gulv", jf. artikel 13, stk. 1, litra g), nr. i), i
forordningen om ophugning af skibe, er opført i del 2.2.2 i den tekniske vejledning fra 2016 (2016/C 128/01).
Hvis ophugningsanlægget benytter muligheden for at anse skibets indre som "et uigennemtrængeligt gulv", skal
det dokumenteres i ansøgningen om optagelse på den europæiske liste, at disse betingelser er opfyldt. Med
hensyn til den potentielle situation, der er beskrevet i spørgsmål 555 ("forurening
med malingrester som et
resultat af direkte kontakt med den sandede undergrund i et tidevandsområde"),
er følgende betingelser i den
tekniske vejledning af særlig interesse:
(a) "skroget er forseglet, og integriteten af skrogets bund er blevet undersøgt og er intakt"
(e) "tab af malingsrester og giftige belægninger i havet eller på gennemtrængelige overflader kontrolleres i
henhold til spørgsmål 2.2.1"
(f) "resten af skibets bund overføres så hurtigt som muligt til områder med uigennemtrængelige gulve på
en sikker og miljømæssigt forsvarlig måde, f.eks. ved brug af kran, slæde eller bomme, der er
sammenkoblet med lossespil, således at bunden kan opskæres på et uigennemtrængeligt gulv med et
effektivt afløbssystem, herunder over en flydekonstruktion, som f.eks. en flydetørdok, en ponton eller
tilsvarende med et effektivt afløbssystem."
Det bør bemærkes, at muligheden for at anse skibets indre som "et uigennemtrængeligt gulv" ikke udelukker, at
skroget er farligt (hvis det f.eks. er dækket af farlig maling), ligesom det heller ikke suspenderer forordningens
krav vedrørende farlige materialer.
Best regards,
Emilien Gasc
European Commission
Directorate-General for Environment
MOF, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 565: Spm. om ministeren i forlængelse af MOF alm del – spørgsmål 553 og 555 vil oversende korrespondancen med Kommissionen, herunder også den korrespondance, der er foregået før MOF alm. del - spørgsmål 553 og 555 er stillet, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
[email protected]
22. marts 2017 14:07
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
Berit Hallam; [email protected]
RE: Urgent! Questions regarding the European list
Dear Lissie,
Translation of our replies to 553 and 555 has now been asked. It is expected by 24 or 25 March.
Regarding your additional questions:
3) (What happens if the Commission put forward a proposal for an implementing act concerning a recycling facility
located in a third country with the recommendation that the specific facility should not be included in the European
list due to non-compliance with the requirements in the regulation - and the ship recycling committee delivers a
negative opinion?)
The procedure applicable to decisions on individual applications to the European List is detailed in Article 25 of
the Ship Recycling Regulation, itself referring to Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 (the 'Comitology
Regulation'). The procedure applicable to the specific case you mention ("negative opinion") is detailed in Article
5(3) of the Comitology Regulation.
4) (Questions from MEP Margrete Auken)
The questions you refer to are the latest we have received from MEP Margrete Auken to the best of our
knowledge. I see that the reply was only published on 11 January 2017, but it had been prepared quite a while
before that; some of the contents of the reply are not entirely up to date as of today.
Best regards,
Emilien Gasc
European Commission
Directorate-General for Environment
Unit B.3 - Waste Management & Secondary Materials
Avenue de Beaulieu 9 – 5/107
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 229-91811
[email protected]
Follow us on:
Please note that all our remarks only reflect the opinion of the Commission services and are not legally binding. A
final binding legal interpretation of EU legislation can only be provided by the European Court of Justice. The above
remarks are without prejudice to the position the Commission might take should the issue arise in a procedure
before the Court of Justice.
MOF, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 565: Spm. om ministeren i forlængelse af MOF alm del – spørgsmål 553 og 555 vil oversende korrespondancen med Kommissionen, herunder også den korrespondance, der er foregået før MOF alm. del - spørgsmål 553 og 555 er stillet, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
22. marts 2017 09:48
'[email protected]'
SV: Urgent! Questions regarding the European list
Dear Emilien
I would very much appreciate an official translation in Danish.
My deadline for answering the questions is today – do you expect to have an answer to my third question regarding
committee procedure today?
