Indfødsretsudvalget 2016-17
IFU Alm.del
AKT 109746
Dokument 1
Tyskland svar pa ha ring
Stine Højlund Hansen ([email protected]), Udenrigsministeriet ([email protected]), Udenrigsministeriet ([email protected])
Mathias Wunsch Gaarmann ([email protected]), Katrine Teisen Cramon ([email protected]), William Boe
([email protected]), Lasse Egendal Leipziger ([email protected]), Dan Brømsøe Termansen ([email protected]), Peter Toftlund
([email protected]), Merle Singer-Lippert ([email protected]), Christina Hjorth Korup ([email protected]), Marlene Vincentz
Jensen ([email protected]), Stig Aagaard ([email protected]), Christian Vogel ([email protected]). Martin Strandgaard
([email protected]), Friis Arne Petersen ([email protected])
Udenrigsministeriet ([email protected])
Titel: Berlin: Svar på ambassadehøring: FN's konventionen af 1961 om begrænsning af statsløshed (UM id: 1650438)
Sendt: 04-08-2016 13:13:14
Bilag: Gesetz zur Verminderung der Staatenlosigkeit.pdf; Nationality Aet (StaatsangehOrigkeitsgesetz).pdf;
Berlin: Svar på ambassadehøring - Andre landes holdning til ændring af FN's konvention af 1961
om begrænsning af statsløshed
Ambassaden har været i kontakt med det tyske indenrigsministeriums statsborgerskabskontor
(forbundsregeringens ansvarlige enhed) og fremsender på denne baggrund følgende besvarelser af de
fremsendte spørgsmål.
1. Bliver_Konventionen_om Begrænsning_af Statsløshed (1961) diskuteret i Tyskland-=....eller ha[ den været
diskuteret de seneste år?
Indenrigsministeriet har ikke kendskab til en sådan debat. Ambassadens gennemsøgning af tyske medier
har ikke vist tegn på en offentlig debat om Konventionen eller dens bestemmelser.
2. Betragter Tyskland_det som_værende tilladt ift. Konventionen at suspendere tildelingen af
statsborgerskab til en person, der er_dækket af Konventionen?
I Tyskland reguleres tildelingen af statsborgerskab efter Konventionen af en lov (Gesetz zur Verminderung
der Staatenlosigkeit), der implementerer Konventionen om Begrænsning af Statsløshed (1961),
Konventionen om Statsløse Personers Retsstilling (1954) samt Konventionen om Reduktion af Tilfælde af
Statsløshed (1973) i tysk lovgivning. Loven bestemmer, at en statsløs person har ret til tysk
statsborgerskab, hvis følgende betingelser er opfyldt (art. 1):
Personen er født i Tyskland
Personen har haft retmæssigt permanent ophold i Tyskland i mindst fem år
Personen indgiver anmodning om statsborgerskab inden afslutningen af det 21. leveår
Personen ikke har været idømt en friheds- eller ungdomsstraf på fem år eller mere.
Loven bestemmer desuden (art. 2), at de almindelige regler om tildeling af statsborgerskab finder
anvendelse i sager om statsløses adgang til tysk statsborgerskab. En tysk kopi af loven (Gesetz zur
Verminderung der Staatenlosigkeit) er vedhæftet denne besvarelse.
Den tyske statsborgerskabslev opstiller en række kriterier for tlldelingen af statsborgerskab, herunder (i
ambassadens uofficfelle oversættelse):
"§ 10 (1) En udlænding, som i otte §r har haft retmæssigt sædvanligt ophold i landet og som er habil efter
37 stk. 1, pkt. 1 eller har en legal repræsentant, skal efter ansøgning tildeles statsborgerskab, hvis han
1. bekender sig til den frie demokratiske grundordning i Forbundsrepublikken Tysklands grundlov og
erklærer, at han ikke forfølger eller støtter eller har forfulgt eller har støttet bestræbelser, som
a) er imod den frie demokratiske grundordning, imod forbundets eller en delstats eksistens eller
sikkerhed eller
b) p§ ulovlig vis har til form§/ at hæmme embedsførelsen ved forfatningsorganer p§ forbundsniveau eller
ved en delstat eller hos medlemmer af disse eller
c) bringer tyske udenrigspolitiske interesser i fare ved anvendelse af vold eller forberedelser hertu
En officiel engelsk oversættelse af den tyske statsborgerskabslov (Nationality Aet) er vedhæftet denne
Det er muligt for tyske myndigheder at standse tildelingen af statsborgerskab til statsløse, hvis disse
vurderes at udgøre en trussel imod den offentlige og demokratiske orden. Statsborgerskabslovens § 11
indeholder en bestemmelse om, at tildeling af statsborgerskab er udelukket, hvis den pågældende ansøger
ikke bekender sig til den demokratiske grundorden. Proceduren for at søge oplysninger herom er beskrevet
i statsborgerskabslovens § 37 (2) og indebærer, at immigrationsmyndighederne kontakter den tyske
indenrigsefterretningstjeneste (''Verfassungsschutz") og anmoder om en vurdering af alle ansøgere, der
opfylder forudsætningerne for at opnå tysk statsborgerskab. Såfremt efterretningstjenesten finder
anledning til at påpege konkrete, alvorlige sikkerhedsmæssige problemer med en ansøger, vil denne blive
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
nægtet tysk statsborgerskab.
Det tyske indenrigsministerium vurderer, at denne praksis er i fuld overensstemmelse med Konventionen af
1961. Indenrigsministeriet vurderer på denne baggrund, at der ikke er behov for at tilpasse Konventionen
af 1961
da denne allerede giver statsparterne tilstrækkelige muligheder for at nægte statsborgerskab til
personer, der har begået kriminalitet eller vurderes at udgøre en risiko for den offentlige eller demokratiske
orden. Indenrigsministeriet vurderer ikke, at der er behov for at sænke grænsen for, hvornår en statsløs
kan nægtes statsborgerskab ved lovovertrædelser fra de nuværende fem år.
3. Ville Tyskland være interesseret i at.deltage i en_dialog_om mulighederne fo[_at ændre Artikel 1 (2) (c) i
Konventionen af 1961? Hvilke udfordringer kunne man forudse i en sådan proces?
Det tyske indenrigsministerium vurderer, at Konventionen allerede giver tilstrækkelig mulighed for at
tilbageholde statsborgerskab for personer, der har begået alvorlig kriminalitet eller udgør en trussel for den
offentlige og demokratiske orden (jf. spørgsmål 2). Indenrigsministeriet vurderer på denne baggrund, at det
ikke vil være relevant for Tyskland at deltage i en sådan debat.
Ambassaden har talt med Hr. Benz fra Indenrigsministeriets statsborgerskabskontor.
Amb. Berlin / Steffen Horsmann
[email protected]
Ambassadefuldmægtig/ Politisk-økonomisk sektion
DIREKTE +49 (O) 30 5050 2205
MOBIL +49 (0) 170 92 55120
TELEFON +49 (30) 5050 2000 /
Oslo ([email protected]), Helsinki ([email protected]), Bruxelles hovedpostkasse ([email protected]), Haag
([email protected]), Paris ([email protected]), Berlin ([email protected]), London ([email protected]), Stockholm
([email protected]), Wien ([email protected])
Mette Nørgaard Dissing-Spandet ([email protected]), Lars von Spreckelsen-Syberg ([email protected]), Tobias Elling
Rehfeld ([email protected]), [email protected] ([email protected]), [email protected] ([email protected]), [email protected] ([email protected])
Fra: Rasmus Nexø Jensen ([email protected])
Titel: Ambassadehøring: FN's konventionen af 1961 om begrænsning af statsløshed
Sendt: 30-06-2016 16: 15:49
Instruktion: Andre landes holdning til ændring af FN's konvention af 1961 om begrænsning af
Regeringens koordinationsudvalg har den 27. april 2016 resolveret, at Udlændinge-, Integrations- og
Boligministeriet (UIBM) og Udenrigsministeriet i samarbejde skal undersøge andre landes holdning til et
ønske i regeringen om at ændre FN's konvention af 1961 om begrænsning af statsløshed, så den i højere
grad tager højde for nutidens udfordringer ved tildeling af statsborgerskab - f.eks. i forhold til terrorisme.
