Grønlandsudvalget 2016-17
GRU Alm.del
Den 12. december 2016
Spørgsmål fra Grønlands-
udvalget til udenrigsministeren
af 14. november 2016. GRU
alm. del – spørgsmål nr. 11.
Spørgsmålet er stillet af Aaja
Chemnitz Larsen (IA).
Spørgsmål 11:
Ministeren bedes redegøre for, hvilke relevante politiske aftaler Danmark har med USA om
Camp Century og øvrige tidligere amerikanske militære aktiviteter i Grønland, inklusiv aftaler
om oprydning. Ministeren bedes dele disse aftaler med Grønlandsudvalget.
USA’s militære tilstedeværelse i Grønland har baggrund i forsvarsaftalerne fra 1941 og 1951.
Sidenhen er disse aftaler blev opdateret og omfatter nu et antal aftaler og tillæg.
Aftalekomplekset regulerer de forskellige amerikanske militære anlæg i Grønland, herunder
etableringen og oprydningen efter disse. På baggrund af en gennemgang af aftaler mellem
Danmark og USA om tidligere amerikanske militære aktiviteter i Grønland er nedenstående
hovedaftaler fremkommet:
Agreement of 9 April 1941 between the Government of the United States of America
and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark relating to the Defense of
Bilag 1.
Agreement of 27 April 1951 between the Government of the United States of America
and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, pursuant to the North Atlantic
Treaty, concerning the defense of Greenland.
Bilag 2.
Generelle aftaler i tilknytning til forsvarsaftalen af 27. april 1951
NATO Status of Force Agreement (NATO-SOFA). NATO-SOFA-aftalen er sat i kraft
for Grønland, jf. lov nr. 143 af 29. april 1955 om retsstillingen for styrker tilhørende
deltagerne i NATO.
Bilag 3.
GRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 11: Spm. om, hvilke relevante politiske aftaler Danmark har med USA om Camp Century, til udenrigsministeren
Agreement of 2 December 1960 concerning the United States-Danish Committee on
Greenland projects, effected by exchange of letters.
Bilag 4.
Memorandum of understanding of 13 March 1991 between the Government of the
Kingdom of Denmark (including the Home Rule Government of Greenland) and the
Government of the United States of America concerning use of Sondrestrom Aviation
Facility, Kulusuk Airfield and other matters related to the United States military
activities in Greenland.
Bilag 5.
Memorandum of Understanding of 20 February 2003 between the Government of the
United States of America and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark (including
Greenland Home Rule Government) concerning the Dundas Area.
Bilag 6.
Agreement of 6 August 2004 between the Government of the United States of America
and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, including the Home Rule
Government of Greenland, to amend and supplement the Agreement of 27 April 1951
(Defense Agreement) including relevant subsequent agreements related thereto.
Bilag 7.
Joint Declaration of 6 August 2004 by the Government of the United States of America
and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, including the Home Rule
Government of Greenland, on Economic and Technical Cooperation.
Bilag 7.
Joint Declaration of 6 August 2004 by the Government of the United States of America
and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, including the Home Rule
Government of Greenland, on Cooperation on the Environment in Greenland.
Bilag 7.
Jævnfør også ovenfor: Memorandum of understanding of 13 March 1991 between the
Government of the Kingdom of Denmark (including the Home Rule Government of
Greenland) and the Government of the United States of America concerning use of
Sondrestrom Aviation Facility, Kulusuk Airfield and other matters related to the United
States military activities in Greenland.
Der henvises her til Artikel VI.
Jævnfør også ovenfor: Joint Declaration of 6 August 2004 by the Government of the
United States of America and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, including
the Home Rule Government of Greenland, on Cooperation on the Environment in
GRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 11: Spm. om, hvilke relevante politiske aftaler Danmark har med USA om Camp Century, til udenrigsministeren
Agreement of 23 February 1979 concerning the disposal of United States salvage,
surplus or excess equipment and supplies at USAF Aerospace Defense Command bases
and sites in Greenland.
Bilag 8.
Protocol of 6 August 1987 amending the agreement, effective on 20 March 1979
concerning the disposal of United States salvage, surplus or excess equipment and
supplies at USAF Aerospace Defense Command bases and sites in Greenland.
Bilag 8.