Udenrigsudvalget 2016-17
URU Alm.del Bilag 280
Den Politiske Dokument som blev accepteret af Den Kurdiske Høj afstemningsvalg Kommission for
Kaldær Syrianer Assyrer- CSA I Irak. 25.09.2017.
Oversat fra arabisk til engelsk af den originale en.
Link for den arabiske udgave af Den Politiske Dokument:
The political document to guarantee the rights of the ethnical and religious components in
We are members of the supreme council for referendum in Kurdistan as representatives of most
of the Ku dista ’s pa ties, based o ou belief that Ku dista of I a is a ho ela d of e e yo e
from Kurds, Turkmen, Chaldean Syriac Assyrian, Arabs and Armenian, Muslims, Yazidis, Christians,
Kaka’ises, Je ish, Zo
oastrians, Mandaeans and Shabak. while recalling the oppression, tyranny
and tragedies that the people of Kurdistan in all its components has exposed to for decades, we
are aware of that the elimination of those tragedies will not be achieved without the elimination
of discrimination, religious and ethnical persecution and respect the human rights and
fundamental liberties without distinction of race, language, religion or belief. And to Honor the
spirits of our Martyrs and the sacrifices for liberation and elimination of the distinction , and
inspired by the spirit of tolerance , brotherhood and acceptance of the other by people of
Kurdistan , and to our belief in basic human rights , human dignity and equal rights for small and
large ethnic groups ; guided by the principles contained in international agreements on respect for
the national(ethnical) , religious and language rights of minorities , beside protecting and
developing these rights, and based on our belief that all the components in Kurdistan enjoying
their rights based on democratic foundations , rule of law and Justice will contribute to enhance
the security and peace not only in Kurdistan but in the whole region and world. For these reasons,
we decided to organize the relation between the components and the states on as follows
Article 1:
recognition of the national(ethnical), religious, sectarian and cultural pluralism of Kurdistan
society, and guarantee the rights of all components based on citizenship, equality, observance of
religious and belief specificities, the practice of rituals and to preserve and care of houses of
Article 2:
A: Guarantee the national(ethnical), cultural, and administrative rights of Turkmen, Chaldean
Syriac Assyrian, Arabs and Armenians, starting with their rights in self-governance, Autonomous
government, decentralization and right down to federalism in the areas of historical components
based on census of 1957.
URU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 280: Henvendelse af 15. september 2017 fra Therese Isho, FUKSAD, om den kommende folkeafstemning i Den kurdiske Region i Irak
B: Guarantee the rights of Yazidi component to have self-Governance, autonomous government,
and decentralization right down to federalism in areas where the component has population
density, and this shall be regulated by Law.
Article 3:
Guarantee the fair representation for the components in elected legislative councils,
administrative bodies, the diplomatic corps and independent commissions. And this shall be
regulated by law.
Article 4:
Guarantee the representation of the national (ethnical), religious components in the supreme
constitutional court according to the qualifications required by the general rule.
Article 5:
Guarantee the participation of the national (ethnical) and religious components in executive
institutions, in sovereign positions, in the defense system, in internal security forces and in
Peshmerga under the laws in force.
Article 6:
The Kurdish, Turkmen, Syriac, Arabic and Armenian languages shall be considered official
languages in Kurdistan, this shall be regulated by law.
Article 7:
The flag of Kurdistan, its emblem and its national anthem symbolize the components, and shall be
regulated by law.
Article 8:
National and religious festival and holidays of the components shall be regulated by law.
Article 9:
The state Guarantees the freedom of belief and the practice of religious rites and rituals for all the
religions of components.
Article 10:
Non-Muslims religious components shall follow the provisions of their personal status by forming
personal status courts and not imposing religious rulings on followers of another religion.
Article 11:
Elimination and preventing demographic changes in historical areas of components based on 1957
census starting since the establishment of the Iraqi state and elimination of the grievances and the
effects of Genocide against the Yazidi Kurds, Chaldean Syrian Assyrian, Turkmen and other
components, and developing of the areas that was destroyed and give compensation of damages.
URU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 280: Henvendelse af 15. september 2017 fra Therese Isho, FUKSAD, om den kommende folkeafstemning i Den kurdiske Region i Irak
Article 12:
Guarantee the right to establish special councils, associations, organizations and clubs for the
Article 13:
The state is obliged to protect and revive archaeological, cultural and religious sites for all the
Article 14:
Including the history of components, concepts of tolerance, coexistence, acceptance of the other
in the curricula of education, beside reject the culture of hatred, discrimination and all that leads
to violence in thoughts and practice.
Article 15:
Participation of representatives of all national (ethnical) and religious components in the drafting
of the constitution of the state.
Article 16:
The provisions of this document shall be implemented with the activation of first parliamentary
session after the issuance of this document.