Det fremgår af forelæggelsesmaterialet for koordinationsudvalget, at det er regeringens opfattelse, at det
bør genovervejes, hvorvidt konventionen fortsat skal forpligte en medlemsstat til at tildele statsborgerskab
til personer omfattet af konventionen, der er under mistanke for at have begået en forbrydelse mod statens
sikkerhed, eller til personer omfattet af konventionen, der er idømt en fængselsstraf 2,5 år eller derover
(mindre end 5 år), at det bør genovervejes, hvorvidt en medlemsstat fortsat skal være forpligtet til at
tildele statsborgerskab til personer omfattet af konventionen, som vurderes at kunne være til fare for
landets sikkerhed (eksempelvis af den nationale efterretningstjeneste), samt at det bør
undersøges, hvorvidt en ansøgning om dansk indfødsret fra en person omfattet af Statsløsekonventionen,
hvor f.eks. den nationale efterretningstjeneste vurderer, at den pågældende kan være til fare for landets
sikkerhed, kan stilles i bero.
Det kan herudover til generel baggrund anføres, at det fremgår af Venstres udlændingeudspil fra august
2014 (vedhæftet), at Venstre ønsker at undgå, at statsløse, der af Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (PET)
vurderes at være til fare for rigets sikkerhed, har et retskrav på at få dansk statsborgerskab, og at Venstre
vil tage initiativ til en ændret fortolkning eller om nødvendigt en indholdsmæssig ændring af
Statsløsekonventionen. Herudover udtalte udlændinge-, Integrations og boligministeren på et samråd den 1.
oktober 2015 i Folketingets Indfødsretsudvalg, at ministeren agter at tage kontakt til FN's
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
AKT 109746
Dokument 2 :c:::: [ Tyskland svar pa
Ein Service des Bundesministeriums der Justiz und fur Verbraucherschutz
in Zusammenarbeit mit der juris GmbH-
Ausfuhrungsgesetz zu dem Obereinkommen vom 30. August
1961 zur Verminderung der Staatenlosigkeit und zu dem
Obereinkommen vom 13. September 1973 zur Verringerung
der Falle von Staatenlosigkeit (Gesetz zur Verminderung der
Staaten losigkeit)
Ausfertigungsdatum: 29.06.1977
"Gesetz zur Verminderung der Staatenlosigkeit vom 29. Juni 1977 (BGBI. IS. 1101), das durch Artikel 3 § 4 des
Gesetzes vom 15. Juli 1999 (BGBI.
r s.
1618) geandert worden ist"
Geandert durch Art. 3§ 4 G v. 15.7.199911618
Textnachweis ab: 7.6.1977 +++)
Art 1
Das Obereinkommen vom 30. August 1961 zur Verminderung der Staatenlosigkeit (BGBI. 1977 li S. 597) wird
1. zur Beseitigung von Staatenlosigkeit auf Personen, die staatenlos nach Artikel 1 Abs. 1 des Obereinkommens
vom 28. September 1954 Ober die Rechtsstellung der Staatenlosen (BGBI. 1976 li S. 473) sind;
2. zur Verhinderung von Staatenlosigkeit oder Erhaltung der Staatsangehorigkeit auf Deutsche nach Artikel 116
Abs. 1 des Grundgesetzes.
Die Verleihung der Staatsangehorigkeit zur Beseitigung von Staatenlosigkeit erfolgt durch Einburgerung.
Art 2
Ein seit der Geburt Staatenloser ist auf seinen Antrag einzuburgern, wenn er
1. im Geltungsbereich dieses Gesetzes oder an Bord eines Schiffes, das berechtigt ist, die Bundesflagge der
Bundesrepublik Oeutschland zu fuhren. oder in einem Luftfahrzeug, das das Staatszugehorigkeitszeichen der
Bundesrepublik Oeutschland fuhrt, geboren ist,
2. seit funf Jahren rechtmaBig seinen dauernden Aufenthalt im Geltungsbereich dieses Gesetzes hat und
3. den Antrag vor der Vollendung des einundzwanzigsten Lebensjahres stellt,
es sei denn, daB er rechtskraftig zu einer Freiheits- oder Jugendstrafe von fi.inf Jahren oder mehr verurteilt
worden ist. Fur das Verfahren bei der EinbOrgerung einschlieBlich der Bestimmung der ortlichen Zustandigkeit
gelten die Vorschriften des Staatsangehorigkeitsrechts.
Art 3 u. 4 ••••
Art 5
Dieses Gesetz gilt nach MaBgabe des§ 13 Abs. 1 des Dritten Oberleitungsgesetzes auch im Land Berlin.
Art 6
Dieses Gesetz tritt am Tage nach der Verkundung in Kraft.
• Seite 1 von 1
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
AKT 109746
Dokument 3
== [
Tyskland svar pa hanng]
Nationality Aet
of 22 J uly 1913 (Reich Law Gazette I p. 583 - Federal Law Gazette III 102-1), as last
amended by Article 1 of the
Second Aet Amending the Nationality Aet
of 13
November 2014 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1714)
Section 1
[Definition of a German]
A German within the meaning of this Aet is a person who possesses German
Section 2
Section 3
[Acquisition of citizenship]
(1) Citizenship is acquired
by birth (Section 4),
by a declaration pursuant to Section 5,
by adoption as a child (Section 6),
by issuance of the certificate pursuant to Section 15, sub-section 1 or 2 of the
Federal Expellees Aet (Section 7)
4a. for Germans without German citizenship within the meaning of Article 116,
paragraph 1 of the Basic Law, under the procedure laid down in Section 40a
below (Section 40a),
Tilles in square brackets are not official titles.
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
for a foreigner by naturalization (Sections 8 to 16, 40b and 40c).
(2) German citizenship shall also be acquired by any person who has been treated by
German public authorities as a German national for 12 years and this has been due
to circumstances beyond his or her control. In particular, any person who has been
issued a certificate of nationality, a passport or a national identity card shall be
treated as a German national. Acquisition of citizenship shall apply as of the date
when the person was deemed to have acquired German citizenship by treating him
or her
as a
German national. The acquisition of German citizenship shall extend to
those descendants who derive their status as Germans from the beneficiary pursuant
to sentence 1.
Section 4
[Acquisition by birth]
(1) A child shall acquire German citizenship by birth if one parent possesses German
citizenship. Where at the time of the birth only the father is a German national, and
where for proof of descent under German law recognition or determination of
paternity is necessary, acquisition shall be dependent on recognition or determination
of paternity with legal effect under German law; the declaration of recognition must
be submitted or the procedure for determination must have commenced befare the
child reaches the age of 23.
(2) A child which is found on German territory (foundling) shall be deemed to be the
child of a German until otherwise proven. The first sentence shall apply mutatis
mutandis to a child born to a mother under condition of anonymity in accordance with
Section 25 (1) of the Aet to Prevent and Resolve Conflicts in Pregnancy (SchKG).
(3) A child of foreign parents shall acquire German citizenship by birth in Germany if
one parent
has been legally ordinarily resident in Germany for eight years and
has been granted a permanent right of residence or as a national of Switzerland
or as a family member of a national of Switzerland possesses a residence
permit on the basis of the Agreement of 21 June 1999 between the European
Community and its Member States on the one hand and the Swiss
Confederation on the ether hand on the free movement of persons (Federal
Law Gazette 2001 li p. 810).
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
The acquisition of German citizenship shall be recorded by the registrar responsible
for certifying the child's birth. The Federal Ministry af the lnterior shall, with the
consent of the
be authorized to issue regulations concerning the
procedure for recording the acquisition of citizenship pursuant to sentence 1 by way
of ordinance.
(4) German citizenship shall not be acquired pursuant to sub-section 1 in case of
birth abroad if the German parent was bom abroad after
and is
ordinarily resident abroad, unless the child would otherwise become stateless. The
legal consequence pursuant to sentence 1 shall not ensue if within a year after the
child's birth an application for certification of the birth pursuant to Section 36 of the
Civil Status Aet is filed; to observe this deadline it shall be sufficient if the application
is received within the above deadline by the competent diplomatic mission. Where
both parents are German nationals, the legal consequences pursuant to sentence
shall ensue only if they both fulfill the conditions stipulated therein.
