EMBARGOED: 00.01 GMT 9 December 2016
Nearly a quarter of the world’s children live in conflict or disaster-
stricken countries: UNICEF
The new figure is a stark reminder of why UNICEF was established, as the organization marks 70 years
of work for the most vulnerable children
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NEW YORK, 9 December 2016 –
An estimated 535 million children – nearly one in four – live in
countries affected by conflict or disaster, often without access to medical care, quality education,
proper nutrition and protection, UNICEF said today.
Sub-Saharan Africa is home to nearly three-quarters – 393 million – of the global number of children
living in countries affected by emergencies, followed by the Middle East and North Africa where 12 per
cent of these children reside.
The new figures are released as UNICEF, on Sunday 11 December 2016, marks 70 years of relentless
work in the world’s toughest places to bring life-saving aid, long-term support, and hope to children
whose lives and futures are threatened by conflict, crises, poverty, inequality and discrimination.
“UNICEF was established to bring help and hope to children whose lives and futures are endangered by
conflict and deprivation, and this enormous figure – representing the individual lives of half a billion
children – is a sharp reminder that our mission is becoming more urgent every day,” said UNICEF
Executive Director Anthony Lake.
The impact of conflict, natural disasters and climate change is forcing children to flee their homes,
trapping them behind conflict lines, and putting them at risk of disease, violence and exploitation.
Nearly 50 million children have been uprooted – more than half of them driven from their homes by
As violence continues to escalate across Syria, the number of children living under siege has
doubled in less than one year. Nearly 500,000 children now live in 16 besieged areas across the
country, almost completely cut off from sustained humanitarian aid and basic services.
In northeastern Nigeria, nearly 1.8 million people are displaced, almost 1 million of them are
In Afghanistan, nearly half of primary-aged children are out of school.
In Yemen, nearly 10 million children are affected by the conflict.
In South Sudan, 59 per cent of primary-aged children are out of school and 1 in 3 schools is closed
in conflict affected areas.
More than two months after Hurricane Matthew hit Haiti, more than 90,000 children under five
remain in need of assistance.
The emergencies faced today by the most vulnerable children threaten to undermine immense
progress made in recent decades: Since 1990, the number of children dying before their fifth birthday
halved and hundreds of millions of children have been lifted out of poverty. Out-of-school rates among
primary-school-aged children have reduced by more than 40 per cent between 1990 and 2014.