I found this question regarding ship recycling from MEP Margrete Auken on the Parliaments website together with
the Commissions reply:
If you haven’t received any other questions from her regarding ship recycling, then you can ignore my fourth
Venlig hilsen
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
Cand Jur | Cirkulær Økonomi & Affald
+45 72 54 43 76 | [email protected]
Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet
| Strandgade 29 | 1401 København K | Tlf. +45 72 54 40 00 | [email protected] |
Den 1. februar 2017 er Styrelsen for Vand- og Naturforvaltning (SVANA) og Miljøstyrelsen blevet lagt sammen under navnet Miljøstyrelsen –
en ny grøn velfærdsstyrelse med fokus på miljø i bred forstand. Styrelsen vil i en periode have adresse både på Strandgade 29, 1401
København K og på Haraldsgade 53, 2100 København Ø.
[email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
22. marts 2017 09:25
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
RE: Urgent! Questions regarding the European list
Dear Lissie,
No objection from us. Notice the missing "that" in reply to question 553 below.
We can provide an official translation in Danish, if this can wait a little under a week. Let me know.
Best regards,
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen [mailto:[email protected]]
Tuesday, March 21, 2017 5:00 PM
GASC Emilien (ENV)
SV: Urgent! Questions regarding the European list
Dear Emilien
Thank you for this.
The Danish Parliament has asked the minister to share with them the correspondence with you regarding
question 553 and 555.
MOF, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 565: Spm. om ministeren i forlængelse af MOF alm del – spørgsmål 553 og 555 vil oversende korrespondancen med Kommissionen, herunder også den korrespondance, der er foregået før MOF alm. del - spørgsmål 553 og 555 er stillet, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Do you have any objections regarding that?
Venlig hilsen
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
Cand Jur | Cirkulær Økonomi & Affald
+45 72 54 43 76 |
[email protected]
Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet
| Strandgade 29 | 1401 København K | Tlf. +45 72 54 40 00 |
[email protected]
Den 1. februar 2017 er Styrelsen for Vand- og Naturforvaltning (SVANA) og Miljøstyrelsen blevet lagt sammen under navnet
Miljøstyrelsen – en ny grøn velfærdsstyrelse med fokus på miljø i bred forstand. Styrelsen vil i en periode have adresse både på
Strandgade 29, 1401 København K og på Haraldsgade 53, 2100 København Ø.
[email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]
21. marts 2017 16:24
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
Berit Hallam;
[email protected]
RE: Urgent! Questions regarding the European list
Dear Lissie,
Please find below replies to the questions brought forward by the Danish Parliament. We will address your
additional questions separately.
1) Question 553:
Under the Ship Recycling Regulation, it is not possible to include in the European List
ship recycling facilities which do not meet all the requirements for inclusion. Including
facilities which do not meet all the requirements would not only be illegal, it would
undermine the achievements of facilities which have managed to meet all the
requirements. However, while the Ship Recycling Regulation does not provide for any
sort of transitional or partial status for facilities which do not meet all the requirements,
flexibility is shown in the fact
the Ship Recycling Regulation does not limit the
number of times a ship recycling facility may apply for inclusion, even if a first
application was to be rejected.
2) Question 555:
The conditions to consider the interior of the ship as "impermeable floor" in the
meaning of Article 13(1)(g)(i) of the Ship Recycling Regulation are listed in section 2.2.2
of the 2016 Technical Guidelines (2016/C 128/01).
Where the possibility to consider the interior of the ship as "impermeable floor" is used
by the recycler, it is for the application file to the European List to demonstrate that
these conditions are observed. With regards to the potential situation described in
question 555 ("pollution
by paint chips as a result of direct contact with the sandy
bottom in a tidal zone"),
the following conditions in the Technical Guidelines appear of
particular interest:
(a) "the hull is sealed, integrity of the bottom of the hull has been analysed and has
not been compromised"
(e) "the release of paint chips and toxic coatings into the sea/permeable surface is
controlled as per [section 2.2.1]"
(f) "as early as is feasible, transfer of the remainder of the ship’s bottom itself to
impermeable floor areas is carried out in a safe and environmentally sound
manner, e.g. through the use of cranes, sleds or beams coupled with winches, to
allow for the cutting of the bottom to take place above an impermeable floor
with effective drainage system, including above a floating structure such as a
MOF, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 565: Spm. om ministeren i forlængelse af MOF alm del – spørgsmål 553 og 555 vil oversende korrespondancen med Kommissionen, herunder også den korrespondance, der er foregået før MOF alm. del - spørgsmål 553 og 555 er stillet, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
floating dry dock, a flat top barge or equivalent with an effective drainage
It should be noted that the possibility to consider the interior of the ship as
"impermeable floor" does not deny the hull of the ship its hazardous character (e.g.