Section 5
[Right of declaration for children born before 1 July 1993]
By declaring a wish to become a German national, a child born befare
a German father and a foreign mother shall acquire German citizenship if
paternity has been recognised or determined with legal effect under German
the child has been legally ordinarily resident in the federal territory for three
years and
the declaration is submitted prior to the child's 23
Section 6
[Acquisition by adoption as a child]
A child who is below eighteen years af age at the time of application for adoption
shall acquire citizenship as a result of valid adoption by a German under German
law. The acquisition of citizenship shall extend to the child's descendants.
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
Section 7
[Acquisition by issuance of the certificate pursuant to
Section 15, sub-section 1 or 2 of the Federal Expellees Aet]
Repatriates of German ancestry and their family members included in the admission
notice shall acquire the German citizenship when they are issued a repatriates
certificate in accordance with Section 15, sub-section 1 or 2 of the Federal Expellees
Section 8
[Discretionary naturalization]
(1) A foreigner who is legally ordinarily resident in Germany may be naturalized upon
application provided that he or she
possesses legal capacity pursuant to Section 80, sub-section 1 of the
Residence Aet or has a legal representative,
has not been sentenced for an unlawful aet and is not subject to any court arder
imposing a measure of reform and prevention due to a lack of criminal capacity,
has found a dwelling of his or her own or accommodation and
is able to support himself or herself and his or her dependents.
(2) The requirements stipulated in sub-section 1, sentence 1, nos. 2 and 4 may be
waived on grounds of public interest or in arder to avoid special hardship.
Section 9
[Naturalization of spouses or life partners of Germans]
(1) Spouses or life partners of Germans should be naturalized in keeping with the
requirements set out in Section 8, if
they lose or give up their previous citizenship or a ground
for accepting
multiple nationality pursuant to Section 12 and
it is ensured that they will conform to the German way of life,
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
unless they do not have sufficient command of the German language (Section 1 O
sub-section 1, sentence 1, no. 6 and sub-section 4) and do not fulfill any condition
that would justify an exception under Section
(2) The provision pursuant to sub-section 1 shall also apply if naturalization is applied
for within ane year of the German spouse's death or of a ruling dissolving the
marriage becoming final and the applicant is entitled to custody of a child issuing
from the marriage who already possesses German citizenship.
(3) (repealed)
Section 10
[Entitlement to naturalization;
derivative naturalization of spouses and minor children]
(1) A foreigner who has been legally ordinarily resident in Germany for eight years
and possesses legal capacity pursuant to Section 80 of the Residence Aet or has a
legal representative shall be naturalized upon application if he or she
confirms his or her commitment to the free democratic constitutional system
enshrined in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany and declares
that he or she does not pursue or support and has never pursued or supported
any activities
a) aimed at subverting the free demecratic constitutional system, the existence
or security of the Federation or a
b) aimed at illegally impeding the constitutional bodies of the Federation or a
or the members of said bodies in discharging their duties er
c) any activities which jeopardize foreign interests of the Federal Republic of
Germany through the use of violence er preparatory actions for the use of
or credibly asserts that he or she has distanced himself or herself from the
former pursuit er support of such activities,
has been granted a permanent right of residence or as a national ef Switzerland
or as a family member of a national of Switzerland possesses a residence
permit on the basis of the Agreement of 21 June 1999 between the European
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
Community and its Member States on the one hand and the Swiss
Confederation on the other hand on the free movement of persons or
possesses an EU Blue Card or a residence permit for purposes other than
those specified in Sections 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, sub-section 1, Section 23a, 24
and Section 25, sub-sections 3 to 5 of the Residence Aet.
is able to ensure his er her own subsistence and the subsistence of his or her
dependents without recourse to benefits in accordance with Book Two ar Book
Twelve of the Social Code ar recourse to such benefits is due to conditions
beyond his or her control,
gives up er loses his or her previous citizenship,
has not been sentenced for an unlawful aet and is not subject to any court arder
imposing a measure of reform and prevention due to a lack of criminal capacity,
possesses an adequate knowledge af German and
possesses knowledge of the legal system, society and living conditions in
The conditions under sentence 1, numbers 1 and 7 do not apply to foreigners who do
not have legal capacity pursuant to Section 80, sub-section 1 of the Residence Aet.
(2) The foreigner's spouse and miner children may be naturalized together with the
foreigner in accordance with sub-section (1), irrespective of whether they have been
lawfully resident in Germany for eight years.
(3) Upon a foreigner confirming successful attendance of an integration course by
presenting a certificate issued by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
(BMAF), the qualifying period stipulated in sub-section 1 shall be reduced to seven
years. This qualifying period may be reduced to six years if the foreigner has made
outstanding efforts at integration exceeding the requirements under sub-section 1,
sentence 1, no. 6, especially if he or she can demonstrate his or her command of the
German language.
(4) The conditions specified in sub-section 1, sentence 1, no. 6 are fulfilled if the
foreigner passes the oral and written language examinations leading to the
(equivalent of level B 1 in the Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages). Where a miner child is under 16 years af age at the time of
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
naturalization the conditions of sub-section 1, sentence 1 , no. 6 shall be fulfilled if the
child demonstrates age-appropriate language skills.
(5) As a rule, the conditions specified in sub-section 1, sentence 1, no. 7 shall be
fulfilled if the foreigner has passed the naturalization test. To prepare for the test,
foreigners may participate in voluntary integration courses.
(6) The requirements af sub-section 1, sentence 1, nos. 6 and 7 shall be waived if the
foreigner is unable to fulfill them on account of a physical, mental ar psychological
illness ar disability ar on account of his ar her age.
(7) The Federal Ministry of the lnterior shall be authorized, without the need for
approval by the
to issue ordinances defining the test and certification
requirements as well as the basic structure and contents af the naturalization courses
under sub-section 5, based an the contents of the orientation course under Section
43, sub-section 3, sentence 1 of the Residence Aet.
Section 11
[Grounds for exclusion]
Naturalization shall not be allowed
if there are concrete, justifiable grounds to assume that the foreigner is pursuing
or supperting ar has pursued or supported activities aimed at subverting the
free democratic constitutional system, the existence or security af the
Federation ar a
or at illegally impeding the constitutional bodies of the
Federation ar a
ar the members of said bodies in discharging their duties
ar any activities which jeopardize foreign interests af the Federal Republic af
Germany through the use af violence ar preparatory actions for the use of
violence, unless he or she credibly asserts that he ar she has distanced himself
ar herself from the former pursuit or support of such activities, or
if a ground for expulsion applies pursuant to Section 54, nas. 5 and 5a of the
Residence Aet.
Sentence 1 , no. 2 shall apply
mutatis mutandis
for foreigners within the meaning af
Section 1, sub-section 2 af the Residence Aet and also for nationals of Switzerland
and their family members possessing a residence permit on the basis of the
Agreement af 21 June 1999 between the European Community and its Member
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
States on the one hand and the Swiss Confederation on the other hand on the free
movement of persons.
Section 12
[Naturalization accepting multiple nationality]
(1) The condition stipulated in Section 10, sub-section 1, sentence 1, no. 4 shall be
waived if the foreigner is unable to give up his or her previous citizenship, ar if doing
so would entail particularly difficult conditions. This is to be assumed if
the law af the foreign state makes no provision for giving up its citizenship,
the foreign state regularly refuses to grant release from citizenship,
the foreign state has refused to grant release from citizenship for reasons for
which the foreigner is not responsible, ar attaches unreasonable conditions to
release from citizenship ar has failed to reach a decision within a reasonable
time an the application for release from citizenship which has been submitted in
due and complete form,
the subsequent multiple nationality represents the sole obstacle to the
naturalization af alder persons, the process for release from citizenship entails
unreasonable difficulties and failure to grant naturalization would constitute
special hardship,
in giving up his ar her foreign citizenship the foreigner would incur substantial
disadvantages beyond the loss of his ar her civic rights, in particular such
disadvantages af an economic ar property-related nature, or
the foreigner holds a trave! document in accordance with Article 28 af the
Convention relating to the Status af Refugees af 28 Juty 1951 (Federal Law
Gazette 1953 li, p. 559).
(2) The condition stipulated in Section 10, sub-section 1, sentence 1, no. 4 shall
further be waived if the foreigner holds the citizenship af another member state of the
European Union ar Switzerland.
