Submission of the EU and its Member States presenting the table and
preliminary assessment pursuant to decision OEWG-VII/12
(environmentally sound dismantling of ships )
By decision IX/30 adopted at the 9th Conference of the Parties of Basel Convention,
the Open Ended Working Group was requested
"… to carry out a preliminary assessment of whether the ship recycling convention, as
adopted, establishes an equivalent level of control and enforcement as that established
under the Basel Convention, in their entirety, after having developed the criteria
necessary for such assessment, and, in doing so, to take into account:
(a) The special characteristics of ships and international shipping;
(b) The principles of the Basel Convention and the relevant decisions of the
Conference of the Parties;
(c) The comments submitted by Parties and other relevant stakeholders, as
On the 21 October 2009, the Council adopted conclusions on the EU Strategy for
better ship dismantling
and which, amongst other things:
ENDORSES the outcome of the International Maritime Organisation
Conference on Ship Recycling in May 2009 and the adoption of the Hong
Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound
Recycling of Ships (“Hong Kong Convention”);
UNDERLINES that the Hong Kong Convention, which represents a major
achievement for the international community, provides a comprehensive
system of control and enforcement from “cradle to grave”, and an important
step towards phasing out unsafe and environmentally harmful working
methods, including in relation to unsafe aspects of the current practise of so
called beaching of end of life ships.
ENCOURAGES strongly EU Member States to ratify the Hong Kong
Convention as a matter of priority so as to facilitate its entry into force as early
as possible and to generate a real and effective change on the ground.