4 July 2016
Defence Expenditures of NATO Countries (2009-2016)
NATO collects defence expenditures from Allies on a regular basis and presents aggregates
and subsets of this information. Each Allied country’s Ministry of Defence reports current
and estimated future defence expenditure according to an agreed definition of defence
expenditure, and represent payments actually made, or to be made, during the course of
the fiscal year. NATO also makes use of up-to-date economic and demographic information
available from the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European
Commission, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. In view
of the differences between this definition and national definitions, the figures shown may
diverge considerably from those which are quoted by national authorities or given in national
budgets. Research and development expenditures related to major equipment are included
in equipment expenditures and pensions paid to retirees in personnel expenditures.
The cut-off date for information used in this report is 1 July 2016. Figures for 2016 are
NATO Europe and Canada – Defence expenditures (annual real change)
Defence expenditure as share of GDP (%)
Equipment as a share of Defence Expenditure (%)
Defence expenditures (million national currency)
Defence expenditures (million US dollars)
Defence expenditures as a percentage of GDP and annual real change
Real GDP and per capita
Defence expenditures per capita and military personnel
Distribution of defence expenditures by category
News and information is routinely placed on the NATO website. This includes audio files, transcripts and high resolution
photographs, which are posted as soon as possible after events of media interest. Check the 'What's New' file.
Nouvelles et informations sont régulièrement affichées sur le site Web de l'OTAN, sous la forme de fichiers audio, de
transcriptions et de photographies destinées à la publication. Elles sont disponibles le plus rapidement possible après les
événements présentant un intérêt pour les médias. Cliquer sur "Quoi de neuf?"
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation – Organisation du Traité de l’Atlantique Nord
Press & Media – Presse & Médias
B-1110 Bruxelles Belgique
E-mail: [email protected] – Tel.: 32 2 707 50 41 – Fax: 32 2 707 13 99 – Internet: www.nato.int