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
(3) Further exemptions from the condition stipulated in Section 10, sub-section 1,
1 ,
may be granted pursuant to the provisions of agreements under
international law.
Section 12a
[Decision in case of conviction for an offence]
The following shall not be taken into consideration in the process of naturalization:
the imposition af educational ar disciplinary measures under the Juvenile Court
sentencing to fines af up to 90 daily rates and
the imposition af suspended sentences af up to three months' imprisonment
which are waived after expiry of the probationary period.
Where more than one term af imprisonment or more than one fine have been
imposed pursuant to sentence 1, nas. 2 and 3, they shall be cumulated, unless the
court imposes a lower aggregate punishment; where a fine and imprisonment are
imposed simultaneously, ane daily rate equals one day's imprisonment. lf the
punishment or the total of all punishments slightly exceeds the framework under
sentences 1 and 2, it shall be decided an the merits af the individual case whether it
can be disregarded. Where a measure of reform and prevention under Section
no. 5 or no. 6 af the Criminal Code has been imposed, it shall be decided on the
merits af the individual case whether this measure af reform and prevention can be
Foreign convictions shall be considered if the offence concerned is to be regarded
as liable to prosecution in Germany, the sentence has been passed in proceedings
conducted in accordance with the rule of law and the sentence is commensurate.
Such a conviction cannot be considered if its removal from the records would be
required in accordance with the Federal Central Criminal Register Aet. Sub-section 1
shall apply
mutatis mutandis.
lf a foreigner who has applied for naturalization is under investigation on suspicion
of having committed an offence, the decision on naturalization shall be deferred until
conclusion of the proceedings, and in the case of conviction until the judgment
becomes unappealable. The same shall apply if the imposition of youth custody is
suspended pursuant to Section
af the Juvenile Court Aet.
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
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(4) Convictions abroad and criminal investigations and proceedings which are
pending abroad shall be stated in the application for naturalization.
Section 12b
[lnterruptions of residence]
(1) Ordinary residence in Germany shall not be considered interrupted by stays
abroad of up to six months in duration. In case of longer stays abroad, ordinary
residence in Germany shall be considered to continue if the foreigner re-enters the
federal territory within the deadline stipulated by the fareigners authority. The same
shall apply if the deadline is exceeded solely an account of the foreigner carrying out
statutory military service in his ar her country af origin and the fareigner re-enters the
federal territory within three manths af discharge from military or cammunity service.
(2) lf the foreigner has resided abroad for over six months for a reason of a non­
temporary nature, the previous period of residence in Germany may be counted
towards the duration of residence which is necessary for the purposes of
naturalization, up to a period of five years.
(3) lnterruptians in the lawfulness of residence shall be disregarded if they arise as a
result of the foreigner having failed to apply in good time for initial issuance or
subsequent extension of the residence title.
Section 13
[Discretionary naturalization of former Germans abroad]
A former German and his or her miner children who are ordinarily resident abroad
may be naturalized on application if they meet the requirements of Section 8, sub­
section 1 , nas. 1 and 2.
Section 14
[General discretionary naturalization abroad]
A foreigner who is ordinarily resident abroad may be naturalized subject to the other
conditions of Sections 8 and 9 if ties with Germany exist which justify naturalization.
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
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Section 15
Section 16
[Certificate of naturalization]
Naturalization sha/1 become effective upon delivery af the certificate af naturalization
issued by the competent administrative authority. Befare the certificate is handed
over to the foreigner he ar she shall make the following solemn statement: "I
solemnly declare that I will respect and observe the Basic Law and the laws af the
Federal Republic af Germany, and that I will refrain from any activity which might
cause it harm." Section 10, sub-section 1, sentence 2 shall apply
mutatis mutandis.
Section 17
[Loss of citizenship]
(1) Citizenship shall be lost
by release from citizenship (Sections 18 to 24),
by acquisition af a foreign citizenship (Section 25),
by renunciation (Section 26),
by adoption by a foreigner (Section 27),
by joining the armed forces ar a comparable armed organization af a foreign
state (Section 28) ar
by a declaration (Section 29) ar
by revocation of an unlawful administrative aet (Section 35),
(2) Lass of citizenship pursuant to sub-section 1 no. 7 does not affect German
citizensh ip af third persons obtained by law, if they have reached the age of five.
(3) Sub-section 2 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to decisions pursuant to ether acts
which would result in the retroactive loss af German citizenship of third persons, in
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
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particular in the case of withdrawal of a settlement permit under Section 51, sub­
section 1, no. 3 of the Residence Aet, in the case of withdrawal of a certificate under
Section 15 of the Federal Expellees Aet and where non-existence of paternity is
determined under Section 1599 of the Civil Code. The first sentence shall not apply if
paternity is contested pursuant to Section 1600, sub-section 1, no. 5 and sub-section
3 of the Civil Code.
Section 18
[Release from citizenship]
A German shall, on application, be released from citizenship if he or she has applied
for a foreign citizenship and the competent body has furnished an assurance that
such citizenship will be granted.
Section 19
[Release from citizenship of a person in parental custody
or in the care of a guardian]
(1) Application for the release from citizenship of a person in parental custody or in
the care of a guardian may be filed by the legal representative only and shall require
approval from the German family court.
(2) The approval of the family court shall not be required where the father or mother
applies for release from citizenship for himself or herself and for a child at the same
time by virtue of the right of custody and the applicant is entitled to custody for the
child concerned.
Section 20
Section 21
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
Section 22
[Refusal of release from citizenship]
Release from citizenship must not be granted to:
Civil servants, judges, Federal Armed Forces soldiers and other persons
employed in a service ar official capacity under public law, for as long as they
remain employed in said service or official capacity, with the exception of
persons employed in an honorary capacity.
Persons liable for military service, until it is confirmed by the Federal Ministry of
Defence or a body designated by the said Ministry that no reservations exist
regarding release from citizenship.
Section 23
[Certificate of release]
Release from citizenship shall become effective upon delivery of the certificate of
release from citizenship issued by the competent administrative authority.
Section 24
[lnvalidity of release from citizenship]
The release from citizenship shall be deemed to be null and void if the released
person fails to acquire the foreign citizenship of which he or she was assured within
one year of issuance of the certificate of release.
Section 25
[Loss of citizenship on acquisition of a foreign citizenship following due
application for the same; approval of retention of citizenship]
(1) A German shall lose his or her citizenship upon acquiring a foreign citizenship
where such acquisition results from an application filed by the German concerned or
his or her legal representative, whereas the represented person shall suffer such loss
only if the qualifying conditions for application for release from citizenship apply as
stipulated in Section 19. The loss under sentence 1 shall not take effect if a German
acquires the citizenship of another member state of the European Union, Switzerland
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
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or of a state with which the Federal Republic of Germany has signed a treaty under
Section 12, sub-section 3.
(2) Citizenship shall not be lost by any person who, prior to acquiring foreign
citizenship following their application for the same, received written approval from
their competent authority for retention af their citizenship. Where an applicant is
ordinarily resident abroad, the German diplomatic mission abroad shall be consulted
in this connection. The public and private interests shall be weighed up in reaching
the decision an an application pursuant to sentence 1. With regard to an applicant
who is ordinarily resident abroad, special consideration shall be accorded to the
question af whether he or she is able to furnish credible evidence af continuing ties
with Germany.
(3) (repealed)
Section 26
(1) A German may renounce his ar her citizenship if he or she possesses several
nationalities. Such a renunciation shall be declared in writing.
(2) The written renunciation shall require the approval of the authority which is
competent pursuant to Section 23 for issuing the certificate af release. Such approval
shall be withheld if release may not be granted pursuant to Section 22; this sha/1 not
apply, however, if the person renouncing citizenship
has been permanently resident abroad for at least ten years or
has performed military service in one af the states whose citizenship he holds
as a person liable for military service within the meaning of Section 22, no. 2.
(3) The loss of citizenship shall take effect upon delivery af the certificate of
renunciation issued by the approving authority.
(4) Section 19 shall apply
mutatis mutandis
for miners.
