Udenrigsudvalget 2016-17
URU Alm.del Bilag 289
Biafrans in Denmark <[email protected]>
28. september 2017 kl. 13.38.48 CEST
<[email protected]>
Emne: Urgent call to stop the state-sponsored massacre in South-East Nigeria.
Svar til:
<[email protected]>
Biafrans in Denmark,
Cvr. 36578246
26 September, 2017.
Dear Ministers and Parliamentarians,
We, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) living in Denmark would like to bring to your
notice, the ongoing genocide in our land (South-East, Nigeria) which commenced on 10
September, 2017. This act of genocide is being carried out by the Nigerian Army under
the guise of operation “Python Dance II” which has lead to the untimely death of a lot of
young people including women and children. This information is available in the public
domain with a lot of disturbing gory pictures from the executions.
Before the military invasion described above, an ultimatum (Kaduna declaration) was
issued in June, 2017 demanding that about 11 million Igbo-Biafrans (Christians) residing
in the Northern part of Nigeria should Vacate or Die by 1 October, 2017. This threat was
issued by a coalition of the Northern Arewa Muslim youth and they have a legacy of
carrying out their threat. For example, in 2005 a cartoon of prophet Muhammed made
by a Danish artist resulted in the death of more than 1000 Christians (mostly Igbo-
Biafrans) living in Northern Nigeria. Also in the North, more than 45,000 Biafrans were
URU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 289: Henvendelse af 26. september 2017 fra Biafrans in Denmark om massakre i det sydøstlige Nigeria
massacred in the 1966 pogrom which led to the Biafra-Nigeria war of 1967-70 (a war
that took the lives of about 3.5 million Biafrans). These are just a few among many other
deadly incidents. From all indication and intent, we strongly believe that the current death
threat will be carried out and the lives of 11 million Christians are at stake.
We also believe that the ongoing ethnic cleansing by the Nigerian military is to stir up
retaliation that will be used as an additional excuse to destroy the lives and properties
of our people living in the Northern part of Nigeria while the bloodbath/rape is going on
at their home in the South-East. In practice, they will have nowhere to run to, and those
of us at home are already living in fear and the grave danger of extermination. It is
equally important to note that the military started their acclaimed operation by killing
about 38 Biafrans who were guests to Nnamdi Kanu (The leader of IPOB) that they
came to assassinate. In that singular attack on 14 September, 2017, about 15 armoured
vehicles, rocket propelled grenades and other heavy military equipment were used to
massacre unarmed civilians in the guise of quelling the agitation for the sovereign state
of Biafra.
To worsen the situation, unarmed IPOB whose only demand is to hold a Biafra
referendum in the East has been falsely tagged terrorists by the Nigerian government.
This comes with severe consequences therefore endangering the lives of millions of
Biafrans at both home and abroad. We see terrorist tag on IPOB as a license for the
Nigerian forces to kill any Igbo-Biafran that identifies with Biafra even by simply
mentioning it.
As we write, the Nigerian soldiers are arresting uncountable number of unarmed young
men and women and no one ever hears from them again. They have deliberately cut off
electricity in selected areas of operation in order to avoid the leak of information to the
outside world. We cannot give account of the exact number of people currently killed by
the soldiers because they have adopted a sinister method of taking away the dead
bodies in truck loads. There is every reason to suspect that there are mass graves in
the military barracks where they dump these dead bodies to avoid detection by the
public. The Biafrans arrested alive go through grave inhuman treatment and torture
before they are summarily executed extra-judicially. They only asked for self
determination in the most peaceful way. Our survival as a people now lies in the hands
of the international communities like Denmark who is known to defend humanity and
stand up against oppression and injustice. We are crying our last cry before the Nigerian
government starts their well planned genocide in full force against our people at home.
Biafrans in Denmark are therefore appealing to the Danish Government to intervene on
the behalf of the Igbo-Biafrans residing in the Northern part of Nigeria for protection and
also help halt the ongoing genocide in the South-East Nigeria. Thousands of Biafrans
are already killed and many more missing as we write, so the earlier the international
URU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 289: Henvendelse af 26. september 2017 fra Biafrans in Denmark om massakre i det sydøstlige Nigeria
communities reacts, the better for humanity. More than 50 million Igbo lives are in danger
of extinction both in the North and in their homes.
We, the Biafrans living in Denmark hereby implore you to use your noble position of
office to administer pressure on the Nigerian Government to make them comply with
international standard of protection for its citizens.
We shall also seize this opportunity to request for a meeting with your excellency, the
Prime Minister of Denmark to present more details about this whole issue, at your
Yours Sincerely,
Biafrans in Denmark.
Nwohia Frederic
Mobile No: +45 31 16 77 81
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URU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 289: Henvendelse af 26. september 2017 fra Biafrans in Denmark om massakre i det sydøstlige Nigeria
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