Dansk Marokkansk Raad
يكرمنادلا يبرغملا يراشتسلاا سلجملا
The Judgement delivered by the Court of Justice of the European Union
( CJEU) on the Agricultural Agreement between Morocco and the European Union
By deciding in favor of the dismissal polisario' s appeal as « inadmissible», the court of Justice
of the European Union is consistent with the position of other institutions that this entity is
not « concerned » by agreements concludes between the Kingdom of Morocco and the
European Union.
The court's ruling constitutes a setback for the polisario which has failed to be recognised by
any European countries. The Court made it clear that the polisario does not have any legal
authorithy to lodge a complaint at the European Court. The Court insisted that the polisario
had no standing to speak on belhalf of the population of sahara so this separatist mouvment is
not entitled to defend the economic interests of all the local population. It also condemned the
polisario to pay all expenses generated by the judicial procedure at first instance and in this
The Court also decided to annul the decision of the Court of First Instance, delivered on 10
December 2015, which had been challenged by the Kingdom and was the subject of an appeal
brought by the Council of the European Union, unaniamously from its member states. By this
decision, the CJEU corrects legal aberrations, rectifies erroneous political assessments and
nullifies the unfounded conclusions of the Court of First Instance.
The court stipulated that the Morocco-UE agreements do not violate international law.
was no evidence of any exploitation of the natural ressources of the Moroccan sahara
under this agreement.
The court indicated that the application of the agreement in Sahara
should only be explicitly mentioned in the agreements between Morocco and the EU. The
Morocco-UE agreements are still valid.
It is only since Morocco has taken back this territory again that coastline cities such a Laayoune
and Dakhla have seen significant economic and socio-cultural development. To develop the
Southern provinces during the last four decades, the Moroccan government has been spending
7 additional dollars for each and every dollar it collected and re-invested locally, as officially
stated by His Majesty King Mohammed VI in a recent speech.
The announcement of the ruling was an opportunity for Morocco and the EU to reaffirm their
commitment to partnership and their readiness to work for its enrichment
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