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
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Section 27
(Loss of citizenship on adoption by a foreigner]
A German under the age af majority shall lose his ar her citizenship as a result af
adoption by a foreigner in accordance with German law, if he or she acquires the
adopting person's citizenship by virtue of such adoption. The loss of citizenship shall
extend to his or her descendants where the acquisition of citizenship by the adoptee
pursuant to sentence 1 also extends to the descendants. The loss under sentence 1
or sentence 2 shall not take effect if the adoptee or his or her descendants maintain a
legal relation to their German parent.
Section 28
[Loss of citizenship as a result of joining the armed forces or
a comparable armed organization of a foreign state]
A German who, without the consent of the Federal Ministry of Defense or a body
designated by the said Ministry, voluntarily enlists with the armed forces ar a
comparable armed organization of a foreign state whose citizenship he ar she
possesses, shall lose German citizenship. This shall not apply if he or she is entitled
to enlist in the aforesaid manner by virtue of an inter-governmental agreement.
Section 29
(1) The following persons are required to declare whether they wish to retain their
German or foreign citizenship:
1. persons who have acquired German citizenship pursuant to Section 4 (3) or
Section 40b,
2. persons who did not grow up in Germany in accordance with subsection 1 a,
3. persons having a foreign citizenship ether than citizenship of a European Union
Member State or Switzerland, and
4. persons who within a year of their 21st birthday have been notified of the
requirement to declare pursuant to subsection 5, fifth sentence.
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
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Persons required to declare must declare atter their 21 st birthday whether they wish
to retain their German or their foreign citizenship. The declaration shall be submitted
in writing.
(1 a) A German as defined in subsection 1 shall be regarded as having grown up in
Germany if, by his or her 21st birthday, he or she
1. has normally resided in Germany for eight years,
2. has attended school in Germany for six years, or
3. has completed school or occupational training in Germany.
Persons having a similarly close relation to Germany in the individual case and for
whom having to declare would represent a special hardship under the circumstances
of the case shall also be regarded as having grown up in Germany as defined in the
first sentence.
(2) lf the German required to declare pursuant to subsection 1 declares a wish to
retain the foreign citizenship, German citizenship shall be lost when the competent
authority receives the declaration.
(3) lf the German pursuant to subsection 1 declares a wish to retain German
citizenship, he or she shall be obliged to furnish proof that he or she has given up or
lost the foreign citizenship. lf the loss of the foreign citizenship does not go into effect
within two years of notification of the requirement to declare pursuant to subsection 5,
German citizenship shall be lost, unless pursuant to subsection 1 the German
received prior written approval from the competent authority to retain German
citizenship (retention approval). The application for retention approval, including as a
precautionary measure, may only be filed within one year of notification of the
requirement to declare pursuant to subsection 5. The loss af German citizenship shall
not take effect until the rejection of the application becomes legally valid. The
possibility of provisional legal redress pursuant to Section 123 of the Code of
Administrative Procedure shall remain unaffected.
(4) The retention approval pursuant to subsection 3 shall be granted where
renunciation or loss of the foreign citizenship is not possible or cannot reasonably be
expected or where acceptance of multiple citizenship would be required in case of
naturalization in accordance with Section 12.
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
(5) At the request af a German who acquired German citizenship pursuant to Section
4 (3) or Section 40b, the competent authority sha/1 establish the continuation of
German citizenship in accordance with subsection 6 if the necessary conditions are
met. lf the continuation of German citizenship has not been established by the
German's 21 st birthday, the competent authority shall use the registration data to
determine whether the conditions of subsection 1 a, first sentence, no. 1 are met. lf
this is not possible to determine, the authority shall inform the person in question af
the possibility to provide evidence that the conditions of subsection 1 a have been
met. lf such evidence is provided, the competent authority shall establish the
continuation af German citizenship in accordance with subsection 6. lf no evidence is
provided, the competent authority shall notify the person in question of his or her
obligations and the possible legal consequences as set out in subsections 2 to 4.
This notification shall be formally served. The provisions of the Aet on Service in
Administrative Procedure shall apply.
(6) The continuation or loss af German citizenship in accordance with this provision
shall be determined ex officio. The Federal Ministry of the lnterior may, by ordinance
with the consent of the Bundesrat, issue provisions regulating the procedure to
determine the continuation or loss af German citizenship.
Section 30
[Establishment of German citizenship]
(1) Possession or lack of German citizenship shall be established by the nationality
authority upon application. The outcome of this assessment shall be binding in all
matters for which possession or Jack of German citizenship is of legal relevance. In
the case of a public interest, possession of German citizenship ar lack thereof may
be established upon the competent authority's own motion.
(2) To establish possession af German citizenship it shall be required and sufficient
to give reliable evidence that German citizenship was acquired and has not since
been lost by furnishing documents, extracts from the citizens' registers
or other written evidence. Section 3, sub-section 2 remains
(3) Where possession of German citizenship has been established upon application,
the nationality authority shall issue a certificate of nationality. Upon request, the
nationality authority shall issue a certificate confirming non-possession of German
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
§Section 31
[Personal data]
Nationality authorities and diplomatic missions abroad may collect, store, modify and
use personal data insofar as this is necessary to discharge their duties under this Aet
and in accordance with provisions relating to nationality contained in other acts. For
the purpose of deciding on the citizenship of persons specified in Article 116,
paragraph 2 of the Basic Law, such information may also be collected, stored or
modified and used which relates to the political, racial or religious reasons due to
which these persons were deprived of their German citizenship between 30 January
1933 and 8 May 1945.
Section 32
[Transmission of data to nationality authorities]
(1) Public bodies sha/1 transmit personal data to the bodies specified in Section 31
upon request, insofar as knowledge of these data is necessary to discharge the
duties referred to in Section 31. Public bodies shall transmit these data to the
competent nationality authority even without a request if the public body considers
such transmission to be necessary for the nationality authority to decide en a pending
application for naturalization or loss or non-acquisition af German citizenship. With
regard to naturalization procedures, this refers particularly to data relating to the
initiation and execution of criminal proceedings, proceedings for the collection af
fines, and extradition procedures af which the foreigners authorities have obtained
knowledge pursuant to section 87, sub-section 4 af the Residence Aet. The data
referred to in sentence 3 shall be transmitted without delay to the competent
nationality authority.
(2) Personal data shall not be transferred pursuant to sub-section 1 if such transfer is
precluded by special statutory regulations on the use of the said data.
Section 33
[Register of decisions relating to nationality law]
(1) The Federal Office af Administration (registration authority) maintains a register of
decisions relating to citizenship matters. The following shall be entered into the
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
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decisions on certificates on nationality;
decisions on the statutory loss of German citizenship;
decisions en the acquisition, possession and loss of German citizenship made
between 31 December 1960 and 28 August 2007.
(2) More specifically, the following items af information may be stored in the register:
the basic personal data of the person concerned (sumame, surname at birth,
former surnames, given names, date and place of birth, sex, the faet that under
Section 29 German citizenship may be lost, as well as the postal address at the
date of the decision);
the way in which, and the date when the decision ar certificate or the loss of
citizenship shall take effect;
name, postal address and file reference of the authority which made the
(3) The nationality authorities shall be obliged to immediately transmit all personal
data specified in sub-section 2 relating to decisions made under sub-section 1,
sentence 2, nos. 1 and 2 after 28 August 2007 to the registration authority.
(4) The registration authority shall transmit the data referred to in sub-section 2 to the
nationality authorities and diplomatic missions abroad upon their request insofar as
knowledge af the data is necessary to discharge their duties relating to nationality
law. The provisions of the Federal Data Protection Aet shall apply to the transmission
to ether public bodies ar for research purposes.
(5) The nationality authority shall transmit the data specified in sub-section 2 to the
competent authority to which a person must report his/her current address or to the
competent diplomatic mission abroad immediately atter it has established that a
person has been naturalized, retains German citizenship or has lost, renounced or
never acquired German citizenship.
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
Section 34
[Opting procedure]
(1) To implement the opting procedure, in the cases of Section 29 (5), second
sentence, the competent authority to which the person must report his/her current
address (residents' registration authority) shall transmit, by the tenth day of each
calendar month, to the competent nationality authority the foliowing personal data
relating to persons who will turn 21 in the foliowing month:
1. surname,
2. previous names,
3. given names,
4. current and previous addresses and, in case of immigration from abroad, the last
previous address in Germany,
5. date moved in, date moved out, date last moved out of a home in Germany and
date last moved to Germany from abroad,
6. date and place of birth,
7. sex,
8. current citizenships, including the faet that under Section 29 the person may lose
German citizenship.
