Say NO To CCP Brainwash
—(For the publication of Escape)
Marion Chen
I am a Falun Gong practitioner from China, 51 years old.
A 7- year imprisonment makes me an alive victim of the persecution of Falun gong, which is a very
calm and peaceful traditional Chinese meditation that started in 1992 and was banned in 1999
because of the 100 million practice population is much bigger than the Chinese Communist Party
It is on 11 February in 2008 that triggered the nightmare of me. It is the coldest winter with very
heavy snow in the latest 10 years in my hometown Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei province, when
I go to a family gathering to teach some children English in a hotel which will be warm for the
children. This family gathering is then sued as an illegal gathering because all children’s parents
are Falun Gong practitioners.
First I was detained for 15 days in the administrative penalty house. I spit blood on the 5th day and
hurt so much in the stomach during the detain time but I was rejected to see the doctor. On the
day I was released when I felt very week, I was sent directly from the penalty house to a brainwash
centre for one month and transferred to another brainwash centre for another month, being forced
to give up the practice of Falun Gong.
In the second month in the brainwash centre when I was too weak to respond to any of the long
talk with the people working there, I was asked to write down something and sign my name with
my eyes open but without any awareness and consciousness. Several days later, the leader came
to me when I could not sit up nor speak and said,” Congratulations! You have given up the practice
of Falun Gong.”
I was too weak to respond and my face was in pale. “ How is that?” I asked.
“ Don’t worry about your health, we just put some drugs in your food everyday so that you can
cooperate with us easily. Now you are one of us, so I can tell you this and take care of your health.”
After I heard about this, I fainted the day after and lost consciousness for a whole afternoon while
the working people there were shocked and found me almost dead. They sent me to the hospital
and the medical test said my stomach was completely erosion and needed urgent operation,
otherwise my life would be in risk. But the operation was not allowed. I stayed in the hospital for
only five days and I was sent back to the brainwash centre. A week later, I was sent to the arrest
house while at that time I could not stand up straight nor walk by myself.
I stayed in the arrest house for one year and two months while the 610 office, which is a special
CCP organisation having super power beyond any governmental departments, constitution and
law, tried all the effort to frame a big case to sue me in order to make a political achievement in the
Olympic year in China.
The court opened on 10th April in 2009, on which day more than 200 practitioners who attended
the court to listen and got arrested, and I was sentenced for 7 years.
I started the rest of the 5 years and 8 months of the 7 year imprisonment in Wuhan Women’s
Prison from 15th July in 2009.