when it is covered with hazardous paint) nor does it suspend the Regulation's
requirements applicable to hazardous items.
Best regards,
Emilien Gasc
European Commission
Directorate-General for Environment
Unit B.3 - Waste Management & Secondary Materials
Avenue de Beaulieu 9 – 5/107
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 229-91811
[email protected]
Follow us on:
Please note that all our remarks only reflect the opinion of the Commission services and are not legally
binding. A final binding legal interpretation of EU legislation can only be provided by the European Court of
Justice. The above remarks are without prejudice to the position the Commission might take should the
issue arise in a procedure before the Court of Justice.
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen [mailto:[email protected]]
Thursday, March 16, 2017 8:06 AM
GASC Emilien (ENV)
Berit Hallam
SV: Urgent! Questions regarding the European list
Dear Emilien
Only question 1 og 2 require a formal reply
(sp. 553 and sp 555)
. I have inserted a link to the questions
on the Parliaments website in the email below, and the questions are also attached to the email.
Best regards
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
Legal adviser | Jord og Affald
+45 72 54 43 76 |
[email protected]
Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark
Environmental Protection Agency
| Strandgade 29 | 1401 Copenhagen K | Tel. +45 72 54 40 00 |
[email protected]
[email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]
15. marts 2017 16:33
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
[email protected]
RE: Urgent! Questions regarding the European list
Dear Lissie,
MOF, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 565: Spm. om ministeren i forlængelse af MOF alm del – spørgsmål 553 og 555 vil oversende korrespondancen med Kommissionen, herunder også den korrespondance, der er foregået før MOF alm. del - spørgsmål 553 og 555 er stillet, til miljø- og fødevareministeren
Thank you for your email. Before we draft replies to your questions, could you please clarify which
of the four questions below require a formal reply and point us to the original request by the Danish
Parliament, if it is available? This is important to determine the format of the reply and the internal
rules we have to follow.
Best regards,
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen [mailto:[email protected]]
Wednesday, March 15, 2017 1:41 PM
GASC Emilien (ENV)
Urgent! Questions regarding the European list
Dear Emilien
The Danish Parliament is highly concerned about ship recycling, and has asked the Danish
minister of the Environment and Food a variety of questions in this regard. In the case of
two specific issues, the Danish Parliament has requested the minister to consult the EU
Commission. We are under a certain time limit to answer the Parliament, and we would
very much appreciate, if we could receive an answer from you before next Wednesdays - 22
March 2017.
Could you please provide me with the Commissions interpretation on the following issues:
1) Is it only facilities that comply 100 % with the requirements in the ship recycling
regulation that can be included in the European list? Or will the Commission also accept
facilities that comply with for instance 90 % of the requirements if they are in a process that
will lead them to full compliance within a reasonable timeframe?
2) Can the hull of a ship only be used as an impermeable floor if the ship is still floating? Or
can the hull also be used as an impermeable floor when the ship is landed on the beach?
The Parliament also have questions concerning the committee procedures: What happens if
the Commission put forward a proposal for an implementing act concerning a recycling
facility located in a third country with the recommendation that the specific facility should
not be included in the European list due to non-compliance with the requirements in the
regulation - and the ship recycling committee delivers a negative opinion?
Finally - accordingly to the Danish press - MEP Margrethe Auken has sent you some
questions regarding ship breaking /the European list. Could we ask you to share your
answers to Margrethe Auken with us?
Best regards
Lissie Klingenberg Jørgensen
Legal adviser | Jord og Affald
+45 72 54 43 76 |
[email protected]
Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark
Environmental Protection Agency
| Strandgade 29 | 1401 Copenhagen K | Tel. +45 72 54 40 00 |
[email protected]