(2) It a person referred to in subsection 1 has moved to a foreign country, the
residents' registration authority shall transfer the data specified in subsection 1, the
date when the person moved abroad and the new address abroad, it known, to the
Federal Office of Administration within the period specified in subsection 1. In case of
immigration from abroad, the first sentence shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Section 35
[Withdrawal of an unlawful naturalization or permission to retain German
(1) Any unlawful naturalization or permission to retain German citizenship may be
withdrawn if the administrative aet was obtained under false pretences, by threat or
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
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bribery or by providing incorrect or incomplete information whieh determined the
issuance af this administrative aet.
(2) As a rule, subsequent statelessness of the person concerned shall not preclude
such withdrawal.
(3) Withdrawal is permissible only within five years after notification of the
naturalization or permission to retain German citizenship.
The administrative aet shall be withdrawn with retroactive effect.
lf the withdrawal affects the lawfulness of administrative acts issued pursuant to
this present Aet with regard to third persons, a discretionary decision on the merits of
the individual case shall be taken for every person affected. In particular, involvement
of the third person concerned in committing fraud, threat or bribery or in deliberately
providing incorrect or incomplete information an the one hand, and his ar her
legitimate interests an the other, shall be weighed in reaching the decision, also
taking particular account of the welfare af the chi/d.
Section 36
[Naturalization statistics]
Annual naturalization surveys shall be conducted for the purposes af federal
statistics, beginning in 2000 and relating in each case to the previous calendar year.
The surveys shall cover the following attributes for each naturalized person:
year of birth,
marital status,
place af residence at time of naturalization,
duration af residence in the federal territory in years,
legal basis for naturalization,
previous citizenships and
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
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continuation of previous citizenships.
(3) Supplementary attributes covered in the survey shall be:
designations and addresses of those obliged to furnish information pursuant to
sub-section 4,
names and telecommunication numbers af the persons available to answer
queries and
registration number af the naturalized person at the naturalization authority.
In respect af the surveys there shall be a duty to furnish information. This duty
shall be incumbent an the naturalization authorities. The naturalization authorities
shall furnish the information to the competent statistical offices of the
1 March each year. Provision of the information pertaining to sub-section 3, no. 2
shall be voluntary.
(5) Transmission af tables containing statistical results, including where a field in a
table only shows a single case, may be effected by the Federal Statistical Office and
by statistical offices af the
to the competent highest federal and
authorities for use in dealings with the legislative bodies and for planning purposes,
but not for measures pertaining to individual cases.
Section 37
[Procedural provisions]
(1) Section 80, sub-sections 1 and 3 and Section 82 of the Residence Aet shall apply
mutatis mutandis.
(2) The naturalization authorities shall transmit the personal data which they have
stored an applicants aged 16 ar over to the authorities for the protection of the
constitution for the purpose af investigating grounds for exclusion under Section 11.
The authorities for the protection af the constitution shall notify the inquiring body
forthwith in accordance with the applicable special statutory provisions on use of the
said data.
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
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Section 38
(1) In the absence of any statutory provision to the contrary, official acts in citizenship
matters shall be subject to costs (fees and expenses).
(2) The fee for naturalization under this Aet shall be 255 Euros. This fee shall be
reduced to 51 Euros for a minor child which is naturalized at the same time and
which has no independent income within the meaning of the lncome Tax Aet. No fee
shall be payable for the acquisition of German citizenship pursuant to Section 5 and
the naturalization of former Germans who have lost their German citizenship as a
result of marrying a foreigner. Establishment of the possession or non-possession of
the German citizenship under Section 29, sub-section 6 and Section 30, sub-section
1, sentence 3, as well as issuance of a retention approval under Section 29, sub­
section 4 are free of charge. The fee stipulated in sentence 1 may be reduced or
renounced on grounds of equity or public interest.
(3) The Federal Minister af the lnterior shall be empowered to determine the
additional circumstances in which fees shall be payable and to make provision in
respect of the leve Is af fees and the reimbursement of expenses via statutory arder
with the approval of the
The fee shall not exceed 51 Euros for release
from citizenship, 255 Euros for retention approval and 51 Euros for the certificate of
citizenship and other forms of certification.
Section 38a
[Ban on issuance of
citizenship certificates in electronic form]
It shall not be permissible to issue certification pertaining to citizenship matters in
electronic form.
Section 39
Section 40
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
Section 40a
[Acquisition of German citizenship by Germans without German citizenship
within the meaning of Article 116, paragraph 1 of the Basic Law]
Any person who, on 1 August 1999, is a German within the meaning of Article 116,
paragraph 1 of the Basic Law without possessing German citizenship shall acquire
German citizenship on the said date. For a repatriate, his or her non-German spouse
and his or her descendants within the meaning of Section 4 of the Federal Expellees
Aet, this shall apply only if they have been issued a certificate pursuant to Section 15,
sub-section 1 or 2 af the Federal Expellees Aet prior to the aforesaid date.
Section 40b
rrransitional provision for children up to the age of ten]
A foreigner who is legally ordinarily resident in Germany on 1 January 2000 and is
under ten years of age shall be naturalized upon application if the conditions
pursuant to Section 4, sub-section 3, sentence 1 were met at the time of his or her
birth and continue to be met. The application can be filed up to 31 December 2000.
Section 40c
rrransitional provision for persons applying for naturalization]
Sections 8 to 14 and Section 40c as last amended befare 28 August 2007 (Federal
Law Gazette I, p. 1970) shall continue to apply to applications for naturalization filed
befare 30 March 2007, as far as these sections contain more lenient provisions.
Section 41
[No possibility of deviation on the part of the
law may not deviate from the regulations of the administrative procedure set out
in Sections 32 to 33 and Section 37 (2).
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
Section 42
Penal provision
Anyone who furnishes ar uses incorrect ar incomplete information concerning
essential requirements for naturalization with a fraudulent intent to procure
naturalization for themselves ar any third person shall be punished with imprisonment
of up to five years ar a fine.
• ••••
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
"'= AKT 126598 "'"' Dokument 1 :c:= [ Tyskland - svar pa supplerende horing
] ==
Sendt: 13-09-2016 15:39:32
Mette Nørgaard Dissing-Spandet ([email protected]), Rasmus Nexø Jensen ([email protected]), [email protected]
([email protected])
Friis Arne Petersen ([email protected]), Berlin, Polok (lNTERNAL) DL (Distributionsliste)
Steffen Horsmann ([email protected])
Berlin: Svar på supplerende spørgsmål til Berlin, vedr. ambassadehøring: FN's konventionen af
om begrænsning
af statsløshed
Berlin: Svar på supplerende spørgsmål, vedr. ambassadehøring: FN's konventionen af 1961 om
begrænsning af statsløshed
Ambassaden har været r fornyet kontakt med indenrigsministeriets kontor for statsborgerskab. På baggrund
af indenrigsministeriets skriftlige besvarelse af de fremsendte supplerende spørgsmål, fremsendes følgende
besvarelse i ambassadens uofficielle oversættelse. Desuden har ambassaden telefonisk afklaret visse
tvivlsspørgsmål. Det tyske svar vedlægges.
Til spørgsmål 1:
hvilket juridisk grundlag vurderer det tyske indenrigsministerium, at det er i
overensstemmelse med artikel 1(2)(c) i FN's konvention af 1961 om begrænsning af statsløshed at nægte
statsløse personer, der er født I Tyskland, som alene vurderes at udgøre en risiko for den
offentlige eller demokratiske orden, og
ikke er fundet skyldige i en forbrydelse mod statens sikkerhed?
I Tyskland er der indtil nu ingen konkrete tilfælde, hvor tysklandsfødte statsløse, som for det meste stadig
er børn og som efter fem års retmæssigt permanent ophold kan meddeles indfødsret, er blevet nægtet
statsborgerskab pga. sikkerhedsbetænkeligheder.
Hvis en ansøger dog først fremsætter sin ansøgning senere (fx kort tid inden afslutningen på det 21. leveår)
og hvis den indenlandske efterretningstjeneste er i besiddelse af oplysninger, der efter tysk ret ville forbyde
tildeling af indfødsret jf. statsborgerskabslovens
11), må man gå ud fra, at Artikel
sætning (" such conditions as may be prescrlbed by the national law") retfærdiggør, at der ikke tildeles
Indfødsret. Det tiske Indenrigsministerium oplyser, at en domstol endnu ikke har taget stilling til hjemlen,
hvorfor spørgsmalet Ikke kan afklares endeligt på nuværende tidspunkt. Men den konsoliderede forventning
i indenrigsministeriet er, at hjemlen vil være Artikel
stk. 1, sidste sætning.
Til spørgsmål 2:
Hvad ligger der efter tysk lovgivning i begrebet "retmæssigt permanent ophold
mindst 5 §r", jf. art. 2 i den nationale lov, Loven til Begrænsning af Statsløshed?
Ifølge tysk ret (se fx Erstes Sozialgesetzbuch
30, stk. 3) har en person sit 'faste ophold' [gewohnlicher
Aufenthalt] der, hvor han opholder sig på en sådan måde, som tydeliggør, at vedkommende Ikke kun
opholder sig midlertidigt i dette område eller på dette sted". Begrebet udlægges på samme måde i
statsborgerskabsretlig sammenhæng. Hvis en person opholder sig retmæssigt I Tyskland, viser det, at
personen ikke kun opholder sig midlertidigt, men har 'fast ophold'. For så vidt er dette ikke i modstrid med
Ifølge tysk retspraksis er betydningen af "permanent ophold" [dauernder Aufenthalt], som nævnt i Loven
om Begrænsning af Statsløshed, art. 2 Indholdsmæssigt i al væsentlighed det samme som 'fast ophold'
[gewohnllcher Aufenthalt], En person har 'permanent ophold'
Tyskland, hvis vedkommende ikke kun
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
opholder sig her midlertidigt, men tidsubestemt, sådan at opholdets afslutning er ukendt. Børn og unge har
som regel samme ophold som deres forældre. Også når udlændingemyndighederne udsteder gentagne
udsættelser på ubestemt tid ifm. udrejsehindring, er der tale om et 'permanent ophold'.
"Retmæssigt" er et permanent ophold ifølge art. 2 i Loven om Begrænsning af Statsløshed, hvis
udlændingemyndighederne meddeler opholdstilladelse efter § 5 i Opholdsloven [tidl.: Udlændingeloven],
eller hvis den statsløse er fritaget fra kravet om opholdstilladelse. Det tyske indenrigsministerium oplyser
fsva. sidstnævnte undtagelelsesmulighed, at den primært skal ses i et historisk lys: Personer, der efter
anden verdenskrig befandt sig i Tyskland, kunne ikke
alle tilfælde sendes tilbage til deres oprindelige
hjemlande (bl.a. fordi disse ikke længere eksisterende).
I forbundsregeringens memorandum s. 27 ['Denkschrift', svarende til bemærkningerne til et lovforslag] om
Tysklands ratificering tll Konventionen hedder det (i ambassadens uofficielle oversættelse):
''Ved forhandlingen af konventionsudkastene på statskonferencerne blev også det retskravsgivende ophold
diskuteret. I den forbindelse antages det, at et varigt ophold kendetegnes ved et gensidigt tillidsforhold, der
beror på retmæssig adfærd. Med det lovlige ophold skabes tætte personlige forbindelser, der skaber særlige
bindInger. Indlemmelse i landets befolkning bevirker, at opholdsstaten i praksis bliver den pågældendes
hjemland. Dette forhold kræver følgelig mere end blot tilstedeværelse; det er ikke udelukkende begrænset
til målelige kriterier. Uretmæssig adfærd kan derfor ikke forpligte til tildeling af Indfødsret
henhold til
Konventionen. Rettigheder, der følger af Konventionen, skal således Ikke gives til personer, der opholder sig
illegalt på statens område. Forhandlingerne på statskonferencerne har vist, at ingen af de involverede stater
ville være rede til at affinde sig med en indskrænkelse af deres suveræne ret til tildellng af Indfødsret, hvis
de kan blive tvunget til dette trods en ansøgers lovstridige adfærd. Ved anvendelse af Konventionen kan der
fsva. fortolkningen af begrebet "permanent ophold" ikke gribes tilbage til bosættelsesbegrebet
[Nlederlassungsbegriff*] i den nationale statsborgerskabsret, eksempelvis i paragraf 8 og 9 I Rigs- og
Statsborgerskabsloven. Dette ville gå imod den udlægning af bosættelsesbegrebet, som retspraksis har vist,
ifølge hvilken bosættelsesbegrebet kun baserer sig på målelige kriterier og ikke forudsætter et lovligt
ophold (afgørelse ved Forbundsforvaltningsdomstolen d. 9.12.1975**). Hvis Konventionens opholdsretlige
forudsætninger skulle bedømmes på lige fod med de nationale bosættelsesregler ifm. naturalisation, ville
det ved en skønsmæssig afgørelse ikke være givet, at man kunne tage højde for en ansøgers evt. ulovlige
adfærd, som kunne falde negativt ud for ansøgeren.
* Niederlassung, definition pr. 2016: Retten til at bosætte sig er tidsmæssig ubegrænset. Med denne
tilladelse må man arbejde i Tyskland. Der er ingen geografiske kriterier tilknyttet. For at kunne få denne
status, skal man principielt have haft opholdstilladelse I fem år og skal desuden opfylde flere betingelser.
Man skal kunne sikre sin og sine familiemedlemmers underhold, have tilstrækkelige tyskkundskaber og må
ikke være straffet.
** Dom fra 1975 ved Forbundsforvaltningsdomstolen om fortolkningen af bosættelsesretten ved
naturalisation. Ifølge statsborgerskabsloven anno 1975 baserede bosættelsesretten [Nlederlassungsrecht]
sig kun på målelige kriterier. Bosættelsesretten forudsatte et permanent ophold koblet med en tydelig
intention om at vllle fortsætte dette ophold. Det spillede ifølge domstolen Ingen rolle, om opholdet havde
været lovligt eller ulovligt.
Ambassaden har talt med Hel nz Peter Benz fra fndenrlgsml nlsterlets kontor for statsborgerskab.
Forbundsregeringens memorandum (bemærkninger) til Konventionen fra 1976
Ambassaden Berlin/ Christina Hjorth Karup
Steffen Horsmann
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
Dokument 2 ==
Tyskland - svar pa supplerende ha ring]==
Supplementary questions-1961 UN Convention on the Reduction on Statelessness
1. Under the wording of article 1(2)(c) of the 1961 UN Convention on the Reduction on Statelessness a
Contracting State may make the grant of its nationality- to stateless persons fa Iling within the scope of the
Convention - subject of a condition:
"that the person concerned has neither been convicted of an offence against national security nor has been
sentenced to imprisonment for a term of five years or more on a criminal charge".
It appears that under the German rules German nationality will be denied to stateless persons - barn in
Germany and covered by the 1961 Convention - if the German security service considers the person in
question to be a threat to public or democratic order. It appears that such person will not acquire German
nationality despite not being convicted of an offence against national security.
Please state on which judicial grounds the German authorities asses that a State is allowed to deny the
grant of nationality to a stateless person covered by the 1961 Convention when the national security
service considers that the person in question might be a threat to public or democratic order despite that
the person has
not been convicted
of an offence against national security.
Any interpretation aid or explanatory notes supporting the German view on article 1(2)(c) of the 1961 UN
Convention on the Reduction on Statelessness would be very welcome.
2. Under the wording of article 1(2)(b) of the 1961 UN Convention on the Reduction on Statelessness a
Contracting State may make the grant of its nationality- to stateless persons falling within the scope of the
Convention - subject of a condition:
"that the person concerned has habitually resided in the territory of the Contracting State for such period as
may be fixed by that State, not exceeding five years immediately preceding the lodging of the application nor
ten years in all".
It appears that under the German rules - Gesetz zur Verminderung der Staatenlosigkeit, Article 2(2) - an
applicant covered by the 1961 Convention has to comply with a condition that he or she:
"2, seit funf Jahren rechtmaBig seinen dauernden Aufenthalt im Geltungsbereich dieses Gesetzes hat."
Please state under which conditions a stateless person will be considered fulfilling the criteria in art. 2(2) of
the Gesetz zur Verminderung der Staatenlosigkeit ("seit fi.inf Jahren rechtma8ig seinen dauernden
Aufenthalt im Geltungsbereich dieses Gesetzes hat'').
Please further state how the German authorities asses the term "habitually resided" in article 1(2)(b) of the
1961 Convention. Please atso state whether the German authorities asses the term "habitually resided" in
article 1(2)(b) to imply a legal or formal residence in the country.
Any interpretation aid or explanatory notes supporting the German view on article 1(2)(b) of the 1961 UN
Convention on the Reduction on Statelessness would be very welcome.
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
== AKT 126598 == Dokument 3
Tyskland - svar pa supplerende høring ]
Sehr geehrter Herr Horsmann, sehr geehrter Herr Gaardmann,
ich bitte um Nachslcht, dass lch Ihre Anfrage erst so spat beantworten kann.
Ihre In englischer Sprache verfassten Fragen verstehe lch so, dass Sie um Auskunft
aus welchen rechtllchen Grunden deutsche Behorden die ElnbOrgerung
(gemåØ Artikel 2 des Gesetzes zur Vermlnderung der Staatenloslgkeit) In Deutschland
geborener Staatenloser verwelgern konnten, wenn die Verfassungsschutzbehorden sle
fur elne Bedrohung fur die Offentllchkelt oder die freiheltlich demokratlsche
Grundordnung halten, und
wleso Artikel 2 des Gesetzes zur Vermlnderung der Staatenloslgkelt
bestfmmt, dass die hier geborene staatenlose Person lhren mindestens funfjahrigen
dauernden Aufenthalt In Deutschland rechtmåØlg gehabt haben muss, obwohl die
Konvention elnen gewohnllchen Aufenthalt fordert, und wie deutsche Behorden den
Rechtsbegriff "gewohnllcher Aufenthalt" auslegen.
Zu 1.
Hier sind blsher kelne praktlschen Falle bekannt geworden, ln denen in Deutschland
geborene Staatenlose, die ja nach 5 Jahren rechtmåØlgen dauernden Aufenthalts
elngebOrgert werden konnen und damit melst noch Kinder sind, wegen
Slcherheltsbedenken nlcht elngeburgert worden wåren.
Sollte eln Betroffener selnen Antrag jedoch erst spater (z.B. kurz vor Vollendung des
einundzwanzlgsten Lebensjahres) stellen und sollten den Verfassungsschutzbehorden
entsprechende Erkenntnisse vorllegen, die eine Elnburgerung nach deutschem Recht
verbieten (vgl. § 11 StAG), gehe ich davon aus, dass Artikel 1, Absatz 1, letzter Satz ,, ...
to such conditions as may be prescrlbed by the national law ... " die NlchtelnbOrgerung
Zu 2.
Nach deutschem Recht (vgl. z.B. § 30 Absatz 3, letzter Satz, Erstes Buch
Sozlalgesetzbuch) hat jemand den "gewohnlichen Aufenthalt dort, wo er slch unter
Umstanden aufhalt, die erkennen lassen, dass er an dfesem Ort oder In dlesem Geblet
nlcht nur vorObergehend verwellt." Entsprechend wlrd dleser Begrlff auch
staatsangehorlgkeltsrechtllch verstanden. Nur wenn sich eine Person rechtmaØlg In
Deutschland aufhålt, lassen die Umstande erkennen, dass sle nlcht nur vorubergehend
hier verwellt (= gewohnllcher Aufenthalt). Insowelt llegt h.E. keln Wlderspruch zur
Konvention vor.
Nach hleslger Rechtsprechung (z.B. BVerwG, 1 C 45/90, vom 23.02.1993) besagt
"Dauernder Aufenthalt" lm Sinne dleser Vorschrlft lnhaltllch lm Wesentllchen dasselbe
wle "gewohnlicher Aufenthalt". Elne Person hat lhren "dauernden Aufenthalt" in
Oeutschland, wenn sle hier nlcht nur vorubergehend, sondern auf unabsehbare Zelt lebt,
so dass elne Beendlgung lhres Aufenthalts ungewlss 1st. Kinder und Jugendllche teilen In
der Regel den AufenthaJt lhrer Eltern. Auch wenn die Auslanderbehorde den Aufenthalt
auf nlcht absehbare Zett durch wiederholt ertellte Duldungen hlnnlmmt, kommt eln
dauernder Aufenthalt fn Betracht.
IFU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Supplerende svar på spørgsmål 8: Spm. om, hvorfor ministeren ikke – end ikke i fortrolig form – ønsker at oversende kommunikationen med ni lande, som regeringen har konsulteret om mulige ændringer eller omfortolkninger af statsløsekonventionen af 1961, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
"RechtmaBlg" 1st eln dauernder Aufenthalt lm Sinne dleser Vorschrlft, wenn die
Auslanderbehorde elne Aufenthaltsgenehmigung nach
5 AuslG
Benz: heute AufenthG] ertellt oder der Staatenlose vom Erfordernls elner
Aufenthaltsgenehmlgung befrelt 1st.
Erganzend verwelse lch auf die Denkschrift der Bundesreglerung zu dem
Oberelnkommen (BT-Drucks.
Dort he1Bt es:
"Bel der Beratung der KonventlonsentwOrfe durch die Staatenkonferenzen Jst auch der
den Verleihungsanspruch begrundende Aufenthalt erortert worden. Danach 1st davon
auszugehen, dass der dauernde Aufenthalt eln gegenseltiges Vertrauensverhaltnls
kennzelchnet, das auf rechtmaBlgem Handeln beruht. Mit dem erlaubten Aufenthalt
werden personllch enge Beziehungen geschaffen, die besondere Bindungen erzeugen.
Die Elnbezrehung in den Kreis der elgenen Wohnbevolkerung bewlrkt, dass der
Aufenthaltsstaat fOr den Betroffenen praktisch schon zur Helmat geworden rst. Dleses
Verhaltnls verlangt mithln mehr ais bloBe Anwesenhelt; es 1st nlcht alleln auf reln
tatsachliche Merkmale beschrankt. UnrechtmaBlges Handeln vermag deshalb die
Verpfllchtung zur Verlelhung der Staatsangehorlgkelt auf Grund des Oberelnkommens
nlcht auszulosen; die Vergunstigungen aus dem Oberelnkommen werden somft Personen
nicht gewahrt, die slch illegal lm Vertragsgebiet aufhalten. Die Verhandlungen der
Staatenkonferenzen haben gezelgt, dass kelner der beteillgten Staaten bereit gewesen
ware, die mit elnem Verlelhungsanspruch verbundene Elnschrankung selner
Elnburgerungshohelt hlnzunehmen, wenn sie lhm auch durch wrderrechtliches Handeln
elnes Begunstlgten aufgezwungen werden konnte. Bel der Anwendung des
Oberelnkommens kann hlnslchtllch der Auslegung des Begrlffs des dauernden
Aufenthalts deshalb nlcht auf den Nlederlassungsbegrfff des innerstaatlichen
Elnburgerungsrechts, zum Belsplel in
B, 9 des Relchs- und
Staatsangehorigkeltsgesetzes, zuruckgegrlffen werden. Dem stunde die Auslegung
entgegen, die der Nlederlassungsbegriff durch die Rechtsprechung erfahren hat, der
zufolge er nur auf tatsachllche Merkmale abstellt und elnen erlaubten Aufenthalt nlcht
voraussetzt (Urtell des Bundesverwaltungsgerlchts vom
1975 --
BVerwG I
Die bel der Entscheidung Ober eine ElnbOrgerung lm Ermessenswege noch
mogliche Beruckslchtigung des rechtswidrigen Verhaltens zuungunsten des
Elnburgerungsbewerbers ware bel AnspruchseinbOrgerungen jedenfalls nicht gegeben,
wenn die das Recht auf Verlelhung der Staatsangehorlgkelt begrOndende
Aufenthaltsvoraussetzung des Oberelnkommens der Nlederlassungsvoraussetzung des
lnnerstaatllchen EinbOrgerungsrechts gleichbeurtellt werden mOsste."
Ich wOrde mlch freuen, wenn ich Ihnen mit diesem Informationen weiter helten konnte.
Mit freundllchen Gr0Ben
Heinz Peter B e n z,